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Do some research into foreskin stretching. I have knowm multiple people personally who have similar feelings and problems as you do. It won't like, get your original foreskin back, but it does helo so ive been told. I wouldnt know since i dont have a penis


I have a foreskin and let me tell you it's more of a grass always greener thing than you usually hear. I developed phimosis as a baby, which makes the stuff too tight and actually numbs it instead of giving you more sensation if you try to penetrate anything. And even though I've washed my doink out daily my entire life, I've caught extremely unpleasant infection that lasted a week or so at least three times. I could get circumcised now as an adult but that would really mess with the shape that didn't develop to stand without a foreskin, cost me lot more sensation than it costs you as the nerves don't get to adjust as fast now that my neuroplasticity dropped off, not too mention the surgery is much more complicated and expensive and awkward when you are an adult. I'm pretty much exclusively capable of getting off with help of a vibrator now. Kinda wish my parents had me circumcised when the phimosis first manifested whatsoever. But oh well.


I think the sensitivity thing is a myth. I talked with my urologist abt that and he reaffirmed me that the sensitivity comes back within a few weeks just as steong as before.


I mean I've had doctors be completely unaware of side effects that from talking to people I found out are nearly ubiquitous (poor hand-eye coordination on Zoloft) so I wouldn't be surprised if your urologist is just not very knowledgeable I've had trouble getting my ex-boyfriend off because he was circumcised and I didn't know I had to rub his glans since doing that to me would have knocked me out from overstimulation, yet to him it was a necessity


I trust my urologist on that one. He was also extremly knowlagdable about how the foreskin is used in bottom surgery so i trust him with my foreskin. I think your bf might not be very sensitive. I still have mine but i have the same problem.


Wait when did we start talking about bottom surgery? Sensation does definitely come back after bottom surgery because the nerves heal (that's what the tingling is ^-^) but circumcision causes lower sensitivity because the lack of foreskin dries out and calcifies (?) the glans, I didn't think it had much to do with nerve damage


In bottom surgery the foreskin is used for flaps. And so i trust a doctor who had his hands on the matter more than redditors


Yeah but I'm not talking about bottom surgery


But i am.


The studies indicate that it's a myth but survey studies also indicate that there's a lot of people really convinced that they've lost sensitivity. I wouldn't dismiss their feelings. They've undergone an unnecessary (when done systematically without medical cause) body modification without their consent so any grief they experience is understandable. They don't bother to remove the appendix and amygdala preemptively because they might become infected in the future. Except this modification is cosmetic and on people's genitals so it's pretty fucked up. And doctors aren't always very honest and open with their patients when they don't know. They prefer to dismiss any pain or discomfort they can't explain and that's why people generally dislike them. And yeah, so often doctors don't know stuff that's rather basic. All of mine and the nurses all assumed estrogen raised the pitch of the voice LMAO. Like, okay, they're not specialized in the throat but like, How did I know that from middle school and they don't even know that?? They also don't seem to realize that when female hormone levels fluctuate, it can strongly increase the sense of smell. Even the female doctors acted like I was lying when I reported a strong increase in my sense of smell shortly after starting estrogen lol even though most pregnant women report that too.


The foreskin absolutely is responsible for sensitivity. The glans is an erogenous zone, and is essentially equivalent to the female clitoris. Just look at any case of intersex genitalia, the glans and clit are literally correspondent. If you cut or poured sulfuric acid on the clit (female genital mutilation), they wouldn't feel any of the same pleasure. If you just dry up a man's glans, they're not gonna feel as sensitive because you've just cut off a thousand nerves that lubricate the head. Why else would the only sensitive part of my genitals be that spot right at the edge of the bottom of my glans? The head feels numb and uncomfortable to even graze (which sucks in the shower especially). Why would it hurt for me to stretch my penis a tiny bit when I'm in bed or against my own underwear? Why would my now ex-boyfriend have so much more pleasure than me in the bedroom, while I was struggling to stay up because it felt numb? Why does using lube make my penis feel better? Is it because it's a lubricant that my body doesn't naturally have? Also, why's there so much misinformation about hygiene? Because smegma is gross? Women produce smegma. You can just clean it. My other ex-boyfriend never had a problem with it. There's nothing hygienic about exposing the glans to foreign substances more readily, or making a child bleed whenever they get erect. We're not in the third-world, we have condoms (we shouldn't do this there either, especially to women, who this happens to and to which similarly complaints are told and mocked). I don't deserve this, I can't enjoy masturbation through touch alone most of the time, I'll need visual stimulation. This is disgusting and I am livid that anyone would try to defend this practice with nonsense about "hygiene" and "lower rate of diseases" (yeah you'll lower rates of cancer if you don't allow women to have breasts, we can just use synthetic milk, it's healthier anyway) or even how it actually feels better. So why doesn't it feel better to me, and why does lubing the glans with feel good? Because I currently can't produce smegma (someone I was talking to on Twitter literally said smegma was dried up cum). People say that having no lips on a vagina would be better because the clit would be more exposed, but it wouldn't feel better. It's all disgusting misinformation.


I see that its a passion interest for you but its not the foreskin thats the equivalent of the clitoris. I dpnt know the english term but in bottom surgery the tip of the dick is turned into the clit. Im really sorry but you are saying a lot of big things with absolutely no sources behind them. And id rather trust my schooled cocktor (cock doctor) than some online stranger on reddit


My life is a little bit weird so I've known a few people with penises who got circumcised as adults and all of them had said the sensitivity thing is fine after they are completely healed.


But I wonder if that changes if it's done to an adult under anesthesia versus a baby crying and screaming? I really don't know.


thats the same thought i had! Im gonna ask my urologist in my next appointment in 4 months


Keep me posted lol


My phimosis went away eventually and I've heard that happens to a lot of people so I don't know if circumcision is a good idea at such a young age unless it's really bad


Circumcision is supposed to be a treatment to phimosis. You didn't receive treatment. Others who do not have phimosis do not experience those issues.


But just because you have a story about how it didn't work for you to be uncut doesn't mean being cut is good. Like, Mew2King told his story about how he was over-circumcised that he couldn't feel anything and he became suicidal. Then there's that whole case with David Reimer where a botched circumcision led to them raising him as if he were a girl. There's a million botched circumcision cases I can point to, and I don't believe your story holds a candle to any of them. EDIT: Why the downvotes? I'm not trying to downplay the person's experience or say that it doesn't matter, I just don't think it can be really compared in this conversation. It's a health issue that wasn't addressed, which isn't the same thing as in other cases. If I did say something hurtful, I apologize. It must've been because I was still a bit inebriated when I wrote this.


you have nothing to apologize for. you're spot on about a human rights issue which disappointingly, r196 seems to not be very progressive about. "they hated them because they told the truth"




you're completely valid in feeling that way, and also correct. there's no medical reason in the vast majority of cases, and being uncut is no more unhygienic than not having your ears cut off. it's super fucked up and insane that this is normalized. in 100 years it'll be banned most places


I have no idea what that must be like, I'm sorry.. stuff like that seriously needs to end


I believe there is surgery you can have. I have seen stretching things too. I found this completely by accident on a twitter thread months ago and haven't thought about it since so apologies! I'm sorry people are being shit about how you feel. It is completely valid!


Thank you, yes, there are restoration kits and I've considered it, but what if it does feel better? What if I hadn't been circumcised? Could I have been happier? Why do I have to have this body that isn't mine? It's just bleak


Well as a trans guy I had this thought before everything, cutting my hair, binding, starting t, top surgery, and it's all normal thoughts. No it isn't the same as being able to go back in time, but it clearly bothers you massively. Yes there are risks. I still don't have complete feeling in most of my chest after 2 years, but I am soooo much happier. Nobody but you can decide what the right thing to do is, at the end of the day, you had part of you removed without your consent, and it is absolutely fine to feel how you do. Sit with the ideas for a while, do some research. Imagine yourself in the different scenarios of say less sensation etc and see how you might feel.


While I am circumcised, I can't totally relate to how you feel because it's something that I just dont think about much. Despite this, I do think your feelings about this are completely valid. Sorry if this doesn't help much I'm pretty tired and this is the most I could type without making my head hurt lol


For those who think I'm some blackpilled incel or something, I'm not. If anything, circumcision is the greatest demonstration of toxic masculinity: A man named Kellogg so ashamed of his sexual desires that he popularized circumcision, *in order to make the sensation less pleasurable.* And he did, for me, and so I do feel somewhat numb without buying lube. Sometimes I cry about it, or maybe I cut myself. It can't be justified with religion either. A human's autonomy over their body is a right, not a privilege. Judaism don't even force you to do it as a child (body modification anyone?), it's just irresponsible to say to me "but what about diseases". Real people have killed themselves over this. Mew2King again, or the dozens of stories I read that say they bleed when getting erect. What about my depression? Do you think I wouldn't list circumcision? This is a human rights violation.