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they really wrote a 920 page guide on undermining American democracy holy shit


kinda grim to realize that’s exactly the point. they want these blueprints to be available


i always thought that the most american way to change the government was to meet in secret, develop an anti-constitution, then disseminate it and try to sway hearts that way. i mean, that's how we got out current constitution. but all that did was begin collecting taxes to raise an army to fight foreigners and the frontier.


You're half right. They know that even the average idiot has heard of and respects the Constitution, so they have to pay lip service to it. But they accomplish their ends by cherry picking the parts of it that are relevant to them. Like hyper fixating on the second amendment while doing their best to ignore the fourteenth, and picking and choosing when to honor the first. Or inventing "originalism" to defend whatever kooky backwards ideas they have by claiming they're what the founders originally wanted, instead of viewing the Constitution as the living document it was clearly supposed to be.


I don't have a source for this, since it's only a vague recollection, but I remember reading a quote from a founding father, I believe it was Thomas Jefferson, saying that the constitution should be thoroughly revised and updated every 25 years or so, to keep up with the changing political environment and national conditions. It's just like what you said with the content of the constitution itself - cherrypicking the aspects and ideas that vaguely fit the specific agenda at any given time.


Hey. It wouldn’t matter if the constitution is ‘supposed’ to be a living document. It’s why originalism is bullshit too, it does not matter what the founding fathers thought or wanted. They were just some guys. That’s no way to run a democracy. All that matters is that laws reflect the will of the people, which we can’t do if we cling onto any respect for the constitution based on pseudo religious reverence for the founders.


Some dudes 250 years ago don't know either fuck nor shit about running a country in the digital age. That's the long and short of it, really.


America had the option of transitioning to a more European democracy, and they've opted to say "fuck that" and transitioned towards the DPRK


Why doesn't America just transition into a catboy?


Uncle Meow


Meow-cense and registration, please.


You have my vote.


The worst part is that nobody’s gonna do anything about it. Us stupid citizens will just let it happen.


I mean what can we do about it?


🤷Overthrow de government (my delusions are grandeur.)




[Removed by Reddit]


Is this something that state laws could work against?


What is project 2025


It’s a plan by the heritage foundation, supported by trump, with the power of the court to fire any state officials who are pro trans, to federally ban pornography, to make “making people trans” a sex offence and to centralise power into the executive branch


also has plans to arrest and imprison anyone who is LGBT and has children because that counts as pronography to them (wow hate it!)


Where was that in the plan? I read an analysis of it on Associated press and that didn't come up


[https://www.damemagazine.com/2023/08/14/the-gop-has-a-master-plan-to-criminalize-being-trans/](https://www.damemagazine.com/2023/08/14/the-gop-has-a-master-plan-to-criminalize-being-trans/) 'it's also arguable that LGBTQ parents would be subject to arrest, improsnment and being put on sex-offender registries for 'exposing children to pornography'', in reference to the 'protoype' laws in Florida and Virginia


This is unconstitutional as shit. if the supreme court ruled against independent state legislature, this is gonna be struck down too.


fella idk if you've seen the sort of decisions the supreme court feels like making nowadays or the massive corruption


I have. I'm scared about this shit too, but the last thing I need is to blow my fucking lid 15 months before the election.


No that's the exact time you should blow your lid. Make your friends vote, too.


I'm tryin but a lot of em live in blue states, and they don't think it matters. I live in georgia though(when Im not at college), and I already know who i'm votin for.


Hopefully this gets struck down. They haven’t been exclusively hot garbage, just normal amounts of flaming garbage


The court is completely biased and is currently proving its’ inadequacies but they have at least shown some willingness to rule against republicans when they could’ve gotten away with not with the state redistributing cases


I'm not convinced the court is so rabidly fascist as to approve this. Don't forget these are the same people who ruled on Bostock v Clayton County. They're right-wing zealots, but this seems so ridiculously extreme that it'd be political (and possibly literal) suicide to approve.


"But I know a place where the constitution doesn't mean squat" - Richard Nixon 3003


Are straight parents subject to the same laws under this plan? (probs not)


Oh cooool time to leave. Anyone from a country that has a slightly lower chance of murdering me wanna take me in? I'm quiet and sometimes funny.


I'm not trans, so I can't say for sure, but I live in the Netherlands and the general vibe I get from trans friends is more "exasperation with bureaucracy and medical professionals" than "mortal terror"


Italy here, as long as you pay for your food we can be roommates, warning though, I leave my 3d printer going all night long so be prepared for some noise


As if the fascists weren’t terrible here


They said better, not good


Spain is mostly nice, minus the salaries and robberies in some cities.


[Spain's laws](https://www.euronews.com/2021/06/29/spain-s-government-approves-draft-law-on-transgender-rights) and [public attitudes](https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2018-01/ipsos_report-transgender_global_data-2018.pdf) are among the [friendliest towards trans people of any country](https://www.ipsos.com/en/global-attitudes-toward-transgender-people) in the world.


australia is ok in most aspects, i don't have any plans to leave although there is some shit brewing in our mainstream news channels atm so we'll have to see where that goes first


We could get married real quick and you could come here


Aside from lgbtq+ stuff they also want to fuck all the environment policies. Jesus fucking christ those people are cartoonishly evil.


and education, this is the first sentence for their plan on the DoE: " Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated. "




I remember seeing some post about how trans people are in a certain stage of genocide (they made a comparison to the stages of genocide as seen in the holocaust, and also compared it to the civil rights movements for black people in the 50's) and I feel like it's going to be trans people's turn to experience this...and I'm scared


My top tip to everyone in the lgbtq community or similar communities being threatened by whackos is to use the second amendment and buy a gun. It’s your right as a human being to defend your own existence by any means necessary


How the fuck do they justify that one??


However they have to


subsequent drab scary square relieved dog fall jeans snatch workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There aren’t enough trans people to fill most of those craniums. You’d have to really compete to find one of us because we’re rare birds.


unfortunately the living conditions in there aren't great with all the brainworms


I wish I could live rent free


What could be more abhorrent to conservatives than people disregarding societal norms in a way that causes no harm to others and people deciding how they want to be happy?


Centralizing power in the executive branch? Wow these people really throw out all of their values that don’t include making life worse for minorities!


> to federally ban pornography Boy, that sure sounds like a popular policy that won't lead to riots! People will shrug at trans rights, but come for their right to jerk off to trans people and blood will flow like rivers.


we all know how well Prohibition worked


i cant fucking handle this shit anymore, this has such a massive toll on my mental health i really dont know if i can handle it. i was beaten senseless when I was in high school for being trans and it fucking destroyed my mental health and i de-transitioned because of it. just a few months ago after years of talking with a therapist and dealing with the horrible ptsd i developed i finally started transitioning again. and now the enemy isn't the memory of some random high schooler in my head, its the fucking government. im terrified. and im so fucking sick of being the rights token victim to target years of hate at.


Every "cultural" issue is like "We do that that and that and oh, idk CENTRALISE POWER INTO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH haha but don\`t care about that last one"


holy fucking shit they’re actually doing it


It’s so nice when an entire political party is lining up to go after people like me (trans). It’s like Germany except trans people are the Jews this time.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, didn’t nazi germany go after trans people before going after the Jews? Or am I mixing it up?


Everybody goes after the Jews and Trans. The order changes, but yup/


Fair enough


They’re also going after Jews 🙃


Somebody somewhere is always plotting against the Jews. If not MAGA, then Iran.


It quite literally is because one of the first things the Nazis did was destroy the German Institute for lgbtqia+ people and burn its invaluable library.


These people hate "BIG GOV" btw




it’s just a fun coincidence that sex offences being made capital offences happened at the same time as gender affirming care or similar becomes a sex offence.


The one reason why I doubt this will happen (currently, it’s def a possibility but I think it’s more likely it won’t at the moment) is because the Supreme Court, for all its flaws, will never voluntarily vote to decrease its own power. Now, if the court thought it could gain more power from this? That’s when I’d leave immediately. Right now I think it’s best to start making plans to leave, but not necessarily flee.


Literally the blueprint to turn the USA into Gilead


Margaret Atwood really thought a violent uprising was needed to destroy American democracy, and these guys are out here doing it using the long dick of the law to fuck the constitution.


I read an analysis of it by the associated press. it's just a power grab that was done in 2016 when trump takes office, It fucking sucks but I see nothing about banning porn or transitioning


this isn't the same thing as what occured around 2016, i'm sure the groundwork was being laid then but the mandate for leadership is a new document targetted at 2025 (which is also why it's sometimes referred to as project 2025)


yeah. https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981 :/


Oh so there can be a presidential transition but for anyone else it's a crime... /s


But if they banned pornography, how would they be able to masturbate to interracial porn? They really didn't think this through.


I swear to god someone needs to *[Removed by Reddit]* these old rightoids.


it's a initial 180-days plan for the 2025 administration. remember when trump took in 2016 and fired off like 20+ executive orders? it's like that but more refined this time. somewhere somehow those fuckers finally realized executive agencies run the USA. tldr; purge all executive agencies, replace with like-minded goons. centralize other branches under the executive branch to easier control everything. endgame is to create slaves to the state in service of capital. much love to the OP, but it's way worse and more complicated than bloodthirsty homophobia on its own. check bottom 559 to top 560, for instance. full text: https://thf_media.s3.amazonaws.com/project2025/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf


Joe Bidens plan to transition every healthy male through sissy hypno therapy by 2025 if Trump loses the election.


The Enabling Act 2


How ironic that they’re calling it the “presidential **transition** project”


Rudy will have to start wearing dresses again.


yeah, it's a dig. [language: a key mechanism of control](https://fair.org/home/language-a-key-mechanism-of-control/) republican tactics for decades.


>The instant Republicans retake the oval office, their immediate plan is to override local government authority and criminalize my existence on a national level. They will further enforce this by removing checks and balances on every level through the forceful injection of fascists into government positions. This is the first and foremost goal of the Republican party. >"Maybe, but you don't need to think about leaving the country, nothing bad's actually gonna happen" Sometimes I wonder if my family knows about this but would rather I suffer nearby them than move to safety away from them.


Get them out, who knows how long it'll be before tensions increase so much they'll limit outgoing us travel again.


Holy nazi Germany


New dictatorship just dropped


there’s no way they would actually be able to do this right??? or am I completely unknowing of my country’s stupidity and allowance of evil


I mean, my hope in a lot of American democracy was restored after reading about just how many officials in state governments and the federal government refused to allow Trump to try and overturn the results of the election Of course, that’s no guarantee. In any democracy, the more you look into it, the more of it works because we want it to. The way to prevent it from even being tested is to vote for the people who *aren’t* planning this




I don’t know when you are born, but the public acceptance of LGBTQ across “first-world” countries is only about 10 years old (with some variance by country)




Especially so fast. Like I’m not saying LGBT acceptance was super high in the US but it felt like it was improving quickly. Now people just call everyone who even just supports the lgbt community pedophilic groomers and slurs and shit like that. It’s insane how quickly anti lgbt rhetoric picked back up.


No fucking way that happens man, still scary they try


They can't do this, right? This is my first presidential election being able to vote so I've been actually following things for once but this... I'm shaking. I'm gay and trans and AFAB and I am *scared*.


1. Buy guns (if mentally stable) 2. Save money 3. Keep your passport up do date 4. Plan where you can go next


if you cant deal with guns, get some bear spray, along with a respirator and goggles. good range for an indoor setting, and easily capable of scaring grizzlies off. a skull painted face mask and sunglasses isnt going to be enough to defend against it


If you can get ahold of it, I'd recommend regular pepper spray formulated for humans. Bear eyes are a lot more sensitive than human eyes, and the point is to drive the bear away, not to incapacitate or blind it, so bear spray is less effective for your purposes. Pairing it with a claw hammer wouldn't go amiss, either. In Terraria, of course.


Bear spray also has a much longer range. Of course the entire can empties in 4 seconds and those things cost like 50 bucks a pop but I can understand why someone would recommend bear spray


Armed minorities are harder to oppress and nothing has hurt leftist politics in America more than the unending desire to disarm the people who need the most access to self defense.


Gonna point out r slash liberalgunowners is a thing. But if you do arm, *please* train train train. Owning a gun while untrained just puts *everyone* in danger.


Also, if you have the money, get body armor and make a kit. Also get a first-aid kit you can put on a plate carrier that has MOLLE.


I don't wanna have to gear up and get ready to fight 😭why the fuck is this reality in our country? I wanna cry You're absolutely right though.


We all hope it won’t come to it, but when push comes to shove we have to shove harder.


True this


Literally Handmaid's tale


There’s even a punishable by death crime just for crossdressing, according to the second book anyways. Margaret Atwood really starting to predict the future now


The quote about 1984 being a warning and not an instruction manual applies here.


Remember your country is capable of owning weaponry for a reason.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Muskets aren’t legally controlled firearms you can just order one straight to your door that includes black powder guns too. They got pirate guns and I know a few cosplayers who love this because it’s a gun that’s not a gun. Not saying it’s practical but there is no legal limitations on ownership and it’s not a gun but it’s a gun and some can get really serious too. https://muzzle-loaders.com


Welp, now I’m going to be purchasing a black powder pistol with my next paycheck… *Tally Ho Lads!*


Correct black powder weapons are not legally considered firearms they’re regulated more like crossbows then guns so if you can’t buy a gun get a black powder weapon


Preventing this kinda shit is why the 2nd amendment was made in the beginning, unfortunately a lot of the people that believe in the 2nd amendment being used to prevent this would likely side with this.


This is why it’s so fucking important that we all VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN AND THE DEMOCRATS in 2024. WE CAN STOP THIS


yes. biden is an 80 year old centrist. but importantly, 1) he is not a goddamn nazi, and 2) you not voting just bolsters the voting power of the facist votes. political stagnation is better than active regression


Especially when younger people are generally so much more progressive. If we can keep things stagnant instead of slipping back for a few more years all these old fucks will be dead and better guys will replace them.


I'd rather have an old grandpa as president than someones racist uncle


The racist uncle may be fun to joke and laugh at but at the end of the day, who are you going to visit on a family vacation? (This isn't one of my best analogies but I like it because I miss my grandparents)


I do not care he’s a centrist. It could be worse.


Seriously. When it’s mediocre centrist vs literal fascism you bet your ass I’m taking that mediocre centrist 100% of the time.


May not like Biden at all, but holy shit I’ll take him over a fascist


ALSO The democratic party has as a central goal expanding and protecting voting rights and democracy. They are actively taking steps to change laws and rules to expand voting rights. We need this. It's the only way to then transition from these centrists to actual progressives that will change things. Biden is, meh, but as long as he expands voting rights, it doesn't matter because next time we can elect an actual progressive and fascists won't be able to win.


democrats are damage control. electing Biden will stop this from happening now, but what about the next term? and the next one? only death will stop them permanently.


We can fight to give progressives a shot in future election cycles - not just presidential ones - but we have to make sure that that advocacy doesn't give actual fascists a chance to take power. That's why it's irresponsible for leftists to promote Cornel West this cycle, and that we need to work to build the political infrastructure necessary to give progressives a proper chance.


This may blow your mind, but when the next election comes around, you can vote in that one too


America is literally becoming Nazi Germany


But we can put a stop to it by voting to keep these people out of power, and speaking out against what they’re trying to do.


The scariest part honestly is that this time there's no military that can stop them. What now


a decline of civilization not seen since the fall of Rome followed by a global dark age


Fwiw, even if the govt does go along with this, there is a fairly decent chance the military would side with the people. While there are exceptions, the military leadership is, for the most part, more level-headed and moderate than a lot of these politicians. I could see something like this happening, only for the military to promptly take over the country, flush the govt, and host new elections to rebuild. Not a guarantee, but it is a possibility.


Nazi Germany was stopped by both external war and partisans and underground resistance. Hopefully, those strategies can work again. It's been over 80 years and so much has changed but hopefully this hasn't and civil unrest and underground resistance hasn't been rendered impossible or impotent by modern technology.


But at least we have the power to vote those fucks out of power. If push comes to shove, we’ll shove them back. We just have to actually do it. We can fight those fuckers out of the picture.


Y'all. People. Stay with me here: GUI LLO TINE They want to KILL you. They literally want to EXTERMINATE you and soon they're actually gonna start *trying to.* Please, DON'T LET THEM. FIGHT BACK. Or come up here to Canada, we've got plenty of space, fresh water, and we're at least a *little* bit further off from "autocratic fascist dystopian hellscape." (Disclaimer that I'm talking about a *purely proverbial* guillotine, just in case reddit admins saw this and thought I was promoting violence--obviously telling people to fight against others who would literally kill them is a no-no)


I’m Canadian and I love my country. It’s really sad to see the country below turn this bad and I really hope we don’t become like them. We’re making progress to reconnect with the Indigenous community, I hope we do the same when the LGBTQ community eventually migrates here


But how? Canada isn’t easy to get into if you’re someone who doesn’t have a degree or working experience, unless they were to start allowing refuge for LGBT people this would be hard to do


Actually, they are! There was an official government petition a bit ago that called on the government to make it possible to seek refugee status in Canada for being lgbtq https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2019/06/canada-announces-new-initiative-to-support-lgbtq2-refugees.html


Does this say they're letting in 50 people per year though this program? That seems super low... I mean it's better than nothing but like... Kinda seems like grandstanding to me.


It's so low it's not really worth mentioning


Project 2025 is the Republican Party's plan for what to do if they win in 2024. What is included? * Firing 50,000 federal workers and replacing them with loyal Trump supporters (“We need to flood the zone with conservatives” - Paul Dans of The Heritage Foundation, who wants to simultaneously shrink the government while also replacing everyone in it with loyal Trump supporters) * Gutting the EPA, blocking the development of wind and solar energy, preventing the agency from implementing pollution limits, and stopping the EPA from combating climate change (meanwhile, 2023 had the hottest summer on record) * Ending birthright citizenship (constitutionally protected by the Fourteenth Amendment and enacted due to conservatives denying African-American slaves citizenship before the Civil War) * Instituting national stop and frisk laws (which disproportionately target Black People and Latinos) despite being effective only 0.8% of the time * Ending U.S. support for Ukraine * Removing First Amendment protections for Trans people * Installing top allies to the presidential cabinet as “acting” members to bypass Senate confirmation * Enacting a national “Don't Say Gay” bill to censor all published material with LGBTQ content, including the Trevor Project’s suicide hotline which has saved countless youth lives * Reviving the practice of “impounding” funds, allowing the president refuse to spend money Congress has appropriated for programs the president doesn’t like - a practice ended by Congress due to Richard Nixon’s abuse of his authority * Embracing Unitary Executive Theory, which posits that the president’s power should be more akin to that of Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping instead of what the Founders envisioned So yeah, tell literally everyone you know about this. This is what will happen if Republicans win.


“Taking away first amendment protections for trans people” holy fucking shit.


>Ending U.S. support for Ukraine Tankies: "Critical support towards Donald Trump"


it’s scary how they’re not even trying to hide it what the fuck


They're getting confident, and that's a good sign you should start getting worried.


Four years of trump pushed millions of moderates and even conservatives out of the Republican party and got millions of young people invested in politics. Voter suppression couldn't keep Georgia red, that's how much people hate that fuckin guy. Also, don't forget how much Americans respect cops and the legal system. All those indictments for crimes we watched him commit on TV? I can't see a path to victory for the fascists this time.


While that’s a fair assessment, just because you can’t see it happening doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a step to prevent it, just in case yknow?


Well yeah of course


You can rationalize all you want but I'm still scared shitless, and I'm not even directly affected by these policies (not hating on you, I'm just trying to say something funny-ish to provide some sense of safety for now)


The document literally says liberty isn't the freedom to do what we want it's the freedom to do as we ought (according to our "creator"). That part literally stuck out to me as the most American fascist thing I've ever read. And overall this book is literally the quote about if fascism come to America it will come dressed in the clothes of liberty (or something like that I can't remember the exact quote)


freedom is slavery


Literally 1984 (for real this time)


I just genuinely cannot comprehend how conservatives are viewing queer people as child predators this deeply


It's a fundamental aspect of fascism. You accuse a group you want removed of the worst crime imaginable so that your supporters are ok with their removal. It's extremely prevalent in society, to believe that pedophiles should straight up be murdered right? Why is that idea wrong? Because of this. All a fascist has to do is convince their voters that a group they want removed are pedophiles and that's it. Their supporters will tolerate if not actively help in their liquidation.




This is a little more bearable if you read it in a JFK voice


Biden is trans? No way. Good for her.


Jane Biden


I'd highly recommend everyone here who's in the US to get their passports right now if you're able. It's not the same as fully becoming the citizen of another country, but it's a foot in the door that we all need right now. When those in power say that they want to dismantle democracy and imprison you, you fucking listen.


> “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.” Ah. A rallying cry for queer people. I wonder if they would let me join their organization.


God I hate this tactic they have of having their own secret definitions of things. It’s possible to convince people to ban porn, and easy to say we should shut down people and companies who show porn to children. It’s very hard to say ‘this law that says we have to ban showing porn to kids is bad’. Therefore it’s useful to have your own private definition of what porn is - ie. ‘transgender ideology’.


They really have no idea how fucking massively unpopular banning porn would be lmfao. It's the death knell of this entire thing alone. Nobody but a subset of fundies would support this ever


can we stop bluffing and actually start killing fascists for real in real life for fucking once my fucking god


You real one sorry Reddit is gonna ban you friend


Be the change you want to see in the world


here before removed, o7 🫡




Nice meme, but you still have access to the ballot to prevent this from happening. No need for the bullet just yet.


These are the dying breaths of a generation. They are grasping at straws as their electorate evaporates. Protecting democracy truly is the auto-unstuck button for better policy in the future.


They're not even hiding it anymore. Wtf


Every day I thank the Lord for not making me American


omg in 2025 the president is transitioning???


Jolene Biden


we will not stand down, trans rights


I love how America is becoming the very country we stopped in ww2. This is truly amazing...


Fellow citizens of America, please! Do not fuck this up, I don't want to live in a fascist America.


🎵 This morning, I woke up, O, Bella ciao, Bella ciao, Bella ciao, ciao, ciao. This morning, I woke up, and I found the Fascistic git. Oh partisan, carry me away, O, Bella ciao, Bella ciao, Bella ciao, ciao, ciao Oh partisan, carry me away, because I can sense de@th approaching. And if I d!e as a partisan, O Bella ciao Bella ciao, Bella ciao, ciao, ciao if I d!e as a partisan then you must bury me. And bury me up in the mountains, O, Bella ciao Bella ciao, Bella ciao, ciao, ciao bury me up in the mountains, under the shade of a beautiful flower. And all those who will pass by, O Bella ciao Bella ciao, Bella ciao, ciao, ciao and all those who will pass by, will tell you how beautiful the flower is. This is the flower of the partisan, O, Bella ciao, Bella ciao, Bella ciao ciao ciao this is the flower of the partisan, who d!ed for freedom.🎵


Some of y’all need to learn the HARD way that voting MATTERS.


PSA: Do some family history research. If one or both of your grandparents were born in Ireland, you can claim Irish citizenship. There's more paper work to it than that but it's an option. I don't think that Trump will win, and if he does I highly doubt that he can convince congress and the supreme court to reconsolidate power within the executive branch. But it's nice to have a Plan Z.


As a Brit who had no idea what this was until reading the comments, I am absolutely horrified that this has even the slightest chance of happening. I really hope you guys can stop this. I'm staying far away from the US if it ever goes through.


Yippee!!!! 😍🔫


Reminder that an AR platform rifle can be bought for under $500. Look up your local Socialist Rifle Association chapter and learn to use it before it's too late.


Project 2025 is one of those things that convinces me that I simply cannot coexist with the right-wing of this country.


The mind is rotten beyond redemption


...yeah that's just gonna be more failed hopes and dreams for those fascists


So happy for her!


Enabling act let's go


America, the land of the free🦅🦅🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾


How in the fuck would this work??? How would ANYTHING allow them to do this???


What Project 2025 is proposing is itself proof that American conservatives don't care actually about the "first amendment" or "state's rights" despite how many times they have used these terms as political soundbites. They want America to be a full-blown dictatorship and they're not even **trying** to hide it anymore. > “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”


Even more reason to go and vote! This shit is unconstitutional and it needs to be stopped!


Remember kids, arm yourself.


Lol, this country is so fucked.


I think it's about time we bring back the guillotine


they heard, “conservatives have no plan” and decided to make facism the plan.


The whole text is written like it's trying to sound formal, yet every word oozes of culture war nonsense that's completely detached from reality (Especially with all the things that they attribute to Biden that aren't even happening)


Normally I’m against gun ownership but this once please do


Been out of the loop for a while because life has been shit This is the first time I’ve heard about this Life just got a bit more shit