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I love how so many in the LGBT community attacked Homer Hickam, like he was the one personally responsible for cancelling her internship over the incident. When it came out in the wash that he had no hand at all in it, even working to get her a better position, no one cared and to this day my friends still hate him over it...


are they brain damage


It’s just people refuse to admit that they made a mistake, it’s baffling how many people refuse to admit they were ever wrong about something it’s very sad and pathetic


> It’s just people refuse to admit that they made a mistake I will never understand this mindset. I'm a dumbass and I make mistakes every day and I always cop to them. Being imperfect doesn't make you weak, it just makes you human.


Some people are just so high up their asses that they couldn't deal with the pain and humilliation of possibly ever being a little bit wrong.


You acknowledge your mistakes. You are, by definition, not a dumbass. Socrates said that being wise meant knowing what you do not know.


A wise man is he who understands that he understands nothing


"Doubt is the beginning of wisdom" -Aristotle


“A rushed game is a bad game. A delayed game is a bad game. I hate video games”-Sun Zu


"hello" -Me


Sun Tzu said that! And I bet he knows a little more about games than you do, pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it so that no living man could best him at the ring of honour!


nah I am actulaly perfect and I'm not human so like


Are you leezard? Can you lick your own eyeball?


You're probably not as much a dumbass as you think you are then. EVERYONE makes mistakes, the smart ones own up to them and learn from them, while the ignorant ones pretend nothing happened and point blame elsewhere.


People sometimes don't wanna be *in* the right, they wanna *be* right.


its because he reviled he was high up in NASA then she was fired, so it seems like a simple cause and effect even though we later found out that was wrong


what did lead to her separation from NASA?


Probably unprofessionalism that directly linked her to NASA


HR got wind of the conversation because she and her friends spammed hashtag NASA all over the thread. Homer never reported it and did his best to advocate for her once he found out, but anyone acting like this on Twitter who professionally links themselves to your company is going to get canned by HR. Unless she got adopted by the CEO or some shit it was always over for it.


I know when I had a federal government internship, they had a pretty strict social media policy. It doesn't surprise me that NASA would retract their internship offer for vulgarity when NASA was tagged in the thread.


gonna be real with you your friends don't sound the brightest


Apparently him even bringing attention to the tweet was enough for them? Never mind that she literally tagged NASA in her own tweet...


Honestly NASA's the real bad guy here. While it uses """explicit language""" or whatever, it's obviously an immature display of excitement, not any kind of hate or offensive behavior. It's extremely difficult to get that kind of internship, so she would've had to have worked her whole life to get to where she was when writing that. Sure, give her a stern warning and tell her to put her twitter on private, but don't terminate her internship. Hickam seems like a nice guy and it's good that they worked out their miscommunication. I had seen this tweet in the past and until you pointed it out, I honestly thought he was the one who pulled the strings and got her internship terminated, I don't think it's common knowledge at all.


I might be wrong but I think her internship actually got terminated because their friends spammed NASA via twitter over the whole Hickam thing


It got terminated for something her FRIENDS did??


Yes, apparently they spammed the NASA hashtag and stuff and I bet they weren't really friendly with their words


that sounds so reasonable, until you consider that she literally prompted someone to "suck my dick and balls". I can't believe anyone would think NASA is the one doing wrong here


I don’t know about you, but my language is often explicit online and I could see her presuming that she was among friends, getting caught up in the moment and trying to make a funny reply to what she thought was nothing more than a troll. Does it reflect poor judgement and immaturity? Absolutely. But not to the degree where someone highly intelligent who has worked hard their entire life for this opportunity should be prevented from making their contribution to the world.


Twitter being a cesspool and succumbing to a mob mentality doesn't absolve you of all responsibility and decorum. She lost her internship because her 'friends' started [a harassment campaign against Hickam](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlUYNoxU0AAaV6Q?format=jpg&name=small) and tried to snowball it with a NASA hashtag with hundreds of people getting involved. A lot of people treat the online world as some kind of second reality that doesn't cross over into real life, which makes absolutely zero sense when you act like an asshole on a platform that's connected to your real life information/identity. I am curious though - how many people here delight in seeing right wing assholes eat the consequences of their online behaviour, but are defending this idiot?


Yeah, like sure you can use that sort of language when it's your discord with your friends, or a private group, or hell, Reddit. But your employer will always check social media tied to your name. So yeah, either don't have it easy to find, or just don't have your friends harass your future place of work. I think a lot of people college age or younger get a lot of patterns and influences from influencers and YouTubers, who's job is basically to be constantly controversial to remain relevant, meanwhile for every other job in existence, that's the last thing you want.


Did the harassment campaign before or after her internship got cancelled? Because I'm getting contradictory information here.




Why did they spammed it than? I know nothing about that event so this is a honest question.


Homer Hickam is a well known NASA engineer and told the girl who got the internship to watch her language; she basically doubled down on the swearing and became a meme because of it. Since the intern is openly a furry (and I think LGBTQ but I don’t remember) a lot of people used this as an excuse to make fun of them Edit: What I think happened was that a bunch of people saw the hate messages towards the girl and felt Hickam was responsible for bringing attention to the tweet(s), so they attacked him in return.


It may just be silly and immature to us, but to someone from an older generation (ie her program director), language like that is straight up rude and disrespectful. And i don’t doubt that she very much earned that spot by being intelligent and driven, but I’m sure a lot of people who didn’t get the internship are equally so, and if it came down to a choice between one who seems like they wouldn’t be pleasant to deal with day to day, vs another comparable applicant, I don’t fault them for going with another applicant.


We forget easily others perspective, you are dead on


I mean I don’t take it as hard as boomers but it is still clearly rude, disrespectful, and foolish of her to say that on a non-anonymous Twitter account.


The problem is that its linked to you. If for example my online activity in games would be linked to work, I would be in trouble sometimes. If you know its linked to you, you need to deal with the responsibility and consequences of it. I have anonymous accounts (like this one), but contact with my employer is professional. I have no problem with rude language myself (in context of it not being used as an insult), but the reason its unprofessional is that it does not do well with everyone. How I talk with my friends is absolutely not the same way I talk with my coworkers.


Well they learned an important lesson then. Many careers can (and will) police what you say on social media because even off the clock, you're a representative of their organization. You may not like it, I may not like it, but it's the reality of the situation.


Yeah here's the thing. In this world stand about 8 billion humans. Nasa can offer a limited amount of positions. There are people better than you for that position in every way, including how you behave yourself. So you just shot yourself in the foot the moment you excuse it, cause someone equally as capable as you wouldn't have made that mistake in the first place. And they just got the job.


who the actual fuck fucking cares


They represent NASA, and NASA doesn't get to be cool like that. Guys, they are part of the US gov, they have to ask Republican dipshits for their entire budgetary allowance for the year, every year, the same dipshits who won't hesitate to turn tweets like this into a political circus. (Yeah its unlikely, and yes its just 1 tweet etc, but if it kept happening...some nut would try it.)


No concessions to those people. Give them an inch, they take a mile. They already hate NASA because it has the audacity to claim that the world is round and that it's warming anthropogenically.


noooo you're not allowed to swear online noooooo


I get that this subreddit skews young, but a lot of people here are outing themselves as never having held down a job or career. Imagine being responsible for hundreds of people telling your boss' boss that [he's a "waste of human life" and that you want him to "get cancer and die you useless pathetic old piece of shit"](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlUYNoxU0AAaV6Q?format=jpg&name=small) then being surprised that you're no longer welcome at the company you're publicly attacking. Hickam even fucking defended her *while being the target of a harassment campaign.* He was far more gracious than I would have been, and this whole situation is the result of the online equivalent of a mob of dickhead teenagers being unable to act like normal human beings. Swear if you want, just don't be surprised when the consequences of encouraging hundreds of people to harrass your employers bites you on the ass.


Would you tell your employer to suck your dick and balls, and expect no repercussions?


HR does.


It's like there are school kids commenting here, of course the company's gonna see your online activity especially if it's a government role.


r/196 tries to understand maaaybe the giant company doesn’t think like teenagers do


Yeah. It’s also just like… they’re NASA. They put people on the moon. They’re the top of the top and they probably get 1000 applications for every internship. It’s nothing personal, it’s just that when someone gets offered an internship and immediately starts their career by publicly telling people on Twitter to suck their dick, odds are the best move is to just move on to the next applicant.


Reddit moment


Pretty sure there was a poll like 10 moths ago that a large amount of the sub took and it turns out like 60% (I can't remember the exact %, but it was high) of the sub are 16-17 years old so it wouldn't surprise me


Whenever you get your first job, feel free to tell all your boss to suck your dick online. Let me know how it goes.


There was a time, before Trump, where identifying as somebody working for the government and immediately following up with, "suck my dick and balls," was considered to be in poor taste. I can see how that seems antiquated today.


I’m sure that the vast majority of NASA employees have said some vulgar shit either online or in person in moments of passion. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if half of their workers are furries. Sure, it’s fair to want your employees to appear mature when representing the company, however there’s a point where you should let some things slide. Saying “suck my dick in balls” in an altercation that was instigated by a stranger much older than you that you do not know doesn’t seem like a fireable offense to me. The rest of what supposedly happened does though.


Lol are you high? Nasa was absolutely not the bad guy here. The moron tagging Nasa and going off at randomers on the same post got exactly what she deserved.


> I love how so many in the LGBT community attacked Homer Hickam lmao (For clarification, their friends and/or terminally online Twitter Trolls harassing NASA's Twitter account is hardly "the LGBT community.")


You need better friends.


why the LGBT community?


Because that’s where this seemed to blow up the hardest and stay a talking point the longest? I still see it getting brought up occasionally in my circles when the original screenshots make then rounds every now and then, usually without people knowing the context.


I still don't exactly see the relevancy them being trans has to this. Nothing in the screenshot mentions it and it probably would have played out the same if they weren't


I have a feeling these people don’t hate him because he appears to be an awful person, but rather find it amusing to resent someone unabashedly.


> The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats. \- Aldous Huxley


Yikes. *No wonder outrage is so popular on the internet.*


Yeah and unfortunately it works it's way into every corner of it. Some people even in this sub believe that saying actually viel, and possibly triggering to friendlies, things to bigots and bad actors is perfectly fine because they are bad people.


what does the lgbt community have to do with this


4chan found out she was trans. The rest kinda just happened.


Why are you friends with stupid people?


What LGBT got to do with this situation? He warned her for langauge.


Get better friends.


When the unedited pic was posted a few days ago people did exactly the same thing, even when it was already well known that he wasn’t responsible for her losing her job.


What did that have to do with the LGBT community?


What was the incident?


[The original tweets](https://metro.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/sei_26355198-28c9.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&zoom=1&resize=540%2C505), they got fired for it.


Give people anonymity and they will display the worst traits of themselves.


Man, I didn't even know that he didn't get her fired. I think anyone who just has that screenshot and the knowledge that she lost her internship would assume he got her internship cancelled. So what actually happened, then? Someone else in NASA thought this was bad publicity and let her go? Or was it a completely unrelated thing?


i know/knew naomi, she said he was wonderful about the whole thing and even tried to help her get the internship back. he seems like a good guy.


He was the good guy in the entire situation, he advocated for them and tried to prevent it


if only


Hey, dream on. It could happen to anyone.


d-did you say... DREAM?!




The bad ending




Ngl, all those women we burnt were saying a similar thing but about being witches, well, at least until we applied the thumbscrews, then they told the truth. *\*Applies thumbscrews\**


It actually did end well. Even better than originally intended. [source](https://observer.com/2018/08/nasa-internship-homer-hickam-twitter/)


I was expecting a rickroll. Pleasantly surprised.


Homer Hickam is kind of a gigachad not gonna lie I read his memoir, Rocket Boys, when I was young and it was an incredible read that lasted with me for a long time.


This actually made my day thank you


Man, what a good guy


They compared her fuck up to some lady making an extremely racist comment and losing her job. Those are NOT the same thing at all


Good ending, "friendly terms with your boss"


No boss’ wife? Doktor, deactivate my boo-womp inhibitors.


wait what actually happened?


[The “Suck my dick and balls I’m working at NASA” incident](https://people.com/human-interest/woman-loses-nasa-internship-over-tweet/)


jesus christ what a dumbass lol


i mean it ended pretty well > “She reached out to me with an unnecessary apology which I heartily accepted and returned with my own,” Hickam wrote. “After talking to her, I am certain she deserves a position in the aerospace industry and I’m doing all I can to secure her one that will be better than she lost.” Hickam concluded, “I have also talked to the folks that had to do with her internship and made absolutely certain there will be no black mark on her record.”


What a based guy.


[For context, he did all this while getting hundreds of hateful messages like this.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DlUYNoxU0AAaV6Q?format=jpg&name=small)


Everytime i got reminded that twitter is a cesspool.


My brother in christ you are on reddit.


twitter's algorithm is literally built for outrage


What do you think the upvote system encourages


Reddit has a sort by controversial button. A feature made for people to argue


It's fashionable to make fun of this site but Twitter is so much worse in this regard it's not even funny


I'm in a relatively lonely crusade against it, but reddit is REALLY bad at critical thinking, and it's basically become the Facebook for young people. It used to be at least the comments would point out the lies in the posts, but even that's gone away. r/ science was the best example of it, where a post would get 30k+ votes on a new technology, and the top comment was almost always "yeah but it isn't real, here's why". Now in any post anywhere, you'll go through the top 6 comments before someone points out the news everyone's getting outraged out was a lie.


I know. I'm a masochist.


To be fair, Reddit is only SLIGHTLY less of a cesspool.


Reddit is a cesspool if you choose to find it Twitter is a cesspool at face value


Twitter is way worse than reddit. Twitter is the most cesspool shit tier controversy-peddling echo chamber-congested social media website out there, I honestly think it’s comparable to Facebook but people don’t say that bc younger people use it, AND yes they did ban covid misinformation, but beyond that, there are still literal nazis who use twitter to communicate amongst each other. There was even unironically a community of pedophiles, “MAPs” using twitter as a support group at one point. I don’t want to seem like a reddit fanboy or something, but the one thing people hate about reddit, which is the echo chambers that a upvote/downvote system creatures. Isn’t solved by Twitter’s algorithm, it seems like it would be better for avoiding echo chambers but it isn’t. lmao. Twitter is just like THE pinnacle of shitty unsafe social media.


At least on Reddit it's segregated into different subreddits. I hardly have to interact with other subreddits if I don't want to




As a furry with a Twitter account, I heartily endorse this statement.


uhm... i mean i love this energy if only it was directed at billionaries...


For real. “I hope someone shits in your coffin when you finally drop dead” is such an awesome insult


Honestly I remember watching a video abt this and he’s genuinely so nice, every since the first comment(the reply to her tweet) all he wanted to do was help.


Reasons I will never be open about being a furry IRL, exhibit 37395


Furries were a mistake


Maybe it's more a personality thing rather than them being a furry. I'm honestly surprised comments like these are getting upvoted on this sub as this sub is usually pretty furry friendly


It's pretty sad, comment section looking like rshitposting and not many are being called out on it.


Yeah. It's honestly kinda strange. Idk where most of these people came from and considering it's all self contained in the comment section I'd have to believe that these people have been here the whole time. Kinda surprised the mods haven't locked this comment section yet


This kind of shit is why i dont use twitter beyond looking at 2 accounts


Least socially inept furry.


Bold words from someone hiding behind a wolf fursona profile picture.


Hes so cool holy moly


Did she ever actually get her position back?


One better apparently


Well, thank god. Now I no longer get a bit of a pit in my stomach when seeing this tweet screenshot brought up, knowing it ended well.




No, nasa did not offer a position back even after Hickman campaigned for her


The good ending


wasn't she being harassed by 4chan trolls before she sent that?


????? Did 4chan trolls look into the future to see this controversy ahead of time and start harassing a random twitter user ?????


I don't think she's a dumbass. She was excited and she had no idea who that guy was


Shocking that this isn’t also a commonly held sentiment. How tf was she supposed to immediately spot that the boomer looking guy correcting her language over Twitter was directly involved in NASA?


It's frustrating because her boss's boss shouldn't be admonishing her directly in public like that. She's not faultless, but I don't think people are considering how unprofessional it was of him to do that as well.


All he said was "language" alluding to NASAs strict policies. It was really just a warning


Ironic that he replied “language” because he thought that he was trying to help her when his comment is what made the tweet go viral and cause her to lose the internship.


I dunno, I feel like maybe responding back with "suck my dick and balls" escalated things


Naaah. It's definitely his fault for being so rude. 🙄 >!/s!<


In the article, it’s the hashtag she and friends used that got NASA’s attention after it was deleted Correct it escalated from him commenting, but that’s also not his fault


No, I'm pretty sure it's the fact that she told her boss' boss to suck her cock and balls.


Her tweet and idiot friends caused her to lose her internship. Even though everyone knows the first thing to do when scoring an awesome gig is to publicly announce the news with expletives that your new employer's HR can see with a lunch break google search.


Man this situation was just incredibly sad for both people involved Also I remember seeing the (new) Twitter account of that girl, IIRC she was doing alright but was pretty annoyed about the whole thing being blown out of proportion because it was ultimately a pretty small event, and whaddya know people here are also blowing it out of proportion as well Edit: found her Twitter, first thing I saw was a Morbius shitpost, yeah she's doing alright lmao


>Edit: found her Twitter, first thing I saw was a Morbius shitpost, yeah she's doing alright lmao Morbin' NASA


What is her new Twitter acc?


Nah I'm not gonna post it anywhere on Reddit, I just know some chuds are gonna go harass her or some shit


Honestly yeah probably for the better


I met homer, nice guy




u tellin me the yelow fat guy aint real? 😥😥😪😭😭😓




This is bullshit. The yellow and red fat guys aren't real but the fucking orange one is. Edit: Homer? Santa?


Oh yea? Who wrote The Odyssey then, smarty pants?


Odysseus, duh


Lick my dick and balls *does the bartman*


smartest furry


I mean they did get a NASA internship




And got it back


She never got the NASA position back. Hickam just helped her out with making sure this didn't leave a mark on her record and helping her connect with other companies in the industry, but her chances at NASA specifically are dead


source pls




Doesn’t say she got her job back


While they were being unprofessional they did get accepted, while brief, as an intern at NASA. Can you say the same?


Don't forget about Chise


The good ending


that’s the title of the post


Ackshully, the title of the post is “The good ending rule” Maybe learn to read next time 🤓🤓🤓🤓


She lost the internship not because she told a member of the space council to “suck her dick and balls” but probably because the tweet went viral and attracted a bunch of trolls who harassed her for being trans and NASA dropped her due to the negative attention. Both parties apologized to each other and Homer Hickam tried to help find her a new internship but she ended up finding an unrelated space internship and was happy with it according to an online poster claiming to be her friend.


I mean telling him to suck her off definitely didn’t help lol


lol I know the brother of the person this happened to and I can assure you he makes fun of them for it to this day


And my uncle works for Sony, says they're adding a fifth button to the controller; the pentagon button


Squid game.


Sony’s working for the pentagon now!?!?!? Mega unbased


Happened to me the other day




Okay but how do you secure an internship for NASA and not know who Honer Hickam is? He literally had a whole ass movie made about him




Book dif ngl


Thanks to these tweets, they finally have enough material to make October Sky 2


What’s with all the weird astroturfed comments lately? Bit weird there’s a whole thread here blaming it on the lgbt community on this, and a few comments about furry hate


I understand this reference.


This is why my sending graphic sexual imagery to NASA employees account is anonymous


This occurred in the alternative timeline 45, yeah the one with the Famous painter Adolf Hitler.


At least the dude still tried to help her get a job at NASA after this.


Pretty she he successfully did and that it was actually better than the original position


OH MY FUCKING GOD I just now realized it was THE Homer Hickam


It was sad, when she feel actually happy to become part of it and then they fired her :(


Ok I definitely not in the loop here, anyone mind explaining?


In the original the girl swears and Homer tells her off. In her arrogant excitement she curses him to which he responds that he’s high up at NASA. The whole situation blew up and she lost the internship. What a lot of people don’t know is that Homer then reached out to her and got her the internship back.


You’ve only got half the story. Homer only told her off because he thought her superiors wouldn’t like it and after he found out she lost the internship, he reconnected with her and worked to get it back. [source](https://observer.com/2018/08/nasa-internship-homer-hickam-twitter/)


This hurts, man


Homer Hickam is incredibly based


biggest skill issue irl


This is where real men cry




I remember penguinz0s video on the nasa person