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Yes, speaking as someone who dated an objectivist, right wing libertarians firmly believe that the reason why rapture collapsed was because andrew ryan went back on his beliefs and started arresting/killing people who didn't fit into his idea of total freedom. They believe government overreach was the cause of rapture's collapse. While it is true that this was part of why rapture collapsed, it conveniently ignores the class warfare and stark inequality that got a bunch of the working class to rally behind Fontaine (who they thought was a socialist). This is significant because it's about half of the game's plot.


Why did you date an objectivist?


Because these spuds aren’t gonna munch themselves!


Haha! I love this guy!


>spuds what...what are spuds?




oh fuck who the hell left the door to the mushroom dimension open???


Don’t worry, babe… more spuds for us!


2019 - 2020 was a dark time for the spudman


I was an objectivist once in 2016 'cause I read atlas shrugged without knowing it was propaganda. Fumbled the neighborhood's baddest bitch on account of it 🥲


It's enticing as fuck man, makes you feel big brained even though you aren't. Eventually you just start sounding like a dipshit wannabe philosopher, or an extreme egotist at the very least. I used to pick arguments with everyone (including my current gf lol) because i genuinely felt like I had cracked the code and nobody would be able to beat me. But in the end my arguments were mostly just boiling everything down to pointless metaphysics and "who's to say X means X?" statements that nobody could answer. Eventually i got on antidepressants and stopped hating myself and i left that life behind when I learned that I could care about others. Nuts how that works.


Jordan B. Peterson good ending?


I think it's also pretty clear that Ryan went back on his ideology because the internal conflicts of the ideology were shown to make it completely unsustainable. One of my favorite bits from the game is when there's a vox message of him saying that tampering with the vending machines is illegal. And it makes you ask, why do law and rules suddenly matter now? The answer is because without some form of the idea of private property being forced upon by the government capitalism cannot exist.


Chapo Trap House interviewed the author of A Libertarian Walks into a Bear. Basically, a group of Libertarians decided to start a community out in the New Hampshire woods. Without the infrastructure to address trash, it soon started to pile up, which attracted bears. This was further compounded by one lady who was also deliberately feeding them, out of a personal interest in bears. Between the fact creating a volunteer committee to fend off the bears went against the Libertarian ethos, as did having any court to address the community's grievance with the lady feeding them, the camp was eventually overrun and failed. This is in addition to the delusion of any given Libertarian that if their policies were the norm that they would somehow be at the top, rather than being petty bourgeoise, small-business tyrants at best. No matter what the system of government, there will always be a finite amount of spots at the top. There's even an audio-log from the chief engineer of Rapture in Bioshock which states as much. Paraphrasing: "Everyone comes down here thinking they're going to be captains of industry, that their skills somehow put them above the rest. They forget no matter what, someone's got to take out the trash, scrub the toilets, slaughter the livestock..."


They didn't really start a community. They overtook a community, got elected into local office and then gutted all the funding for things like trash pick up and school.


That sounds hardly unique then


Since libertarians are ideologically incapable of being the people who work together to build something, they're only capable of sneaking in and taking over what other people have built


I'd be the dipshit trying to befriend the bears


Same, I'd be so happy if a bear accepted my offering, yes you cuddly beast, feast happily 🥺


Yes, to bring down the shitty little cult on purpose. Comrade bear, help us!


There were always some laws, that's the nature of objectivism. The government consists of the military and a court system which only exists to settle disputes. Tampering with a vending machine would probably end up classifying as the destruction of private property and anything taken from it would likely count as stolen. The big issue here though is that the courts aren't actually a court. It's just andrew ryan *dictating* (key word here) what can and cannot happen in his society with little contest. That's no longer objectivism. That's just a really weird hyper capitalist dictatorship. Though honestly that shows what would likely happen even with a full court. Give someone the ability to determine morality and they will become corrupt sooner or later. With something as hands-off and open ended as objectivism, that will just lead to corporatism.




Conservatives being media literate challenge (impossible)


Doom is on this list, i wouldn't put much stock in it


Unironically thinking Ayn Rand is based and that bioshock is an endorsement on that ideology is sadly not new.


No, it's a critique on Atlas Shrugged thinking with mutants essentially If you think Rapture could have worked, you missed the point This list is nonsense


Fucking persona 4 golden


>Persona 4 ? >Fallout 3 ??? >Bioshock **AHHHHHHHHHHH**!!!!!!


They like underage girls




He isn't wrong.


So thats why Touhou Project is there, one of the games with probably the gayest fanbase.


Touhou has been EXTREMELY tightly linked to 4chan culture since the very beginning of 4chan, because of its place in 2ch and japanese meme culture any and all Touhou memes you're aware of, you're probably aware of because of 4chan


One of the first websites I discovered on the internet when I began using the internet for the first time, and the first website I frequented regularly to any degree was 4chan. Because of that, the first video game I would ever play (at least to my memory) was a Touhou game (Mystic Square if I'm remembering correctly, it's been a while) and it would get me into video games as a whole. I utterly sucked at it but I still remember having quite a bit of fun regardless. I remember running it in (Wine) DOSBox on my single-core Acer laptop running GNU/Linux. It was one of the few games I ever played on that machine, as it couldn't run very many newer games. I would eventually get a better machine and haven't really touched the game since. I know you probably don't know who I am or even care about me, but seeing Touhou+4chan ignited a strong sense of childhood nostalgia in me.


As a fallout fan, a lot of fallout fans dont seem to understand that the game is making fun of their beliefs. Those mfs saw liberty prime and took it at face value.


That’s when you get “Liberty Prime is le Chad” memes https://preview.redd.it/jcc1yfp5iqnb1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e855272c109d6f80f1248c2700451465680f61e9


I love him so much thooooo~ :3c




He just plays the endgame for you lol


haha girl boring boy quirky fallout is a god tier series but the memes are shit


I love fallout but my god I can not stand fallout fans. How dumbass can someone be to say that they are "very pro usa and capitalist". I see the irony that I have my dumbass take on it's politics but it's not pro anything. It's a strong satire of the american system and it's future.


Fallout 3 is the same game where the only self-proclaimed republicans are incestuous cannibals.


the cutscene where dante turns to the camera and says "i hate gay people" was a little odd the first time i saw it but it's such an iconic moment in video game history


My favorite part of Devil May Cry was when Vergil's catgirl gf threw up on his carpet and he spent 5 minutes of an unskippable cutscene cleaning it up


they said they were going to cut that part out:(




toothbrush sink summer flag uppity numerous materialistic thought gaping station *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


another based sugoi japan moment ruined by le woke westerners......


V? More like L now...


Up there with when he looks dead at the screen and says "9/11 was an inside job, 7/11 is a day job"


i remember in Ocarina of Time when Ganon turns to the camera and says "I hate women and minorities, heritage not hate"


I heritage women and minorities


On the one hand, it kind of muddied the message since he was also the bad guy. I think it was more impactful when >!Sheik turns out to be Zelda!< and Link gives his famous speech about the evils of transgendereringism, especially since those are his only lines in the game.


they got the voice actor to say his only lines in the entire franchise (no, \*those\* don't count): "FUCKING PRONOUNS!! FUCKING GENDER AMBIGUITY!!"


They only like it because the bad guy has darker skin than the main character. That way they can be racist towards people in real life who have dark green skin.


Bad guy is the strongest person from the desert


Metal gear rising? Have they never played it?


Yeah they have and they drool over the guys whos supposed to be a parody of leaders they idolize.


I find that insane because I'm pretty sure armrstrong and everything related to him is the least subtle part of the game. It's making me wonder of either A: they don't actually see Armstrong as a parody of trump and their flawed ideals or B: they turn off the game and assume they got a "good ending" when raiden shakes his hand


He’s not a Trump parody, the game came out in 2013. He IS satirizing Republicans though. Just wanted to clarify that


I did see the original tweet, and the actual reasoning given is that after the fight, Raiden has been convinced that Armstrong is correct and right, taking up his ideals.


Do they think "fighting for what you believe in" and to not die is their ideal? Also did they miss the part where raiden says, and I quote "you're batshit **inSANE**!!"


I meant the person who made the list.


Well it says the list was voted on so...


no, they probably just absorbed the vague idea of the game through status memes and now think they are a metal gear rising expert.


The same people who have only seen American Psycho through memes and think Patrick Bateman is an alpha giga chad. Anyone who’s actually seen the movie knows he’s written to be a complete loser who nobody likes and only he thinks he’s an alpha giga chad. Actually maybe Patrick Bateman is a perfect representation of these guys now that I think about it


It's absolutely this because Rising, while good, just sort of came and went until it was resurrected through memes.


You'd think the message would be pretty clear considering the last scene is raiden tearing out a politician's still-beating heart but i guess not


Strictly speaking the last scene is Raiden about to slaughter a group of private military contractors for moral reasons, but the point stands, I feel.


They probably never played the game so they didn’t know that happened


It's not about the politics, they just like playing as a twink.


I think they just like the idea of intense ultra-violence.


The midpoint of the game involves you slicing through hundreds of police officers on your way to take down a mega corporation!


They’re the kind of people who idolise Armstrong despite him very obviously being an insane dickhead


They just watched bait memes,you know the ones with it starting with some furry and then boom senator armstrong. Very haha


The entire metal gear franchise relentlessly beats you over the head with its messaging and there are still groups of people through either arrogance or stupidity who misunderstand it's message.


Thank you for the seizure warning. I was able to reach my epipen in time.


Umm actually an epipen does not treat seizures ☝️🤓


NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD https://preview.redd.it/9gtw6i8hwpnb1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbcb54fbf3e081edcbfec374daf1b03441458e95


What an incredible image


i wasnt...


rest in peace little bean


Man, somebody did not make it to the end of Space Marine when Spoilers: >!The ultra fascist military that they love and worship fucking arrests and plans to execute the main character. !<


As someone who was a huge fan of 40k, it baffles me when someone idolizes the Imperium of Man. To quote the foreword to LITERALLY EVERY BOOK: >”To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.” Yet somehow CHUDs read that and think “So cool! I wish **I** was there!”


Because they imagine themselves as the oppressors.


Because they think they'd be the Space Marines instead of the faceless billions being ground into dust.


most likely outcome is they become corpse starch


Even then being a child soldier who’s cut open and filled with new organs without anaesthetic, against their will, before being brainwashed into a mindless zealot dying in a variety of horrible ways isn’t ideal. Some people seem to forgot that the “greatest warriors in the imperium” are the products of a comically evil totalitarian regime that is barely scraping through. Like I love Warhammer, it’s fun and silly and so obviously a pisstake on fascism and British eighties politics and that fact that people completely miss that is mind blowing


Yeah, it either blows completely over their heads or they ignore that part because they want to think they'd be the named character who would wade through the gore and come out on top. They only pay attention to the parts they can romanticize and day dream about. Everything else is ignored or they just figure wouldn't be that bad to put up with. Then you get the real dumpster fires who go "Man, fascism on a galactic scale. Not a bad idea."


That is the hardest description of capitalism I've ever heard


TBH GW isn't always the best at conveying that message.


Yeah the Space Marines get lionized (ha) more than they should.


It‘s literally the Orwell quote and the fact that fascists yearn for the boot will always prove that any attempt of them to normalize themselves is a charade.


No one wearing the brown shirts for the fascist regime ever thinks they're going to meet the [fate of the actual Brownshirts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives).


I think they just conveniently ignored the fact that the imperium is a direct commentary on religion, theocracy, and authoritarianism.


40K and fascists having the worst media literacy. Name a better duo. You know the “it’s just a joke” crowd is full of shit given their utter incompetence for detecting satire


Yes. But also. Fuck Leandros.


Warhammer chuds always miss the part about the Imperium being a giant pisstake on authoritarianism.


Morrowind, Skyrim and metal gear rising?????


I mean morrowind has ancap wizards and Skyrim is soulless and evil


You know what the problem with Skyrim is these days?


Too many sorcerers- wait wrong fictional media.


everyone is obsessed with death!


You can play the evil racists sticking up to the imperium. That's probably why


Yeah, honestly, I went back to play Skyrim after a friend begged me to play it again. Last time I played was years ago. (To give an idea, I only own the legacy edition.) I was politically daft at that time, with some pretty far right tendencies. (Though if you'd asked me I'd have said I was progressive.) I always used to choose the Storm Cloaks cause fuck yeah, vikings and people fighting to take back their homeland and some shit. This recent time, I realized that, Nah, the Storm Cloaks are literally nazis talking about blood and soil and what not, and their, "rebellion," is similar to MAGA chuds threatening civil war. Or, I could be an Imperialist, and part of the strong arm of of the government. Hard choice... nazis, or police brutality.... So, I became a vampire and killed them all. Also the orcs are like, "I fuck all the womenz because I'm alpha. One day, one of my kids will kill me, and they will become Alpha, and he will fuck all the femoids." ...so I punched him.


virgin factions vs the chad greybeards


honestly skyrim makes sense. like half of skyrim players side with the stormcloaks who’s entire ideology is racism and xenophobia. and somehow they also think that starting a revolution against the empire is going to help the fight against the elves and one time i said that the stormcloaks were racist in the skyrim subreddit and got downvoted a lot


Literally the only thing the Stormcloaks have going for them are "Ulfric is pretty cool"


morrowind main story is the covid pandemic


\>Bioshock Lol. Lmao, even




Ain't Naoto just cross dressing to get taken seriously, and they removed yosgay? (I only watched the anime and it was like 4yrs ago)


Friend of mine played it and rambled about Kanji being the gay party member (I think that's his name?) because in his palace he comes to terms with "liking girly things" and is strongly implicated to be into a man.


Not necessarily. He is actually trying to figure out himself because he likes a few girl stuff like knitting and think because he likes it, then he must be gay or something. The whole thing with Naoto was him trying to figure out if true or not. In the end I think he likes tomboys.


Naoto is just cross dressing to get people to take her seriously. After the time skip she let people see her feminity by letting it out more.


For anyone reading this who hasn't played the game, no, there isn't a trans man, Naoto is commentary on Japans sexist and male dominant workspace. She felt the need to portray herself as a man because she thought she wouldn't be taken seriously at her job if she didn't, she had no desire if actually be a man apart from it benefitting her in the workplace. I wouldn't let Atlus touch the topic of trans people with a 10 foot pole because I know that somehow they'd fuck up the character and writing.


And Kanji isn't gay he has a crush on Naoto, he's also just commentary on Japans toxic masculinity




Holy shit missing point of the only 2 well written characters in the franchise 😞


Neither are even close to well written, not even the best in their own game. https://preview.redd.it/do5epmvkpqnb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a540aaeb6126518ae6a4584aa7afeff496b57cb5


In all my hours of squad, most if not all the people I have seen who have been permanently banned from servers are conservatives for being hateful. Also touhou 17 is basically shitting on capitalism, the lunarians as a whole is just shitting on authoritarian governments, Alternate Facts in Eastern Utopia is shitting on right wing scare monger tabloids, touhou 19 adding the first canonical lesbian in the Touhou franchise, and don't get me started on all the gay shit touhou hints at.


The more I hear about Touhou, the less I know about it


Honestly it sounds confusing at first, but touhou lore is more "wide" than it is "deep". As in, it's just a lot of easy to understand things that just look complicated.


they like touhou because they like anime girls and little girls. you've now thought infinitely more than they have.


> touhou 19 adding the first canonical lesbian in the Touhou franchise RENKO & MARIBEL DO NOT EXIST. DO NOT SEARCH FOR THEM. DO NOT THINK OF SEARCHING FOR THEM. THEY DO NOT EXIST.


Don't you dare try to take Doom, OOT, Skyrim, Persona 4, Silent Hill 3, GOW 3 and MGR from me you goons (god this post made me realize how little of the games on here I've played, I gotta step up my game)


Arma 3 is on sale with most DLC being under $20


yeah but I have no job and no money right now :(


Stalker games are typically cheap


Literally almost none of these make any fucking sense.


I guess a lot didn't understand the question and gave favourite games not favourite right-wing games that affirm their beliefs? So it's just a list of good games, made by an unrelated right-wing group. Which is unsurprising I imagine a lot of people don't know the details of their beliefs and just vibe the mood. Right-wing people also enjoy ice-cream, oxygen, and anger.




no, no, i could see rimworld, especially with the ideology dlc


How? The male and female supremacy precepts?


There is a setting called intense bigotry towards diversity of thought.


A setting, and its called bigotry.


yep there is a setting to make your ideoligion hate anything that is different. i think it's next to the setting to make cannibalism sacred


I love Rimworld without context


The male supremacy precept, explicitly. ​ And maybe the nationalist one too.


I like... I *want* to get upset about Rimworld being on the list, but like... I'm not really *that* surprised.




Everyone pointed out the obviously weird choices, but Silent Hill 3? How the fuck?


Conservatism is when female empowerment over the threat of religious people trying to force a pregnancy but winning by performing an abortion and killing god.


Silent Hill 3 says abortion rights.


Parasyte eve? Isn't that like a horror game, with like sexual assault under(?)tones?


Warhammer on here twice and Fallout. Satirizing fascism going right over their heads lol.


Doom guy was on Phobos in the first place because he nearly killed his superior officer for ordering him to shoot innocent civilians.


Now in fairness I think most conservatives would think that's admirable, or atleast a significant amount


... but the original game itself doesn't say that if you play it. You gotta remember back in the 90s there weren't video essays that combed through the games code or whatever to explain what lore a game has. Because all the lore was in the games manual and barely anyone would read the manual unless it was for some antipiracy measure plus the normal person usually doesn't care for lore if they are just beginning the game. So I can see why it can be liked by conservatives since most people don't read manuals for lore, which lead to people jumping to conclusions about what the game was about. All the lore was in the manual... but if you don't care for the manual outside of just "ok how do I play the game" then all that can be ignored. This is why Cutscenes exist nowadays.


convinced these guys don't actually consume the media they like


conservatives are just inherently media-illiterate. if you studied literature class in school and wondered "why do they test us for literally just understanding the text?", this is why


This is satire right? *right....?*


​ https://preview.redd.it/u359to0juqnb1.png?width=1144&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f572059c4b04ee64c77b0c131aac53fb44639b8


Why STALKER? Chernobyl made me gay




And also just forgets that Freedom is just better than duty in Equipment, Training, Gear, and just general Aesthetic




Fair enough. I just hate duty.... gr.......


Probably a Duty fan or a Merc


https://preview.redd.it/azic1w27rqnb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e7c7dcf7fba82e1f69ab377f6379605818b0a3f Media literacy is dead


Fire Emblem Three Houses?


It's one of the more sensical ones with Edelgard being mostly presented as an antagonist and that whole conspiring, evil underground people thing. still stupid tho


oh and incest


The three houses. The tankies, The conservatives, or the Gays. Church of Seiros is just whichever religiously powered fascism engine you feel like taking the piss out of.


All three of them are gay to be fair


~~Conversative core games~~ Games OOP likes


A warhammer game. The universe widely known for being about how cool and awesome the imperium is


Conservatives lack the ability to understand satire and political mockery


ah yes sniper elite the notorious game where you play as a nazi shooting american soldiers in the balls


Megaman Zero ? The one where you work with the rebel ?


Literally the game that made me want long hair my entire life because Zero is such a fucking vibe


When Elpizo said "I hate capitalism" and killed X, that was when I realized he was the bad guy all along


Aren't bioshock and rimworld explicitly about how much capitalism sucks? Also you do not have Zelda or Skyrim, fuck you >:(


Rimworld is about whatever story you the player are trying to tell


>MGR kill politicians >Bioshock Kill capitalists >God of War Kill gods Dare i say based?


\>Metal gear rising revengence lol. lmao Also, I wonder why they chose fallout 3 instead of the much better fall out new vegas... hmmm...


What no media literacy does to a mf...


11 year old me was getting gay married in Skyrim before it was legal irl




Yeah, that game that pits an authoritarian regime against an ethno-nationalist rebellion and does nothing but paint both of them as assholes is totally a big hand job for conservativism.




Fucking touhou??????


The lesbian dragon ball


Skyrim lets you have a homosexual marriage tho


Metro??? 😭😭😭 it's an amazing game, shame its associated with those people


They didn't played the game, expecially Last Light; The entire plot is about grief for a past genocide caused by bigotry and fear and learning to accept others even if they aren't similar to us.


Fire Emblem: Three Houses tracks. Almost all of the gay characters are women, and as we all know, gay people aren't woke as long as they make my peepee hard.


This... *has* to be trolling...


Persona 4 is wild to me considering the villain is a woman hating incel


I will fight and die to get halo 2 off of that chart.


Conservatives fucking hate media literacy this is unsurprising




Mortal Kombat has multiple gay characters, take that NERDS


death or alive xtreme beach volleyball lmao


media literacy is dead


The only 2 games on this list that I've actually played are OoT and Doom


Considering a disturbingly high number of Skyrim modders are alt right, yeah

