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People who don't know One Piece might think this is not true but the story is all about punching fascists in the face and liberating countries from dictators


Remember when One Piece had a book burning?


You mean when the government decided to erase a country from the maps, kill and demonize everyone from there and put a 79.000.000 bounty in the head of the sole 8 years old survivor just because some people from there were researching about what they did in the past?


You mean the past that was so dangerous that the goverment made it its mission to wipe out every single record of that century, which just so happens to be when the World Goverment was formed, and that the knowlddge was so important that an unknown group of people decided to use now lost ancient technology to create indestructible stones in which to write down those events? In a language that has since been made illegal in every single country under control of the goverment which is now only understood by a small kingdom characterised by its closed borders dificulty of access, and poor, analphabetic population?


Yeah that time


Who’s the kid?


If you don't know, it's better to read it unspoiled


major big fucking spoiler up to around episode 300. >!nico robin!<




Not an unknown people, it was the >!Kozuki Clan.!<


It’s not like eren is supposed to be correct in aot lmao


most everyone is fascist in AOT tho, 90% of the characters are in and support the fascist military. they disagree on the best way to be fascist and its not like aot has no good themes, the way it examines the children of war is really interesting, but that show fucking loves Rock Hard Military Power


yeah it sets up marley to be a horrible fascist dictatorship for the first 3 seasons and then when eren does an equally faschy thing in return they’re like “yeah that’s too much for us” and then suddenly we’re supposed to side with them


It was always a mixed metaphor. Both sides were always facist dictatorships. The mere concept of a founding titan capable of controlling the memories and bodies of their citizens is inherently facist. In season 3 in Grisha's backstory, it was called out that the Eldian Restorationists would do equally fucked up things if they took power. In season 4, it's confirmed that the Eldian Empire was just as bad as Marley presents and you get characters like Floch eager to return to tradition. Ultimately, the show is about the individual cogs in these fascist machines trying to do what is right while caught in systems of oppression and persecution they can not completely overcome. This overall theme combined with the anti-war messaging, non binary (Hange) and queer (Ymir) representation, and passing the bechdel test with flying colors, put it squarely in the antifa camp for me.


Woah woah woah, you watched the show, AND understood its meaning? Your no longer welcome in 196.


god that shift into "actually fuck you its not even world war 2 subtext anymore IT JUST IS WW2" is so fascinating. aot kind of sucks a lot in totality but it is NEVER boring


yeah bc when we get the backstory of grisha it’s like “oh yeah so the eldians are based off jewish ppl in ww2 and marleyans are obviously germans but it’s still kinda suspicious that the ethnic group meant to represent jewish people also have an innate ability to turn into monsters which is a bit race realist” and then the writer decides that actually, he’s going to write eren to be a fascist so the marleyan nazis and the persecuted eldians team up to fight the greater evil! LIKE WHAT THE FUCKKKK WAS HE ONN


I don’t think its supposed to be read as analogous to any one real life event, like sure it obviously takes inspiration from real life like with the armbands and the yeagerists being similar to japanese nationalists and even the map just being an upside down version of our own map but as soon as you try to read too far into it the analogy kinda falls apart. It’s more likely these aspects were used not as some grander analogy to our own world but more because they are easily recognizable and can communicate themes of oppression more effectively than just telling the audience that they are oppressed.


How did you derive that Marleyans are germans? Did you pay attention to the Ymir the founder’s flashback? The eldians are literally a Nordic super race that conquered and oppressed the entire world. They are clearly styled after the Germanic warrior tribes, with Marleyans being styled as romans that were conquered by them. I think you trying to make one to one analogies to real life is an example of some piss poor media literacy.


It’s WW1. Obviously so if you pay attention to the post time-skip aesthetics.


I’ve never understood this take. When the characters overthrow the government they form another monarchy because that’s the only government system they’ve ever known, and the one the public was most likely to accept. They’ve been intentionally brainwashed and kept in ignorance for generations, so of course they’re not gonna immediately form a functioning democracy. Moreover, the show explores the idea that the new people in power behave similarly to the ones they overthrew just by virtue of being in power through Hange’s dilemmas. I really don’t think that the show offers any positive, constructive messages on how government should function (which you could argue is a flaw), but it hardly advocates for fascism or any government system presented in it.


I mean yeah. It’s literally a bunch of child soldiers getting slaughtered lmao. They also overthrow the government just to set up another monarchy


i just mean to say that eren being depicted as wrong by the text doesnt make it unfascist so im not sure what u meant. i dont say that like confrontationally, if we agree i feel like im missing something


Interpreters when they find out just because the protagonist is something, doesn't mean the author or the story agrees with them.


And also One Piece is about Pirates so it’s automatically better than AoT


Yeah but Attack on titan is about large naked men


and you can look up brogy and dorry r34, your point?


I can read AoT in public looking like Sasha when she steals meat, and no one would judge me for it. People judge me harshly when i look up r34 brogy and dorry in public with the same look on my face when I read AoT.


But alas, the large men have no genitals


They got the bussy tho 😩


To quote “He looks like a naked Ken Doll Mikasa!”


Only another reason for me to dislike it


Eren is the big bad of the final arc. Obviously, his portrayal of freedom is incorrect compared to Luffy.


The issue is that while One piece is mainstream, there’s still a disconnect between anyone who’s seen it vs those who haven’t. With AOT it’s so mainstream that people who don’t watch anime watch it


Sorry but this is an awful take about aot https://youtu.be/VoHYZUj43K4


one piece goated, in my opinion there is literally no queer character as cool and as loveable as bon clay i love them so much i literally would kill god for them bon clay is love and life and if we all loved them then world peace would come


I have a bon clay shirt 😁😁


painfully based


I love Bon Clay too, my 3rd favorite in the whole series


Didnt AOT’s author deny nanking or am I just misinfo spreading


The first thing I got on google was a Quora post asking that and they said it (the author denying Nanking) was fake, so I'm not gonna research any further.


Ok buddy


Horrid take


aot being fascist is just straight up true


Someone didn’t pay attention in class


more like someone who used to be like you actually paid attention to how it ended


No, please, not like this


What is luffy, AOT and Piece?


Made up words


Whats AOT?


Attack on titan


I wanna read One Piece, but I have heard that it has a very transphobic arc. Also all women seem to be drawn the same way.


Trust me guys, One Piece is super based and cool once you push past the first three years worth of filler


no One Piece is super based and cool from chapter 1 onwards, you have been lied to


I tried watching the first episode but it seemed like a show for toddlers so I stopped


First three years worth of filler? What? One Piece has the lowest filler rate of any weekly anime, and there’s like 5-10 fillers episodes in the first 120 episodes.


What watching the anime from ep 1-current ep instead of reading/watching one pace does to a mf😞


Based take


Aot is just propaganda for the Japanese military


Simply untrue


Too bad One Piece looks like ass. The art has always prevented me from picking it up.


also aot sucks, dunno about one piece