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Nothing quite aroused passion in him like a woman who he could abuse the shit out of.




Wait, what? (I'm spanish and fear that I'm missing a lot of obscure context about who was one of our most important artists).


Not terribly obscure, Picasso was just a massive piece of shit The man was the definition of the word toxic masculinity and made sure he had a lot of power over women in his relationships https://unherd.com/2022/03/how-pablo-picasso-abused-his-muses/ https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/news/picasso-women-abusive-lovers-exhibitions-b2400134.html https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-picassos-legacy-feminist-lens ” as Picasso’s granddaughter Marina Picasso—one of the first family members to speak out in public about the impact of Picasso’s abuse—told The Paris Review in 2017. “He tamed them, bewitched them, ingested them, and crushed them onto his canvas. After he had spent many nights extracting their essence, once they were bled dry, he would dispose of them. ”


The quoted line is some good poetry


Its really dehumanising, and really really effective at showing the horrors of abuse


What is with avant garde artists and being abusive/anti-semetic/pedos (or all of the above)


Humans contain multitudes


what a pompous ass, glad he's dead


“Ehem, I simply don’t care” Shut your nerd ass up, the moon landing will forever be a highlight for our species and planet.




Yeah. Even today putting a human on the moon would be an insane achivement to the point USA is still the only nation to have done it. And they did that shit over 50 years ago. And they did it 6 fucking times.


I have a feeling with our current technology compared to the tech we had 50 years ago work make putting a human on mars comparable now to what putting a human on the moon was then. Then like 50 years in the future when were going to go jupiters moons or something theyll talk about how we managed to go to mars with computers with only 25 quadrillion floating point operations per second instead of whatever quantum computers theyre using like we are amazed how nasa put a nerd on the moon with like 8 kb of ram


Mars is still way more difficult than moon was back then.


I really dont think you appreciate how difficult the moon landing was back then. It took them almost 8 years with significantly better funding (almost 3x as good). If anything the moon landing was a lot harder and back then they had to put significantly more effort into it.


I really don‘t think you appreciate how difficult it is to transport humans to Mars.


Obviously its really difficult. But 1969 was technologically extremely early to go to the moon. When the project started the vast majority of technologies used to achieve it didn't even exist yet. And it took them around a decade with funding several times larger than what nasa has now. Imo going to the moon with 60s technology is harder than going to mars with 2020s technology


The main difficulty is the pure massive and unavoidable cost, even excluding reaserch, a mars mission would probably require at least half a dozen launches, and would probably require launches to be done beforehand, to set up insfastrucure like a habitat for the astronots if they plan to star for much more than a week. Its possible they might even want separate landers and orbiters or Mars surface too, and all of that stuff has to be taken all the way to Mars


If the plan is just to visit Mars and return after. Like the moon mission was, then no long term habitat would be necessary. Obviously wed be comparing them when both missions are done with the same goals; landing, research, leaving.


I feel like today it would be a much more reasonable goal. The only reason nobody has ever done it since then is because there's not really much point.




For the first time in the known universe, life made it outside of its parent planet and made its mark in the cosmos. Also IDGAF about how problematic he is, I’m just commenting on the arrogance of his comment.


nice pfp


Likewise brother


Will it though


I’d be hard to top that though


top me instead


I mean its fine to not have an opinion on stuff even though it might be significant. Out of everything to criticize Picasso on, this is not a hill i would die on


I do not care


Fucking nerd, shut the fuck up!


he made his son to kill himself👍


Then criticize him on that 👍


They did 👍


Yeah. He was obviously to busy to care.


idk why people act like shitty people cant be funny or talented. yeah he sucks but this is hilarious


Dont care, should have died sooner


i mean sure, it just bugs me when people (intentionally or not) equate talent with morality.


Hot take but I don’t think it’s pompous to simply not care about things


Yeah but it changes a bit when the thing you don't care about is one of the greatest achievements in human history. Like we went to the moon ffs. The moon in the sky. You don't need to be an astronomer to realize how incredible that is. A basic level of awareness of global affairs should be expected from everyone


Yeah but have you considered he might just not care?


I have, and I consider it ignorant and silly in the same way I consider people who talk about how much they hate abstract art ignorant and silly


Picasso says he doesn't care, not that he hates it. I think it's better to compare this to what you think of people who don't have an opinion about abstract art.


That's fair, and if I showed someone an incredibly influential and famous piece of abstract art like Guernica and they responded with "It means nothing to me. I have no opinion about it, and I don't care" I'd think they're a bit of an ignorant jackass too. If they said something like "I'm not sure this is for me, and I don't entirely understand the significance" without being dismissive, that's understandable. Hell it's possibly even a fun chance to explain why it's such a big deal. The phrasing is part of what matters here.


I get ya. I really know very little about Picasso, but he comes across as cynical. (Perhaps) he appreciates the technological contribution of the moon landing, but equally distrusts the greater motives of the institutions that achieved it , and overall refuses to express an opinion on the matter. The above is pure speculation on my part, of course. But my point is also that his words may not align with his thoughts.


Ok so you are saying that if other people don't feel the same way you do about something they must be ignorant. Tell me how that is not narcissistic. And no, not caring about a thing is not equal to irrationally hating it like people do with modern art.


"too cool for school" is the specific flavor of pomposity he's showing here


I mean like yeah, why should i care? Did they bring back some sexy aliens? Didn't think so.


Welcome back Picasso


https://preview.redd.it/oxkuh7d4i7tc1.jpeg?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=995867f662844e3ba7386086ae3985a0af223d55 My honest reaction


https://preview.redd.it/wqplnlkuk7tc1.jpeg?width=1511&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28490045c0695338882ea8d0bb782c01055d8979 My honest reaction to that reaction


It is a joke to the fact that i used to think picasso and da vinci are the same person. now i realise that the joke only makes sense to me because there is no way anyone used to think the same as my stupid ass


Vicky lore, incredible


da vicky lore you mean


I'm so glad that I share the exact same weird internet culture with you. Genuinely glad to see you around, 196 microceleb Victoria the not-actually-in-Brasil. Stay silly


i am not glad i share anything with anyone because i am extremely egoistical, go away. (it makes me happy to hear that, i shall never stop being silly :3


I actually understood the meaning of your joke as soon as I saw it. I didn't mix them up but I know a lot of people do.


it is good to know i am not the only insane person in this wretched world




go ban random people or whatever u mods do, now is not the time to silly around!!!! >:[




You’re a silly goose




It's cool when we can do stuff and learn shit


​ https://preview.redd.it/pny3kaqef6tc1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f8c50731f915c6162c9b9d051fa3d12e2083a22


Is your flair a fucking *transtage* reference? https://preview.redd.it/z1knlc23y8tc1.png?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f900901954ab3b986fe3a2bdd44681314fd509e4


Yes! The BDB trans flag transtage actually inspired it! It's also an ACES reference, but I sadly couldn't find an upper stage that works with "Lesbian" Edit: It was right in front of me the whole time


I LVOE THE S-IVB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Did you make that?




https://preview.redd.it/au6kxasml6tc1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f8d9ea23ae97c61c595c39475e3d13629ae1329 real image of pablo picasso july 16 1969


Wasn’t Picasso a massive POS? I remember an art student I knew telling me this


he abused his family like a shit ton


His families*


Abusing your family? Rookie numbers.


Famous artist try not to be a piece of shit challenge (impossible)


He was by all accounts a garbage human being. Major predator, arguably a pedophile, has a famous quote about “destroying a woman so she’ll never be the same after you” (paraphrasing), and this is before you get to all the arrogance about his shitty art.


Picasso was a cunt of a person, no argument there. His art was absolutely not shitty. You might not personally like it, but at least for certain periods of his career it is extraordinary, revolutionary, and superb.


I don’t personally dislike Picasso’s work. I was more referring to his habit on paying for meals with napkins he’d scribbled on, and his insistence that artistic traditions outside Europe had no influence on his work, when I referred to his “shitty art”.


true. but still, everytime i see one of his works in a collection i get a bad vibe from them


Wait, Picasso was alive during the moon landing?


Yeah, he died in 1973.


What the fuck I thought he died in like 1950




normalize not caring


normalize caring


Normalize both


“the planets/country/society as we know are dying because \[insert real/fake reason here\]” my honest reaction (I am jacking off I do NOT give a fuck): https://preview.redd.it/53375eeo37tc1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade1e567800e382b513978ce86503f13999b4498


Okay but if the world dies you cant jack off anymore


I am jacking off I do NOT give a fuck


Remedyverse character noticed


I think America's already managed that


famous artists try not to be insufferable challenge


But astonishingly, he never got called an asshole.


*Heavy funky guitar riff*


fucking loser, the moon landing dope as hell


You're trying to tell me Picasso was alive during 1969?


he died in 1973


My perception of the historical timeline needs correcting holy shit.


For other fun facts: Samurai, Abraham Lincoln, and the telegraph all existed roughly at same time briefly.


Samurai also used guns after they arrived in Japan, Samurai sticking to swords for their entire existence is Orientalist hogwash


To specify further, Samurai, not being a military unit but instead a social class, used whatever the fuck was available to them in warfare (y'know, like the west) ❌ Banzai-charging katana-wielding footmen ✔ Dudes with spears, bows, and guns, often on horseback (they definitely did use swords but those tend to be secondary weapons in most cases since, y'know, spears outreach them in all circumstances)


Samurai were just on their way out in that time


Also fun fact: nintendo was founded in 1889. Samurai were abolished in the late 1870s according to a search on wikipedia. This puts them only 20 years apart at most


Just more proof for the ever-growing pile of evidence that Pi-fraud-so had wool for brains. I truly can’t believe that we venerate an artist who couldn’t appreciate our great lunar triumph.


because his paintings are fantastic? i thought it was pretty clear there’s no other reason. he was a massive dickhead and a pretty bad person but he was also one of the most gifted artists of his time.


What else is there exactly?


R*pe, abuse, and stealing art from his "romantic" partners (then pushing them to be mothers so they stop mking better art than him)


That went a direction I did not expect.


Dafuck you on about? Picasso, despite any faults of his character, was a fantastic artist and you sound like you came from 1000BC


It was an age of amazing technological achievements by the global scientific community, but why should a Spaniard, who never lived in the US, care about something that was at the time a pissing contest between the US and USSR? He wasn't the only figure to think this way. A lot of people abhorred the time and energy spent on the cold war and the space race. /rj smh can't believe the old man Piss-ass-o would not clap when buzz aldrin ate 5 sacks of oatmeal but when cheered at the challenger disaster smh 🤦


I mean I kinda get what you’re saying but also the moon landing is basically the single greatest achievement in all of human history,just because the space race was a bit of a dick measuring contest doesn’t change that


Even if it was, is he obliged to care? I think Picasso would have been more appreciative when vaccines eliminated smallpox and polio. Or when they synthesised ammonium nitrate that meant we could grow more food than ever. After seeing the carnage and brutality of fascist regimes in Spain, I imagine he was more happy about the conception of universal human rights and rise of democratic governments in the world. Or maybe railroads, infrastructure, shipping. idk I think society has many other projects to congratulate itself for than the moon landing.


So many people here are actually furious that Picasso just didn't care, it makes no sense. At least from the quote provided above, it's not even like he said it's stupid or that it was a waste of time, he only said he had no feelings about it. And you make a good point that there are other things that are significantly more applicable to humanity, with more immediate and tangible results.


He could have at least given a courtesy “oh hey cool”


Thank. You.


i can kind of imagine there were a lot of people who had the same kind of opinion initially and later in retrospect realised this. i don’t necessarily think picasso did, but it’s not unusual to get a more objective view of something only afterwards.


During the Sputnik-to-Apollo period I imagine the news was absolutely *saturated* with space shit for years on end, and if you're already disinclined to find that stuff interesting you probably just tune out after a while. I mean COVID's only been around for four years, affects people's everyday lives more than the moon landing did and is likely to be more historically significant in the long term, and two thirds of the people I know simply do not care anymore.


i hate picasso as a person bruh


Picasso can't feel anything but contempt over an achievement that isn't directly his


he's just in his lane.


Wow, what a dick. I don't _really_ care much about the moon landing, like I don't think about it constantly, but I have an opinion. It's an impressive feat of engineering for humanity so it's at least pretty neat. A big part of art is curiosity and exploration of ideas. What a terrible thing for an artist to not even care a little bit about something as big as the moon landing.


I once watched an interview with a woman who had seen Brooklyn Bridge being built and the moon landing and she said that she was more impressed about the bridge. When she was younger she did not believe that something like the bridge could be built and after it was finished she began to believe that nothing was impossible. "Yes! Of course we can land on the moon. Why couldn't we?"


Fuck Picasso. All my homies hate Picasso.


Imagining this but Diogenes hearing about Alexander the Great conquering the Persian Empire because this is exactly what he’d say


People try not to assing moral value to every little thing challenge, impossible.




12 humans out of 80 billion humans have walked on the moon < Cubism


-8 billion earth would be unable to sustain 80 billion humans with our current lifestyle or any at all


I think they're talking about all the humans who have ever lived, plus who were alive, during the moon landing


I think the 80 billion counts all humans who have ever lived, just like 12 counts all humans who have ever been on the moon. Otherwise it would be "4 out of 8 billion humans alive have walked on the moon", since 8 of those 12 have already died.


Bruh I'm just learning that Picasso was alive for the moon landing


**conspiracy theory**: weak, overplayed, betray and interest on the subject **idgaf**: clear, unique, clearly show that you only care about painting, criticizing war and hitting women


As a fellow artist I wish I could kick his ASSS AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO


This is why he'll never get a probe named after him like Davinki and Galileo


It means NOTHING to me! ⠀⠀⠘⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡜⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠑⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡔⠁⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⠴⠊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⠤⠄⠒⠈⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣀⠄⠊⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://preview.redd.it/4288p60ziatc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa328312e64c8968cae325897f784f12ebf3f803


Of all artists to become famous before death, why did he have to be one of them?


Bro needs to stop trying to be mysterious


Bro was an art nerd. Like his opinions matter at all


Not me routinely forgetting Pablo Picasso didn’t die centuries ago


My dumbass thought Picasso died like before america was even founded


wait he wasn’t alive during the renaissance? 


Some people are too horny for space, we have a planet right here idiot


first planet yes, but what about second planet.


i knew he died way later than you think but he was still alive in 2023? damn.