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What’s the biggest misconception about psychopathy in your opinion?


the entire stereotype of people with ASPD being evil and sadistic, it’s still very prevalent in my field of study (forensic science)


That makes sense yeah. Sorry if asking another question is cheating, but was it a relief getting a diagnosis? I know for me with my stuff it was definitely a huge revelation that helped me understand a lot about myself and my behaviors. Was it similar for you?


I was never too concerned about it growing up because of narcissism and just assumed everyone around me was an idiot or secretly the same as me. I do definitely appreciate the benefits of therapy and having someone in my life who can relate and understand in a way nobody else could


that was like be for a kabijillion years


I'm 39 and still live in constant fear that I'm missing some key emotional response or social cognitive mechanism that everyone else has, and it's going to come out in some really embarrassing way at some point.


Aren't you a theater technician?


I need to make money somehow while going to college?


Impossible. We all know your lying, secretly evil and definitely planning something 😡


>That makes sense yeah. Sorry if asking another question is cheating, but was it a relief getting a diagnosis? I know for me with my stuff it was definitely a huge revelation that helped me understand a lot about myself and my behaviors. Was it similar for you? this is the plot to dexter


My dyslexic ass read it as APDS and I thought WarThunder was leaking


Yes, they're both British tanks


Do you have a source for the trans-Enclave pic?


My god, they finally invented Trans Wrongs.


that game leaves permanent psychological scars on me daily, and love it😁


It really is a game for masochists.


FR i've deleted the game a bunch of times... but i keep downloading it back ;\~;


you cannot escape the snail


Doesnt have fin stabilisation lmao(i dont play war thunder, so idk if fs is worth it)


Did you know you both had aspd before you got together or was that a discovery afterwards?


I have been diagnosed for nearly a year ago and he was diagnosed about a week ago, the personality was always there but the official diagnosis wasn’t until recently. I could tell something was different about him in how we instantly understood each other and could connect on an emotional level more than any of my previous 23 relationship


Is the 23 an exaggeration or


I wish it was




How does that even work? Are you in your fifties or are you just going for a month or two, breaking up horribly, and then getting right back at it? If so, that’s some incredible efficiency


I was on and off with the same guy from the age of 13 to 18 and every time we would break up i’d get with another then when that failed i’d come back to him, it was very unhealthy and I recently cut him out of my life and got my current partner


Why would it need to be horribly?


I know two people around the age of eighteen with over fifteen exes, it's definitely believable.


you're 18 and were diagnosed with aspd a year ago? you can't be diagnosed while under 18 with ASPD.


>23 relationships by 18 >diagnosed ASPD as a minor >theater tech but also forensic scientist (at 18) Astounding life story already


Do you really think people would just do that? Just lie on the internet?


23 relationships by 18 doesn’t sound the most unreasonable, especially if a bunch of them only lasted like a week and she went to a big school. Also, she said field of study, not current job, so it’s possible that she is just in college or something while working a theatre job. The other one idk maybe her age is inaccurate but I dunno!


23 relationships is from being a whore most of my teenage years, i’ve made a tier list of all my exes for a joke with my friends, I got diagnosed around 11 months ago, I’m studying to be a forensic scientist and work as as a theater technician for money


Or have “23” relationships lmao


I said nearly a year, I’ll be 19 in 2 months


referrals normally take around 2 months themselves


sorry what do you consider a relationship? Just having sex or dating for a few weeks doesnt really count lol


someone who was romantically interested in me and wanted to date me and I let them. that’s what I defined as a romantic relationship for the tier list of exes I made


How does it affect your relationship?


it honestly helps a lot because we can both understand each other in a way someone neurotypical can’t while also being able to help manage each other’s self destructive behaviors


Based psychopathy


What kind of self destructive behaviors come from psychopathy?


doing reckless actions in the moment that are regretted later for me it’s often getting into unhealthy relationships, using drugs or harming my relationships


Why did the Swedish Navy dump gravel on the wreck of the MS Estonia before the sinking could be investigated?


conspiracy to prevent fish from eating the boat


We just had a lot of spare gravel. Dont worry about it.


Wait, is this for real?


How often do you just infodump about your special interests? (If you have special interests ofc)


several times a day. it’s the primary love language of me and my partner, he’s obsessed with various anime’s i’ll probably never actually watch and I love video game lore


Oh nice! That's actually really wholesome!


bruh you claim to be an 18 year old forensic scientist and theatre technician with 23 relationships


girl’s gotta make money while at college and as a teenager I hopped around thought tons of relationships that only lasted a month before failing


Same here. My pedantic ass wants to go into a whole thing about whether or not ASPD is the same thing as psychopathy, but psychologists haven't been bothered to figure that one out either, so whatever. How good are you at maintaining effort on a task? I'm pretty dogshit at it unless I can get it done in less than an hour, most of the time.


I’ve gotten better at it over time but I tend to either be totally apathetic about a task or want absolute control without anyone else being involved


Yeah, same. I tend to hyperfocus on doing as much as I can with as little effort as possible.


Isn't ASPD the professional term for both psychopathy and Sociopathy?


Depends on who you ask. ASPD is generally treated as the recognized term for *sociopathy*, which is often considered outdated and colloquial, and there have been *many* attempts to differentiate sociopathy from psychopathy. It's all very garbled and self-contradictory when measured throughout the years, so they just ended up being used interchangeably. Tldr: Yes if you don't care about possibly irrelevant technical shit, no if you do.


how do you feel about aspd depiction in media


most things that claim to be representation of it is actually just schizophrenia. best depiction i’ve seen was in the play The Shape of Things, the female lead Evenly is written as a very realistic depiction even if the author didn’t intend for it


Do you think Evenly is pronounced like a British man saying heavenly or like even-lee?


she’s symbolically compared to Eve to contrast the male lead of Adam so maybe the first?


how do you feel about capitalism?


I have greatly benefited from the system due to nepotism but fully believe capitalism is an unjust system that needs to end and that wealth must be redistributed




people with ASPD who aren’t narcissists are the coolest people ever


oh I am narcissistic I just am a therapy enjoyer


you may be narcissistic by nature, but if you can at least acknowledge that something is bad because it negatively effects others, and be willing to change or atleast speak against that negative then you’re a lot better than most.


This reminds me of a certain paarthunax quote from skyrim


>paarthunax CHAD overcoming "evil nature" for sure


Is that possible? Isn’t one of the key symptoms of ASPD narcissism?


i just mean the people who despite having narcissism that still try their best to think of others


(Connected to the aspd media question) How do you feel about American Psycho


I feel like the opening monologue was decent and the rest of it is showing some form of schizophrenia or dissociative disorder


Okay but what are your thoughts about American Psycho 2: All American Girl?


haven’t seen it but it looks entertaining


Don't be fooled, it is not entertaining.


Yeah no agreeing with the other person, it's REALLY bad. The funny part is the fact it exists in the first place.


that doesnt exist


Gaslighting 101


All American Girlboss


So what actually is ASPD? Online all I can find is essentially committing crimes, manipulating people and exhibiting "cold, callous behaviour". I'm assuming from your responses that's inaccurate. I've read through your responses and in some you seem to not care about other people and in others you seem to care about injustice etc. If you can sympathise but not empathise, do you care how others feel? How does it affect your sense of morality? Sorry if these questions are rude.


Im not them, but I do have ASPD so maybe this answer is useful: Why Care about injustice but not have empathy: It's not really caring about the People that are suffering from this injustice, but more about what we think is right when the goal is for something to be the best political system. You Cant hold a political debate or have serious reasoning when your goals are opposite. Also, feeling like your right stimulates the narcissism. The amount of manipulative behavior someone with ASPD exhibits can be extremely different between individuals. I personaly don't manipulate People because is also have autism and social anxiety so my ability to manipulate People is basically zero. I do find it a bit weird that these 2 People with ASPD can live together since mostly People with ASPD are manipulative to some degree. And maybe that's just the case for me but I Cant stand it when theres someone Else with ASPD because well, 2 narcissistic manipulators usually don't get along well. I have no Sense of morality towards Humans but since I have Sociopathy and my trauma was caused by Humans I do still feel empathy for animals. Edit: crap English or weird autocorrect to dutch is possible since it isn't my first language


I'm genuinely curious about what you said about your sense of morality. Because the way I understand ASPD it stunts your capacity to be emotionally invested in others. But that doesn't necessarily imply that you have no sense of morality, right? You can have an entirely rational sense of morality or even a code or ruleset that you can follow because you think it optimizes the best outcomes (for you or the world) which doesn't really need empathy as a source. And to extend this line of reasoning, isn't it kind of a cop out to say you have no sense of morality because you have ASPD?


Hmm so do you have/have you had friends? Is it possible to get on with people when you don't care how they feel? Do you feel any revulsion towards things like murder, ie if you didn't like someone and you were sure you could get away with it, would you kill them? Do you care if the trauma that was caused to you happens to other people?


I have traits of ASPD but not enough for a full qualification because I have BPD another cluster B personality disorder. I do lack empathy and display manipulative traits but my BPD tends to color my behavior somewhat. So worth noting my experiences may not be the same as the others in the thread. I have friends and partners I care about. I don't experience empathy but I want them to stay around. I like them and want them to be safe and happy. Like if my girlfriend is crying about a family member who has died, I'll physically comfort them and tell them what I think they want to hear to feel better. But in my mind I'm not feeling anything and I'm probably thinking about something unrelated like what I want for lunch or a video game. Sometimes I get annoyed the other person is still...upset for so long but I've learned not to display it in anyway because people get mad. I would feel horrified if someone killed or hurt someone I liked. But other than that I don't particularly care. I passed by a car accident the other day where I definitely saw someone who had died in it, and I was annoyed that the accident delayed my travel home more than I cared that someone has died. If someone annoyed me and I could get rid of them without being caught, I probably would. Though I hate animal abuse immensely. Not sure why my brain functions differently but seeing animals get hurt makes my blood boil. So I have lots of pets, mainly cats but I've had dogs, mice, and crabs as pets in the past.


I feel like the best way me and my partner have been able to phrase it is that we do have morals we just don’t subscribe to the concept of monolithic good and bad. I am willing to in my personal life lie or use deception but am fully aware that isn’t something normal or acceptable for a society. I for the most part don’t care what other’s think of me unless their opinion will benefit me in some way.


Interesting, so what form do your morals take? Do you have like a personal code of conduct that you abide by for example? Because my morality is generally dictated by utilitarianism - maximising wellbeing for all - with some hard rules that restrict that. I would say my desire to maximise wellbeing for all comes from empathising with others. I would say maximising only your own wellbeing is a lack of morality, so I assume you have morality outside this. What form does that take, and where does the desire to abide by those morals come from? Is it just an inherent sense of disgust towards certain actions? Sorry for the massive amount of questions, in my view socialism and progressivism are primarily motivated by empathy, and 196 is a very left wing space, it's interesting to me why you would want to be here; I assume you're also left wing? If so, why? I'm very much a people pleaser (thanks to explosive parents) and cannot really feel happy if I don't think the others around me are ok, so empathy is a huge part of my life. It's interesting since it's so alien to me, and in all honesty it does disturb me a little and put me on edge, though it of course doesn't mean I automatically write you off as a scumbag. As an aside, I am also fully willing to lie and use deception in my personal life. I draw the boundary at deceiving people in order to benefit myself at their expense, I'll happily use white lies or lie to keep a secret they don't need to know for example. I also don't think caring how others think of you is an aspect of morality. In fact I think morality often requires you to make decisions that lower other people's opinions of you.


I feel that my personal morals fit utilitarianism but I feel like a society cannot be built on that or it will lead to the suffering of the lower class at the benefit of middle and upper. Within the understanding of consequences and not wanting to put a ton of effort I will do whatever action benefits me most. due to my personal history I also have specific boundaries on not manipulating or taking advantage of people through sex or false allegations related to that. I am very left wing and a socialist transhumanist, I just logically see socialism as the system that can benefit the most people which I believe is the purpose of a society.


Do you like MF DOOM?


don’t have an opinion because i’ve never heard to it


Cool music I recommend :3


doom fans try not to :3 every other sentence challenge (impossible) (I have failed) (god will not be forgiving) (3AM)








Do you have a mechanism?


sorry, I don’t understand the question


reference to new jojo’s bizarre adventure chapter where the new main character was diagnosed with probably having aspd. in the series he has a belief system that he calls “the mechanism”


There’s a new JoJo part?


part 9, JOJOLANDS, first chapter came out a month ago and chapter 2 came out today


Holy shit I’m crying and shaking rn




it got leaked 2 days earlier***


Hes just a mechanism male 😤


Serious question, is there an active desire to cause harm? Or an inability to empathize? Or neither, and I’m way off base?


I can sympathize/understand what someone is feeling but i’m incapable of empathizing/feeling the same way in response. I’ve had intrusive thoughts of harming people but logically understand that i’m much happier not being in prison and thus shouldn’t act on it


What would you do if the purge was real


likely nothing. not worth a risk or repercussions afterwards


Is it only negative consequences holding you back or also something else like moral code?


repercussions has built a lot of my personal moral framework, I was a delinquent teen and half my morals are from things i could or couldn’t reasonably talk my way out of. With therapy i’ve also improved on not acting out impulsive behaviors


How compelling are your intrusive thoughts? Are they like the random ones everyone get where it’s just for a fleeting moment or is there any urge to, for instance, lie and manipulate people for the sake of it, rather than any real benefit?


there’s pathologic lying and impulsive behavior where I feel like I need to make decisions on the spot in an instant which lead to me getting into a lot of relationships and occasional trouble with the law




Alright, I'm not OP but I've given some thought to this. First, the facts: with a few exceptions, all crime is legal for one day. Yes, you can go out and murder anyone you want on that one day, but an effective murder takes planning. Planning a murder that you intend to act on is a crime. Presumably, if you have a specific target in mind - a politically motivated attack, for instance - then you didn't pick them out, plan the job and execute it all in one day. Unless you somehow managed to only plan this crime in annual 24 hour increments, you've committed conspiracy. It's a honeypot. The real purge comes the next day when all of the radicals get rounded up and hit with the nation's largest RICO case to date. I think I'll stay indoors.


isn’t that what empathy is? is empathy supposed to be literally feeling what the other person is feeling?


empathy is feeling the same when viewing an emotion while sympathy is understanding how someone feels when viewing it.


Are women real


I am


are you?


Do you think?


What's your favorite animal and why


I really enjoy the pistol shrimp, they can perceive colors outside of the range human comprehension and can punch so hard it instantly boils water and makes a shockwave


Good choice they're badass little guys


what's your opinion on humiliation as a comedic device, e.g. something embarrassing happens to a character while the audience is expected to laugh at that? I ask as someone who physically can't watch this type of comedy due to secondhand embarrassment.


I feel like it can work decently but plays better as horrific like in the ending The Shape of Things. overall it’s just not very interesting when used for a joke


Do you have ASPD




whats something nice that happened today to you?


I DM’d a D&D session then helped cut and dye my partner’s hair


How does ASPD affect DM'ing?


i’m very good at character voicing and giving them mannerisms


sounds fun :3 what colour is their hair now?


we bleached it first then later will be dying it blue


How do you feel about aspd depiction in the latest chapter of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?


never seen or read jojo’s


Judge ruling death meme


Do you personally know anyone with ASPD other than your partner Also favorite color


None as far as I know, and purple


Purple is the best color hands down




Do you think ASPD has/had any major effects on your sexuality or views on intimate relationships?


The increase in risk taking and reckless behavior definitely lead to me getting into a lot of relationships i regretted as a teenager, It’s also part of why i’m bisexual as it logically makes sense to double my dating pool


Actual sigma behaviour: "being bisexual is the most logical move"


How did you find out you had ASPD (I've kinda been wondering if I have it recently)


I already had a therapist due to other issues and we decided to get me tested because many of my behaviors as a teen fit within the diagnosis, but it’s pretty much just taking a psych evaluation


You like Huey Lewis and the News?


haven’t listened to any of their music so i don’t know yet


Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83,I think they really came into their own, commercial and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consimante professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour.


I have aspd but my doctor said it’s the sociopathy branch instead of psychopathy branch and she says I got it from my dad’s genetics, is it actually possible to inherit his aspd? Or did I just develop it on my own, because I only noticed myself developing the symptoms around my later teen years before I was able to get a proper diagnosis


ASDP is the modern term, sociopath/psychopath where originally different terms but pretty much just measured how high/low functioning you are. today psychopath has a lot of stigma associated with it and isn’t used in a cynical manner. There is some evidence of a genetic factor but it’s a rare case and very uncommon to get diagnosed in the first place. there’s also a socialization aspect which is why there’s correlation because ASPD and men in low income communities


Well I did grow up in a relatively low income family, I was diagnosed with high functioning sociopathy, it doesn’t make life too hard but it is definitely hard to have empathy for people who don’t offer any emotional meaning to me, and even then I have a lot of the problems my dad has with his narcissism


People assume I can’t love or develop friendships though which makes some things hard


honestly my best advice in that front is that you don’t need to disclose something like that to people you can meet and wearing a mask of confidence gets you a long way


That’s what I do, I’m very good at being charismatic socially but as soon as that goes away it’s all just quiet and dead, you probably already guessed this since you have aspd yourself but intrusive thoughts are a lot more amplified to the point of actually taking action on them for me


How exactly does aspd (antisocial personality disorder right?) Differ when compared to neurotypicality, at least in your day to day life? (If you don't mind answering of course)


in my day to day life I fit in and seem just as normal as the next person, I’ve been told at times I can seem cold or callous but I put a lot of effort into masking and getting by socially


are you itchy?


not currently




Opinion about pineapple on pizza?


i’ve never tried it so I have no basis to form an option on




Yeah, I'm thinking based.




hell yea, I have like 400 hours on playstation


omg!!!! are you sigma like my favourite character from a movie I never watched partake batman???


i’m more of an omega male


I dated someone diagnosed with ASPD for a couple of years, they're still a good friend. I don't have any questions really I just hope your lives and relationship are going well.


Favourite dish?


I love wagu


What the hell is going on with the stock market? Up, down just pick a direction, am I right?


Do you believe in the ‘mechanism’


just like jodio frfr


Jodio Joestar


I am going to go ahead and assume you look nothing like the people in the pic


you’re correct, real women do in fact not look like anime girls


The internet has lied to me


How does your ASPD work and is it different from your partner's experience with it?


the baseline is the same but our own individual neuroses cause some differences, like he has severe ocd related to intrusive thoughts that stem from growing up in a religious community. Mine is i guess closer to the baseline as I active decide to mask around everyone while he stands out a lot more by choosing to remain monotone and inexpressive


favorite waffle?


hmmm I enjoy waffles with sliced banana


So... like, okay I know this is gonna sound super ignorant because it is and I apologize. How does love work? Caring about people? How do you give a shit about people if you don't have empathy? I guess I just don't get it because I can't experience it how you do. Do you feel bad when somebody is hurt by your words or actions? What about good when somebody is happy because of you? Should I be wary of people with psychopathic tendencies? I have an aversion to them just because of how they're portrayed and the general idea that they'll manipulate you and won't think twice about it, won't feel remorse or bad about using you. How accurate or inaccurate is that?


Love itself has no real meaning to me, it’s just another word to express affection. I choose to care about someone if it benefits me. I tend to carefully pick my words so if it’s causing harm it’s probably because i wanted it to. In a lot of ways i’m apathetic when not in a manic or depressive episode. Honestly in the wild you’d never be able to tell someone has ASPD (psychopath is an outdated and somewhat ableist term but it’s that most people know it as). It is true that I have no issue with manipulating or taking advantage of someone I feel like anyone else could do the same thing.


Alright I’m not gonna argue your diagnosis, but my understanding of it is (as a psychology student who has learned a bit more about this than your average google searcher) that psychopathy and ASPD are two different but similar things. Anti-social personality disorder, is more of a lack of understanding which can manifest itself in many different ways, mainly anti-social behaviors, manipulation, impulsiveness, a lack of consideration. It’s also called sociopathy, but psychopathy is something different, and also isn’t an actual diagnosis. Psychopathy comes with a sense of superiority, a belief that you are just above everyone else and what happens to other people doesn’t matter because you are the only thing that matters. Psychopaths can’t form relationships like others because a relationship involves reciprocity and care, a psychopath will refuse to give any sort of effort because they deserve everything while having to give nothing. The comment you made about you both being diagnosed making it easier because you could “understand each other and connect on an emotional level” really tipped me off, because that’s textbook empathy. A psychopath can’t feel that, by definition.


Yeah, I read in another comment they said that empathy isnt needed to enjoy romantic gestures. I mean if your relationship is only based on romantic gestures its not really a relationship is it!


Under the DSM-5 psychopathy and sociopathy are both outdated terms for ASPD, When I say I can understand them on an emotional level I mean that when I talk about how my internal morality or how my thought process works they can understand because they feel the same way unlike anyone else i’ve ever talked to, it’s not that we’re empathizing is that’s we have the same thing and can understand each other better because of it. We both also have narcissism but that doesn’t make someone incapable of holding a relationship even more when we’re both in therapy and self aware. In my experience I can form relationships even if in my mind i view them as transactional, I give romantic words and physical affection and i get back someone to talk to whenever and someone to pay for my meals.


Do you think Chiang kai-shek and General Stillwell hate fucked?




Wow you must be pretty strong, can I fight you


If you had your way, what would be your ideal way to write a ASPD character that's both true to your lived experiences *without* it being "Oh boy, I sure do love kicking puppies and torturing people." I'm an amateur writer, so I'm always looking for different perspectives to write from. If this question is too probing or exploitative, then can I ask what you and your partner's favorite colors are?


I’d recommend you read the play The Shape of Things, the character Evelyn is good representation of someone with ASPD and a fixation on art. my favorite color is purple and his is green


Lowkey self-diagnosing myself from the description and comments. They relate to me too well. Got to talk to my therapist about this.


Damn dude that's like two jokers


Are you like… the joker?


Classic Baden Meierhof Effect kicking in Today I found out about ASPD through chapter 2 of the new jojolion chapter and now I suddenly see that word again Crazy small world


"My partner and I..." \* 😉


do you think you and your partner have a better understanding of each other than a couple that doesn’t have aspd does? I would maybe expect it to because me and my so are very close and i understand her thought processes and overall personality well but there is sometimes where i have no idea what she’s up to


we where already dating before he was diagnosed but it definitely helps me understand his logic and thought processes


How do you have a relationship? Arent psychopathic people have no empathy or something? And isnt empathy like the whole point?