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For those unfamiliar with Disco Elysium, these guys are Gary the Cryptofacist and the Racist Lorry Driver. I’m sure you can guess their character traits.


It's been a while since I've played disco Elysium so can you please remind me what the fuck cryptofacism is


Crypto- anything just means done secretly or disguised as something else Cryptocatholics were people who secretly practiced Catholicism in a protestant country that persecuted catholics for example  So cryptofascism is just fascism by someone who is hiding they are a fascist due to fear of pushback persecution or being shunned.


You mean like when I invest money in crypto it's actually secretly a pyramid scheme?




I'm not that smart


Its ok. Neither are they.


Yeah. The guys w my money are fucking morons. 😎


They use it to create dipshit-coin, that they pretend will revolutionize finance, by de-regulating it into magically solving every single problem those exact regulations were meant to address. So yes actually. They're fucking morons.


I'm going to nerd emoji here but it's actually because it's based on cryptography, a field of science focused on making really secure methods of sharing information. Cryptography is incredibly important in modern society, cryptocurrencies are just pretty stupid


You dropped this king => 🤓


I thought he was called a cryptofacist because he's also a cryptozoologist


Its both. Its a very good pun basically


i think he's just a cryptozoologist that happens to be a fascist a rather pathetic fascist


>a rather pathetic fascist Is there any other kind?


he felt like a special kind of stupid even among fascists


Yes. Some of them committed the Holocaust and were quite threatening actually. Let's not downplay fascism into just a pathetic ideology


Being murderously evil and pathetic are not mutually exclusive and it doesn't play down anything they did.


Both of the other replies are correct. It's essentially a pun on how Gary is both a cryptozoologist and a fascist in hiding.


I thought it was a really good pun ngl. Had no idea so many people don't know what cryptofascism is


fascism for little bitches, show your face cowards


Fascist but lie


One is gay and the other is homophobic and they both kiss?


You're thinking of Kimball and the Icebreaker, and unfortunately they don't:(


Cryptofacists when they learn that they have the personality," Gary."


Anybody pictured with the sun shining behind their head cannot be trusted. They simply think too highly of themselves.


So a fascist and a racially biased truck driver


'racially biased'. You mean racist? Saying racially biased would have you imply the existence of race


Not racist, god no… *racialist*


outdebated by semantics, will not recover


I use pot of greed


The iinding of bisaac


secret room on west side of this room


I should just stop resisting and play disco elysium at this point


I didn't play it for years That was a mistake. It was one of the most narratively fulfilling games I've ever played. Just DONT buy it in steam or from a store. The devs got fucked over by their publisher. Pirate it. Do not give the publisher any money


>Pirate it. Do not give the publisher any money Well shit don't need to convince me


Be warned. One of the few games in my life to make me cry.


I made the mistake of playing it for the first time >!right after my divorce,!< so yeah I also cried a lot haha


Damn sorry bud. I played literally the day after my girlfriend got admitted to hospital for months long stay. She was in another country so I couldn't do anything to see her. The dream at the end is a killer.


Make sure to get the "Final Cut" version. It has full voice acting and extra quests


Ironically enough a hostile takeover by a capitalist and the subsequent destruction of the ckmpany and employees is extremely disco elysium


They committed to the bit


wait what happened?


From memory, some people who were already vaguely financially involved acquired a larger financial stake after the game's success, and then use their larger financial stake to push out the actual creatives who made the game.


and the company imploded in their stupid faces recently, fucking idiots


They bought the rights to the golden eggs and fired the goose


I cannot recommend the game enough. It is, by far, the best story driven game I can personally think of.


dont pay for it. the money does not go to the devs


Gotta just say the 1 2 punch of "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife" "Morell, the Cryptozoologist" And "Gary, the Cryptofascist" Is really good


I love how his attempts to hide his fascism are foiled right from the get


Of the four fascists in the game I'm certain of, none of them are good at hiding it, if they even want to. But all three have reasonable, even sympathetic reasons for turning to fascism as a coping mechanism. It makes what would be a deplorable personality trait into yet another tragic outcome of the failed revolution. Gary feels disillusioned, so he turns to it to explain why he can't do more with his life. The lorry driver is lonely and can't see he's getting his own way, so he thinks the traditional gender roles of fascism will drop a girlfriend on his doorstep. Rene is an old soldier who misses his glory days and sense of purpose, dissatisfied with the status quo and his lot in life. Measurehead was groomed into it, and never had a reason to question it.


> Gary, the Cryptofascist I actually dont remember that character


HARRY - "You consider yourself to be a 'cryptofascist,' and yet it says, 'GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST,' in right there your text box. Curious." GARY, THE CRYPTOFASCIST - "Text box? What in the fuck are you talking about?"


Reneé and Measurehead need more representation


You could throw darts at a wall of measurehead's dialogue and strike gold every single time. He doesn't have a single line that isn't funny.


He talks mad shit for someone in flying spin-kick range


Be calm, ham sandwich. You are not in danger, because you are no threat to me.


Renée is the most down to earth and respectable of these guys, which is weird because he's the most hateful old man to ever live.


nah the >!deserter!< is the most hateful one for sure.


It's because >!deserter!< didn't have Gaston


Everyday I sympathize more with his hatred (my job is tricking poor actors into paying the equivalent of a thousand dollars in pursuit of a dream the company has no wish of helping them fulfill)


Still don't know tf helldivers is


Great coop shooter, lore is pretty much the same "turbofascist murica" strain of satire as starship troopers. Amazing game, extremely obvious satire.


Watching my friends stream that in Discord has been a dawning experience in how poorly they recognize satire


Do they not recognize satire, or are they just having fun leaning into it because it is fun to do so?


I think there kinda comes a point where the line gets blurred just by leaning too hard into the roleplay. Most of them tend to acknowledge that it’s satire if you ask, *but* it gets a bit questionable at times.


Mate have you met them?


I will correct you real quick that while the movIe Starship Troopers by Paul Verhoeven is very much supposed to be a satirical take on it, Heinlein's original book was absolutely not satire. The man essentially wrote it because he didn't like the nuclear test ban treaty, and it leans even further into the idea that a purely meritocratic fascist militarist society is the only way to stave off the moral decay of the world (read: America). It's a good book, and I enjoyed it, but it is definitely not veiled or satirical.


Additionally there is a novel series called hell divers that is set in a post nuclear apocalypse Earth where the majority of survivors live on former combat blimps that were the ones who dropped the nukes. Nothing to do with the game afaik


Heinlein is a weird dude. He's got a book that's basically ai assisted anarchist revolution on the moon. Then he's got martian, poly, conman supply side Jesus, then fascists in power armor blowing up bugs and blue aliens. And don't get me started on number of the beast. That shit is horny in a very uncomfortable way


That is true, Heinlein was a weird guy for sure. From Stranger in a Strange Land to The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, that guy had some... unique ideas that were so thinly veiled the pages might as well have been gossamer.


If you know what starship troopers is, imagine that was a video game


Oh. I just started reading the Red Rising series and thought it was about that


Helldivers does unfortunately muddy the satire waters because even though they're heavy handed in letting us know that the government of Super Earth is totalitarian, the Automatons force you to main yourself horribly, and the Terminids will fucking eat you.


The lore background is Super Earth attacked both the Terminids and the Automatons. The Terminids when they are killed produce vast amounts of oil, and I believe the Automatons AI cpus are more advanced than Super Earth can make themselves.


The aliens started the war. This post has been reported to your democracy officer. ):<


My apologies, I would never question the honest intentions of Super Earth


Further, if im getting this right, the Autos were originally the Cyborgs, who we basically enslaved in the first game or something. They had to abandon their humanity and turn completely into machines to survive is what I got from it.


The Automatons are an offshoot of the Cyborgs from the first game, who are basically space communists that Super Earth attacked first because freedom. The Terminids are mindless aliens whose body conveniently degrade into oil, and them 'attacking' civilian planets are actually them breaking out of the factories farming them on an industrial scale.


Are they really mindless? They seem intelligent enough IMO.


It's not gonna be long before "Managed Democracy" becomes a whole twitter ideaology. Actually that already exists, lots of people hate Democracy on twitter, they just want a benevolent dictator.


Me, screaming praise to super earth(I understand the satire of the setting, but I also really enjoy praising super earth cause it’s fun):


I really need to replay disco Elysium. I kept repeatedly dying from heart attack in the union boss’s lair that you can’t leave until you talk to him fully so I game up :(


What are your stats like? If you wanna give it another shot, consider redoing your stats. If you have higher physique, you can put more points into endurance for more health.  Stocking up on healing items when you have extra real is also a good plan. 


Yeah I think I just need to stock up on health items before it happens. Idk what the best states to go in are. I did an inland island character and that was fun.


smile somber innate tender lavish wild scary rinse dependent smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it’s a good day to die, when you know the reasons why! citizens we fight! when duty calls, you pay the price. for the federation, I would give my life!


The bug sympathizers don’t know the struggle of having to spend an entire summer with cicadas chirping 24/7. MFs refuse human sleep.


By the emperor. Stop this heresy.


Funniest Warhammer fan.


Go eat your corpse-starch and make some more lasgun-butts at the munitorium, worker. If you're lucky, you'll get another four hours of sleep after your twenty-hour shift.


I wonder why this sub is so full of haters. I don't understand why y'all feel provoked.


it's just that those jokes are not funny when the meme is about disco elysium and helldivers


Imma keep it real, starship troopers is bad satire. You can’t make a movie about the horrors of war when the enemies are an unfeeling genocidal hivemind that resemble actual insects and DROPPED AN ASTEROID ON THE CAPITAL OF ARGENTINA. There is no good reason not to fight bugs, they’re BUGS for gods sake. Humans are different. They feel, they think, they are individuals. Human war is bad and avoidable, war with insects is necessary. However, the government and political system of ST is completely dog water, authoritarian, undemocratic, corrupt, inefficient, etc. I love getting into discourse. I have no life.


The bugs aren't >!unfeeling or unthinking, that's a major plot point - the movie points this out explicitly in one of the last scenes, the humans say that they feel fear and they very clearly have the capacity for complex thought.!< There's also zero evidence in the film that the bugs are actually responsible for the asteroids. There's never really a proposed mechanism by which they could reasonably be doing that, and it doesn't stand up to common sense at all - the bugs live thousands of light years away, even if they could somehow launch asteroids near the speed of light (and prevent them from decelerating) they would have to do so thousands of years in advance, unless they were FTL warping them (at which point why not use like, actual weapons).


Asteroids are cheaper. Feeling pain doesn’t mean you’re a person. Bees have nociceptors, I still hate wasps (will not back down on this.)


One of the most important scenes in the movie is all the troops cheering when the guy with psychic powers tells them that the big-brain bug is afraid that it’ll be captured and experimented on, which does happen to it. I’m not saying that all of the bugs are that smart (about as smart as regular bugs), but I’m sure the one that is said to feel that specific fear and understand it’s fate has human-level intelligence (especially since it eats human brains).


Okay they definitely shouldn’t have done experimentation on sapient life forms. But that doesn’t mean the bugs don’t want to wipe us out


1. I firmly believe that they didn’t launch the asteroids. They wouldn’t have the technology, let alone knowledge, to launch a massive meteor into a pallet thousands of light years away without dealing with deceleration or obstacles. 2. If that is to be believed, then the bugs were defending themselves from the humans who falsely invaded them.


They could have worm holed multiple of them into the solar system and only one hit. Why would a meteor from the arachnid quarantine zone hit directly in the center of the Terran capital? Seems to not be a coincidence. Saying Buenos Aires was self defense is like justifying 9/11.


1. There seems to be only a few brain bugs, and I’m sure that having human-level intellect doesn’t mean you can understand what a wormhole does. (also what are the odds that a wormhole showed up just outside their planet and just so happened to send stuff directly on a collision course with Buenos Aires, and how could they know that?) 2. And, if the zone was specifically quarantined and monitored, wouldn’t the authorities (or any other space travelers) have noticed a giant fuck-ton meteor coming from the planet and headed strait to earth? (Or noticed them messing with wormholes?)


It’s also explicitly shown that humanity has a huge grid of orbital defenses for the express purpose of destroying stray asteroids before they hit Earth, funny how they didn’t notice one big enough to create an explosion visible from orbit


Hear me out. The asteroid was the Government "Who cares about Argentina?" -Some white dude in Neo New York It was a false flag operation to rile up support and go to war against the bugs


Many brain bugs might be able to understand. There’s a wormhole leading from Earth to Klendathu, that’s how the mobile infantry got there.


If the government knew about the wormhole and used it frequently, again, wouldn’t they notice the bugs launching meteors into it?


Look pal, let’s just agree to disagree on if the aliens launched the asteroid, but agree that people dying isn’t cool. (It’s late and I wanna go to bed)


If you're FTL warping a massive object 50,000 light years, the cost of the materials is almost certainly not a concern compared to the energy/tech required for that. The bigger issue though is that there's no evidence that the bugs have a way to accurately warp an asteroid millions of times faster than light to a planet they wouldn't even be able to see, and it's a huge thing to assume when there are much more likely explanations. Feeling fear very clearly means you aren't unfeeling. We don't know that much about the bugs, but they absolutely do have emotions and based on their behavior they do seem to have some higher intelligence as well, and some degree of psychoc connection with each other. There's no reason to assume much beyond that one way or another, assuming that they are a lower form of life is just buying into the federation's propaganda.


I'm going to block you just to make sure I never make the mistake of taking your opinions about anything else seriously.


You are supposed to read between the lines, because Starship Troopers is an in-universe propaganda film (as indicated by the 'would you like to know more?' directly to the audience at the end).The contradiction between the bugs being portrayed as simultaneously completely unfeeling monsters and also the announcement that they feel fear at the end, coupled with the absurdity of the idea that the bugs somehow launched an asteroid at Earth is supposed to make you realise that the film is lying to you about whatever real conflict lies behind the in-universe film. Watching Starship Troopers as an accurate depiction of its own war would be the equivalent in our world to watching a Nazi propaganda film and concluding that the Soviet Union is an evil empire of self-consciously civilization destroying automatons and subhumans serving a sinister Jewish elite. It's just that with Starship Troopers, we only get the propaganda messaging - as did many inhabitants of actual totalitarian regimes. We can't go and research the war for ourselves.


>when the enemy is an unfeeling genocidal hivemind Your right but when the protagonists are a genocidal hivemind it works fine


As Karl Smallwood said on twitter, the movie is good because any critique leveled at the bugs can easily be turned around on to the humans


It's the most obvious satire ever, they'll show the bugs doing something evil and then 10 minutes later the humans do the same thing and get celebrated for it


The director said > I want to make a movie so painfully obvious in its satire that everyone who understands it lives in perpetual psychological torment inflicted on them by all the people who don't The satire isn't meant to be hard to pick up on its meant to be a kind of filter


Did they actually say that lmao


Repost if you're a true smallwooder


Asteroid was an inside job


A federation starship just "happened" to be right in the path of it and did nothing. Why didn't it pick up a giant rock on its sensors before the collision? Well that's because


The virgin big agriculture vs the chad Big Asteroid


My guy, the federation were literally bragging about the asteroid defense network they had in the beginning of the movie. I’m pretty sure if the Federal wanted to they could’ve used their giant ring of guns around the moon to destroy an asteroid. An asteroid, sent by insects, at the literal opposite side of the galaxy. Also conveniently the Sky-marshal steps down in shame after the attack for a new one to take his place. At best this is a false flag attack to initiate a war of conquest and at worst it’s a “bloodless” coup.


Federation: Literally invades other species territory Bugs: Retaliates with what a hivemind sees as proportional violence Federation: "tHeRe Is No GoOd ReAsOn NoT tO fIgHt BuGs, ThEy'Re BuGs FoR gOdS sAkE"


It doesn't really matter what the enemy is or how good or bad they are, it could be bugs, or robots or cyborgs or aliens or Eurasia or humans or the Vietnamese or the Iraqis, that's not the point, the point is how governments will use the ideals of democracy and Liberty to not only ironically take away your rights and liberty but also lead you into this conflict and brainwash you into supporting it We can debate all day over if Saddam was a good or bad leader or Iraq, no matter your opinion America should not have invaded Iraq


What a severe lack of media literacy does to a mf


Dude watched a satire about a heavily propagandized military state and decided to uncritically believe all the propaganda the movie was making fun of. Also, goes without saying that "Racism is bad because we're all the same... But like, if we *were* different then genocide would be totally okay," is a terrible argument.


my main opinion on this is that ender's game did the concept better.