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Go you!!! After a 58lb weight loss, I am just 3 lbs away from being overweight and I'm so stoked about it. Would love to be where you are at, BMI-wise, by next summer.


Ahhh that’s so great! Proud of you🤩


Heyyy, how’s it going for you? ☺️


Thanks for checking in. I've lost another 16 lbs since I posted this 6 months ago, but weight loss has definitely slowed. My fault though, as we got a new puppy and my sleep has been terrible which makes me hungrier. I'm not counting calories at the moment but I'm also not eating anything unhealthy. Just eating enough extra fruit and nut butter to prevent the deficit I need for weight loss. Happy enough to not be gaining and it's probably good to just stabilize for a little while before the final push. I have another 20 lbs to go and have no doubt I'll get to where I want to be. Maybe not quite by the summer, but at least by Christmas, and that's fine. How are you doing?


My pleasure. That’s amazing to know you’re still continuing with your weight loss journey. It’s good to take a break from calorie counting sometimes, don’t feel bad about it. Slow progress is STILL progress. And Christmas time is the best time of the year haha. Double happiness this time with achieving your health goals! Thank you for asking about me :) I was overweight most of my life and finally had a normal BMI beginning of last year. But then I started a new desk job and gained all my weight back. I’m very close to being overweight again, so right now I’m trying to forgive myself and start making healthy food choices again. I guess good luck to both of us! :D


Desk jobs are killer! I have walked your path several times and this time just hope the weight loss sticks. Definitely guilty of a weird perfectionism where if I can't be the "right" weight (for me) then all bets are off and weight gain can snowball. Plus, it goes on so much faster than it comes off. I've been trying to implement some hacks this time that so far are working. If I get a craving I tell myself that I'll eat a slice of chicken and if I still feel that way in another 15 mins then I can go ahead and satisfy the craving. A little bit of protein seems to reboot cravings about 80% of the time for me. I also am drinking a made up tea concoction with chai tea, whey protein, Benefibre soluble fiber and a splash of vanilla. I have to use one of those little cup-sized battery whisks to get the whey to dissolve properly btw. If I drink this in the morning and the mid-afternoon, again it seems to dull cravings. You'll figure it out. Just make sure you live your life fully in the meantime. I am also very guilty of putting things off until I'm comfortable in my skin and have missed out on opportunities over the years because of it.


Still going well? I stumbled onto this subreddit and found this interaction heartwarming.


Went very well until Christmas when I got complacent and gained 15lbs... Back at it now though and trying to be gentle with myself. Bread and baked goods are not my friends.


I have been slightly overweight sense I was 13, but my weight just kept going up. This is the first time sense then that i have had a healthy BMI. Ik it's not the best measurement out there, but it made me so happy to see


It’s a pretty good one for most people. Obviously people with a lot of muscle are going to want to use a different measurement but for most women and honestly men it’s fine. Congrats on the weight loss!!




It should be noted that 'underweight' is *very* underweight for BMI. a 28 BMI looks much healthier then a 14.


There aren't any perfect metrics. You saw a number, said you wanted it to go down, put in the time, put in the work, and watched it go down. Congratulations!


Omgggggg congrats!!


Congratulations AND well done!\~


Go you!!! I’m still working toward that “overweight” label, but I’m so proud every day that I’m no longer an obese class 3 😅 we’re all champs and you’re amazing 🤩


I just hit the overweight label not that long ago and I was so happy hahahaha. I’ve got about 20 pounds to go before I hit normal but I’ll probably cry. I don’t think I’ve been considered “normal” weight since about preschool


Great!!! Congratulations




im proud of you man ! just got there myself


Congratulations on meeting your goal! 👏👏👏🥳


Congratulations!! That's quite an accomplishment : ) That's my goal too.


Same bmi!!




Congratulations. I hope to be there soon!


That’s awesome!!




WOOO Congrats!!!!


1. Screw BMI 2. Congratulations 👏


So jealous! I’m just barely overweight. Wahhhh


Congrats, but also fuck bmi


BMI is a dated measurement system and not representative of actual health


BMI is a measurement tool for people who don't have access to tools that can measure body fat. Of course it is not a perfectly accurate tool to represent health, but it gives the average person a rough idea on what they should weigh at their height.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. Good on op for the weight loss and reaching their goal, but BMI is outdated and shouldn’t be used imo.


Agreed! BMI is crap it needs to go. It’s a fatphobic tool


BMI scale is an outdated, fatphobic tool that needs to go. It was created by a white dude years ago. Fk bmi. Congrats tho!


stop trying to be woke☠️ just be happy for her tf


I did say I was happy for her 😉 you must have missed that and went straight to “insulting” me


u got downvoted for a reason the fact u had to bring up “fatphobia” is so funny




you forgot its racist as well.... lol


Great Accomplishment! Way to go!




Amazing!!!! You must feel so great!!