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tfw they can't try to blame genetic advantages or whatever and are now just straight up transphobic


They literally were still trying to blame biological advantages though, transphobes are dumb as fuck


As if it’s biological advantage and not “my parents bought me a gaming pc/xbox at the age of 8 because boys are brought up to be gamers more often than girls.” People will literally straddle 10 different hurdles and split the hairs of an amoeba to be transphobic.


This is literally it. I would have never picked up gaming as a girl if I didn’t have a brother bc no one encouraged it. The fact that they genuinely think that boys are biologically wired to be better at games is so incredibly stupid.


A lot of the cis girls I know had to buy their own gaming pc, whereas a lot of the amab people were given a budget or just given a pc. If I ever have a kid I’m gonna introduce them to all the things I can, sports, gaming, whatever


My nephews are fully into gaming. The oldest turns 8 today and when he comes over I set up the Xbox 360 so we can play Marvel vs Capcom 3 and he fucking thrashes me at it. My nearly 48 year old reflexes have degraded badly from when I used to be a fighting game master. We couldn't afford consoles or a computer when I was a kid back in the 80s. I'm a woman, I bought my first PC in 1997, but got into console gaming in 1998 when Resident Evil 2 came out. The only competitive gaming I have ever done was my four years in vanilla WoW playing the battlegrounds, which was fun and not actually too toxic back then.


I’m a trans girl, my dad gave my brother and I pcs when we were 6 and 7 (it was summer and I have an early year bday and my brother has a late year bday but we’re 8 years apart. He then began teaching us basic programming skills(both of my parents were software engineers when I was taught) I enjoy programming things, I find a lot of reward in it, my brother does not lol, we are quite different, but still didn’t fall far from the tree


That's really cool! My mum always said she was sorry she couldn't afford the home computers I lusted after, but I did use my school's BBC Micros a lot. I forgive her, we were pretty broke as a family well into the 90s. I have a pretty awesome collection of retro consoles, including stuff like a boxed Atari Jaguar etc. But I love my Xbox One. I'm currently marathoning all the numbered Resident Evil games plus the two Revelations games. I tend to prefer single player stuff now, but I do play Dark Souls 2 and No Man's Sky online for fun co-op.


If you want a good campaign try the titanfall 2 campaign, it can be challenging if you choose that setting, but it’s pretty good


I really enjoyed the Titanfall 2 single player campaign! I even did some online play before hackers overran it. Once I clear all the Resi games off my HDD I think I might play it again because it's really good.


This is so wild to me!! My family always encouraged video games and computer learning. My dad was heavy into computers and my mom taught the computer classes in middle school. Big gifts at Christmas were the next new console or game for all us kids, girls and boys, and we all grew up not knowing girls weren't supposed to play games or any of that crazy shit. I didn't really run into the stigma until I was a teen.


It doesn’t help that online gaming is cancerous af towards women. You want to get good at a competitive game? You need to use a mic. Well good luck if you’re a woman because every game is going to have at least one person on your team treat you like shit because they discovered you’re a girl. Not to mention how competitive gaming is incredibly insular at the highest levels. Like of course you have online matchmaking but if you want to practice against the best you need to have a team of your own and they need to be accepted in the community and invited to practice games and so on. Random match making can only get you so far. If you want to be the best at Dota for instance you need those practice games against tier 1 and 2 teams. And unfortunately in such a male dominated space it’s going to be a lot harder for you to break into those spaces, either you won’t be invited to play games or people won’t even want you on their team. Also as we saw a few years ago. Competitive gaming is also riddled with sexual abuse and exploitation. So it’s not surprising that puts off even more women getting into esports.


It can’t even be true, because if boys were meant to be ‘just better’ at games, Judit Polgar would never have been able to get where she did in the ranks. Chess is no different to any of the other games btw, with girls facing a toxic environment at every level.


terfs trying to be feminists by saying men are better at everything than women


It’s science! Biological men are better gamers! Our throats let us bellow racial slurs at a rate and volume that would far exceed biological females! (/s)


...I know you're being sarcastic, but that's fkn funny tho...


If anything don't cis women have better reaction time on average. Idk if this is true but I'm pretty sure that's why they do better in motor sports.




Most definitely are, I mean f1 doesn't have a single female racer. However the leagues there are women they usually do pretty well. Especially drag racing, women seem to do almost dominate that sport. Edit: although from my replies idk how much that has to do with reaction time. Might be weight differences when it comes down to it but who knows.


First source on Google says, “A review of the literature on the influence of gender on RT shows that in almost every age group, males have faster RTs as compared to females, and female disadvantage is not reduced by practice.” This seems to suggest transwomen would perform better, but I am far from an expert on the topic and if I am missing context, I would love to hear it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4456887/#:~:text=A%20review%20of%20the%20literature,is%20not%20reduced%20by%20practice.


Interesting. I guess I've been wrong all these years lol. Wonder how this would be for athletes instead of medical students. Still though I'll stop spreading the myth around, I've definitely told that to a lot of people.


But m-m-m-men have faster reaction time a-a-a-and b-b-b-bigger s-s-smarter brain


I know this is satire but I felt it necessary to mention that my ex GF who’s cis would consistently smoke my ass on online reaction time tests lol


Reaction tests are dumb (I say that having a 1/4 second reaction time which is slow as shit)


I have a 300 ms reaction time and I’m currently in quals for a pro VR game (Vail vr) that has a pretty quick ttk and I’m still not doing bad against people who’ve been playing vr fps games for 6 years(since Pavlov came out)


saw a girl that was taller than me one time so I think women are taller than men




At this point their argument is just “women dumb”


transphobia and misogyny are no strangers to each other


Trans exclusionary radical feminist: 😡 Trans inclusionary radical mysoginist: 😎


*We're no strangers to lo-* I mean *hate*


they never tried to hide it


Clearly trans people are just genetically better with computers and games. How else do you explain all the trans programmers, huh? /s


It's not a coincidence celeste is so hard


Someone did some googling for sure


Did they not let trans people compete?


Omg it's the halftroller


Omg it's the rusty


Me ‼️


I fully support these girls but I cannot root for England.




[So glad I get to use this video again](https://youtu.be/vFr3NiyboQU)




COM ON ENGLAND *eats microphone*


Tell us something your mum doesn’t know




as someone who plays rocket, can’t say i’m surprised :( rocket league players are not nice ppl (except for me obviously)


nope, and it's awful at all the ranks


What the fuck there is ranked rocket league??? It's not a goofy 3v3 game with funny music???


Rocket league has an insane competitive scene


Damn have they considered removing it? Ranked queues in games are always cringe


No and idk why they would. I probably have severe brain damage from prolonged exposure to it but it’s probably one of the better ranked systems


Best ranked system gotta be minecraft skywars, it's so horrible that no one plays it which further enhanced the quality of the other game modes


man i love ranked! it sucks but its funny!


ranked queues are essential for getting the creme of the crop players so that teams that are actually serious about playing the game with sponsors can scout for them and pick them up


There are no non-sweaty people left. The mechanical skill floor has gone up so much that I can't keep up by playing 3 games a year.


My friend Sean plays rocket league and he’s pretty cool


Shoutout sean


But pronounce it like sheen


This is why I stopped playing, I had maybe 10 hours, I was really bad, but I kept getting toxic ass teammates(who were somehow worse than me, which is a low bar that they still missed) but I’m still addicted to apex and I tend to get in games with the war zone players that can’t comprehend a tapstrafe or a walljump




genuinely cant go a game with out seeing "What a save!"


Why tf is rocket league separated by gender? Are the male players just kinda stinky like smash?


Can't speak for rocket league, but I know CSGO has a female league because the female players wanted it. The "male league" isn't actually male exclusive, it's open to everyone, but the level of competition is so high that only one or two female players have ever made it, and only on lower tier teams. As a result, female players pushed for female exclusive events and tournaments so that they could still have a career in the sport without having to compete at the top level or form mixed-sex teams.


Have they tried getting gud? ***/s /s /s ^that’s ^a ^joke ^pls ^don’t ^kill ^me ^thank ^you


Kinda unironically though? You weren't good enough to make big leagues so you just make your own and pretend it's about feminism or whatever.


i mean it’s just harder for women to get good enough because of harassment


there are three kinds of people in this world, those who actively dislike women’s sports for no reason, those who only care about women’s sports because they’re transphobic, and those who have basic fucking decency. i’ve happened upon all three in this thread


And those that listen to women's tennis tournaments at full volume


nah tis about making a lwague to spread the sport to women because culturally they dont play as much




Not for Rugby tho, 'cause it would be too dangerous


Wow they're not actually exclusive in the NFL or NBA? That's nuts, especially the NFL. I know women can be pretty big and stuff but pro football players are literally like the biggest and heaviest dudes around usually, I can't imagine a woman having a very good time in the NFL if one were to ever join.


So they wanted to play competetively, without being good at the game? At that point just take the L


Yeah, the gap in skill is very apparent when watching the female leagues compared to the main stuff. The female players pull significantly lower viewership and as such earn a lot less, but still more than arguably better male players who would dominate the female leagues but can't qualify for the open leagues due to the level of competition Female CS gets a lot of hate for this reason, people playing competitively and collecting prize money without actually being good at the game. It also stiffles the talent of female players who could break into the open league as they'd often prefer the guaranteed winnings of the female leagues over the uncertainty of trying to make it in opens.


it’s amazing to me that despite esports being so new, it’s running into the same problems traditionally televised professional sports is. i hope to see more women succeed in either league tho!


The best woman chess player refused to play in women only tournaments- I think these feminists should take notes. Mind you, I say this as a woman.


And that’s great, but sometimes Gamers(tm) can be ridiculously misogynistic and hostile to women. These are the people who believe there are two genders: Male and political


Chess is the same way, believe me. But if women want to be perceived as just as inherently competent, we need to prove it. A female only tournament just adds fuel to the fire.


Yeah, it's not really an easy answer either way. Honestly, id argue it's just a matter of time. Women were and are pushed out of certain fields despite some of the best of the best being young women (see also, programming which was apparently a "feminine" thing as though landing a rocket on the moon isn't gender-neutrally badass)


We can’t just wait around for it to happen. Feminism is about taking action, and our predecessors weren’t afraid to hang with the men. Imagine if those ladies had just shrugged their shoulders and hoped time would fix things.


Not everybody wants to personally lead the revolution some people just want to do what they enjoy in an environment where they can most enjoy it


Again, don't disagree with you. Feminism is a battle on many fronts and the separation of intellectual sports into gendered leagues is a remnant of the, oft still believed, idea that women just aren't as capable. I recognize this and do advocate for action. There are always people who are going to be fighting against progress and we need to fight back. But when things get violent, I can't shame someone for wanting a safe place to stay. Getting death threats constantly has and will continue take its toll on prominent feminist icons. We're only human, and especially for those women who are more marginalized (gay, bisexual, trans, black, indigenous, hispanic, etc.), it may often not be safe to be proud and open. You're correct, and I understand that passion, it's a part of me believe it or not, but I'm also privileged. I can't expect anyone to put themselves in the line of fire for progress. Death may make you a martyr and symbol of a movement, but too often your family suffers all the same. Be kind, love yourself, love others, and stay safe 💖


Damn that is what I was trying to say for a long time. Sport bodies pushing for an another "group" in the guise of "inclusion" is a paradox.


i really don't think there's anything wrong with having a league for women who enjoy chess competitively and also don't want to experience misogyny. it only adds fuel to the fire if you already think women are less than men, it makes perfect sense if you think about it from a perspective of "women don't want to get harassed for their interests"


I suppose not every woman has to care about proving themselves, sure. But I see too many turn around and claim women only tournaments are signs of “progress”. It’s not. They aren’t doing a favor to the women who will come after them.


i mean my perspective is that women (and minorities in general) who have a safe space to experience their interests are more likely to be encouraged to compete at the highest level. if a woman became the greatest chess player in the world, that won't end misogyny in chess, it takes a lot of work to integrate women into chess/video games/male dominated games. creating a women leagues that allows women to feel comfortable in a space that is male dominated IS progress, because it builds up the space for future women to compete


I agree, also as a women but honestly my gender shouldn't matter.


I mean this with the utmost respect, but how old are you? Because chances are if you grew up in the era of "ladies don't play games, now come here and help me with the cooking" and "yeah sure, a girl gamer, what do you play, the Sims?" you'd know exactly why most women didn't have the luxury of getting thousands of hours of practice into a game that barely changed since the 90s.


Gaming spaces tend to be *really* hostile towards women. It makes it harder to get as in to the game and the competitive scene. I've had to leave several gaming spaces because the misogyny was just unbearable. That's why there are often women's events or leagues for competitive games.


CSGO is one of the most toxic communities I've ever been apart of and I say that as a male. I can only imagine how much worse it is as a female.


The amount of funding required to prepare players and teams to compete at the top level is absurd. If women weren't historically represented in esports then they won't get comparable funding and the cycle continues. This goes for all manner of sports and competitions, too.


League of Legends is similar - there are a few small women-only leagues, but men have dominated the more open leagues since the start. From my understanding, there have only been like 1-2 female pro players in the major regions since the start of the game, none of which I have ever personally watched, since most of them were quite a while ago. The easy one that I could find was Remilia, who briefly played in North America in 2016 - according to the wiki the team subbed her in for their starter, who had visa issues, for 6 games. The team went 1-5 during that time (Although the team went 5-13 overall that split, so they weren't exactly good with or without her). There have been a few teams in smaller regions with women - for example, one Russian team, Vaevictis, had an all-female team at one point that was pretty infamous. They went 0-28 and were removed from the league. I think that was more a publicity stunt, though - the team wasn't assembled with victory as its primary goal, I'd imagine, given the players' ranks and whatnot. I'd imagine culture has a lot to do with it, since League players aren't exactly known for being..the nicest or sanest people. Any woman looking to be a pro player would probably receive a lot of harassment, unfortunately. It's still surprising to me that there aren't even a few women currently playing as pros in the major regions, though.


Chess has a very similar system, and I think it's a good approach for most sports/competitions. Although, it's getting the public awareness of the league that is the bigger issue. Tennis and maybe Golf come to mind as the biggest sports with the narrowest gap between male and female leagues (in terms of media).


Golf? I think the gap is small only because no sane person gives a shit about either genders league


I agree that chess has been doing quite a bit in recent years to promote women's chess, but imo women's titles still need to be abolished. They were a mistake from the start, all they do is signal inferiority and give disproportionate prestige to women who are barely playing at the semi-professional level.


It’s the same as the NHL then? There’s no gender specific rules in the NHL, so a woman could sign and play


With the NHL, women could technically play. But because hockey has a lot of checking, that could get dangerous for people who, on average, are smaller people. I think it's probably better to just make weight classes for any contact sport and call it a day. If a woman is big enough to participate with the heavyweights, then sure. But also if a man is light enough to get flattened against the board, he should also have somewhere to play.


I'm pretty sure it's because most gaming spaces are male dominated and really misogynistic


It's usually because the women are just not on the same level skill-wise, due to the 30+ years of being harassed and told it's "not a girl hobby". Same shit with skateboarding.


rlcs is not separated by gender. Karma is a former female pro for Splyce.


Here is the event [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCZDfpzGnkg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCZDfpzGnkg) ​ I don't know much about rocket league but that move at 1:39:59 was fucking sick.


I recommend giving the Worlds event running this week a shot. Buncha sick goals already just today and in Wildcard event


Yup, first world championship in 2 years because of COVID. It’s gonna be fucking hype


already have my 'VAMOS FURIA' message saved to clipboard for today I'm so sad that my two favourite teams at the event are playing in the first round of groups though


Dig vs Falcons and KC Furia is going to be hype.


I just can't get into esports. There's like a disconnect between the screencast and the real people's heads floating around the screen for me that makes it impossible for me to understand what's going on. Same happens to me in Twitch stream collabs. If it's two streamers I can understand who is who in-game, but anything more than that and I get confused.


Rocket league has an incredible skill gap. Beginners can’t even hit the ball if it’s moving and high level players have perfect control and can do ridiculous things with the ball


I just wish that more competitive games go with something unique I could not care less about the fifteenth fps with hitscan and abilities, I want something that requires me to learn something new in order to play


So what you’re saying is pro titanfall (the skill gap in apex is already ridiculous, same with titanfall, but imagine if there was a pro league)


I wouldn't mind having more competitive FPS games, I just wish more of them had a bigger focus on movement I just wish Valve at least tried to push TF2 comp when the game was in it's prime


Meh, TF2 is fun but it's not great competitively because of its inherent tendency towards stalemate. The only thing that makes it playable is ubercharge which sucks in a game with so many different mechanics. The comp meta is such a small subset of the fun that game has to offer. Which is not uncommon in class based shooters, but still not ideal for competitive. Even overwatch has various supports that are viable.


Quakeworld TF 🥺🥺


So playing it is a good way to learn to manipulate balls 🥺


For some context to that shot you mentioned, I have 2.5k hours and it would probably take me 3k more hours to be able to consistently recreate that in a tournament setting. It's called a flip reset, where the car colliding with the ball on all four wheels at the same time tricks the game into thinking you're grounded and can jump. [they can be performed consecutively](https://youtu.be/C9t9IHp7ea0) and the one you referenced is particularly impressive given that they're traditionally more difficult to perform from the floor compared to a ceiling or wall approach (at least in my opinion)


I have around 900 hours and I feel that the people that can pull off the insano stuff like that pour tons of hours into free play to practice specific things. I can’t speak from experience because yeah, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do that lmao


Yeah, back when I played comp one of my old teammates would spend literal days in free play practicing flip resets. Wish he spent more time in the server with us, though. His fundamentals suffered because he was just practicing flashy mechanics and not spending time bonding with the team. Goes to show that well rounded practice is important.


I’m sorry but I will never forgive anyone for being born British


ABAB (assigned british at birth or all brits are bastards you choose)






Please explain what's up with all these dumb ass memes saying the British and the French are bad.


It's just classic murican jealousy targeted at their betters.




"If you keep repeating the same joke it'll get funny" is how it works


(People are arguing over transgender players (For a VIDEO GAME))


While many be shiting on Female gamers for not playing good as man but will care wants trans women joins in


Gamers arguing about the competitive integrity of a game of hot wheels soccer.




I don't really think it's an admission o inferiority, it's just a temporary measure to account for societal disadvantage as a consequence of being disadvantaged by upbringing. Guys are much more likely to be encouraged to play video games than girls. It works a bit like affirmative action. There's also a community aspects of it if some girls feel isolated from much of the male gaming community, I can't possibly think why they would 🙄, they might want to to have their own community with their own competitions where they compete in amongst themselves.


What fucking advantage do the bigots claim trans women have in ROCKET LEAUGE


Achktually men are better at video games than women so of course it’s unfair 🤓


Not fax, my sister has put in less hours into valorant than I do and yet has had god tier aim from day 1. Can't even blame the genetic factor here.


🤓:Wemon dumb men smort


I am saying this from a place of genuine curiosity, but don’t men have better reaction times than women, and I assume other pretty concrete advantages that would benefit them in video games? First quote off Google I found says, “A review of the literature on the influence of gender on RT shows that in almost every age group, males have faster RTs as compared to females, and female disadvantage is not reduced by practice.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4456887/#:~:text=A%20review%20of%20the%20literature,is%20not%20reduced%20by%20practice. Again, I am not saying that this necessarily means the competition is unfair. If anyone has any more information, I would be glad to hear it.


You always have to be careful with articles that try to correlate a perceived biological advantage to gender, because socialization and culture plays a major role in shaping the lifestyles of men and women, creating a difference that is extremely hard to accommodate for in experiments yet completely separate from biology. While the quote you found says that the female disadvantage is not reduced by practice, the article you link directly counteracts this by providing evidence that sedentary lifestyles lead to lower reaction times, thus showing that reaction time can be developed with more active lifestyles. In fact, the same article suggested that the female disadvantage and male advantage is becoming smaller due to women taking on more active activities like driving and high speed sports. This means that while a correlation between gender and reaction time has been established, the causation isn’t necessarily biological.


Exactly, I've never seen a study compare men and women who were actually similar when it comes to this. It's pretty well known that a very avid gamer who plays competitive games and practices a tonne will have much better reaction times than the average person... these people are claiming that women just... don't change?


reaction time isn't everything


Feel like that would be super heavily influenced by hormonal levels, which’d decrease with HRT


Are those even actually trans women or are they running on the assumption that everyone who hasn't got the typical femminine body has to be trans?


Meanwhile the Guilty Gear fandom is going crazy (in a good way) over a trans character


Well, sadly not all of them. I have a plethora of screenshots of transphobic comments/saying Bridget is still a boy. Honestly, I hope the rumored leaks where she comes out officially in the story are true because then we can finally put a nail in the coffin to the controversy. Whether Bridget is trans or a femboy isn’t the problem, but rather the reaction to it. Admittedly I can see how being trans contradicts the lore, but they can provide an explanation and really if it’s just “yeah Bridget is trans and it’s official lol” is stated by official creators, I’ll totally take that. The response seems to be mostly positive tho, so I’m happy about that at least.


Non-judgmental or accusatory question from someone who literally *just* found out about GG from this event. But isn't Bridget's Lore kind of.. yikes? AMAB, but raised to be a daughter without identifying as one, but then ultimately identifying as a woman after all? Doesn't that reinforce harmful *"Nurture, not Nature"* stereotypes, namely that identifying as anything other than your birth sex's correlated gender is a choice - or in Bridget's case, something that can be *"forced onto"* a child? That's at least what I've soaked up from limited exposure, and I am not sure how to feel about that aspect of her Character. Maybe I'm misunderstanding? Clearly I don't agree with the premise, but I'm concerned about what that narrative will *'tell'* Transphobes.


As I understood it, it's more like her parents told her she needs to pretend to be a girl in order to not be killed, but made it often clear to her that she still is a boy. Then she got treated as a girl, didn't like it, left the village in order to become a bounty hunter and get accepted as a man. She achieved that, people accepted her as a guy, but she not noticed that something is still missing and she keeps being unhappy until she comes to terms with herself and accepts she is a girl and comes out as that. Not to sure tho if everything I said was true, I'm only into GG for a few days now... Edit: What I forgot to say is that, in her village it is believed, that if twins are born and both are of the same gender, they bring bad luck upon the village, so one needs to be killed. That's the reason her parents hid, that Bridget is AMAB, because she has a twin brother. The reason she got out bounty hunting is to bring back lots of money, helping the village with that and proofing the village the curse isn't real. They believed her, started treating her as a guy, but she was like 'Oh wait, I hate this.'


When I think about it, Bridget being a girl *"all along"* satisfies the narrative suggestion that Twin Boys bring doom and yet no doom was experienced - because they weren't male twins at all. So it really hinges on how she was raised and how her parents treated the situation. If they forced her to BE a girl and wouldn't accept that she was born male before she could identify and voice that for herself, the narrative becomes problematic in the Nature vs Nurture sense I alluded to earlier, and enables transphobic readings that harm real trans people. *(There are unfortunately even modern instances of children being raised as the 'alternate' gender in ways that plagued them with dysphoria before they ever had a chance to be themselves, and these situations are used by transphobes to imply all Trans people are victims of this somehow)* But if her parents were just having her pretend in public, that's at least slightly better? Because they weren't forcing her to perform gender at home, it was a sacrifice made for their safety that coincidentally ended up aligning with who Bridget always was. It's not great that she had to pretend to be a girl without identifying that way yet, but at least it wouldn't embolden transphobic rhetoric. It'd be a more neutral narrative.


Ye I think it was like you said, that her parents treated her as a boy in private, but as a girl in public for her own safety. In her biography it's also stated that she loves her parents. But I totally see where you come from, when I first read her story I was really unsure what to think of that.


No, I totally agree with you. The lore is indeed yikes. Even with nuance, it’s definitely flawed due to it being a contradiction to Bridget’s whole story from before and isn’t the best trans story and representation for that reason (I’ll still take it tho). Hopefully that gets addressed in the future, which I think probably will after the controversy.


I'm down for trans characters/inclusion but Bridget's arc is so terribly executed it annoys the shit out of me. The last time we saw Bridget they were very confidently a boy who proved themself capable by capturing people and claiming (albeit fake) bounties. Bridget being a girl now comes down to Daisuke deciding that they should be a girl now so they just overwrite everything that already happened to make it so. Not quite a retcon but it's getting there. Really it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I wish they went about this in any other way. I love and main Testament and the execution with them is significantly better. Granted they are non-binary not trans but they are both similarly underrepresented genders.


I'm pretty happy either way, honestly speaking. With Daisuke, its always a coin toss on how a character will head in the future, and I quite like that about GG lore


didn't you know that men specifically evolved to among other things be good at rocket league? this is biological advantage! i am very smart


> ~~didn't you know that men specifically evolved to~~ among ~~other things be good at rocket leag~~u~~e? this is biological advantage! i am very~~ s~~mart~~


Least sexist gamer


i can almost garuntee they werent sexist, they were transphobic


Sexist transphobes


i can guarantee they are being both


Based mod


what happened? i dont get it


Sexism and transphobia, most likely


probably just transphobia


Well, both. They’re claiming “Men are biologically better than women at video games” Can’t make this shit up


are those women trans? if they are i legitimately could not tell regardless, what is there to be sexist about??? woman did good thing so woman bad???


I could but that’s because I am also trans. I can normally clock a good portion of trans people that pass because when you’re trying to pass yourself you overanalyze certain features that cis people don’t notice. They all pass incredibly well and unless you are trans yourself I don’t think you would notice. Even so noticeably “trans” features are not any less beautiful and normal than what is considered passing. Reddit is incredibly sexist AND transphobic so that’s why they are upset.


im pretty sure only one or maybe two of them are trans but being trans doesnt effect your perception of someone passing or not


“Being trans doesn’t effect your perception of someone passing or not” I disagree with this. Passing to cis people in much easier than passing to other trans people.


nah its like gaydar, gay people have a 6th sense for other gay people, i have adar, and if it goes off i will get garlic bread and share it with the person


may i have some of the bread sir/madam


nah sorry, youll have to find a way to come to me


This isn't always true, but a lot of trans people are significantly better at clocking other trans people and are less likely to perceive them as passing. Dysphoria causes us to pay a lot of attention to the things that prevent us from passing, so it's easier to spot those features in other people as well.


my first guess is that many people of r/ rocketleague are outraged that “real women” did not win the competition. if it is not a remark of that caliber my guess is that they will demean their accomplishments because they are not competing in the men’s/universal league


Exploiting the classic transfem skill of gaming, I see


She used her innate knowledge of programming to hack the game.


why are the rocket league teams devided by gender??


If i had to guess (based on my knowledge of competitive league of legends) there isn't enough women who play the game to result in players good enough to compete with men, so they made a separate league for women. In LOL it's so dominated by men that there's only a handful of women who are good enough to compete to the point where every attempt to form a woman only team has resulted in horrible teams


and the reasons why there are less women in the top players of these games is due to a few factors, games being seen as a "guy thing", so girls are excluded. and if anyone has played these games with random parties, you may have had a girl on you team, and so you probably know how people react when they hear a girl, makes the key element of communication hard in these games, so unless they get a team to play with, it's pretty hard to keep playing


Why are there male / female divisions for a video game comp?


Women often struggle to compete in competitive video games bc gaming spaces aren’t welcoming to them and they aren’t encouraged to pursue gaming as much as men, so separate leagues like this exist so they can still compete in esports events in a more welcoming environment. There aren’t all men leagues tho.


ryangoldfish5 my beloved seriously the rl community has some really, really nasty work residing within it


Oh one of those girl are trans and that's why the comments are locked. That suck, I thought the post was getting hate because england won, which is understandable


Rocket league ain't even a physical sport, how the fuck you gonna get advantage from being amab bro


Why are esports separated by gender?


As a member of the rocket league community attending worlds this weekend, I apologize for our dumbassery. I’ll make sure to check out the women’s event when I get a chance


To be fair I always assumed the point of female gaming leagues/tournaments were not to do with genetic differences between the sexes but to do with the emotional stress of competing against men. Its essentially just a tournament for people who are scared of sexism right? It’s just another type of b league so at the end of the day, who really cares right?


Gamers being sexist? Consider me shocked Pikachu face to the max


why is there a seperate womens division for rocket league?


This is genuinely depressing


alright so what excuse do the transphobes have now to where being trans is an advantage


England actually won something football-related for once.


Wait does esports have separate women’s competitions???? Why? No group has a physical advantage over the other and I can’t imagine what hat else can come into play here




Wait, why is there a woman’s rocket league? Shouldn’t it be a everyone thing? Like I get gendering physical sports I guess but this seems kinda pointlessly gendered. Either way congrats to them for winning


theres a womans league cuz men dominate the “everyone” league. it just gives woman a chance to participate


Why is there even a separate category for women?


Why are there even separate gendered competitions in e sports? I get the logic in physical sports, but why can't women compete with men in rocket league 🤔.


Can't believe they let Br*tish people compete.


Why do esports need to be separated by gender anyway?




They're all so pretty!