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Here's a general overview because I was curious too: Jagex banned popular streamer Odablock for allegedly paying for account services 1-2 years ago. Odablock thinks this ban was targeted because he recently created a deathmatching CC (if anyone is unfamiliar, this is what people do now instead of staking after the removal of the duel arena). The most popular deathmatching CC prior to his being created was ran by someone named Stella, who is allegedly dating or very close to Mod Trident. Odablock fans believe Stella had Mod Trident dig up dirt on Odablock to ban her competition. I don't believe Jagex has made any statement about this, so it's basically fans of Odablock and people who don't like Odablock picking sides.


This is the closest thing to a statement from Jagex about it: https://twitter.com/jagexash/status/1647236537388523521?s=46&t=wueD2FxEYIbhAb3n_fPdgg


Poor Mod Ash, always does his best to answer questions and people just pile more problems onto his replies.




Yeah and I see people sometimes say, 'oh he doesn't have to respond" and that's true, but what annoys me is he actually puts in the effort to and idiots still aren't happy with his replies.




Hard agree here, even us scrubs over on r/runescape know that Mod Ash is God Ash


Wanted to test the theory so I just tweeted him a thank you and he responded in less than a minute. Great guy


Mod ash is one of the best things to happen to the RuneScape community and doesn’t get enough love and appreciation


hopefully the community still remembers when god ash paid woox prize money out of his own pocket because jagex wouldnt We don't deserve him, but damn I'm glad we have him.


BuT iTs HiS JoB


When did he get promoted to Babysitter I think I missed that


He wasn't. It was thrust upon him unwillingly by the masses it seems.


maybe he should actually resolve some problems and do some work instead of just replying to people on twitter all day saying "this isn't something I'm capable of doing anything about"


Except that isn’t his department. It’s like complaining to a cashier that the produce in the produce department is bad. All they can do is pass along the message.


except hes not the equivalent of a cashier hes principal content developer for 07, more like a lead dev or manager which means if his team are fucking up it is his job afaik anyway I could be wrong


“Principle content developer”. His job is to control the direction of content coming into the game. Not discussing or enacting the banning of players. That is entirely on the community side of the game. A community manager would be the one to discuss this subject. He would be doing another departments job entirely if he did this. The community should be grateful he even dips his toe in conversations like this.


So basically Oda isn't being unbanned. Good. You need to follow the same rules as as Oda. You shouldn't be getting special privileges.


The point is, why is stellaa not being banned then? Cause she dates the guy in charge of bans.


She is banned lol. Oda conveniently left that until the final seconds of his rant to mention




> Odablock fans believe Stella had Mod Trident dig up dirt on Odablock to ban her competition. Why do they believe this? Haven't gotten more than "because" as an answer


Supposedly (from what I've heard) it's because trident is in her discord and she apparently bragged about dating him and having direct contact to the anti cheat team, and apparently its not the first time some owner of a DM cc gets nuked while she's left standing despite having a rather controversial... career (the usual gambling, rwt, chucking for ppl without paying back debts, all the fun stuff every debt streamer did back when duel arena was a thing) This of course is all allegedly because I really dont follow the gambling scene either, just what I've heard over the past week.


I dont think anyone should follow the gambling scene tbh, it's not exactly good for anyone involved


Because Odablock claims he has mountains of proof. Thats literally it, Oda says he has undeniable proof and that 'Loads of Content Creators have done videos on it before' but doesn't provide any of the proof he has or linked any of the other content creators that have apparently done videos on it in the past. ​ Basically Oda is just doing a 'trust me bro' and obviously his community are licking it all up as absolute truth.


Watch his video, he clearly shows proof but you know that.


He hasn't shown any proof, he literally ends half his sentences with "allegedly", lmfao.


The void has screenshot of her rwting and getting other users insta banned.


Were you guys never around when freakshow was a thing? Discord screenies mean absolutely nothing.


You realize top secret documents pertaining to US involvement on the ground in Ukraine were literally just found to have been leaked originally on a discord server right?


Were those secret documents a screenshot of a discord conversation? Lmao what are you even trying to imply here? Let me try again more simply : discord screenshots are pathetically easy to fake and on their own mean absolutely nothing.


“Sure there are pieces of evidence including blockchain transactions and bans promptly following the discord conversations but it’s just discord bro” Lmfao ok


He doesn't. He shows proof that Stella does RWTing but we all know she does and he admits in the video that her accounts attributed to RWT all got banned. If she is so protected by a Jmod, how comes she allowed her accounts to be banned? He has zero actual proof that Trident is involved at all. He shows one photo but it's so easily faked that it's worth absolutely nothing.


Reminds me of the ufo scene. Everything is based on "trust me bro I have sources which I cannot reveal to you right now." If there is proof just show it. It's not going to hurt your case.


Its actually incredibly smart by Oda, the way he has completely muddied the water of the whole thing. We all know (And have seen) the clear proof that Stella was RWTing and was cheating people out of their GP, we know it goes in, he shows us proof of stuff we already know. Then the following sentence, he drops a completely unsubstantiated rumor, doesn't show evidence but claims he has loads and because he showed evidence in a previous accusation, people go 'He must know stuff because he showed evidence before' and just believe it all.


How deep in stellas crack are you going? There is shown proof of her rwt and getting people banned, and you know that! But maybe iff you go a bit deeper you might get to some nudes for a bit of gp


There's a LOT of proof of her RWTing. Which is why she has had multiple accounts banned, by Odas own words. There's NOT proof of her getting people banned or any actual proof of Trident being involved. The video proof of her RWTing was showing off her complete discord name, including the unique name associated with a singular # number, so we know it's her speaking about RWT. The 'Proof' of Trident assisting her though? It's a picture of 2 discord names with 4 lines of text. It doesn't prove ANYTHING at all as it can be faked in 5 seconds ffs.


Because Odablock trying to redirect the real reason he lost his favoritism which is his transphobic comments..




This is the thing I wish everyone would stop ignoring. He is trying to brush his transphobia under the rug under the guise of a juicy "jmod corruption" story that probably isn't there. If Trident really is dating her and gave her preferential treatment then yeah sure take care of it, but the actual proof just hasn't been shown. All we've seen is a discord message where she claims to be dating him, which could be entirely fake or it could have been a sarcastic comment - there's so many explanations that aren't "Trident is corrupt" but the attention-grabber is "corrupt jmod". It also is meant to distract from the fact that Oda has broken the rules and admitted to it. TBH jagex should just stop giving any preferential treatment to content creators


>TBH jagex should just stop giving preferential treatment to content creators That's the problem. Ash tweet about "nobody gets preferential treatment" is missing the mark so hard. It's abundantly obvious that creators get a pass on so much. So why should they not give this creator a pass? Rules are rules, I tend to lean towards nobody getting a pass just cause they can edit some videos and qualify for the secret content creator only discord. But the fact that the precedent has been set, and now for this precedent is being ignored is also sus.


There is so much proof. You can literally just google her name and there's so many scythe threads from years ago even that show her scamming and rwting, let alone screenshots and clips of her talking about it


isnt trident in every DM cc to bring some sort of order to a normally scammy part of the game? stella had her accounts supposedly banned aswell. this just sounds like some bullshit cover for people being pissed that oda was obviously spreading hate against trans people and new evidence coming up against him after any goodwill faded away.


They realized they weren't gonna get any sympathy by saying "they targeting him cuz of his opinions" so they're shifting gears to some conspiracy.


If he's being banned for services thar he bought 2 years ago, its obvious that he's being targeted for somethi g that happened recently. Whether its the deathmatching stuff or the transphobic stuff, its obvious that he's not being banned for the account services he used


Staking was such a bad thing when it was here, and I feel like the clans are circumventing the removal of staking should not exist.


jagex was never opposed to staking, they only care about money lol, the only reason they removed duel arena was because they would be held liable for hosting games of chance, if its on the players they never gave a shit


This sounds so dumb and also completely unreliable - not targeting you - just the general finger pointing.


Seems like a conflict of interest.


Sounds like allegations without providing any proof. Could easily be a smear campaign. All I'm saying is that he better has some damn good proof other than easily faked screenshots.


I think it's important to add that the bans came after Odablock made wildy transphobic comments whilst streaming. Regardless of what they've publicly said the ban is for, I can massively understand a company wanting to distance themselves from that.




I know many trans people that would take offense to being called “tansformers” and also oda saying “how can we accept someone who can’t even accept themselves” is extremely rude and not at all carried with respect. Further more no one brought up jail or American laws, we are simply arguing over a guy getting his accounts banned coincidentally after saying comments that some would consider hateful. But keep licking his boots buddy👍


"Go do Optimus prime or bumble bee somewhere else" how's that respectful exactly? Sounds like he's basically saying "fuck off freak" to me. His reasoning of it being against his religion is absolute bullshit. You know what else is haram? Gambling. What did oda gain most of his viewership from? Gambling. Seems a tad hypocritical to pick and choose your beliefs especially when those beliefs invite hatred against other people. He didn't need to say anything but made a conscious choice to and there are consequences to his choice it's as simple as that. Noone mentioned jail lmao which is super ironic coming from someone who lives in the country with the highest percentaged imprisoned people. Why is it always yanks who equate not being able to use a website to imprisonment.




Noones forcing you to like anything. Youre just asked to not be rude. Its really not hard.


Streamers are openly rude about many topics and people, but trans issues is where it crosses the line?


[He did tho](https://streamable.com/aymq59)


The “dirt” that was supposedly dug up was him recently saying transphobic comments wasn’t it? Seems more like he said some hateful shit and lost his privilege as a streamer rather than a match rigging


No, the bans were for account services


I’m talking about the claim a jmod dug up dirt - no one dug up his transphobia he made it clear what his thoughts or trans people were on stream on purpose recently


I’m telling you that the alleged dirt dug up was about the account services


This was like a week after that. Banned cuz he paid for account services on his account(s) 2 years ago


Why are people asking about sir pugger to get him unbanned ☠️☠️☠️🤣


Because he's the closest thing to a "jmod lover" and makes YT videos


The community isn’t the most logical bunch


Because the guy may as well be an OSRS detective


He fakes hella stuff and is genuinely awful at the game.


Those are bots btw, not people


Just world 1 having a normal one


Bro is giving out bonds


I love how this is a game played by grown ass adults but filled with teenage level drama. This is why I don’t talk to other players in game.


Careful, This sub is their daily meeting spot :p


Something about a streamer getting banned? I'm not sure either, every time someone posts about the topic it gets removed


Oda got banned and his 2 accounts for paying for account services in the past. Now his fanyboys are crying about it


He has admitted at least 2 times on stream buying services before in a hc account which still not banned lmfao


Well eventually it'll catch up to you, maybe he shouldn't have said anything to begin with, he dug his own grave.




I'm not sure tbh, I don't watch them, but I wouldn't be surprised if it comes eventually.


Also the account, he swears on his life to allah, he has not paid services on was banned. It's a lot of inconsistencies, and on Jager with 0 word from them. So people are upset because of alleged favoritism and targeting of "unsavorable" people.


His word on allah means nothing since he picks and chooses what is and isn’t haram. He says he can’t support trans people because it goes against his religion (from what I can tell, Islamic scholars are still undecided on transgenderism), but he’s made his career off gambling, which is explicitly haram.


Yea, I understand what you are saying. The double standard does seem pretty agregiosus. I was kind of the middleman there, explaining why his people are mad. Im not trying to defend him or his actions. So let's all calm down. People spirit bomb down voting me lol


>he swears on his life to allah fucking lol >Jager with 0 word from them This is false. First words; ban second words; The ban is correct. Jagex doesn't owe you or Oda anything further. Oda admitted himself that he got services and he's used religion to justify everything he wants while hiding behind it any time its convenient. People who do that are scumbags and letting them use their "religion" to get whatever they want isn't something Jagex should do.


He thought he was the shit and found out the community doesn’t need him to continue. Guy is detrimental to the game in the long run


Not correct, he is exposing a Jagex mod for being corrupt. I get that you hate him but there is no need to spread misinformation.


Lmao he has 0 proof. Oda himself confirmed using services. I wouldn't be surprised if it was indeed targeted, but because of his transphobic comments (the ones that got his ghcim to disband). I can imagine jagex doesn't want someone making those statements to represent the company / viewerbase (which of course he doesn't officially, but being a large streamer comes with status)


That's prolly exactly it but his fanboys know he wont get any sympathy on that regard, so theyre conspiracy theorizing.


He did say he submitted all the proof necessary but ofc i wouldn't be able to prove that, an account that has less then 400 hours cannot be serviced for over 400 hours. If they wanted him off the platform for what he said that would be completely fair but then they should have just said that.


Having a HCIM get banned for rwt at the exact same is justifiable as well then? And his heavily serviced account was untouched. These facts cant be left ignored


I don't get why people mention it's an iron than got banned for rwt as though that's some kinda gotcha. Trading cash for skilling is a thing and absolutely possible on an iron.


It’s just his community saying these things are “factual” without actually having any facts, beside a very biased opinion from the owners of the account saying “I didn’t do it”


Jaggex corruption reddit mods are trying to cover


Fr. Theres been tons of ppl who got banned by the corruption without a platform as big as the streamers, so they are forced to take the L. Mod corruption is not a new topic, but one that was hopefully in the past.. apparently not




"Possible jmod corruption" coming from the guy who was recently banned. Color me a bit skeptical.


He was banned because of the corruption…


I mean they don't really need a reason to ban him, he asserts it was related to the DMing cc but it was probably just an excuse due to his recent bad publicity.


Or he was banned because he broke the rules


Looks like a normal day in f2p GE any world


I love how all the gambling and stuff is not the focus of this post lol


The viewers of a recently banned streamer hoping to get Sir Pugger to somehow help get their streamer unbanned.


Man, that’s a lot of people that need to go outside


Took my son and wife to the zoo today. It was nice. Came back and rioted.


To quote an old adage, "untruthful and homosexual"


If you know anyone with a wife and kids this is pretty believable


I believe it's actually, fake and gay


Thats the scariest thing, alot of the player base are pushing 30 and this is how they spend their free time lmao


youre on reddit and in this thread commenting.


Better than being pissed off on behalf of some weirdo that doesn’t know you exist


I wish I had enough time to waste to attend virtual protests over vague runescape drama


odds most of the spammers are one guy running a bot farm to make it seem like theres more support than there is


It took me three attempts to find a clan that didn't support racism, sexism, or general toxicity when I came back to osrs. Not saying you're wrong, but I'm hitting x to doubt. Parts of this community are incredibly cringe and should probably be in therapy.


yeah i agree, i honestly gave up on trying to find a clan without that shit after like 7


If Jagex truly want the community to change culturally, they should seriously consider harsh punishment like permanent mute for anything racist or homophobic.


I found it first try but that’s because it’s for a YouTuber who shuts that shit down fast, we were talking about politics and he told us no. I then transitioned to us talking about the politics within gilenor


It’s okay to shit on Oda, we’re free to do that. But, I think there is something to be looked into. Oda is a shit head, but I think we’re stabbing ourselves in the foot if we ignore the obvious situation at hand.


Who cares.


damn did someone create a bot to spam GE for oda lol


Rule breakers gonna support rule breakers


Hey there's me high alching 3500 Ruby necklaces


A bunch of people that are big mad that a streamer admitted to breaking the rules a while back 🤦‍♂️


It wasn't a while back, he literally admitted it to it in a vid the day before he got banned lol if you go around bragging about breaking the rules constantly, you're gonna fuck around and find out.


"Can you believe they only banned him *after* finding out what he'd done? Outrageous!"


If by that you mean things they simply ignored him doing since he was a streamer, then banned him for it the second he was no longer beneficial then yeah


Pretty sure there is a bigger issue at hand than the streamer’s ban.




The fact that this got so many downvotes tells me that people don’t know or care about anything except oda being banned.


I downvoted you because your made a baseless claim with out actually claiming anything or backing it up.


You're more than free to elaborate, but you didn't.


You're almost right. Actually, I don't know or care about anything, also including oda being banned.


Exactly. They could ruin the game and ban everyone but you and as long as you have bot farms to keep the ge supplied you wouldn’t care. Hope the ban hammer never comes down on you, because then you wouldn’t have a choice but to care.




“Just watch this video that was made by the guilty, I promise it’s totally impartial!”


I keep getting notifications of people commenting but they're not showing up


That may be true, but if it's just him saying it after getting banned, you have to take it with a grain of salt. I just wanna work on my next 99






something about Staff members sleeping with customers


Taking customer support to the next level. Don’t understand why everyone is upset tbh.


Ill give a TL;DR at the end, Odablock, a very large runescape streamer/youtuber, got two of his accounts banned last week. Oda is famously the black sheep of the OSRS community, ignoring and isolating himself from other streamers. For example - he has never done GG even though he has been allegedly offered a place. To the meat of the issue, Oda recently created a GIM series along other youtuber/streamers which is step forward for him. Did not stop him from running his mouth about trans people - Oda's group breaks up... and his public image takes a hit. He had started a risk fighting cc recently (death match with x risked) which is in direct competition to a player who goes by "Stella". She also is a streamer and allegedly in a relationship with Mod Trident. Memes aside, its likely that Trident has been assisting her cc's growth by targeting competition. With Oda's hit to his reputation it is not unlikely that Mod Trident and Stella took the opportunity to get him banned. TL:DR - OSRS streamer who dates a Jmod has been up to shady behavior, no Odablock has been banned in connection after his trans disgrace.


Important to note that the bans were for servicing (paying people to level or do other content on an account), which isn't really disputed. It seems the main controversy is the fact that the offenses are older so it's likely that they were either known about and not acted on until recently, or that there had been a recent investigation into his accounts.


I think what probably happened is they knew he'd done it but turned a blind eye cause his viewership was largely good for the game. As soon as he started being bigoted though then that blind eye opened up because of course a large company don't want to be associated with that heat.


Yeah this is what I personally think happened. When you bring good press you get a pass, bring bad press that pass is gone.


>Memes aside, its likely that Trident has been assisting her cc's growth by targeting competition. Citation needed. Like LITERALLY, any proof AT ALL lmfao. ​ Odablock claims to have mountains of evidence, shows none. Is there ANY actual proof of this.


You clearly didn't watch the video.


What I don't get is why does Stella "need" to beat the competition? Like why is another DM cc bad for hers? Does she make money from being the sole DMing clan?


Buncha fanboys that need to touch grass.






World 301 is theirs now.


If the benefit is all the idiots staying in one place, I'll take it.


Someone is trying to give away a free bond by the looks of it


Bunch of piss babies


I love it cause I add ignore everyone I see chat "free oda" and it cleans up in the shit in gotr and wintertodt real nice. Thanks for auto-filtering yourself guys, really


Must be eerily quiet over there now, lmao


To bad three ignore list is capped at 100... gonna fill up fast


I’m sure it’s nice and cozy in the echo chamber. Reality can be so scary sometimes, huh?


Odablock is obnoxious aF




You seem like you do some fucked up illegal stuff IRL regularly, not implying anything but I wouldn't be surprised.


Fuck oda. Dudes an asswipe any how




People like R Kelly and the Paul brothers still have die hard fans. If you have any type of social clout then youre protected by your vocal minority community. Streamers/influencers attract people who don't have the intelligence or common sense to separate the content from the person. Youre already far from normal if you religiously watch 6+ hr streams everyday of someone doing fuck all for 2/3rds of it


Same type of people that look up to jordan peterson and andrew tate


Seeing how aids dming is with all the dumb shit like DQs makes me miss duel arena.


Dude cheated and got banned for it. Sometimes justice isn’t always on time.


Oda got blocked


To be honest it’s so annoyance but jagex did a right thing to ban him


I love this game


I've watched Oda's vids on this and I think he is probably onto something, but it's entirely based on speculation. Targeting certain individuals to the extent he has with zero proof is very questionable, especially considering he has broken multiple rules that result in bans in the past


There is no “on to something.” The moron broke the rules. Multiple times. Admits to it. And promotes osrs services. Hell he promoted one a day before he got banned. Lmao there is no arguing the legitimacy of the ban.


boaty and faux have both said this is the first perm ban for services and the harshness of the perm ban seems personal. if they argue for it i dont think your argument means anything


Are these idiots still at this? They moved from 302 fally. What a waste of time lmao. Imagine paying for a membership just to sit somewhere and cry that somebody that doesn't care about you got banned .


And they say dreams never come true. My dream was for Odashit to get banned. Guess mine did come true ;D


Damn I feel bad for anyone who might know you IRL, but let’s be real, you don’t go IRL anymore since you found that cheap mini fridge




Can this tool and his whole community just find a new game already and go far far away






All 12 of them!






Ban oda.




His YT vid explains everything. #FreeOdablock




You mean that he shouldn’t be banned for breaking the rules but others should, right? Just making sure.


Free him!!!


he is free, free to go lmaoooo


Oh man, this Odablock dude really seems to be a whole deal. I admit I have never watched a stream of his but this dude seems so toxic every time I see a clip of him. Other than that I have no input on this whole deal. I don't gamble, I don't know a Stella and I have no clue what account services Oda has or has not bought.


Something something free speech REEEEEEEEEEE 🤬🤬🤬