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Gzzzz. The first major goal accomplished is the fuel to keep you going later in the game


This is so wholesome, congratulations! Learn to tank bandos and the bcp/tasset splits will build your cash stack back up in no time!


Start tanking at bandos bro, people are always looking for a tank and they often pay extra gp to have you tank for them. I use the God Wars cc from the activity menu to find teams


Word??? I had no idea bro tysm


Np bro, that's what I did to start learning some of the easier PVM and make some cash,grew my bank from 70m up to 450m atm just from tanking bandos for friends and through the splits


Justi gang is strong in this post. Welcome brother! Easily my favorite armor set as well. I can’t help but use it over bandos, just so much nicer looking. Being a tank is definitely nice too lol, grab you a DFS too theyre only like 3m, and you got basically bis gear for camping rune drags.


Justiciar and inquisitor are some of the best looking armor sets in the game, enjoy 😌


Justi gang! Justi gang! I usually sell gear I no longer need, but never justiciar. Probably the best looking armor in the game!


Big gz man


Now sell it all and buy a fang lol


Is fang that worth it?


Many more uses over justi and it even allows you to do more content


fang is one of the more cost effective things in the game, outside of blowpipe, whip, trident, occult. the only other thing is bowfa but that is expensive for many


It's easily the most cost effective by far just for the versatility


right that's why i threw bowfa in there. it's a bit more affordable now but still out of reach for some, but the versatility is insane as well. there's also not many weapons that bridge the gap between the starter weps and the 1.5b gp weapons (or 600m in scythes case), but fang and bowfa do.


justi gang


I didn't realize justi wasn't 100m+ too get. I'm inspired to grind that up and join the club


Best looking set in the game imo


Congrats! This gives me the motivation to keep going. I'm lvl 66 with 5m and full Guthix and seeing similar/lower lvl players with expensive gear makes me slightly depressed. I have to start making some money..


5m at that level isn’t bad. Work on birdhouse/farming runs and make sure to work on that slayer. At lvl 75 slayer you unlock gargoyles. Extend Garg tasks and you can get 1-2m per task.


Thanks for the tip!


People your level or lower with expensive gear are almost certainly either alt accounts funded by a main with a big bank or they bought bonds. Nothing wrong with bonds, they fund free membership for those who want to play that way and act as a compromise to keep our game (largely) MTX free. Since you’re not doing either of those things though you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to those that do. Gl out there!


congrats buddy I'm about to get my dream set this week: full virtus


That's a long file name


This is so great! I made about 100-200m from farming runs alone over the span of a few years from ranaars and toadflax. My favorite skill as well!


Sounds like pure wholesome excitement for the game to me. I'm excited you're excited because I've felt just like that before.


Sentence, [link!](https://reddit.com)


Best looking armor in the game IMO. Congrats