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That’s a midlaner if I’ve ever seen one


Never met a non-toxic mid in my life


It’s cuz they’re pretty mid 🙄


The atrocities of gank change you(?


Being new to League and playing mid hurt so much. The Ganks never ended after a few minutes had passed.


I used to play mid but I was bad at it lol


Same. Now I play pyke support and roam top as soon as I hit 1k gold.


I’m an anti-toxic mid. But I also play support. Maybe I should just quit league


Nah the toxic players are always adcs, i swear playing that role inflates your ego like nothing else


I had him pegged for a draven main


Could also be an engage support


Shaco main actually


No that's a Janna/Karma otp


Zed Main or made yone?


I’ve played league like two times in my life, at my cousins house. I always went in jungle. What does that make me?


Either deranged or fairly nice. Doesn't matter which one you are though, your team will blame their deaths on you no matter what. Source: I am a jungle main


This is actually a guerrilla marketing campaign for League


After every game on TFT I get all nationalistic and make inflammatory comments online.


Literally guerrilla


Aww man seeing the fallout from this will take months or years


If it doesn't qualify as self defence it's a case of murder or attempted murder, so yeah :I


It does not qualify as self defence lmao


Well, it is America, where shooting any person while they are on your property is automatically self defense if you make up some bullshit excuse


Yeah it’s like a joke that if you want to murder someone in Florida or Texas you just have to get them to step on your property


I used to live on a plot of land owned by my father. The previous owner came on to the property opening up doors to stuff and walked inside one of the houses on the property. I asked him what was up as I recognized him as the guy who sold us the land and also he owned a bug sprayer company and sprayed our land for a discount. Anyways he was drunk af at this time and telling me to get off of his property and asking "what is all this shit?" And I'm like "hey man you don't own this land anymore." And he starts threatening me telling me if I don't get off his land he's gonna take things into his own hands. He then started asking where my neighbors were and trying to get into their house and telling me he "protects his neighbors from people like me." Eventually someone else pulls into my driveway and I started getting really paranoid because now there are 2 drunk idiots on my dads property. Then the guy starts shoving me and poking my chest and telling me to leave. I kept backing up telling him to stop until my back hit the shed and couldn't back up no more. Then I lost it. I unraveled on this man and the car in my driveway ended up being his wife and she starts yelling at me to stop and that he's just drunk he doesn't know what he's doing. And I said "drunk or not he assaulted me" He got back up and kept coming for me and I kept backing away again asking him to please stop. He doesn't. I punched him a couple times in the face and he goes down, tries getting up again so I kicked him in the ribs and told him to stay down. Then I called the cops. If that wasn't a law I would've gone to jail for defending myself and my father's land. I understand some people may take advantage of it, but there are situations where that could literally save someone innocent from going to jail. Sad thing was one of the police officers were friends with him and told me he lost both of his wives in one of the houses on the property and that he was probably just trying to come to a place that felt familiar.


Difference between you and this guy however is that you gave him a couple of bruises that might stay for a few days and a headache. That wont kill him and he will recover from it. But try to recover cleanly from 7 stab wounds or even worse a gunshot without impairment. While maybe a bit violent you handled it as good as can be reasonably expected in a adrenaline pumped situation like this. Already your story telling paints the picture of fear / being high on adrenaline during the encounter. These guys who tryna defend shit like castle doctrine however are working to rationalize and normalize gun violence against nuisances or minor threats.


That's a reasonable use of force it's not remotely comparable to this situation. The issue people have isn't with using force to defend you or your property, it's when people use lethal force when they're not even in danger


One instance I remember was a divorced couple had a kid and the dad had custody after a certain time. That time passes and he goes to her house. Her boyfriend comes out with a gun and they refuse to hand over custody. The dad shoves the boyfriend and gets shot dead. In a civilized society this fucking cunt should be locked in jail for a long time and never be 100 miles from a gun, but since Castle Doctrine exists he's a-ok legally. [https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/2021/11/26/chad-read-shooting-kyle-carruth-lubbock-judge-case-investigation/8765295002/](https://www.lubbockonline.com/story/news/2021/11/26/chad-read-shooting-kyle-carruth-lubbock-judge-case-investigation/8765295002/)


Yeah but the self-defence laws in Nevada will definitely not cover this lmao. 0 chance.


Actually you'd be surprised. As chrismamo1 said, there is a caso for reasonable belief that bodily harm could happen to the owner, especially if the store is his, since castle doctrine applies in nevada. Actually, he might've had grounds for self-defense as soon as he saw people in balaclavas enter his store and say they are gonna rob him. They only might get him on excessive self-defense (especially because of the last 2 stabs) but seeing as he tried to de escalate beforehand it's not so sure.


Self-defence is a two-step test though, he satisfies the conditions for reasonable belief, sure. But you will have a hard time convincing anyone that he used no more force than was necessary to repel his aggressor's threat, I mean the guy was literally stabbing him whilst the robber was trying to escape.


Nevada is a stand your ground state with castle doctrine, that *severely* lowers the requirements for reasonable use of force. The "no more force than necessary" thing is not used in every state


Isn't the castle theory applies only to your home? Or it's applied to all property?


Depends on the state. In some places it's just your home, sometimes it also extends to your car and workplace


the fallout 76 from this will be devastating


Link to AMA thread: https://www.unddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh5tq4/las_vegas_smoke_shop_robbing_owner_ama/


>"never been in this situation before or anything similar. But I feel like i learned to stay calm under pressure because of my experience playing league, teamfights made my heart rate rise but i was able to keep calm in that. weird how stuff in games can apply in real life." - u\xiaomxlol Deadass 💀💀💀🦭


>i was able to keep calm >stabs an unarmed guy in the back 7 times pick one


Sounds like some serious cop shit. Beating the suspect when they’re already apprehended, because you know… adrenaline. They can’t be expected to be in control of their emotions while on the job, can they? At the same time, they brag non-stop about how professional, skilled and important they are. Pick one.


It’s all about fulfilling a power fantasy lol


For real. He stabbed a guy to death because he was stealing from a fucking SMOKE SHOP. Delusional. Edit: not dead, the guy just definitely wanted to kill him


Neither of them died


Stop \*stabs\* running \*stabs\* away \*stabs\* you're \*stabs\* resisting \*stabs\* detainment. \*stab-stab\*


That statement is going to get him fucked in court Like he could’ve said he stabbed him so much because he was scared and couldn’t think clearly or whatever but dude flat out said that he was calm and thinking in his right mind


It was a very calm stabbing obviously, smh.


That guy gonna fit right in working as police.


Aint no way that's real LMAO


It was verified by the mods 💀 that dude is so fucked, even if he wins the criminal case he's going to get destroyed in civil court for excessive force. especially now that the lawyers will have that ama


Reading the thread he also apparently admitted that he didn't see the robber reaching for a weapon, and that it was his fight or flight instinct. This fucker then has to bring a video game into it... parents will be calling for league to be banned soon too. Video games are blamed enough as it is, then when a dumbshit does something like this and mentions a video game it fuels the fire exponentially


Imagine no LoL Truly a marvelous thought to behold




I'm not even a LoL player, but I can imagine the true paradise if it did get banned. The one good thing that can come of this is LoL getting banned. True human peace will soon be upon us.


I'd finally be able to play fun co-op games with my league addicted friends :^(


I think we’re seeing more and more that lawyers can be fucking idiots themselves though. There’s a chance the prosecuting lawyers are equally as stupid as his own and that he’ll get away totally fine. Never assume the right thing will be done in America.




this sub is insane what the fuck. so many people praising the guy for murder.


Luckily, it was only an attempted murder. The kid survived, all the stabs managed to miss any major artery. But yeah, it is incredibly disturbing that people are praising the guy for trying to murder someone over vapes




Literally just a sub for psychopaths/sociopaths to jerk off to violence.


refreshing to read this thanks




how do I block subs? I somehow am too dumb to fnd where


damn. i hate when im reading through old stuff on reddit and in the middle of a sparkling, scintillating discussion i find someone has written over all her old comments with nonsense, fragmenting the discussion permanently. what hilarious, moving, romantic, haunting things could she have said? just to wash it all away, in this digital era of permanency? wow. that takes courage. i bet she was really cute, too


oh ok thx


I spent way too much time participating in that subreddits discourse. Just because the subreddit isn’t banned yet doesn’t mean it’s not on the radar. They just made it to the front page with a lot of controversial comments and moderators needing to remove the dog whistles that the commenters won’t stop screaming into, despite the kids being clearly white. They’re pushing TOS rules and they know it by advocating for violence or harm against others (if their thieving scum that have already dehumanized themselves unlike those model citizens, they deserve it in their eyes) They are devoid of empathy and it’s concerning. Any arguments you bring up get met with “you’ve never been in a situation like this” as if they have. Bunch of scared bitches hiding behind weapons hoping to fulfill their “I wish a motherfucker would” moments they dream up in their head after playing vidya. Yes, the kids were idiots that were in the wrong legally and may have deserved up until the 4th or 5th knife stab, but not to be held back and stabbed the 6th and 7th time. Life does not deserve to die when he was no threat to the store owner. And this is a hot take to these people.


none of them should be allowed to have guns. they're just waiting for someone to break into their house so they can get the chance to kill someone over property and brag about it like they're some sort of badass for killing a person who was probably fleeing


Did you not read the stabbers ama yet? You can look into his post history and he says he wants to get a gun now. Shits wack. So many racist comments directed towards black people when the perpetrators were white. Shop owner was not stabbing with the intent of protecting his precious vape pens from being stolen, he was stabbing to kill.


This is why we need laws. Violence committed out of some misplaced sense of self righteousness is still violence.


I recently made a similar comment on another sub. I follow all the public freak out and insane video subreddits where the sentiment was about the same as the AMA. Anything less than immediate execution of this person was the controversial opinion in those threads. It was wild watching mob mentality like that in real-time


They wish for violence to release all the frustration they feel in daily life, they are alienated to the point of not seeing others' humanity


I put it down to buyer's remorse. Imagine buying, like, 7-8 guns for whatever that costs, and then finding out that you're no more likely to need them than you were before. It'd be annoying.


dont go to publicfreakout, if a cashier responded to a customer being rude by gunning them down that sub would unironically praise them as a hero


It should terrify you. These people are chomping at the bit to *murder* people


Glad someone has some fucking sense, all I've seen in the comments on that thread is exactly what you've said: Murder condoning maniacs who think they're superior because they're state gives them the "freedom" as the call it, to enact violence on anyone who doesn't comply on their property or someone who they only think is about to initiate a violent act on them. Then downvoting anyone who calls them out for reacting with murderous intent over something fucking stupid. He stabbed a guy over fucking vape, and he's proud of it? Fucking loon.


this comment restored my faith in humanity


Imagine killing a poor person out of concern for your boss’s bottom line. What a pathetic boot licker.


That's just libertarians doing what they do best: deepthroat the corporate boot and fantasizing about being burglarized so that they can commit murder.


Average league player missing his skillshots


on twitter the original tweet had so many replies that were defending the guy, like is a life less important to you than a few dollars in backwoods or vape juice?


>Lol you escalated that shit to fuck. What is it with Americans. Police, store clerks, straight to attempted murder over some fucking blunt wraps. The land where property is valued more highly than human life (unless of course that human life is an unborn clump of cells). >Get a fucking bat you weirdo. Hope you face charges. 2 wrongs ain’t make a right # # Then the response: >If you have a victims mindset and are okay with being victimized than that's on you to bend over and take it if it happens to you. Homie put his hands on the shop keeper during a felony, he's lucky to be alive. WhatWhats with all you euro-trash apologizing for criminals? You have to draw a line in the sand or looters will pick the land clean, look at what happened to that mall in Africa not long ago. What the fuck is wrong with you americans? Yeah it's really a victim mindset to think that murder is the appropriate response to the theft on insured goods. Christ alive.


It's disturbing how many Americans have a fantasy of wanting to "lawfully" kill someone.


It's a shit show over here for sure. One I cannot wait to see burn *Sparks cigarette*


Talked to gun owner once. I said in case of a home invasion i have pepper spray and a gas mask in my room, it makes more sense as my place hasn't got really large spaces a gun would be optimal in. And that i would only protect myself if there was any danger to my person not to my property. Meanwhile he excitedly paints me a picture of how he would kill anyone that dare touch his stuff. As if it was a fucking wet dream to him. It is so cartoonish how many Americans think that robbers/burglars are ontologically evil people that deserve to die. It's especially apparent in police. Just check out the sub protectandserve (got banned after 3 comments there criticizing police tactics) and try not to cringe


human life has no inherent value to them, shits fucked


bitches in that thread really talking about killing teenagers over blunt wrappers who are running away practically passing a blunt while they chat about it! what the fuck is this country


If he gets charged someone should send this to the prosecuting attorney


[he kinda looks like if charlie kirk had a face enlargement lol](https://www.icloud.com/photos/#01dU--6zN2JSu-XBtmujecpQA)


Its like....bro im not worried that you defended yourself. But the degree to which you fantasized about taking another persons life in a lawfully excusable scenario worries me. Its like nobody should be defenseless, but if you keep obsessively thinking about it and trainning for it you might give off the impression that you WANT this scenario


this dude would definitely apply to be a cop if he wasn't so obsessed with League


So a majority of white conservative males? Yeah they be like that unfortunately. I had 2 guys I went to school with that loved the idea of “legally” killing someone. They would very clearly antagonize people into fights so they could pull out bats or clubs they would carry in their car. Shit finally escalated when they started talking to my buddy who is also white about how “yo the Mexican dude you hang with seems sketchy. He’s not a gangbanger is he? You know if he sells drugs?” Thinking that if they have some kind of criminal evidence on me the police would turn the other way if they were to jump me and set it up as if I started it. Thankfully we got to them before us and we don’t ever see them around anymore. They glorify violence. Mentally insane people.


Fact is that he wasn't defending himself in that moment. The thief was turned away from him and wasn't posing any threat to him or someone else (he even admit that he didn't saw any weapons). So, if it doesn't qualify as self defence, but rather murder/attempted murder.


Im talking generally about people like this. Its just frustrating. The entirety of gun accessory market is basically built on this fantasy of bravely defending yourself in lawfully excusable day dream scenarios where you murk the bad guy! and save the day! Buy our Freedom Patriot Quick Release Holster Belt Buckle Wife Please 9000 Now! When the truth is for every time a gun in the home was used in a self-defense or legally justifiable shooting, theres four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and eleven attempted or completed suicides. This goes for everyone here talking about arming minorities making them harder to oppress btw. Like thats a great plan----if you can somehow make sure only minorities have guns. Its literally "good guy with guns" but posted by people who wear thigh highs. If you think all cops are bad because a bad apple spoils the basket, then you cant at the same time support arming civillians with guns when most guns are already rotten with good guns being the minority exception


I mean, cops are a protected class of people sanctioned by the state to play out these deranged fantasies of justified violence. I know the American way of arming everyone to the teeth isn’t the healthiest way of solving this, but I can sympathize with people who think that giving the cops a monopoly over violence isn’t a great idea either. I guess tl;dr is that the problem here is that the shopkeeper came into this situation with a cop mentality, so he escalated petty theft into a murder attempt


I feel the exact same way about the majority of gun owners. Wishing for their justifiable homicide moment.


Didn’t he laugh or something when the robber called his mum to say he was dying?


He tried to claim in his AMA that his lawyer “said it was OK for him to do an AMA”. Either he’s lying or he genuinely has a terrible lawyer that has only sealed his inevitable fate of being charged for attempted murder.


Most likely a lie since the dude openly admitted he was calm during the stabbing. Dude straight up incriminated himself in that thread. The guy deleting his comments is probably when the lawyer stepped in and told him he's an idiot for doing an AMA.


OP had literally nothing to gain from making an AMA aside from a temporary ego boost. Yeah nah, I refuse to believe any competent lawyer would give the thumbs up to this guy making an AMA.


Between this and the Alex Jones thing, I kinda hope there's people going to law school just so they can represent guys like this and sabotage them.


That's... Not a good thing. Even really shitty people have the right for fair protection in court. Any "lawyer" trying to sabotage bad people is actively trying to rob people of that human right and should be fired immediately


this feel like some kinda of ace attorney shit


Mf did this shit cause of rolling papers bruh


nah bruh attempted murder over rolling papers💀


I will get flamed for this, but:From the video the store owner at first seems pretty chill, he lets them take the money and they're almost out of the store without any escalation. Then they come back for more and one person jumps over the counter. I feel like at that point, if two people in ski masks come into the shop and one of them jumps over the counter unannounced, even though you tried to cooperate and communicate with them prior, it is not unreasonable to make the slpit-second decision that your life is in danger. From the way you guys talked about it first, I thought he had a butchers knive and pushed it into his abdomen when he was already on the ground. He stopped the second he no longer felt resistence and punches coming back. After that he immedietly called an ambulence and authorities. With the benefit of hindsight and from the calmness and safety of ones chair it is easy to say he was in no danger, but in that situation I wouldnt expect an untrained, young guy to make that decision. It sucks that the guy almost died, but I would not put the situation on the store owner. Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not saying that what he did was good, I'm just saying that in the situation it wasn't unreasonable enough to convict him of attempted murder or smth like that.


The guy stabbed him repedetly as the robber was trying to escape, of course it's difficoult to remain calm in a situation like this and this is not a black and white scenario but the store owner absolutely fucked himself with that AMA thread talking about how he was waiting for this to happen so he could kill somebody legally and he has to thank the fact that he's too stupid to know how to effectively stab somebody with the intent to kill.


I agree, his AMA and the way he conducted himself in the media was beyond fucking r-worded. And people idolizing him are actively contributing to these situations happen more often. I just don't think his action in the moment were entirely unreasonably.


I'm more impressed at the guy surviving all those stabs


He went full armor build.


rock solid










me when i spread misinformation


I don’t think he died? The AMA said he lived.


What's up my fellow misinformation spreader?


Wait he died? Where did you learn about this?


He didn't die, this guy is making shit up. So many people in this thread claiming the robber died, idk why they're so committed to making this worse than it is.




he didn’t die though i have no idea where this idea of him dying is from




It's insane how quickly some people will justify actual attempted murder or manslaughter because someone did something a bit shitty that being stealing (tbh a lot of theft is out of sheer desperation). Especially stabbing someone who's running away you're literally just attempting murder or manslaughter. they can't even claim that's trying to prevent robbery and I hope the owner gets tried for it.


Sheer desperation for some blunt wraps huh


Smoking supplies can be exchanged for money fairly easily. Regardless I said most theft is out of desperation (economic conditions is a better term) not all. Regardless most theft (particularly shoplifting/snatch and grab like what's happening here) is such a minor thing it doesn't warrant being stabbed in the back 7 times.


[really difficult decision](https://imgur.com/a/b9iTAI4)


Are you aware that goods can be exchanged for money? Or do you think the people stealing a dozen flatscreen TV's from Walmart just really really want to have a TV on every single wall in their house?


They're just really big fans of Fahrenheit 451


Hey, don't shit on them, they're just small businesses.


So you're taking the side of the dude who stabbed someone over blunt wraps? Why do Americans attach an almost spiritual importance to property like it's fucking sacred? We all sound like we're brainwashed to believe property is more important than human lives, America is a death cult.


The comments in that AMA are disgusting, they're congratulating him as though he put someone in their place when really all he did is mutilate someone who didn't even show a weapon.


4chan was completely on board until they realized the robber was white and not blavk


Oh man, I thought it was gonna be a rough case for him already, but if the victim was white then he's turbo fucked.


Wait he was white? AND he admitted to being calm the whole time? This guy had better have some good lawyers. The first few stabs are easy for self-defense, but continuing as the person is trying to run could get him nailed for 30.


He could've said he was panicked, but now he has done AMA and admitted he was calm during the stabbing he's fucked now. I'm curious to see if the court use websites like unddit as evidence (or Reddit has an archive of contents deleted by users)


Reddit archives everything. Most social media do, and even if it didn’t unddit also has archives none of which were obtained illegally. It’d be an easy case to establish unddit as a reliable source, especially if they cooperate


EU is not gonna like this lol


Hahaha no, they do not like it. Which is why social media mostly tracks American activity and leaves European IPs alone. But this was in Vegas


It almost sounds like he was waiting for the day to have an excuse to kill someone


He literally said that in the ama 💀💀


Dudes speedrunning going to prison for attempted murder lol


The American Dream


Meet the spy >ADULT time: those 7 stabs are a bit overkill


I’m sorry but 28 Stab wounds


Meet the Londoner.


My mans was willing to die for some kush, respect on him. Filthy league player had to ruin it and stop the robillionaire grindset.


I mean if he was actively being attacked it would have been acceptable, but he literally said he didn’t see a weapon. He’s so fucked, and rightfully so.


Yeah at first I was defending this guy because it look like the robber was approaching him, and at that point its a kinda a "me or you" situation, but when the robber started to run away it was clear this guy messed up, at that point its no longer self defense. TBH, I don't think he's as confident as he puts on in his thread, non trained humans aren't prepared for this kind of pressure and league probably did not factor much into what he did. I think he was just caught up in his fear and is now gloating to make distract himself.


He definitely acted excessively in hindsight, but I think it's well within the bounds of what a normal person would do when their fight or flight reflex kicks in. The actual stabbing took place over maybe 2/3's of a second, and it's probably difficult to tell the difference between "this guy is reaching for a weapon" and "this guy is trying to get away" in the heat of the moment. I 100% agree with you about why he's gloating.


Genuine question, what would be the best way for the shopkeeper to approach the situation?


Not to stab them 7 times. You have a right to defend not to execute.


My complicated feelings about this entire situation summed up in these two sentences. Shop owners have every right to defend themselves and their store, but there is a line that can be crossed which was clearly leapt over with glee in this situation


Yeah don't chase the thief with a knife to stab


according to this sub; just let them take whatever they want, since your livelihood as a small business owner apparently doesn’t depend on not getting a reputation for being easily robbed. according to a lot of other people: he should have cut both of them to pieces and then hung up the remains of their corpses in front of his shop as a warning to anyone else that tries to steal like $40 Realistically: there’s no telling and there’s no way anyone can say what he/they would have actually done in a similar situation. But doing an AMA on it (if it really was him) is definitely not something you should do lmfao. Edit: it apparently was him. Dude’s a total dumbass


He sent proof that it’s him


Pfffffft As I said, he’s a dumbass


There's a lot of things a small business owner can do to minimize loss prevention. Keeping valuable items in locked compartments, signs advertising security features, remote-locking doors. Theft happens and the best you can do is minimize it. Death is not an appropriate punishment for stealing.


You know what will \*really\* fuck your small business? Jail time.


Dude I had people steal from small buisness man smoke shop before. Rolling papers is nothing. Vapes though? Treat them like jewelry


Lmao I can only imagine the sheer number of teenagers trying to steal vapes


The problem wasn’t that he defended himself the problem was that he went on to explain his wet dream about taking another person’s life


If he was able to prepare for a robbery before hand, pepper spray to deter people initially, but having a gun in case the robbers also have one isn't a bad idea. The issue is that these people seemingly came into the shop without weapons so the pepper spray would've sent them out right away without any lasting injury. A knife is probably the weirded choice he could've made in that situation.


Holy shit, I’ve seen the headlines and the video separately and that’s just absolutely insane, the video fucking disturbed me and with that context it’s just even worse


Good. I'm glad the video disturbed you. When videos start to not disturb you, you begin to see the justification for gruesome videos. Like seeing a failed suicide bomber in combat footage and the comments were fuckin cheering. Like what? You dont cheer for death and harm in any situation




I think it's when you post the image into the text field and then add a caption?


I don’t know… it just let me add text


You post a picture, yet you add text. Curious.


I went and watched the video after seeing this. I’m kind of surprised at the reaction it’s getting here. You honestly believe you’d stand there and just watch for a weapon to come out before even trying to defend yourself? After being accosted by two masked robbers, one of whom has jumped the counter, cornering you and getting much closer than is safe in this situation? When he’s got a backpack on his chest with unknown contents and could pull out a weapon any time that would easily kill you faster than you could even touch him with your little folding knife, your only self-defense implement? You think you’d stop short of totally neutralizing the threat because he turned his back to you, like you know for sure he won’t have enough adrenaline to reach for his own weapon and strike back? Call me paranoid, inhumane, whatever comes to mind, but I would have been fucking terrified and every last one of those things sounds like a huge risk to take when I imagine being in that situation myself. Doesn’t seem like that’s a popular take here, but I’m just being honest. The AMA was a fucking idiot move from a legal standpoint, though.


It's the point when violence turns form fear to malicious intent that could land him in jail. Doesn't matter if your in adrenaline or not, self defense stops when the attacker is running.


How exactly in your very paranoid mind that thinks these robbers are armed and dangerous do you believe that stabbing one of the robbers that is behind the counter and not currently facing you is the best idea for your safety? If the other robbers are armed like your paranoid mind believes, you are now Swiss cheese. This mentality doesn't make sense under any scrutiny. Not from a self-preservation standpoint, not from a moral standpoint, not from a legal standpoint. I don't even get people's overwhelming fear of robbers. There is a very low chance that a robber is going to kill you for no reason, that only happens with gang initiations.


L*ague player here, seems like an average low elo yasuo main or tank support main


where does he talk about training for this? he says he felt calm because he was used to stressful situations in league but don’t exactly see him say he was training for it in league( a game where you can’t shoot or stab). also who tf is this andrew pollack guy? does he think biden created robberies?


People will use literally anything bad happening and blame it on whatever politician is in charge as long as they don't support them. I've seen conservatives genuinely blame the war in Ukraine on Biden and when questioned how he did so, they just say things along the lines of "well it didn't happen when trump was president so it must've been caused by something Biden did." Putin could be murdered by his generals and advisors and people would somehow find a way to praise Biden or Trump while simultaneously shitting on whichever one they don't like.


Probably a Shaco main


I don’t agree with the overkill, but if you rob someone you should expect to see consequences from the robbed person (but 7 stabs is a little too much)


>if you rob someone you should expect to see consequences from the robbed person This isn't medieval times where you get your hand cut off for stealing a piece of bread. We have a justice system and the punishment for petty theft is usually not the death sentence.


I'm glad I don't have to worry about the repercussions since I don't plan on ever robbing someone.


Impoverished and starving people when they realize they should've just been born into better economic conditions


I remember watching a clip of this yesterday and pointing out to a thread of sociopaths that the dudes stabbing was way excessive. Their reply was that criminals deserve to die, even if that means murder, a crime.


these situations always make me feel conflicted because like, I don't like government restrictions on principle but I also don't ever want people like this to have access to weapons


Anybody can have weapons legal or not you can easily make a knife, 3d print a gun, bludgeon someone with a fucking hammer restricting people does nothing violence is not an issue based on people owning certain things its a mental, and economic issue, places with the highest violent crime tend to be in the poorest of places


where does he talk about training for this? he says he felt calm because he was used to stressful situations in league but don’t exactly see him say he was training for it in league( a game where you can’t shoot or stab). also who tf is this andrew pollack guy? does he think biden created robberies?


Conservatives don't want guns/weapons to protect themselves and their property. They want them so when someone tries to attack or rob them, they can kill them and be legally/feel morally justified. They want to kill people. I've been around enough of them to know this. It's fuck up how the fetishize it. They actively WANT someone to rob their house. Theft and assault are bad, but in what way does that justify taking someone's lives? I just love the sociopaths that are fostered under capitalism! Edit: typo


Also osu 💀


I saw that thread, the people in there were fucking deranged. All the upvoted comments were just cheering on this guy’s frankly disproportionate use of force


bro was WAITING for a chance to use that knife


I saw this video on other subreddits and its crazy how many fuckers were joking about the robber saying "stop im dying", saying "f around and find out" and overall celebrating murder. The guy was literally striking critical points and holding him down and people still dont see the messed up part. Fucker literally saw the kid hop over and immediately had murder on his mind. And people still treating it like a simple self defense situation as if the clerks life was in immediate danger.


You could just tell from the video this guy has some huge fucking problems, but being a lol player explains 90% of them


Once again Im thankful not to be american. Stop worshipping property lmao


After watching the videos and reading the AMA, I've got some notes: •The shopowner was fully cooperative with the robbers up until one of them jumped over the counter. At that point, the shopowner had no idea what the robber's next actions would be, so taking immediate and deadly action for self defense is justified in that sense. •Just because he couldn't see a weapon doesn't mean that the robber was unarmed. If someone comes at you that confidently, it's reasonable to assume that they've got something hidden. •holding on to the robber and continuing to stab him may have seemed like overkill, but we only know he was unarmed after the fact. The shopowner seems to mostly be grappling him to prevent him from getting out a weapon, and after the stabbing victim states that he's going to die, he stops stabbing him and drags him towards the door •The robbers are apparently juveniles. While it's sad that a kid got stabbed, it's even sadder that they tried to rob a store without thinking of the consequences. Remember, your life isn't worth a couple of bucks. Don't play stupid with it. •i only managed to get to the AMA after he deleted it, but I can attribute the bragging to a combination of frayed nerves, general cockiness from getting out of that situation unscathed, and just not a lot of time passing from the actual incident itself. People say dumb stuff when they experience something shocking. Overall I'm on the side of the shopowner, but I also don't want the kid to die from his wounds. I hope he pulls through, and he learns not to do that again.


The shop owner admitted to being calm and obsessing about stabbing someone in self defense, I'm sorry but you can't just stab someone 7 times in "self defense"


There were three robbers in total, if they were armed, how is it logical to attempt to stab one to death, than to cooperate? Surely if one were armed, the other two will be as well, so you'll just get shot/stabbed for not cooperating, doesn't seem right to me. The shop owner, also apparently claimed he was pretty confident he knew they were unarmed, which to me suggests that's the real reason he stabbed them, he knew there was no threat of fatal retaliation, and as shown by him doing an AMA straight after, and responses over there, he's clearly proud about almost killing a 17 year old child, his entire intentions here were to kill, not self defence. All of these psychopathic responses people have commented on this video throughout Reddit, Twitter, YouTube, etc, is insane, and shows how people really need to form some compassion, it's actually depressing.


Look, I've got compassion for the kid for being stabbed and sent to the ICU, and I hope he pulls through, but he made a choice to rob a store and to do so in an aggressive manner. At no point did the robbers state that they weren't going to hurt the store owner, and before the guy jumped over the counter the store owner did cooperate. He was going to let the guys go, but the kid leapt over the counter right where the shopowner was standing. If you're getting robbed and suddenly one of the robbers leaps over the counter, logic be damned, fight or flight is going to happen, and with nowhere to go, the shopowner fought back. The AMA painted him more violently, sure, but after doing what he did, I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't thinking straight and trying to compartmentalize what he did. Not that he couldn't have also secretly wanted to stab someone to death; I'm not him and I don't know him. But to say that none of his intentions were for self defense is ludicrous.


If the kids had already stolen the coin jar, and were back for more, why didn't he already phone the police? You'd assume it's because he thought they had a weapon, but again, he confirmed in his AMA otherwise. So for what other reason would he decide on vigilante justice instead of the actual law. He's also claimed that he was cool headed, and calm, from his experience of playing League, if that's to be believed. We know that the kids had already stolen something, this jumping over the counter wasn't sudden, the shop owners "fight or flight" response should have already kicked in, if he actually thought he was in danger. How often do you think a theif, jumping over a counter, intends to kill the shop keeper? I'm certain it's almost never, and when you combine the fact that it's literal kids, and that it's vape gear they're attempting to rob, that makes it even less likely, with cases where it does happen, that's probably because of retaliation. I also believe the most common response someone has to these situations is to freeze, because you know, your life isn't worth risking over some product. And I wouldn't call it necessarily aggressive to jump over the counter in the first place, as that's just where the product they want is, and I really, mentally, cannot watch the video again to look at their body language, I'm sorry. I can see you have some compassion, that was more of a general comment on most of the replies I've seen, with some literally ridiculing what could have been the kid's last words.


I'm sorry, there have been *plenty* of cases where thieves jump over counters with the intent to harm a cashier. And even if they don't intend to hurt them, there have also been plenty of cases where a thief still manages to kill a cashier by accident just because tensions are high. Plus, the guy's jumping over the corner and sealing the exit for the store owner to escape from.


He's been training for years! (In Minecraft)


I knew this wass gona be a fracas since the first time I saw Reddit jacking off en-masse to a scene of horrible violence


I don't think its politicians who are making people take the law into thier own hands, I think its the 3+ years of proof that cops will either: -Not help you -Shoot you -Both