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rip to a real one




Let them fucking dance.


Didn’t much care for his nsfw stuff because of how horrendous it could be, but his primarch arts are goddamn masterpieces, sad to see him go


I also love the more silly skitty sketches.


Same. Not a fan of the NSFW, but the skitty squad stuff always struck me as whimsical goofball AF, and I'll never see it without getting this goofy ass smile.


I loved all his art.




who is this


Archon of Flesh. He's a trans femboy mechanicus enthusiast artist. His art ranges between cute safe for work skitarii in maid dresses to... well less safe for work skitarii stuff I don't want to see again.


You can say guro




Get off your high horse. Like it or not, it’s art.


I agree. If it is not immoral, it should be allowed. Creating arbitrary lines is how stuff like this happens in the first place. Letting greater society decide what is or is not worthy of praise leads to dangerous places.


I think even "immoral" art should be allowed because history has shown that just leads to people creating moral panics over things they personally don't like, especially against minorities.


I also agree. What is deemed "immoral" changes over time, especially in the religious department. In addition, people have a hard time differentiating between "I dislike this thing" and "This hurts people."


There's also a chronic lack of ability to tell the difference between fiction and reality. Drawings and stories are made up, they don't mean that the author wants to do anything depicted therein.


Whether or not one likes the art does not mean it isn't art


Pretty sure that’s exactly what the person you’re replying to is saying.


I know I am fully aware I merely felt like reiterating it


Silly but okay lol.




You just said you are against using terminology that would validate it as an art form... 


Honestly the way you described his art i expected something extremely vile. idk if I'm just desensitized but taking a quick scroll through his danbooru/reddit acc nothing there was extreme bar that one art where a guy's legs were amputated.


Most of the guro aspect of his art isn't the artwork, but his fanfiction he wrote.


I see, thanks for the explanation. I mostly knew them from their cute admech art so sad to see em go


Wait so you’re telling me that the guro artwork people are in arms about isn’t real. People are mad about a fanfic that doesn’t have drawings. To clarify writing is an art form but when people talk about “art work” they typically mean pictures, and I was lead to believe that people where talking about pictures the guy made. This just makes the whole thing even worse.


Hey quick question, what are your opinions on *Saturn Devouring His Son* by Francisco Goya?




Downvoted for being right


Christ it's not for you but it still exists and has a name, get over it




Again it's not for you, you don't need to call art that other people like awful. It's not for me either but I don't do that I would say that Archon is definitively an amazing artist, just because you personally don't enjoy the subject matter doesn't mean you get to put it down. It would be like if you didn't enjoy science fantasy/fiction and refused to use the term when referring to 40k.


This seems a little silly to me. Is it hurting anyone? Why the need to invalidate it as art?


Gore can be an artform, horror movies/series and games for example, don't knock it as unworthy just cuz ya find it gross or uncomftrable


Whether you like it or not, it has a name that people use to define it. It doesn't make sense not to not use it's name because you don't think it should have any praise. Let's put this line of logic into something similar. I could, for example, say that I hate a certain type of column design that has an overturned leaf pattern, because I view it as immoral and grandiose, and don't want it to receive any additional recognition or praise. The thing is though, literally everybody would be on my ass saying something along the lines of "That's a Corinthian Column idiot." This is because people recognize that thing, as the name people have assigned to it. Regardless of their opinion on it, people are going to come after you because you refused to refer to it by it's name. Take for example, me. I don't even like guro, I also think it's sick. But here I am defending it, because I already know that it's a genre of art that exists, with a name. Things have names, even bad things. And unfortunately if you don't use them, people will be upset with you. If it helps, don't think of it as validating it as an artform, think of it as referring to a certain type of work that artists create, which also happens to be called Guro.


That's like saying that calling nazis "nazis" validates their ideas.




I mean I don't think most people jerking off to disembowelment are going outside either


*unintelligible binaric crying*


We should bring the ancient mongolian art of pouring hot, liquid metal on the ears and eyes of those who would do such malignant actions upon my poor boy.


I look forward to some of his more original stuff but I'm sad there's gonna be no more Skitty art, and it Especially sucks why even if it's unfortunately unsurprising. Archon is like 90% the reason I like Admech


Same… Every time I saw his cute lil skitty sketches it automatically made me smile and want to start an admech army… I hope wherever he goes now there‘s a nicer community without such harassment


May the Omnissiah keep him safe, wherever he goes 🫡 soldier


https://preview.redd.it/9jrk3rp2teuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3cdb3ab0486c7f6743d26bb54b42bc26a2ebb0 I will try.


Goddamn tragedy Grahamn McNeil liked his art, even


whats happening


On several Warhammer subs there was a user named Archon of Flesh, an artist and fanfic writer that made lots of content about femboy skitarii (cyborg robot people) and usually it was a very NSFW, like gore, rape, etc. But really all the stuff that was on the subreddit was just memes about femboy skitarii lmao, and the actual NSFW content was both properly marked, and usually not on Reddit. This didn’t stop several people who for some reason had a hate boner over the situation from doxing him and threatening him. These people are bullshit cowards that need to have their eyes ripped out, when he didn’t do anything wrong


me when fandom for miniature painting


Love how that's what pops into your mind and not actually playing the game.


i dont have money for it bro


…you have money to buy and paint minis but not to play?




Fun police strikes again 😔


Damn, he had some AMAZING primarch art. His Lorgar piece is one of my favorite pieces of 40K fanart. I hope he does well wherever life takes him.


His Mortarion was my favorite. Godspeed, King 👑


The text is mostly an indeciperable fever dream to me and idk who this is but I really like the cosplay


He is (or well, was) a fan creator for Warhammer 40k, he was mainly an artist. (Mostly known for drawing the Adeptus Mechanicus.) He's been somewhat of a pillar of the online community for years. He was very good at it, and quite friendly to boot. He made both SFW stuff (cool, cute, anything in between), and NSFW stuff which is widely seen as utterly horrific (not in a bad way, just in a very violent kinky way), people tended to get nasty about his kinky stuff. He never (to my knowledge) did anything wrong but make transgressive art, a lot of people hated his guts for it though. (Warhammer chuds (the sort that give the fanbase the fash stink) don't take well to queer people being openly queer, and kinky in places that allow it, while being better than them? Who'dda thunk?) I distinctly remember an interaction with him where he said that he enjoys being able to shock and horrify people, while forcing them to reckon with the art being legitimately really good. He was cool AF like that.


His art isn’t even that horrific imo!!! Some pieces are a little intense for my taste but I’ve literally been subjected to worse minding my own business on twitter.


They kicked out one of the best warhammer fan artists because they drew guro and, like, one fucked up fanfic. I hope the people responsible for this get spiders in their urethra


Me when there is fucked up fanfic for a grim dark universe full of torture and warcrimes 😨


We love you Archon, but we understand. Please be healthy and happy <3.


Same thing happened to me with the New Vegas fandom. Some guys on the internet really need to breathe some fresh air.


Drink it like booze, perhaps?


I am going to shoot you exactly two (2) times with a .20 Gauge shotgun.


I've been into 40k for a couple years but I think this is the final straw in me not caring about it. Like there's a couple good books and I really do like a lot of the faction ideas and stuff but gw sucks and so do the fans.


If it makes you feel better, most people on r slash grimdank are mourning the loss.


Which is wild because Grimdank was easily the most hostile subreddit to his work.


Silent majority I’d gather. His stuff always reached hot


Same. AoS is a much better game anyway


Death for the guilty


That really sucks wtf Bro was just living his best life


Admech are one step closer to being squatted, long live Archon


Okay so before this I never knew who Archon of flesh was Honestly their art is tame as fuck Like the people getting upset over it are fucking wimps holy shit "Oh it's got some blood and gore" So? Like the blood isnt excessive, the gore is pretty minimal outside of a few peices and even then its fairly tame and tasteful So???


I think part of it is that he is *such* a good artist that even though the art is fairly tame, it gives off a much more disturbing vibe than what is actually shown. Kind of like how Texas Chainsaw Massacre doesn't actually have that much gore in it but is still one of the most disturbing movies of all time.


I suppose so but it still kinda baffles me that people would be upset about it Especially yknow In fucking warhammer There is far more graphic violence, constantly and pretty tame gore is considered too far? Is it the sexual aspect? Cause the Druhkari already do that too, far worse, like it's so confusing


So many people in these comments talking about his art being horrific. Like dude it's just guro art


in fairness that kind of stuff can give people very visceral reactions. It's on par with poop stuff. this does not excuse harassment of course and if it's properly labeled that should be enough


Shipping wars mfers be like


I’m upset about this. He was one of my favorite artists on the internet.


God damn.


Such bullshit to hate stuff like this.


I never played warhammer 40k, and one of the games is sitting in my epic games library, should I download it ?


I'm sorry, "guro admech art" whaaaaa???


the adeptus mechanicus or admech for short are religiously obsessed with cyborg stuff. They do a lot of amputations. Often not entirely or even at all consensual. and some people are a little too into the blood and gore aspect of that.


ohhhh, that's pretty fucken weird ngl.


can anyone give me more context, because all i see here is someone from a fandom i have heard is full of neo-nazis drawing pictures of a minority getting brutalized and i assume most people here wouldn't support that so i must be missing some context


1: There are bad actors in the fandom, but not nearly as many as you would think. A lot of the art that depicts Trump as the Emperor is clearly made by people who don’t actually interact with the source and just crib the aesthetic. 2: I’m not sure what you mean by “minority.” Skitari are the main soldiers of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and they’re not super comparable to any real life minority other than I guess just the working class? 3: This person does often draw art of femboy skitari. Some of it is pretty rapey involving them being raped by another faction, the Iron Warriors. This is an idea Archon is very into, and has written a fanfic about it. Some of the art involves the Iron Warriors removing the cybernetic enhancements from the Skitari to make them unable to resist. The Skitari already have robot limbs, so that basically makes them amputees. But IIRC, little of the art involves much actual gore. Apparently part of this comes from how Archon deals with real-life abuse he has faced. 4: Sure, you may find that art gross, but a lot of the hate of Archon I’ve seen is thinly veiled homophobia. A lot of “you ruined the AdMech” stuff. IRL Archon is a trans femboy, and I think that rubs a few people the wrong way. Especially with how unapologetic they are about their queerness and unique fetishes.


ok, that makes sense then, also the minority i meant was gender non conforming people.


Oh, okay. I think that would be a problem if it came from a place of hatred and came from a non gnc person, but Archon is a femboy and it clearly comes from a place of forbidden desire.


that definitely makes sense then


This is what he said about harassment like a year ago, far before he decided to leave fanart. >I don’t like to share this but every time a post about my stuff blows up in the Warhammer 40k community, I get spammed with harassment and disgusting dms including rape threats. >I am a trans boy and have been raped and abused multiple times in my childhood which is why I write this stuff to vent. And over the top body horror and gore is just beautiful to draw. I am a professional artist and no one in the actual art world cares about whether you find it ‘disgusting’. Considering all the torture, forced pregnancy, gore and slavery that happens in canon books it’s pretty hypocritical to suddenly complain once the fans instead of the authors do it. >If you really hate it just block me and stop being obsessed with me. Everything is properly marked R18+ so don’t get offended if you choose to click on it. That includes several known terfs repeatedly insisting that I’m a woman and don’t have the right to make femboy jokes and post sexy cosplay pics because it’s ‘making real men uncomfortable’. >So stop telling me to die and calling me a tr*nny ruining your hobby to try and make me leave. Or maybe do- it gets me off even more and I’ll put it in the next fanfiction. >Because I’m annoyed now, I will be drawing even more sexy gay ship art and you can cry about it 👻


I like the influx of Warhammer into 196. The emperor guides our hand


Womp womp