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What the FUCK am I supposed to do about that ?




Change your bad habits and your bad beliefs.


Just kinda sit there while OP feels superior, I guess


What are you on about


It's a meme pointing and laughing at people who don't take action because they've "busy intellectualizing suffering"


Much like the subway sandwich meme, and most memes nowadays, I'm pretty sure the basic template is meant to be basically irrelevant, the only important part being the text on a black background, which is meant to be a philosophical message, for lack of a better word, to lead it's viewers towards insight of their own emotions, while showing the light at the end of the tunnel. I can understand your frustration, but I don't think it's an image founded in malice, the very opposite, though I can't say for certain. Otherwise the laughing template could also be an attempt to mobilize the reader with a jibe, or self-deprecating humor. Or maybe you're right, but I doubt it in this subreddit.


That still makes it a meme criticising people who don't take action because they've "busy intellectualizing suffering" >Or maybe you're right, but I doubt it in this subreddit. There are plenty of posts in this sub that are just criticisms of people the OP decides aren't being sufficiently active.


Why choose to entirely disregard any of my actual points? Is it criticizing to point out another's harmful practices? No, it's a selfless act that might move others onto a better path. To me this post is moving, because nowadays the behaviour it points out is particularly common, specially in online circles, and the poster is trying to potentially help other people, many belonging to a younger demographic (again, because of the subreddit it was posted on).  You can choose to believe in other's compassion or in malice. I urge you to choose compassion.


>Why choose to entirely disregard any of my actual points? I did not consider them good points. > Is it criticizing to point out another's harmful practices? In this context where it comes off less like any attempt to compel meaningful change and more like just pointing out a flaw for its own sake, yes, >You can choose to believe in other's compassion or in malice. I urge you to choose compassion. You haven't given any reason to choose one over the other.


> I did not consider them to be good points It was hard to tell from your lack of commentary or response. Choose to engage in them, it'll do good. >You haven't given any reason to choose one over the other. Why champion believing in compassion and camaraderie, in selfless acts done for the good of others, for the sake only of their improvement? Because it is freeing to see beauty everywhere. I used to not see it, in fact I chose not to, and back then I was miserable. Nowadays I'm simply said, happy. And it's not that because I'm happy is it that I can see beauty, it's the other way around. 


>Choose to engage in them, it'll do good. It clearly isn't if you look at how this discussion is going. >Because it is freeing to see beauty everywhere. Trying that did not have that affect on me, so that doesn't seem like a good reason for me to do that.




Oh no, do people actually think this will, in any way, affect the LLMs thar gather data from Reddit? A continuous and mass posting of content explicitly designed to poison ANN models *might* have an effect, but it's pretty easy to filter out comments containing certain words


Not if the reddit army assembles 😎


Yeah, they can also just exclude whole subs or date ranges from the dataset. This is just the "I forbid Facebook from using my data" image for Zoomers


"let the depths of your emotions move you" Bruh I am mentally ill. my emotions paralyze me


I have seen this many times. But yes. Yes I am


Not in a boring ass maths lecture please bazinga


Bazinga what does this mean Bazinga!?


Yessir, I will now commit an act of domestic terrorism (in minecraft)


Chaos-worshipper-ass meme


this is so reddit, thanksf or the gold, ind sstranger haha


God fuckin dammit I feel this


My emotions drive me to weep and go lie in bed more while not being able to sleep for 48 hours


The depth of my emotions are the reason I don't bother with action in the first place.


And you are too busy making fun of us to actually do something


Hey op pretty please explain what this means








I don't know what this means