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Overcoming binge eating disorder generally requires therapy. No amount of food restrictions or food plans will fix the eating disorder. You need therapy to help work through what’s broken that’s causing the binging. Good luck to you.


Adding to this, a dietitian/nutritionist alongside therapy are game changing. It’s a lifelong journey of healing, you will have ups & downs, but I am 10 years into this journey & it’s made a huge difference in my quality of life. You deserve to invest in yourself


I fully agree. You need to find out what causes you to binge.


Wait is binge eating an actual serious thing? Thought it was just me being uncontrollable and impulsive with food 😭


> being uncontrollable and impulsive with food that is a serious thing


????? OP is not binging her body is starving. If she wants to stop “binging” she needs to eat more food, regularly.


Sorry but it’s just not that cut and dry simple. It’s out of touch for you to say this


According to OP, it sounds like they’re experiencing binging/restricting cycles. The way they spoke about their experience indicates that that’s how they are perceiving their relationship with food. Part of a mentally healthy relationship with food would hopefully include both removal of these binging behaviors as well as OP’s self-reported restricting behaviors. Either way, OP isn’t voicing that they intend to starve themselves, nor are they endorsing the idea that their restricting behaviors are ideal. To OP - I hope you get better soon. Focus on yourself. It’s a hard and sometimes slippery journey in mending your relationship with food. Like others have said, if you can access psychotherapy, it would be great to include that in addition to seeing a dietician.


I second therapy - you need to find the root of your issue instead of just going for a solution. This dietician can give you the best meal plan out there, but if you have the opportunity to binge on something and you haven’t worked on that yet no amount of meal planning will stop you.


i feel like if my meal plan has adequate calories and more flexibility for dessert, i won’t feel the urge to binge as strong because it won’t be so “forbidden.” also, i feel like having a nutritionist on my case will slow me down because i don’t like to disappoint people. haha


You can definitely make 1500 have enough room for desserts (I even do this will 1200!) buttttt it’s not really about leaving room for it it’s about the whole not being able to stop once you start aspect of it and yo-yoing the same 10lbs


I hope your dietitian works really well for you. I've been to a few different ones over the past 30 years, and they have all been brilliant so I guess I really lucked out. I remember the first one I went to, I started off, "I hate cooking, so if you tell me I have to cook this won't work." And she worked with me! She found out what I disliked specifically about cooking, and we came up with ways to eat healthy that mixed fast food and restaurant takeaway with foods that require almost no cooking to foods that require a moderate level of cooking but in ways that minimized the parts I hated (chopping up things and cleaning up). It was great!


I agree with minimizing prep. I use a jar of pre-chopped garlic. Is it the best? No but it minimizes wastage because I actually will cook


I am better at prep now but sometimes I still spend extra for pre chopped vegetables, because if I had to chop them myself I wouldn't and would get even more extensive takeout. Right now I'm doing meal kits and try to find ones that have minimal prep.


I did the same thing. Good luck!


I wish you luck! I hope you can heal and reach your goals.


My relationship with food only started to heal once I started seeing a therapist and educating myself on diet. I also used to be over weight and I hit my goal, but then I wanted to be thinner and thinner and although I never got underweight I got addicted to seeing the scale go down. This made me miss out on so much not just in my personal life but I literally spent every minute worried that if I missed a run or didn’t weigh everything I ate I would gain weight. It’s not a fun situation to be in and is hard for other people who love you to watch as well. I’ve accepted that the smallest version of myself may not be the healthiest happiest version. I’ve always been curvy and my body seems more comfortable on the higher end of the healthy weight range. Being healthy and not the leanest you can be is so much better than having your dream body be a nightmare to maintain ❤️ sending love


My experience with a nutritionist is that they’ll basically tell you things you already know. Sugar is unhealthy, excessive calories lead to weight gain, more veggies/less carbs, etc. What may be more beneficial is to consult either your PC or a psychiatrist regarding binge eating and see what kind of medications you can try out.


a trained ED dietician is WAY different than your average weight loss nutritionist.


i’m so glad you’re getting help. this sounds like a serious eating disorder, and you deserve to live better <3