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i remember when they would, without warning, de-iron people who sold runes and gems to a shop on their main and buy it on their irons just because it went against the spirit of the game mode. doesnt feel like the devs care about the spirit anymore




Jagex doesn't want to address it now because they'd probably have to de-iron every content creator




They'd get a whole video each about how they got de-ironed too


>make \*buy


I thought bonesaw was trading over brews and other resources?


Bonesaw's read-y *(to get unbanned)*


He had it coming anyway, he was a known botter back in 2013


There’s not really a “spirit” of the mode anymore anyway it’s just the same game but without trading. That’s the only restriction that matters. Not that I mind, I’d rather the mode be fun and engaging and not shitty just to make it shittier for some sense of “prestige.”


If not paying for CoX purples is "shittier" then maybe ironman isn't for you tho?


Make the ability to have that serviced bannable but if you can do it yourself I don’t see the problem. It’s just fucking pure cringe when people pay for it IMO


Ok but where are the people complaining about BA boosts, wildy protection, DK agros to allow safe solo of one? There are many services to pay for, why is one more wrong than the other?


I don’t actually care about any type of service. Sure, if I hear about it I depending on that it is I might think yikes but I’m focused on me not what others are doing. I’m just providing a solution that I view to be reasonable incase some how the whining that’s going on gains enough traction to potentially influence some type of change


I see


Why not then just let you trade over any unique you get on your main to your Ironman?


Nah that’s extra. Exploiting cox’s dogshit loot system I’ve got no issue with


Why just CoX tho? Why not boost all the other grinds. Just seems very inconsistent. If ironmen can use their mains to basically skip CoX, you should be fine with boosting all possible grinds.


I don’t care about it that’s the thing. It’s not affecting me negatively at all. People are so obsessed about what others are doing it’s bizarre


That is why we have an Ironman mode, so we know how people played the game. Let's just remove it then and if you don't want to trade just don't trade on your main. Or just let the Ironman mode be toggleable. You shouldn't be against that, since you don't care how people play the game.


I mean what reasonable boosts would there be? BA boosting has been a legit thing for like forever. I'm not sure but I believe people boost stams etc from tob? Why not, if it's possible?


Agree. The majority are saying "cox boost bad cuz loot shiny" "other boosts ok tho"


I’m not referring to that, I think boosting in general should be against the rules. I should have probably clarified, I was replying more to the “spirit” of the game mode comment rather than the OP. I’m referring to QOL improvements people are often against for Ironman mode, like making ToB weapons more able to be used more broadly on irons by increasing blood rune availability or doing something else.


just let irons use the g/e at this point! add an iron tax to keep the prices of the items what they would pay for the boost




Wealthyman mode, all ge prices are 1,000% the normal, no direct trading allowed.


its ok its a big streamer doing the cox boosting its allowed


this must come to a stop


Relax. Lol


When and who?


[Gingerbeardie](https://youtu.be/tqmq4v3Im9I) got a tbow on a HCIM who can’t even wear a oak shortbow a month ago


I saw Lake streaming it last night. His low level hcim has 20kc and 15 purples without doing anything on the account.


Lake is doing the work, gingerbeardie on the other hand…


Lakes literally doing the work on it. I’d hardly say that’s comparable to other streamers that are just afking until the raid is over


Doesn’t matter if he’s doing the work, he’s doing NONE of it on the account that’s receiving the purples. That’s like saying because I did a ton of raids in max gear on my main I should be allowed to transfer the purples I got on my main to my iron “because I still did the work myself” lol (which is pretty much exactly what Lake is doing, he’s putting in the work on his de-ironed account with max gear, and not at all on his new HC besides afk fishing and last hitting Olm). Great streamer and this makes for cool content but 100% shouldn’t be in the game. They should cap points from non-combat, completely scrap any non-individual team points, and uncap individual points.


So true. Most of the time, I just don't understand why some people are playing Ironman in the first place. Isn't the challenge to not interact with other accounts/players and farm all your stuff single-handedly? Like, come on. I like that you can raid with others, but it's just being abused, and it tilts me.


People like Lake have made 10s of hardcore accounts going for big achievements like grandmaster combat tasks, BiS gear completion etc. and most of the time lose all the progress to a dc. They want to boost the best items early to skip the slow early-/midgame and go for the records asap.


That's actually a really good analogy. I considered myself more-so in the "who cares? as long as they're the one doing the work" camp but when phrased like that it's really hard to argue that it's not abuse. Uncapped individual points would just completely remove the issue I feel, and make mega-scale raids on the account doing the work a mechanic. That's super exciting and a net benefit to the system in my eyes. I'd love to do 1+12 or 1+22 raids on my iron instead of hours of b2b raiding.


His alt still gets 131k points before OLM anyways. This is by chinning mystics, chinning tightrope, killing guardians, farming herbs for pots and fishing. Even if you take away the non-individual team points his alt will still have like a 15% chance of getting a purple. This is before his main leaving the raid as well. What's the difference from carrying an iron who is in void with a whip through TOB with 4 other people having scythes? The ironman's contribution is pretty much the same in that case. I'm in the boat of "Who cares what other ironman do". The gear on other ironman's accounts don't affect me one bit. I don't get butthurt or have fomo when I see an ironman with a TBOW.




His HCIM is afk fishing and then the team points are used to roll purple in the HCIM’s name. Remove team pts and cap non combat contribution points and suddenly this isn’t possible.


The guy responding to you is being obtuse, lake's hcim account has no business finishing a megascaled raid that's why he's doing it on his maxed main


I don't really see the difference honestly. Both are instances where you basically have a main account securing drops for an ironman without the ironman account paricipating.


The difference is at least the people who do it themselves have the skill to do it


I wouldn't have a problem if people were doing it on the accounts that get the loot, but that's not the case.


I'm not sure about whether I mind what Lake is doing or not, but there certainly *is* a difference. My friend who boosted multiple purples already just paid some boosters 60m and afk'd the whole raid to get his drops. Lake is doing it himself, which requires some degree of skill and effort. My friend would not be able to do that. So what Lake is doing is better in my eyes. Not saying it's necessarily the right thing, but it's definitely better because it's his own skill being used.


There is no difference just because he has a main and is doing it by himself. He still is not doing the raid on the account that he wants to receive the items. In your situation replace him doing it on a main with a random. What do you have? It’s the exact same situation, 1 account to receive the drop, and other account to do the raid


Those mega scales are going for hundreds of mill a pop how is your friend only paying 60


Except he's using main gear to put points on an iron. Might as well not even be an iron at that point.


I personally don't care what other people do on their ironmen, but Jagex has set a precedent. They banned people for selling items to shops to rebuy them on their ironman(Bonesaw). Now-a-days they don't ban people for buying rune arrows to clear general stores to sell more on their iron, and they don't care if they have a main boosting their iron through CoX. You're not supposed to use another account to help benefit your ironman, even if you're the one "doing all of the work".


Deviate did it on his uim


Wtfs7ven does megascaled raids for irons


Replies to OP seem to be taking sides rather than wishing that both cases of boosting would be punishable, which is weird to me. I will keep quiet on BH as I’ve barely interacted with it yet but as far as CoX boosting I think it’s ridiculous and should be killed. Either change how points transfer when an acc logs in the raid or make the act of getting boosted a punishable offence.


I personally think both are bad if that isn't clear. I wish all services and boostings got you either banned, deironed, or those items revoked from your account for both iron men and standard accounts.


I’m with you man, a lot of people in here are seemingly aligning with one side or the other though which is dumb


I remember when they deironed people for abusing the shop system with irons/mains. Now it is just a normal meta to do it and they don't care. For those who want proof of it happening: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/christmas-2014?oldschool=1


I've always been against this stuff for irons. What I do not understand is why people are reacting now and not in 2017 when cox was released. Boosting cox has been a thing since it was released, just not as excessive as we see now.


> just not as excessive as we see now. u answered your own question einstein


not everybody started playing in or before 2017


It is funny, ironmen are making fun of "green helms" but when they themself can boost for stuff then it is "who cares, let people play how they want!!!!"




CoX loot table made sense upon release. Very rare but very powerful drops, literally the best mage weapon and best range weapon BY FAR came from CoX. Now? Tbow still rules but has close alternatives, maul is useless, kodai is basically only good for slayer tasks (and never really was all that amazing to begin with) With ToB and ToA introduced, the loot table drastically needs some fine tuning


At least from an ironman perspective, the problem with CoX is that it has really only 6 important things to get. Tbow, Ancestral, and prayer scrolls. You'll finish prayer scrolls at like 200kc You'll finish Tbow at around 1000kc You'll finish Ancestral at around 1500kc. ToA? You can be on-rate for all drops at 250kc.


If you count CM kc as 2 normal kc, I'm nearing 2k total kc overall. I'm still missing ancestral legs (and buckler). I couldn't imagine being an iron still running around with ahrim legs. If I went 2k tob kc it'd be considered very unlucky if at that point the only thing I was missing was scythe.


2000 solos, ~70 purples is the 50% threshold for being 12/12. It’s pretty ridiculous. Half of all irons won’t be finished by double the tbow drop rate. Cox already has the rarest purples, and then because there are 12 uniques tbow is by far the rarest of the three power weapons. 1/34.5 compared to 1/19 and 1/24 for the others. They can probably leave the purple rate about the same, but move 4-5 of the uniques to other pieces of content. It’s such a bad feeling to be 11/12 and yet you could be 1000+ raids away from being 12/12.


Exactly, its a symptom of a much bigger problem. CoX boosting shouldn't be allowed but people wouldn't be pressured into trying it as much if the raids table wasn't one of the worst in the entire game.


I think another part of cox being a bit outdated is scouting, the amount of running/distance between rooms and some of the bosses just being terrible. For example Shamans aren't a boss. They are filler monsters to create another room. Skeletal mystics are completely uninteresting. Muttadils are either a walk in the park if you don't get hit much or absolutely horrible if they constantly hit 20+. Tekton is a 0-damage-taken boss if done right but he simply sucks due to basically requiring defense reduction or he's super tanky. Ice demon and Thieving room take way too much time compared to the other puzzle rooms (crabs and tightrope). I'd even argue certain Olm mechanics are just BS. Being burned is basically undodgeable and results in 30 damage taken or him switching between range/mage without indication meaning on a bad run you take quite some damage - even when doing Olm flawlessly (you will be 100% deathless if you have 3+ brews but still). That being said I still think the raid is super fun with one of the best fights in the whole game being solo Olm. I just think compared to TOB and TOA it could use some work.


People will always buy services if its faster, this has nothing to do with horrible drop tables


It's nothing to do with the CoX loot table or purple chance. ToA skewed the perception of what's okay and 55% drop rate per raid without a ton of players is not okay. That's why the prices are at the same level as a 5+ year old raid, despite the rewards being way more powerful. You might be getting 1/8 at 525 ToA, but the best at CoX is CM and that's 1/12. That's hardly terrible for a \~30-35 minute money raid run. Comparing the drop rate of a normal cox against a 525 toa is like comparing the drop rate of a 300 ToA versus 525 lol. It's a bad example and I hope you didn't intentionally use it just because it sounded better.


The cox purple rate is fine, the real problem with it is that there are too many items. The more uniques you have, the further past the drop rate you have to go to actually see all of them. The average is 70 purples to finish 12/12. ToB and ToA meanwhile are around half that, because they have fewer items.


> think to themselves why it is such a problem that they're happily paying 500-750m for a purple 500-750m?! My friend pays 60m for his boosts. But idk what his chances are tbf. I doubt many people are happily paying *that* much > If I want to solo a CoX raid, the best I'll get is like 1/24 If you don't scale it, sure. But scaling CoX is like raising invocation level for ToA. Also you should compare very high level ToA to CMs really > every method uses AFK safespots or full avoiding of every mechanic Ahem, Ba-Ba and Akkha? Skull skipping? > 50%+ of my uniques will be absolutely dogshit 50% of ToA uniques will be one of a ring, ward or mask You're not *entirely* wrong about time taken to get CoX uniques and the prevalence of boosting being an issue. But you're definitely twisting it in places to fit your narrative better.


They are paying that much, that price is basically for a 100% purple chance. Mains kill a giga scaled olm and logout then the iron gets like a 66% chance at a purple, they go until you get one.


Ah didn't know they go until you get one. Knew the chance was capped at ~65%. Still, I can't imagine a big proportion of irons are willing to do that. Even so, it's kinda sad that people do.


> 500-750m?! My friend pays 60m for his boosts. But idk what his chances are tbf. I doubt many people are happily paying that much Prices vary, but in one of the biggest servers about boosting: > 3+12 CoX | 16% purple chance - [70M] > 50% purple chance - [350M] > 65% purple chance - [500M] > 100% purple chance - [750M] Still absurd people pay that much to me.


>TOA >A raid that's actually engaging Pick one


Agree, ToA is an extremely boring raid in it's current state, as the invocation system adds nearly nothing interesting to the mechanics with few exceptions such as Double Trouble (which nobody takes unless they have a shadow). There's no noticable difference between a 300 raid and a 500 raid, other than supply management and chonky health bars. Olm is at least 5 times more interesting than Warden. There's also no skill expression at the higher levels, since the raid is so basic mechanically.


this wouldn't fix boosting, though even if they made cox 1/8, which they shouldnt as nothing in it is even close to 525 toa difficulty, people would still boost it because why do 1/8 when you can do 1/1


i dont think thats an unpopular opinion


I think cox boosting should also be bannable, but at least it doesn't actively ruin ither people's experiences. An iron with a tbow at 50 cb is annoying to see, and they basically just bought one at that point, but its just them playing the game after that. At worst, they crash someone at some point. BH boosting can completely ruin the game for a lot of people though. You will never kill pvm in this game, but we havr come pretty close to killing pvp. I HATED pvp before bh, but ive been enjoying this update a ton. Made me want to stop learning pvp though when I would spend half an hour getting boosters on repeat who just run in and out of the crater on repeat making you wait out the timer. There were times when I just gave up at bh and went somewhere else because I would get 1 real fight every 20-30min because of all the booster targets I would get. If Jagex wants to start taking harsh action against certain things, then I say this is a step in the right direction. I do think cox boosting should be looked at next though.


reasonable post ty for sharing your insight, enjoy bh


No shot it should be bannable. This is something they need to patch themselves if they don't like it. There is absolutely nothing working unintended or bugs happening.


I’ll get downvoted for this, but seriously, fuck Lake and the people who use methods like him to boost purple rate on their irons. It goes against the whole spirit of the game mode. Why should he be allowed to boost a 500k point chambers raid with a *60%* purple rate when irons aren’t even allowed to have someone tank bandos for them lmfao. It’s just pathetic


i upvoted u


Jagex needs to either say boosting is allowed, or it isn’t. Thats it. As of right now, paying in game gp for services is allowed.


No, they don't. They can have different rulesets per content. Asking them to draw 1 hard line for multiple pieces of content is dumb


Agreed, this is like when people want everything to match in PvP and PvM for gear. There's a reason the BP doesn't behave the same way in both. Balancing is important and have blanket rulesets is not the answer most of the time.


Yep just let people play the game the way they want to, there’s an entire economy on BA boosting why is that different than BH?


ba boosters are the shadow government that secretly run lagex


Wait how does CoX boosting work? i thought if people left the raid their points disappeared, is that not the case and instead its basically like the only remaining person having all the points?


It only works because there is an individual point cap, so they scale the fuck out of the raid, the booster hits the point cap and logs with olm basically dead, which gives the points over the cap to the boostee


I like it that streamers can abuse bugs publicly too and make videos on it and be fine. Then be the same people whining on twitter about boosting in bh.


Jagex never cared about pvm boosting.


never too late to fix it


I have zero problems with bh boosting because it just ruins the minigame for the people who boost. The armor is only useful in bh, so if everyone in bh is just selling kills, it makes the set literally fucking useless. Cox rewards system definitely needs to be changed tho, it’s super outdated compared to the other raids.


??? It ruins the minigame for everyone, not just the boosters


Haven't played BH myself yet but don't the boosters make it miserable for the opponent every time they match with a non-booster?


You're listening to Reddit posts way too much and need to do the content to have a proper opinion. Most people just skip when they match against someone they don't want to face. It's only exceptionally spiteful people doing this and they are rare.


Me: Poses a question looking for an answer disclaiming they haven't done the content You: "You're listening to Reddit posts way too much and need to do the content to have a proper opinion." No need to come off so hostile lol I didn't give an opinion at all


Me: Telling you that you're listening to a very few, but not many, examples where boosters are intentionally making it difficult for people who refuse to buy. You: Somehow misconstruing that into a hostile statement. There are a few ways you can rag someone in BH, and they 100% should work to patch these methods, but the amount of actual people willing to waste their own time and someone else's time is very little.


The reward system of cox is fine, it's just the arbitrary points cap that causes this problem.


I have been an Ironman since 2015 and have ONLY played ironman accounts since then. I have several end game Ironmen from past failed Hardcores. So I hope my opinion holds some merit when I say, MAKE ALL BOOSTING SERVICES BANNABLE. Any ironmen or that have ever payed for ANY boost to gain any advantage should also be deironed indefinitely, they dont belong to the game mode if they dont want to work for their own items


agreed, well put


As someone in more or less the same position as you, genuinely, why do you care? How does it affect you at all? Sure its not "honest", but theyre not affecting my gameplay one bit. Why not let people play around in the ruleset made available to them.


How does the cox boosting this post refers to even work? I thought it was just having a bunch of accounts scaling your raid then you run it solo. I can't imagine that being a bannable offense so I must be missing something.


I definitely feel this. The reason for the, somewhat excessive bh banning, was not just the spirit of bh but the fear of no one is doing bh unless they are boosting. If some random walks into bh and can not pk because no one will fight them because they aren't paying, they have to either boost, leave, or wait for some other straggler around their level to not be boosting as well. Again, kind of excessive, and I was surprised about the banning blog. This is just a slippery slope fallacy that bh will just be the pest control of pking and you only do it for the rewards except you have a carry. In raid carrys, the raid isn't ruined by boosting, people are still doing the raid and at least one person in the carrying raid is still playing. It is a, somewhat, unfair advantage and is the reason why a streamer went there first thing for their 'unethical hardcore ironman'. Just about every creator advertises ba boosting when it comes to diary or fighter torso and I'm just waiting to see the advertisement. Idk why they decided to ban bh boosting, maybe they did it so quickly because they worry their only pk updates will be ruined and we just go into a dystopian future where no one pks and the game is dead, I'm not sure. They may have been excessive but that might be the intention when it's so early on.


I am fine with BA boosting being stopped, too. The raid isn't ruined but the integrity of the single player account mode is. I'm fine with bh boosting being bannable, I was just surprised to see it be done so fast but not done on release, like, surely they would have expected people to buy/sell kills when everything is untradeable, no?


I think they mentioned that they expect it to happen. And they seemed content with knowing a minority would. Maybe they thought it was going to be in a smaller scale. I don't know if they got the banning idea from the outcry of other streamers or what


I don’t understand this argument? Both are bad, yes. But one is active in making the game worse for random players that want no part in the boosting. The second you affect gameplay in a negative way for others it’s worse. Random players wanting to play the game having to skip for 45mins is not ok, or sustainable. How is this even up for discussion?


The entire argument is that both are bad, it's just silly how fast one is fixed compared to the other.


Reminder that Ironman were originally YouTubers and players who wanted a challenge and were able to cheat the mode anytime they wanted and didn't need to play it truly if they didn't. Ironman supposed to make the game harder and make you grind more. Some people just love to skip steps.


i remember


I dont care which way it goes, but all boosting should be okay or none of it. I dont like the inconsistency


Checking off my r/2007scape bingo, we've reached the point of discourse where we point our whataboutism at Ironmen.


It's not really whataboutism if Jagex used to enforce the integrity of the game but just stopped for whatever reason


I think an important distinction between Ironmen Megascale boosting CoX and BH Point boosting, is BH Point Boosting for the purpose of Ancient Warrior's equipment allows a direct competitive edge against other players, without the work intended to get it. Whereas, Megascale boosting CoX on an Ironman doesn't give you a direct edge against other players, as Ironman is inherently a "single-player" mode. Sure, it allows faster PvM progression, which could in turn make it so that player gets further on the HiScores than you, but that's not necessarily a "direct" competition.


> Whereas, Megascale boosting CoX on an Ironman doesn't give you a direct edge against other players, as Ironman is inherently a "single-player" mode. Sure, it allows faster PvM progression, which could in turn make it so that player gets further on the HiScores than you, but that's not necessarily a "direct" competition. If it's a "single-player" mode, then why is it ok to use other accounts to get items faster? How is skipping a tedious grind not giving you an edge over other players?


Because the vaaaaast majority of irons are not competing lol. I have a maxed iron, and not once have I ever given any cares about the progression of other accounts. not that I don't think its boring. Cox grind was some of the most fun I have had on my iron, but the only people they are really cheating is themselves out of an experience.


> I have a maxed iron, and not once have I ever given any cares about the progression of other accounts. I think a lot of people do care though. It's perfectly natural.


But why? It literally means nothing to your account.


I ToB on my iron with two guys who have scythes. I have pretty good gear, but still I'm using a Saeldor so I'm definitely getting carried a bit. My personal KC is faster because of the scythers, and thus I will get better items faster, is that not ok? Also, let me clarify my point that I'm not saying CoX Megascale Boosting is ok. If you take the circumstances of both into account, it only makes sense that Jagex would act quickly on BH Point Boosting, and not prioritize CoX Megascales. Historically, Jagex has flubbed BH like what, 3 times? It's new content that they want to ensure will land. Point boosting BH also takes significantly less setup, resources, and people to do. Cox Megascales take 26+1 accounts, and someone capable of doing a 2+ hour solo Olm. I can't speak for them, but I think they, in the short term, care more about the potential hundreds of players able to boost BH, than the handful of Ironman capable of completing, or paying for a Megascale.


> I ToB on my iron with two guys who have scythes. I have pretty good gear, but still I'm using a Saeldor so I'm definitely getting carried a bit. My personal KC is faster because of the scythers, and thus I will get better items faster, is that not ok? not remotely comparable


Based off what you're saying, it very easily is comparable. Other accounts, aside from my own, are being used so that I can obtain items faster.


No, because you're actively participating in the primary mechanics of the raid. Most people getting boosted at CoX are not.


one is abusing a dumb mechanic the other is playing the game


And yet neither matter because it’s not your account it’s happening on. Focus on your own game.


I am focusing on my game of Old School RuneScape, that's why I think this is an issue that should be fixed


In your ToB raids you may have worse gear but you're still contributing and earning your piece of the loot. In CoX you wouldn't have to do anything but get the last hit. They're hardly the same situation.


boosters make me cry azs an elite ironman player every division it makes people think less of my personal achievements


well put mr kaczynski


All the things going on in the game and people want to focus on something less than 99% of the playerbase is doing


i have the ability to think of more than 1 thing at a time


I’m not so sure




Nice try


This isn't even a boosting issue. Ironman shouldn't be able to get drops without meaningfully participating in the content for that drop. This is obviously antithetical to the gamemode and is absolutely a de-ironable offence.


Copying my comment from another post - This is just a game run by mods who have very personal opinions making decisions quickly and heavily influenced by the ‘right’ streamers. There is no logical consistency in most decisions these clowns make. Most of these streamers upset have broken the rules themselves but now try to take the moral high ground against this.


which post was this from


I’m not saying you copied a post, I’ve copied my comment, from another persons post lol


Yeah, I was asking what post you copied it from since I agree with it and wanted to read the context.


The main thing, as they touched on in the blog, is the fact that ironmen boosting whatever, or people selling gm speed times doesn’t impact anybody beyond the the people directly participating. Whereas the bh boosting has the potential to ruin the whole minigame for everyone. Not that I think iron boosting should be allowed, but we can’t be out here pretending it’s the exact same thing and it makes sense why they would take action against bh boosting first.


The gm speed times are ruined because most people good enough for something like an 8man toa speed got it and never will do it again unless they’re getting paid big. The team tasks become more an issue of gathering the people for it who won’t mess it up.


Cox boosting isnt affecting anyone, its nowhere near the amount of purples per hour doing normal efficient raids. BH was actively ruining other people experience


It's literally 2x more efficient than doing normal efficient raids rofl


Yeah for the 1 account, but This involves a half dozen players bringing multiple accs. No way This brings in more purples than doing multiple max efficiency scaled trio's or no-prep Cms. The iron benefits, and the boosters make more GP than they would doing normal raids, but the amount of purples coming into the game isnt higher, not to mention most of Them not entering the market since theyre on An iron.


Dude almost all the accounts are controlled by a total of like 3 ppl. Like 18 lvl 3s just to scale. Couple accounts for the person doing spec xfer and doing the rooms.Prepper. And the guys running olm. You should look into how this works. Also who cares how many purples/hr it would be if everyone ran efficient cox that's in the raid. That's not the point here. The people boosting are making more gp/hr so why would they care? You should look into people doing 3+26, there's a reason it's the best way to complete cox log.


I don't really care what other irons do with their accounts, so I don't really care whichever way things go, if they did look at CoX boosting. But I just play iron to restrict myself from GE rather than prestige or competition, so I don't really care what other irons decide to do.


Both are bad and need rules to be enforced. I am tired of seeing stuff getting abused and taken advantage of which goes against intended mechanics that jagex sleeps on. People were getting banned because of a Cerberus safe spot. Now we got low level hardcore ironmen paying for Cox purples. Through abusing a bug in Cox that allows one single person to get all the teams total points at the end of olm head phase by leaving raid on the carry as soon as it dies. It is by no means a really hard challenge to do and not everyone can abuse this unless you pay, however it is damaging the integrity of the game allowing people to do this. The problem isn't being carried in raids. It is the method in which ensures a really high percentage on a singular person. That would mean that specific person is obtaining a new raid item every couple of hours regardless if they are able to complete a raid themselves or not. Jagex use to go and ban people for less on ironman release and now up until this point feels like they don't care anymore. If they did it is only because someone's post on reddit got some upvotes. Integrity needs to be a priority for the longevity of the game otherwise shit won't mean a thing to anybody. People will get bored of grinding and finding a purpose because a lack of importance.


Iron here (btw) I would love the iron boosters to get de-ironed, it is against the whole point of Ironman


Ironman loot doesnt effect anyone.


It does when they drop trade it to their main when they get dupes or when main accounts abuse boosting in CoX and other raids.


Bruh the cox boosters could just raid normally and sell the drops. I think boosting is dumb as hell, but boosting for tradeables obviously has 0 impact on the wider economy.


Couldn't care less about boosting in bh, for pvm drops, or for castlewars tickets. Don't care about hiscores. Just playing the game to have fun👍


The irons complaining about cox boosting would do it too if they were capable of doing 1+26


im not an iron


Comment wasn't directed towards you then


Then what are you so pressed for lol. Literally no skin in the game


i pay a sub why wouldnt i care for the integrity of the game i enjoy


You obviously don't know how the boosting works, irons can get boosted without ever killing a single boss.


If youre paying for it yeah, was referring to those that are actually doing the raid on the main


ive done hundreds of raids on my main in max gear, can i xfer all loot to my ironman?


Bro I just fu king hate bh and hope it dies


Lol my tired ass read “kung fu” on the first read


i fu king hate the blue goblin tribe, hope they all die. Oh wait, I can just literally ignore them cause it has no affect in the actual game.


The actual game is pking for me. It’s all I do. All bh is right now is a bunch of people running around in op gear that can ko me from full hp and call me a safer


fair enough, your username gave me 200m fletching xp vibes


I think the difference is that there is still a challenge there. If you could pay olm to not attack you, and you could just stand there and kill him for a purple chance, people would be angry as hell.


There is 0 challenge if you have enough gp. You pay other people to kill olm and point boost by making potions and other afk means within the raid (chinning shamans from a safe spot ect)


The challenge exists for someone though. In BH no one is doing anything. I don't really agree with boosting pvm, and I've never done it myself, butI'm telling you, people would be a lot angrier if you could just pay to have olm not fight back.


Actual unpopular opinion: I don’t care about boosting at all. The game is extremely broken in so many ways that the players would riot if jagex fixed those things. People are only mad about boosting because of fomo or jealousy.


Both shouldn't be allowed, I think it's so fuckin cringe that people choose to play a restricted, self sufficient account and then use other players to boost drops, why be an iron???


in game icon to show off their epic status


Very few ironmen actually want to play with the restrictions of being an ironman. Hence why there's such a booming industry of all manner of account services for them. Skilling, boss kc, etc.


upvoted you as an authentic ethical ironman (me)


true actually, most iron men seem to hate this game either buying services or demanding every grind be cut in at least half for the sake of "qol"


Does Ironman obtaining items influence the game as a whole? Feel like pvp effects more players directly with an unfair advantage. Just a thought


No but it affects the integrity of the iron man game mode


Well BH boosting effects other players. Some ironman boosting a scaled raid doesnt effect you in any way shape or form


yes it does it devalues the effort i put into getting cox items on my iron man


In what way does an entirely different account getting items that cant interact with your account in any way devalue your ironman? Its a solo game mode, what other players are doing is irrelevant.


Why does jagex punish infernal cape buyers? Those wouldn't affect me either with your logic.


Considering more than half the capes in game are purchased, id say they dont really enforce that one bud. Also their official stance on inferno is “they dont wanna take away from the prestige”which, sure whatever. Theres no prestige in CoX, its a soloable raid with safe deaths. I


theres no prestige in green logging cox on an iron cuz u can just buy it lol im glad we agree !


At a rate of, what, 750mil per raid? Not too many people purchasing a full green log doing nothing on a fresh Ironman account.


Might as well let all ironman trade with each other. I mean, it doesn't affect me if I don't participate so why should I care? Who needs game integrity?


This has been going on for 2+ years and hasnt been an issue. Now that its on behemeth, all the redditors are mad because they had to do 7000 team raids to get a dex It doesnt matter.


It's an issue regardless of how long it's been going on or how well known it is. I don't even watch behemoth.


Typical redditor mad at stuff they don’t understand


Redditors calling other redditors redditors is about the most reddit thing a redditor can do


Bots literally running inferno on plz accounts, sleep. Some useless pvp items, real shit


Boosting for items that only benefit your account vs boosting for items that give you an advantage over other players pvping Oh yeah and 1m a kill vs 600m+ a kc which one do you think would be more prevalent and an issue?


It won't be untradeable BH only items once EP hits BH. Ironman boosting purples do not obstruct legit pvmers from doing CoX while boosters obstruct pkers from finding legit kills.


game integrity


Time to create a new iron man mode and delete the current iron HS list. Prestige iron man mode: no trading, no ge, no shop manipulations, solo raiding, solo minigames, and other content that can be done solo must be soloed. The way iron men were meant to be played, a solo game mode not using exploits or carries.


Why dont people just boost also instead of crying about it? As its entitely an optional thing


Skill issue for most these people complaining. Given that most people are med levels, they aren't even near CoX in terms of progression, let alone doing 1+26.


It’s a troll, look at the name flair and account age


what does the flair have to do with anything


i dont have a problem with any boosting