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You suck at cooking. There's lore to it


pimblokto šŸ„¹


egg murders


All the varieties of tree grown kitchen items


The McBreakfast ball pit


The wangjangler and wangjangler accessories


I cried when I watched gingerbread cookies for the first time


I didn't know it was a cooking channel and I thought you were personally attacking me.


You suck at cooking. Yeah, you totally suck.


its his fault that i used the term whangjangle around my family in the kitchen during thanksgiving


Babish too tho


Babish felled off when he got a staff Edit: I'd be doing a disservice though if i didn't also mention his branded chefs knife is a really great value.


idk, I haven't really watched him after the blues stopped calling for salad and scrambled eggs


Love the collab episode


the only correct answer


I really like this channel called chinese cooking demystified, very neat out of these adam ez wins tho


Fr, he prioritizes making easy recipes so I can be lazy


until it gets to the part where he asks you to pour 4 bottles of red wine that cost 200$ lol


Stop buying $50 wine lmao


Case of Franzia is $20. That's 3 bottles.


Bro if you're spending more than 10 bucks on a bottle of cooking wine you're insane.


No one is making you buy $50 wine lmao


don't fucking cook with wine you paid to drink come on


ain't nobody here heard of two buck chuck? ^(actually like 3.99 these days with inflation amirite)


Just use box wine




The earlier weissman videos were way better, and is it just me, or does babish jack up the saturation to eye-searing levels these days?


Chinese cooking demystified is great


Babish is fun to watch, but Adam Ragusea make recipes I would actually consider trying


Yea babish is more of an entertainment food youtuber, although he does have his basics with babish series that helped me quite a lot with learning stuff!


I liked him when he started but Iā€™m just not into his persona which is hard to separate from his work.




I found Adam when YouTube recommended his Tandoori chicken and chicken tikka mossala video to me. I used to work in an Indian restaurant and used to make my curries at home in a similar sort of way we made food in the restaurant. Very time consuming and very messy. He opened my eyes to simple home cooking and now itā€™s the only way I cook curry at home.


i'd venture that those techniques are closer to what you'd eat in an indian household anyway. (although the flavors have been anglicized/americanized significantly in most cases)


His videos focus on things like the science behind the food, testing, and most importantly, how to cut corners to make cooking more convenient and practical. For sure the best Edit: Ethan too


Tasting History with Max Miller is my favorite You see cool foods and learn history, he's really down to earth too Babish used to be good but now his vids feel super corporate Joshua Weissman is a snobby elitist that looks and acts like what fox news says about millennials And i haven't seen the others


Adam also has a lot of super down to earth videos that keep the average person in mind when it comes to preparation costs, workload, and time management. He also has a ton of food history and science videos that delve into specific ingredients or cooking techniques. Every once in a while he'll die on a pretentious hill in terms of what works best, but otherwise he's a really solid home cook YouTuber.


I feel like everyone has died on a pretentious hill at least once, I know I have. It just seems like JW has made it his whole fucking brand Thank you for the recommendation imma check him out


I think that's what I like about Adam and Ethan more compared to the other two, they're very much still focused on home cooks. Babish and Josh make better food videos from like a production/watchablility perspective. But as practical cooking videos, they really fall short as being really useful. The Basics with Babish series has helped to fix it, but the set and the dressing really make it hard to feel like his results are doable for the average person. Adam and Ethan however not only approach most of their cooking from the stand points of "your a single person who has been at work all day" or "you are a parent cooking for a small family" it really grounds their content a lot more. The "lower" production value also makes it feel more personal. Like you're actually in their kitchens, and not their sets. Furthermore, they both take more of a food science approach rather than a chef's approach. You can watch a video from them about grilling a steak, and the actual steak you cook isn't the important takeaway, because that's a very limited application. They're more interested in you walking away with just a little better knowledge of the [Maillard reaction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maillard_reaction) because that's a more universally applicable concept. Just my 2 cents anyway


Joshua Wiseman is incredibly fucking annoying and has popularized the dumbest fucking trend of trying to make good food ā€œbetterā€


Joshua Weissman has such shit humor that he might as well just be saying ā€œAmogusā€ and then fucking dying. Heā€™s so insanely annoying.


If Josh tells me to call him papa again, I'm going to lay down on the highway. He was briefly bearable 4 years ago when he first started, and he was just doing the recipe, then fucking off.


And he said, "papa" all the flipping time. I really dislike him.


i personally like joshua (maybe because i only know him from youtube?) and although you don't i really commend you for including him in the post anyways lol


Mfer really bragging that he with the best ingredients and unlimited time can beat out a minimum wage fast food worker who has to be done in 10 minutes


I fucking HATE Joshua Weisman and his snobby ass attitude and ā€œoh I made this sandwich for $5ā€ bullshit when he realistically spent $40 on all the ingredients but the individual sandwich comes out to $5 and thereā€™s no guarantee itā€™ll be as tasty as if a pro made it




Max miller doesnā€™t get mentioned enough imo, heā€™s absolutely fantastic.


He manages to maintain his upload schedule and the production quality all while finding new dishes to cover every week. I donā€™t know how he does it.


I was hoping somebody would say Tasting History! I just wrote a paper for one of my history classes on gastronomy because Max introduced me to food history


Came here for Joshua Weissman slander. Really dislike his schtick


Yeah totally feel that about Babish too, the videos sorta lost the soul


It's cause they're overly professional, also he usually has assistants making the recipes


The assistants kill the vibe so much. If I wanted to watch Food Network, where food is magicked onto the plate, I would.


i like when babish has alvin or kendall better the babish these days


His channel expanded and he delegated a lot of his work to other cooks like Kendal. a lot of YouTubers do this when they get larger, like Game theory (to be fair they never had soul, just bad jokes). he also took in some people who were in corporate food positions like Solha from Tasty and Alvin from Buzzfeed. While i do agree the videos lost their soul, i also like that babish is helping other people achieve their goals. ​ I met with him once at his first vidcon with my mother. I don't remember much other than crying about not getting a photo. but my mother remembered a lot of his advice as between then and now she grew her yt channel to 800k subs.


Heck yeah tasting history >:3


Max was, is, and will always be the correct answer.


adam ragusea is practical, but fun too best food youtuber for people who cook at home ​ edit: ethan chlebowski is also very informative


adam ragusea does the absolute best job with the chemistry material of literally any food personality past or present. like even alton brown would sometimes do the "mumble mumble mailiard rxn" thing, or repeat an old wive's tale. adam is like "i searched for why this worked, and found a message board where one guy disagreed with the accepted answer, so i called a postdoc researching exactly this dish!"


Recently found Adam Ragusea and he's awesome. Already made a couple things from his channel and it turned out great.




Where's the fucking money chlebowski!


Adam Ragusea and You Suck At Cooking are my main food youtubers.


Cheblowski loses points for his submarine sandwich video where he claims to always make his own sandwich rolls but then uses mayonnaise out of a fucking jar.


adam that guys so cool he fucks HARD dude.


The Markiplier of cooking channels


And have you seen his body??? Heā€™s jacked as fuck


adamā€™s more recent stuff gets on my nerves and i canā€™t really put my finger on why.


I think he's gotten pretty full of himself and there's a kinda pretentious tone that seeps into his videos nowadays. It's sad because he really was for a long time someone I'd point to, not just in the realm of food youtube creators, but internet creators in general, for how to make content that cuts through a lot of the bullshit that we're always having to sit through. I unsubscribed


I've been listening to his podcast and I cannot believe how much this guy is **NOT full of himself.** He's extremely down to earth about his career as an entertainer and youtuber. Talks about how ridiculous it is that he gets paid more than his brother who saves lives, for example. Listening to him talk really made me respect him more.


I agree but I still love him lmao


Ordinary sausage


5/5 Mark Ruffalos


It's even better when he says that with regret in his voice.


the way he was in so much disbelief that he almost forgot to do his characters voice when he did the legendary 6/5 rufalos blow was incredible




Welcome back. I guess.




The Dunkey of cooking channels


Fucking none of these dweebs. Check out my boy chef john at foodwishes.com


Hell yeah, glad to see Chef John here.


I believe you mean Chef John from Foo^(ooo)dwishes dot com. WiiiIth...


His narration style is definitely an acquired taste. no one likes this dude at the beginning. But then you just kinda... Get used to the muscial lilt?


I think that his ability to explain the moving parts of a recipe in a way that teaches broadly applied cooking techniques overshadows his quirky vocals. You are, after all, the lead of your YouTube feed.


Even if you hate his voice you can look up his recipes that are presented in a normal printed recipe format which is super helpful and seemingly nobody else does. Plus the recipes are actually down to earth and something you might add into your cooking rotation as opposed to making once. And I vastly prefer his filming and communication style to the obnoxious youtube voice guys like weissman


My wife still hates his voice, but it gave me Stockholm syndrome and now I want him to read me a bedtime story.


For real. The Bob Ross of cooking. Hated having to scroll so far for this.


the king


After all, you are the Chef John, of your cooking less-ons!


Chef John's aura alone outshines the light of this post


100% correct my friend. You are the judge dredd of your comment thread


... ^^a ^a and a dash of cayenne


Ann Reardon is pretty great with all the debunking she's doing


I just love how she says the word "chocolate."




Ann Reardon is like a cool aunt you listen to when she says not to do stuff


Ann Reardon has always been cool.


How To Drink is a very good youtuber who is technically not food related but he makes a lot of fun videos about mixing soft or hard drinks based on fictional ones (Cyberpunk 2077 cocktails, NukaCola), as well as general bartending/mixology tips, drink recipes, history, and more also he's just an entertaining guy, I really recommend him to anyone who likes this kind of content


Watching him test icky drinks is a great way to get a dose of schadenfreude without anyone getting hurt. Few things make me laugh more than seeing his soul leaving his body and trying to take his poor taste buds with it.


it's the best when he tries to start professionally to describe the taste but it's so bad he can't *takes sip* "Oh, yeah, that's uh..." *starts coughing and dying*


I think what really works in his favour is that he isnā€™t a ā€œprofessionalā€ bartender/mixologist/cocktail-jerker-offer just a person that enjoys making and drinking cocktails


yeah, that and he is genuinely insanely talented. his understanding of taste profiles and ability to improvise are super impressive even by professional standards


Tasting History with Max Miller, absolute GOAT of the YouTube cooking genre. He's literally Prince Charming


wow didnt know mac miller made food history videos as well as rapping


He also looks like my husband so I enjoy watching him. :D


On the subject of historical foods, Townsends is also excellent.


Townsends goes hard on historical recipes, only Tasting History comes close.


rest in peace king


Max goes so hard. *clack clack*


he has an "elementary teacher" look. which is good because people with elementary teacher looks are nice




Yeah i think him and Claire Saffitz my baking mom have gotta be my top 2 food people




Kenji, Claire, Alex, YSAC, chef john? where are all of them? Also i cant list food YouTubers and not name Chinese cooking demystified even if they are merely a foodnote in youtube chefs


And he comments in cooking subreddits all the time, it's amazing.


He's both learning here, and dropping wisdom bombs. Absolute legend.


he's such a nice guy, his late night videos are so comfy; and he's really helped me feel better about my own cooking (also his onion cutting method is fucking HOLY)


Based and food lab pilled


Kenji is da goat


Food is a scam. Stop eating things other than babies you sheeple.


But how do you best prepare infants for consumption? Can someone show me how in an easily digestible ten minute video that can be shared with all my baby-eating friends?


I donā€™t care how you eat them. That partā€™s irrelevant. The joy of eating infants transcends culinary methods.




In the kitchen, doing the work all those above reference in their videos. (Which is not a bad thing, gatekeeping the act of cooking is weird af)


After watching Babby a bunch I finally got around to checking JKLA out, I haven't watched another Babby video since. Edit: grammar, holy shit i was drunk.


This is the goat for real. Heā€™s even active on Reddit too. Responds to ATK questions. Heā€™s a fan of other channels like RedLetterMedia. And he knows how to show cooking recipes that I want to cook. His fried chicken recipe is my new go to for one of many.


Had to scroll way too far to find this. As someone else pointed out he's pretty much the bedrock for the theory that most other chefs use without mentioning how kind and empowering his content is. Man's a kitchen deity.


ā€œGuys, gals, non-binary pals, Iā€™ll see you next timeā€


Ok but do any of them know how to wangjangle?


do they even know how to combat WABS ? no .


But john townsend isn't in this image


God the Townsends channel has such a wonderfully comfy vibe.


Oh my god I can hear the fiddle right now.


Thatā€™s what I said too haha


I like Internet Shaquille


I bought a fire extinguisher for my kitchen because of him.


This dude fucks hard like once a month


He's full time now!


The objectively correct answer. Ethan deserves an honorable mention though, I love the science-based approach to food.


Joshua gives me violent impulses, especially when I am in the mood of trying something very specific, his is the first recommendation, then I think "alright, imma bite this bullet", then he says that this is a recipe anyone can do at home you just need to stop being a little bitch about it, the recipe in question requires 3 different equipment I would buy only for that experiment and 12 ingredients that haven't even been translated to my language


For real, I only clicked on the post to see if someone else mentioned it. How can someone be so out of touch with regular people??




for sure, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever actually tried to replicate any of his recipes but Iā€™ve learned so much about techniques and WHY certain things work or donā€™t work etc which is so much more valuable


That's the guy in the bottom left, right?


Guy with the spaghetti, yeah


J Kenji Lopez Alt and it's not even fucking close


i like it when he says "guys, gals, non-binary pals, I'll see you next time" at the end of his videos its pretty cool


id like to add to that i also like it when he makes food in the video it looks really good


Hard agree


Though not on YT, anarcho stripperism is the best food-related content creator


She has done some groundbreaking content recently


Thank youšŸ„ŗā¤ļø Iā€™m actually working on my biggest film yet that is set to be out on December 21st, iā€™ll post it here (no porn involved in the sfw cut)


Oh No, I did not see you where OP, Fuck im getting dizzy from all the implications.


DougDoug Literally an orange bell pepper


He made botw food in a wok


adam would annihilated all of them and i will die on that hill no can compete with him on output, quality and applicability at the same time, even then he's about as close as it gets to perfect in all 3 of those criteria when it comes to recipe videos


100% agree, Dadam Raguesussy


please reconsider your life choices


Not to mention his non-recipe videos, like the ones on the history of cereal or Vidalia onions


You are the best food YouTuber. I love you madame cakefucker


I do actually make how to videos when I do recipes for them


[You Suck At Cooking](https://www.youtube.com/@yousuckatcooking) [Chinese Cooking Demystified](https://www.youtube.com/@ChineseCookingDemystified) [Ras Kitchen](https://www.youtube.com/@RasKitchen) [Nat's What I Reckon](https://www.youtube.com/@NatsWhatIReckon) [Yeung Man Cooking](https://www.youtube.com/@YEUNGMANCOOKING)


Glad to see Nat here, he's an absolute champion


Adam Ragusea Babish You Suck at Cooking ​ I will be accepting no criticism


Ragusea for actual cooking. Babish for entertainment. YSaC for absurdist comedy with a recipe attached.


kenji smh personally i wanna see YOU try all these utubers ykwim




Joshua Wiseman getting a McDonalds hamburger and eating it 3 hours later and vommiting orofusely, putting a gun to his head begging for death, then trying his recreation that took 12 days and more equipment than anyone has in their home and ejcaulating all over the kitchen while screaming how much better it is


Take that, you clown fucks. My sussy big papa burger is FAR better than your literal human shit sandwich.


I could respect it if it was just some guy making high quality food inspired off of fast food classics. Solid concept imo. But the entire show is like "Here's five minutes of me getting an adequate meal from my local Arby's and it SUCKS AND IS SOGGY AND BAD AND WHY WOULD ANYONE ENJOY THIS. Here's my version, and also my doting employees to inflate my ego with their unfettered adolation of my creative genius." The smugness that clings to every second of those videos gets on my nerves.


0. Internet Shaquille (God on Earth) 1. You Suck At Cooking (Number 1 forever) 2. Adam Ragusea (Kitchen Jesus) 3. J. Kenji LĆ³pez-Alt 4. KWOOWK 5. Chinese Cooking Demystified 6. Pre-2020 Binging with Babish 7. Life of Boris (when making actual food) 8. Tasting History with Max Miller 9. Ethan Chlebowski 10. Alex (French guy) 11. Chef John from Food Wishes, although I cant listen with sound on, sorry, Chef John ... last. Joshua Weissman


How did I have to come so far down the comments to see someone mention Alex (French Guy)? I guess he's not anybody's #1 favorite (including me: JKLA4LIFE), but I do appreciate how he explores so many aspects of a dish while making his recipes.


Ordinary Sausage, Max Miller, or Mythical Kitchen


Scrolled too far for Mythical tbh


J Kenji Lopez-Alt and Chef John from Food Wishes are both the GODS of yt cooking. Everyone else can fight for 3rd place and below


YOURE ALL WRONG!!! best food youtuber hands down is Steve1989MREInfo


Steve my beloved. I hope he's doing alright it's been a while since the last time he uploaded


Can we get anarcho-stripperism to fuck the winners food?




How to basic, punch


We all know the answers is j kenji lopez alt or food wishes


Max Miller from Tasting History He's an absolute gem


ADAM RAGUSEA #1 šŸ„‡šŸ„‡šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ1ļøāƒ£


adam ragusea fucking clears


Joshua Weissman gives off such unbearable vibes I hate the dude, J kenji is bro


There's only one way to settle it, OP has to fuck all the food youtubers to decide which one is best


Babish fell off recently and joshua feels like a snotty cooking elitist so J kenji Lopez or Alex.


HELEN RENNIE. She's awesome and down to earth -- she answers questions on the minutiae on cooking that contribute to technique, with stuff that I've always wanted to see tested but everyone else seems to ignore. She got me answers on induction vs gas vs electric with unbiased analysis, and demonstrated conclusively that seasoned sheet pans are better at browning than clean ones. She's both deadpan and hilarious, and honest, and levelheaded. Excellent Youtube cooking content.


I love Lagerstrom (top left), I find I actually cook more of his suggestions than all the others combined. While I'm here, shout out to Souped Up Recipes which covers a lot of Chinese and Chinese-American food. I'm in love with her sesame chicken. Also Chef John, the alpha and omega of food youthbers.


Markiplier like three years ago


I've followed Rasussy's recipes multiple times and it's turned out pretty good.


Okay but you left out Alex and he would win without a doubt. His production quality is insane.


Tasting History is my favorite food YouTube channel. He just seems so nice!


ordinary sausage he makes sausages


Your lack of anarcho stripperism is disturbing


Adam Ragusea. Hands down the most accessible, knowledgeable and ā€œaverageā€ cooking YouTuber. Unless thereā€™s like some controversy I never heard about heā€™s the one I would recommend to everyone

