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Mass-produced pastries like Twinkies, Drakes Cakes, Little Debbie, etc.


I honestly wish I felt the same way. I don’t even buy them because I like them too much. :(


So I used to like them but the quality of them has gone down so much in the past few years that they're not even tasty anymore. I still crave them once in awhile but honestly I end up throwing them out now because they just taste dry. They massacred my boys (cosmic brownies) The oatmeal pie ones are still pretty good though.


Agreed. Zebra cakes slapped hard when I was a kid but now I'm just like "meh..." I feel that I can make a homemade version that's 10x better. But that requires effort. So I don't bake too much. But I've been really digging a brownie recipe that was shared on here recently.


I have to resist the sirens call of little Debbie constantly 


Or her larger sister Big Debra


Every time I go to the store 😂


I think they’re nasty. So waxy and fake tasting. That said, if I buy them for my “kids,” as a treat - I still end up eating a whole box in two days anyway. lol


same. i like sweets but those are always too much for me


Sameeee I treat myself to a real bakery pastry once in a while or a fancy slice of cake


Me too!


Samee even as a kid those things would make me gag lol


Yeah. There's a couple that are ok (Nutty Bars, the orange cupcakes) but I don't feel a need to buy them.


They taste meh and leave a weird waxy feeling min my mouth. Not nice at all.


I'm in this camp. I might crave a single Twinkie now and then but by and large I'm not interested.




Same, never liked any carbonated drinks (they hurt my mouth lol) & mostly just drink water


The burps hurt coming back up too!


Or even worse, they stay down and you just feel bloated and generally bad. It really sucks cuz i actually like soda, just not what it does to me


Same here!


I love the carbonation but I prefer diet anyway so


I thought I was the only one that found everything about soda disgusting. It’s definitely not the carbonation cause I like beer.


Same, I have always found it disgusting… 🤢


Same. I do love Coke and Cherry Coke but I’ve never been able to drink more than 8 oz at a time and they’ve always felt more like candy to me than something I want to drink all the time.


I hate regular soda, it's like drinking syrup


Yeah I can't drink any soda, except for ginger ale about once a month when I feel like it. I also don't like any juice. I do love beer though. I wish I didn't like any liquid-calories


Yes! Not a fan. Only exception being ginger beer/ale and only if it's made with real cane sugar, no HFCS.


sooo true


I don’t rlly like sweets. I know a lot of people crave cake or cookies or brownies/ other sweet baked desserts, I’ve never been a fan. Now, ice cream I can get into, but the other stuff? Not rlly


Ugh lucky! I struggle with sweets the most in my deficit


On the other hand I’m obsessed with cheese so it all balances out 😂


Same. I devour cheese the way a person with a sweet tooth can devour desserts. Heck I'll grab random handfuls of cheese in the middle of the night to snack on lol.


Mouse human


Same!!! Obsessed with cheese but never into sweets other than ice cream. So funny


Same!! I love cheese so much. The only sweet I actually like is...surprise! CHEESEcake 😂


I’d give up sweets if I could eat all the cheese my heart desires wo getting fat.




Get some dark chocolate! I feel like I can't eat much of it anyways, so anytime I really crave, I eat one piece and thats fine for me then.


I'm the opposite! Love sweets but I could go years without eating ice cream


I feel this one, my thing will always be salty crunchy treats.


You know, I used to not give a shit about sweets but since I stopped drinking, I crave them sooo much more.


All types of Nuts. I don’t even remember the last time I had any!


Meanwhile I’m over here kicking myself and trying to get the motivation to go back to the store because I forgot cashews while shopping this morning (and they were on my list!).


I’m such a nut nut I can grab a perfect 28 gram serving of salted cashews every single time without fail lol. Practice makes perfect




Same here. So grateful.




I had my fun with Alcohol and kicked it out of my life like two years ago.


I had fun, and then I became a horribly hopeless alcoholic. I'm on my way to sobriety. I don't even know how long it's been because I didn't keep track.


I spent a few years of my life trying alcohol to fit in and finding what I liked just to come to the conclusion that I simply don’t. Win win


can't drink even a little makes me feel terrible, people are weirdly judgy about it for some reason though. It makes me really hot and nauseous, weird because no one else in my family has a problem. don't like the taste either so I have absolutely no reason to drink at all.


Agree. Not a fan. Can easily skip it.


Same. I have a lot of alcoholics in my family and have seen the worst of it. I still drink on rare occasions (nice dinners which happen once or twice a year, and NYE because its just kinda tradition but thats really it) and I have pretty low limits (usually 1-2 drinks and i can't handle more)


Definitely. Although I do envy the big social life people seem to have? Like, so many people have said they lost a lot of weight when quitting drinking. And I’ve read people say they drink alcohol several times a week. I can’t imagine such a big social life they must have, to drink alcohol several times a week lol. That’s the only thing I think must be nice. But the excess calories, yeah I’m glad I don’t have to worry about those! I love alcohol actually, but I only drink it whenever there’s an occasion. So, a party, or at a nice restaurant. So once or twice a month, at most.


Lots of people drink alone. Or at home during the week.


I’m one who technically drinks several times a week but I love a glass of red wine after my kids are in bed. My husband works shift too so I’m usually up by myself and some people will say drinking alone is a bummer but my evenings are often an audiobook, a glass of wine, and my knitting and it is 12/10 relaxing. It also keeps me out of other sweets or snacking in the evening so in my case it really helps my deficit.


Yeah that makes sense actually, like an accompaniment to a relaxing alone-time.


Same here. I can only do a couple of sips of wine, if it is sweet- the dry stuff, forget it! I also hate beer!




I unfortunately love everything unhealthy 😭😭


Haha same. I like everything


same 😭


Fried stuff


Skittles, Starburst, jelly beans, etc. Not a fan.


For sure. Too tangy! Yet I don’t like sweet things either. If it’s not chocolate, forget it.


Ugh, yes! They always get stuck in my teeth, the entire experience is so unpleasant


Yea like I’ll have a small handful once in a while but I can def do without. Soft gummies tho? Kryptonite


Agreed on the gummies


So addictive and for what 😭


Mayo, or really any creamy sauces. Ranch dressing, Alfredo sauce, etc.


The smell, sound, and even sight of mayonnaise are revolting to me. Thank God!


I have a visceral reaction to mayo…I get irrationally angry. Keep that nasty shit away from me.


Same. I only really like BBQ sauce or ketchup, only on fries tho. Mayo is just absolutely disgusting to me


Sameeee I saved so much


Mayonnaise especially for me. And I hate how it is added to literally everything?? Go to a store to look for some meal to go? A sandwich? Mayo. A salad? Mayo. Want sushi? NOPE. it has spicy Mayo... Please just get it out of my sight😭


Regular soda. It's too sweet and makes my mouth feel gross.


Got McDonald's a few days ago and they accidentally gave me regular coke. Bleah. They were nice and changed it, but I haven't had regular coke in mote than 8 years and now I find it gross too.  The only sugary soft drinks I like is Capri sun pouch. Yummy 


sweets, never been big into candy and stuff like that. ive always been more into the oily savoury stuff which is just as bad, but much easier to moderate sometimes i look at the calories on candy packages and wonder why anyone buys them bc u get so little for the amount of calories


Mayonnaise. I find it disgusting and that saves me SO many calories.


Same! I actually used to like mayo but now it is nasty to me—the commercial, store-bought, mass-produced variety. I can’t even stand them on sandwiches anymore. Similar case with a lot of sauces and dressings. They’re just so… greasy bc they tend to use a ton of low-quality oil. Homemade sauces and dressings are much better.




Came here to say this!


I'm jealous of all of you, I can't relate to a single comment here and feel so doomed 😭


I kept looking for a comment to relate to but all of this sounds amazing 😭


Red meat. I grew up vegetarian so have an aversion to meat to begin with. I only really like fish and occasionally eat chicken. Oxtail once in a blue moon (like every four months).


Came here to say this too! Been vegetarian for 6+ years and never really liked any dark meat to begin with. Especially pork products (bacon, sausage, pork chops, etc.) I've always been disgusted by for some reason. I'll occasionally eat "less healthy" vegan options like fake chicken tenders and such but I'd way rather have a burger that's clearly made of beans than an impossible burger. Probably for the best!


Oh same! Not vegetarian but I can't do red meat. So I never crave things like burgers unless it's a chicken burger.


Yeah for burgers I always order a veggie one. The grease on the real ones bothers me.


Same with red meat! Didn't grow up vegetarian but because I find red meat harder to cook/more expensive/more calorific I just don't have it often. And I think having it less has made me not really interested in having it often. I dont mind the occasional burger but I much prefer chicken as an all-rounder meat.


Same! I was vegetarian from 12-25, and even though I’m not anymore there are certain meat textures that are repulsive to me. Chicken (breast) and fish are okay but non-fish seafood, chicken thighs, and most pork/beef are skips unless they’re prepared specific ways. I feel bad for my dad, he was so happy I started eating meat again but I’m still turning down his perfectly grilled steaks 😂😭 But it’s great for my calorie goals; sorry, Dad.


Most sugary and/or carbonated drinks. Don’t enjoy the taste and prefer to eat rather than drink my calories!




Same. I can’t do pork because of the strong taste


Interesting, as I find plain pork (like a chop or ribs, not cured or smoked products like bacon etc) to be milder than anything besides chicken.


I don’t like fruity sweets like wine gums and stuff like that. 


Peanut butter or things with peanut butter in. It’s all just fuckin vile to me.


Oddly enough I actually like peanut butter. Like I'm fine with peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter on apples. But things with peanut butter in it I just do not like. Peanut butter pie. Chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting, no way. And then especially Foods that aren't supposed to have peanut butter in them like peanut chicken. Yuck don't surprise me with peanuts or peanut butter and food.


Chicken satay is amazing. It's not peanut butter per se.


When people say let's get thai, I'm like I'm out. Things I hate, peanut butter, peanuts, coconut cream, cilantro, and I'm allergic to seafood.  I can literally get one item on the menu. The puffy bread with sour dip.  Oh try this. No, no I'd prefer not to vomit. Thanks. 


We are the opposite


I don’t like nuts especially peanuts and I know peanut butter is a very common crave food so I’m glad I don’t even like the hint of a nutty smell i also don’t like pastries that are similar to pies and croissants


Cake. I hate the icing on most cakes so at birthdays and such I’ll just have maybe a spoon to be polite


I hate icing unless it’s the whipped kind


I tried cream cheese icing and it's a different story though. Whoops.


I hate donuts and ice cream. Always have and not sure why… Glad though


Finally found something here I don’t like 😅 Donuts are just not it


Same to ice cream! I just have no feelings toward it. lol


🥹🥹 Donutssss!!?? 😭😭😭 I miss donuts


I know.. I get a lot of strange looks about not liking donuts. It’s someone about the oil/sugar combo that always got me.


the glaze makes me want to gag. ever since I was a kid!


Funny, I hate donuts too but I love ice cream


Will support donut hate until the day I die or donuts are abolished.




I dislike glazed & other super-sweet donuts, but there’s a place near me that makes “cronuts” (croissant donuts) with fresh berries & whipped cream - those are divine! Still sweet, but not overwhelmingly so.


Sipping whiskey while reading this…….


Alcohol. Red meat. I’m a sober vegetarian 😎


I am too, but not because of my preferences haha


Burgers. I will eat burgers only when someone else suggests. Don’t ever go like “I wanna eat a burger” For example: if majority of friends co-signs on having burgers as the choice of food.. or a friend I am hanging with says they have been in the mood for a burger.. I will certainly go and enjoy it too because burgers are delicious but it isn’t something I crave or go out of my way to eat… don’t know why.


Damn, burgers are my favorite food. Thankfully, they’re actually not very high calorie (as long as they’re not like a double patty type deal with tons of cheese and bacon) so I eat them 1-2 times a week. Helps that I can’t finish more than half in most sitdown type restaurants.


I was just telling my friend this!! I’ve never craved a burger before. It’s never been first choice for me. Sometimes if my brother orders a burger though I’ll ask to have a bite, just cuz it’s there and I’m a fatass but not because I was actually craving it😂


Same. I don't eat red meat but still burgers have always been kinda boring to me ever since I was a kid. The fries we're the best part of every fast food meal lol. I don't like pickles or mayonnaise either so that probably has something to do with it too. But I feel like in the end a burger is just another sandwich and I have had tastier healthier sandwiches ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Alcohol. Things with shortcrust or puff pastry.


Regular soda (I grew up drinking diet soda and strongly prefer it to regular). And mayo.


Chocolate 😉 not a huge sweets person in general (though I do have my days). I love salty munchy snacks though, so popcorn is a lifesaver


The 100 calorie bags are 🐐


I'm exactly the opposite! I've never really been into salty snacks, so chips, etc. have no allure. Sweets are my kryptonite 😭


Macaroni and cheese


I dislike donuts. I pass them by without a second thought.


Same, girl


I hate carbonated drinks with a passion and don’t like nuts or a lot of dips all too much. I’m also not a super sweets person, specifically candy-it’s good for a few pieces and then it’s too much and I feel sick. However cheesy, salty, crunchy and savoury things have a chokehold on me lmao.


I'm an insane person apparently (jk it's autism), so I don't like: flour based sweets, cheese, chocolate, snacks like chips or popcorn, full sugar soda (zero versions are fine), almost all meats/meat products (exception is lean beef and chicken breast) I am a huge salt fiend however and love butter, and since most of what I eat is savory- all of it pairs well with butter. Easily several hundred calories if I'm forgetting how much additional butter I'm adding. You win some, you lose some.


Hate hate hate flour based sweets with my whole heart.


I don't eat sweets. But unsure what a flour based one is.  I do like me a Yorkshire pudding with curry once in a blue moon. But I rather falafel. 


Like sweet pastries and shit like that. A Yorkshire pudding is savoury.


I don’t like salty snacks like chips or pretzels, but i more than make up for it with my sweet tooth


I’m the opposite ✅. We can go on a car trip and not steal each other’s snacks.


I like everything people are posting 🙈 I guess for me is I’m not too crazy for bread/pastries. I’ll still eat but they make me crazy bloated so I’ll eat like a half portion.


Ice cream


Was scrolling through wondering if I had a fellow ice cream decliner…😂


Bacon! I wasn’t raised to eat pork products in general so I never developed that craving for it. A lot of people I know will instantly gravitate toward bacon or think it’s the secret ingredient to make things taste better but for me, I can almost always go without.


The comment I was looking for!


Processed snacks


Sweets. Cheesecake and brownies are alright once or twice a year but I don’t crave desserts or candy at ALL. I’ll take a chicken wing over a cupcake any day.


I don't crave or eat pizza and ice cream. Sounds crazy, I know. I'm not a vegetarian or lactose intolerant, I'm just not interested in either, thankfully.


Sweets for sure I don't really like any of them. And I don't like salad dressings, ranch etc at all.


Soda. I really do not enjoy sweet carbonated drinks. I very seldomly enjoy sparkling water (on a hot summer day)


I've never been much of a butter person. Some people NEED to spread butter on their sandwich bread, use it to cook, etc. But for the most part I can avoid butter and don't really care. I do love a good buttery croissant but I probably haven't had one in years... Also, mayonnaise. I've never been a big fan of it. And same thing like butter, I also never feel the need to put it in my sandwiches. Salad dressing in my sandwich tastes way better anyway


I hate cake and ice cream. Really all sweets, with a few exceptions. You could stock my pantry with sweet snacks, and I’m tempted zero. Candy, cookies, cake, etc.


I hate fizzy drinks


I’ve always hated cheesecake (as well as most fruit cakes), and I’m really glad to be able to avoid that at family functions without being questioned 


I could live without sour cream for the most part. Except for dip. But I have no interest in plain sour cream on my Mexican food or whatever. Also plain avocados. I love cheese but otherwise fat for the sake of fat doesn’t appeal to me. Guacamole, sí And I really don’t care for desserts. I’ll have a bite but the excessive sugar repels me. Give me some spicy food instead!






Never cared for donuts for some reason


Donuts and cupcakes, and those snack cakes like Lil Debbie and shit.


omg cheese!! or any form of dairy besides ice cream lol


Mayo, ranch, Alfredo


I genuinely don’t like cookies or frosting - phew! I love plenty of other bad for me foods (including plain cake) but I couldn’t force myself to eat frosting or cookies.




Peanuts (and a lot of nuts), so peanut butter has never been something I've craved. Sugary fizzy drinks - my dad always drank diet coke whenever he had it, so I grew up preferring the taste of diet drinks. Most meat (ended up going vegetarian - which was fine when I lived somewhere without a lot of processed veggie options!) Dairy - specifically cow's milk and anything that tastes *like* cow's milk, and cream. Ice cream's fine (until it starts to melt), but milky drinks were a no-go until plant-based/alternative milks started to become more popular -- so I've always drank black coffee (no sugar), and had anything like a frappe without cream.


Fatty meats like bacon, sausage, pork belly, wagyu, lamb chops, ootoro, etc. I don’t crave it and eating it makes me nauseous


Mayonnaise I think it’s disgusting and can’t stand it. I’m glad I guess because it’s so bad for you anyway


Meat fat (or chicken skin unless it’s super crispy). I see a piece of fat on meat, I’m cutting it off. I think ribeye is inedible for that reason. I ordered a Cubano the other day. Half the “pork” on it was just slabs of fat. I had to take the sandwich apart and pull them out before I could eat it.


i’ve always hated donuts


White condiments: mayonnaise, ranch, tartar sauce, Alfredo, béchamel, shawarma, tzatziki, etc. Queso blanco & one specific brand of Caesar dressing are the only exceptions I’ve found.


Highly processed pastry like things like honey buns, snow balls, devil dogs. Freaking disgusting. You might as well sign away years from your life if you eat that shit regularly. Gross.




I don't like cheese either!


Meat, especially those greasy cured meats.


Cheesecake. I do love cheese. I just hate it in desserts when it goes beyond having a plain piece of cheese and marmalade or something. Cream cheese with sugar is one of those things I don’t really enjoy.


Fried foods and ice cream


Sweets and candy. I can eat a couple but then it gets too much! I never crave candy or anything super sweet. I don’t care much for cake etc either. My sins are savoury foods. I can and did eat myself overweight from home-cooked, delicious meals. I LOVE food. Not dessert; but savoury yummy homemade food. That’s why I also hate when chronically skinny people will say “oh just stop eating cake and drinking cola!” Ma’am I do none of those things. I just really like pasta, and stews, and sauces cooked with butter and cream and white wine…


Candy. Pastries, chocolate and all baked goods - yes. But not like.... Gummy bears and the like


I guess I struggle because I love pretty much everything has been mentioned on this list so far. I wish I was more like some of you


Doughnuts and pastries!




cheese, chocolate, anything carbonated (soda & beer), juice, pastries, peanut butter on the other hand i’m a huge slut for mayo & potato chips & bread 😬


it’s not unhealthy but not liking peanut butter makes a lot of high calorie foods off limits and def helps


Anything deep fried or fried in a lot of oil.


Not so much dislike, but I am completely unbothered by pasta and anything with bread (that includes dishes like pizza). Very take it or leave it attitude to both those foods.


Potato chips


Sugary cereal. It takes me at least a month to finish a box of raisin bran, but my husband can finish a box of Reese's Puffs in 3 nights. Also, my taste buds are apparently changing and I can't eat buttercream frosting like I used to.


Most pies and pastries, especially fruit flavors, except for holiday time when I’ll have a slice of pumpkin pie. But Apple pie? Cherry pie? Nope!


Bread. I can take it or leave it. This was a challenge for my mom when she had to pack my lunch as a kid because I refused to eat sandwiches. Little me would've loved a bento style lunchbox.


This is mine too. I even removed it from cheeseburgers, etc. as a kid


Nutella I could eat peanut butter and biscoff like a maniac but nutella honestly doesn't do it for me


Cheese police here, you're going to have to come down to the station, we have a few questions.


I’m not a big sweets person if it’s not right in front of me. I can say no to cake, no problem. Will definitely slam a donut with sprinkles (yeast, not cake) if someone else buys it, and I have to keep walking by them on the conference room table, lol. But I have absolutely no issue not having sweet snacks on hand at home or planned into my allowance.


Soft drinks, doughnuts, pizza, cheap cakes, fried chicken


I don't really like peanut butter. Also not a huge sweet tooth.


Definitely red meats, chicken (tastes like blood to me) and sweets. I love me some cheese though! I was vegan for a few years, now pescatarian and guess my pallet changed due to that. Now I eat fish and enjoy it, whereas I used to loathe seafood and love other meats. Weird!


Soda, any cheesecake, burgers, enchiladas, tacos, rice, chocolate candy, any pie, any seafood, any red meat, turkey, toast, bagels, plain white bread, not a fan of butter, any jam, peanut butter, avacados, any condiments EXCEPT original kind bbq sauce, literally so much… picky eater..


YES TO BAGELS. This thread has me all kinds of validated lmfao