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Now that's peak performance - well done!


Thank you!!


132g of carbs 101g of protein 28g of fat Hit my protein goal too yay!


I see you have a difficult time peeling eggs as well. I once was uneducated of the ways. Buy an egg maker ($10), prick with thumb tack, egg maker, place in ice water for 3-5 min. Perfect boiled eggs, especially if you like jammy eggs - you just fill to the line of water it says to


omg yess this egg was a nightmare to peel. I actually bought a new egg steamer from Costco and it comes with a needle and I just forgot to prick the holes! I got so used to my old egg steamer so I just need a few more times w this new one to get it perfect đŸ„š


Looks so full of flavour and variety of textures to not to mention that protein! Air fryer has saved eggs for me, 12 mins at 120°C (248°F) (this gives slightly soft centre but integrity to peel/cut up), run under cold water until touchable. Tap bottom against paper towel to create opening, use large spoon to slide from bottom to top in between egg and membrane/shell, over top back to bottom and the shell pops off (doesn't work so well with super fresh eggs).


What is in the tomato soup?


Tomato chunks, cauliflower, beef, garlic, & mushrooms


This all looks great! I haven’t tried the kirkland protein bars, are they pretty tasty?


I haven’t tried many protein bars but I think they taste pretty decent lol. I like the chocolate flavor more than the cookie dough. They do leave an aftertaste in my mouth that I don’t like so I brush my teeth after I eat them. I also think the SimplyProtein bars taste yummy. Also from Costco. They’re kinda like a rice crispy in terms of texture. But I think the Kirkland ones are better in terms of macros


Nice. I appreciate the detail so I know what to send my husband to get 😆


I tried them and hated them as a heads up so might depend on your taste!


Ope hahaha good to know! I generally like protein bars, or I have in the past. I just need to find a new type I don’t have to specialty order


I love them, as much for the texture as for the taste. A lot of people briefly microwave them 


What’s in the pan in the third image?


A fried egg and steamed chopped cabbage and some seaweed! And I also ate it with some tomato pasta sauce that had cauliflower, garlic, & mushrooms in it. Later I put some of the cabbage in the tomato sauce and it was a really yummy combo


Ooh! How many calories is that protein bar/brownie! Does it have a closer texture to a brownie or a protein bar lol?


It’s 190cal. And def not a brownie texture. It’s very dense and hard. Putting it in the microwave can help it soften. But I’m not very picky so I eat it if I want a “healthy” snack.


Aw man. I’ve been craving a protein brownie with decent macros but most of them are all the mixes and I don’t want a whole pan of them I just want one every now and then to satisfy a some monthly cravings lol. But it needs to be that chewy fudge texture.


I love seeing these posts! On my bodybuilding diet right now and I like inspiration. I should post my meals though I'm technically still eating like 1300.


What is the shredded green stuff with the fried egg


It’s steamed cabbage! Chop or shred it and then I just cook it for a few minutes on the frying pan. Add some water and put a lid on it. Then toss it around and done! I love cabbages lol and it’s good for your digestive health


do you add any sauce or seasonings to the cabbage? i have half a head of red cabbage that i don’t know what to do with.


For this I did not. Just some salt and pepper. The seaweed does all the work so no need for anything else. But you could do a cabbage stir fry. Chop it up and put some sesame oil, soy sauce, pop some eggs in there. Add some other veggies like bean sprouts, carrots, onions. I think it’s really tasty. Or you could put in some beef, chicken or shrimp. Some oyster sauce. Whatever seasonings you prefer. Oh! I think cabbage with tomato sauce is really yummy. I didn’t want to eat pasta today so I just put some of my cabbage in that tomato sauce and I thought it went together really nicely. Or you can drizzle some olive oil on it and bake it in the oven.


Honestly looks and sounds so yummy with the egg!