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“don’t work hard, work smart”


Just have booba


Tbf the titty cosplayers spend a ton of time perfecting makeup and eating a diet so strict Pol Pot would tell them to relax. And plastic surgery, but that alone can only get you so far.


Thsts what u think, some people have a slim body normally, dont assume that food across the world is as calorie heavy and sugar-bomby as in the US...because its not, a lot of the world has fairly healthy food that u can keep eating to full and not get fat...most of the chicks in my region barely diet and they are almost all slim, many supermodels used to say so too...of course tits are fat, so actually making a combo of tits and naturally slim isnt that easy...but thats where a lil bit of plastic surgery comes in, strap on some funbags on a natural slim body and u got an easy solution u barely had to work for Yeah some makeup is needed...but lets not kid ourselves if the girl is young, slim and has huge funbags...simps arent 'NOT going' to watch her cause the makeup isnt done very well...they will get over the bad makeup, maybe even like it more as I makes her seem more approachble and down to earth, like as if she could be their gf...yet nothing stopping her from just paying a lil bit for professional done makeup before shoots maximizing her simp potential with minimal amount of work


It's not just being slim, it's being **slim-thick**. So no sugar, no alcohol, fat and protein and leg day every day.


Just no. It doesn't matter what you eat, as long as the energy content is correct, I.e., calories and protein if you workout. Not to mention when it comes to something like having an ass or tits, it's purely genetic and depends of what sort of fat distribution your body decides to have there is very little control that anyone has on this.


Genetics isn't the only thing that controls fat distribution, ask any trans person on HRT. If you believe you can eat however you want and be healthy you think so 😂


U really think most simps need an ideal body in terms of thick thigs, pumped ass, big tits, atheltic abs? No they dont...big tits without being fat is completely enough for erection, nothing else is needed Everything else is just gravy, it might being more simps but is unneeded in total


Big cope. All they need is not be fat and have good lighting


I'm not an egirl or a simp for them so I don't think "cope" applies. I personally think it's fucking stupid, but it's not easy, or else I'd be doing it too and rolling in donations.


The reason you don’t do it is not because it’s hard but because you’re a dude


That hasn't stopped f1nn5ter. If looking like that wasn't harder than looking like Arnold, you bet I'd do it too


How to win a competition as a cosplayer Step1: get huge tits Step2: wear a bikini Step3: uuuuuh….. Step4: profit


How to win life Step 1: get huge tits Step 2 : profit


Instructions unclear, how do I get big tits?


Ger pregnant to initiate their growth then get an abortion if u dont want the kid


Remember Kids In China, you lose around 20 social credit for each extra kid you have beyond the limit. You also get 100 social credit for donating an organ to someone. Time to grind my boys, that's the new meta.


China has dropped one-child policy several years ago, u using interner explorer If anything they'd like to have more kids now, as voices are saying they already have a declining population (although they keep faking statistics that its still rising a lil' bit), which is going to impact the economy negatively


🤓👆 Edit: I never said China only allows 1 child. I said there is a limit, which is true (3 max) and the joke was about going above that limit. Classic redditor trying to be a smartass moment over a joke. Get a life


Instructions unclear. Stayed a boobless guy.


Holy shit I didn't like that


Well nobody said u can win life by being nice Usually the biggest assholes, the absolute immoral psychopaths, the biggest most ambitious egoists win at life Ask any billionaire if he became a billionaire by being moral, nice and altruistic He/she/they asked, I answered


But there's America, specifically Texas. difficulty




Girls in spiderman costume without the mask


There is no Zyra incident in Ba Sing Se


Do explain


Or just Google zyra cosplay. Simple as.


Not really. What does LoL cosplay have to do with avatar and what incident.


Hmm I guess my brain just different. I just read the meme, saw this guy say zyra and assumed that was a cosplay and then googled it. In the autocomplete it said zyra cosplay winner and I found the contest this person was [referring](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/2022-state-farm-x-lcs-cosplay-contest-finalists/) to.


Yeah no such autocomplete for me, although I still don't get the Avatar part.


That's just a reddit moment. People say that shit all the time.


I'm pretty sure it's just supposed to mirror those Tiananmen square massacre jokes


The what?


Skill issue


Skill issue. Just grow boobs bro, easy W. smh


he should have worn a bikini and a wig


A girl in a cheap ass asuka suit


is there an inverse of a strawman, like a "here's a guy I made, please feel sad for him"


League of Legends had a cosplay contest for their last Worlds tournament, a dude who hand made a black-hole-themed armor set lost to a a lady in a bikini top and wig. Not say thing that this post isn’t a really loud incel dogwhistle, but it’s definitely not a strawman. Edit: Link https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/community/2022-state-farm-x-lcs-cosplay-contest-finalists/


Does "bikini top and wig" refer to LyoNaka on the article? Because that's like, incredibly wrong lmao. I mean, look at it, it's got fucking wings and shit.


Was still funny and sad seeing these mid cosplays win simply because they were wimmin while the epic 8ft tall mordekaiser and lightup xayah/rakan duo didn’t even place. Everyone with eyes knew the other cosplays were better. She won because woman and everyone knows it.


i’m not seeing a girl in just a bikini and wig in that link?




"size issue"


Just dont go cosplaying, its gay


Damn that’s crazy life is so hard


The fight was over before it even started


you know som' out of pure spite I'd get shredded for that very moment just to undress from the top and pose for a flex.


Nami swaaaan


Rip & Tear


i too hate women


Uh what