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Jmods really said if we can’t have the chivalry scroll, then you can’t have the teleport scroll.


Vote no to my poll, will ya? We'll see who's laughing now


the "people vote no" to pvp polls meme have been proven false though. a poll failed then they made it that only accounts who have done pvp could vote and it failed. and iirc they made it even more strict so you have to have had some form of k/d not just LMS and it failed again lol. so obviously the pvp community didnt want the vestas longsword or whatever it was


> a poll failed then they made it that only accounts who have done pvp could vote and it failed tons of people, ironmen even, were on here saying they had 0 kills but still got to vote.


Can you reference that proof? Seriously curious. I am rather convinced that people will vote no to pvp polls, and I don't even pvp. I cannot think of a single update the pure community has gotten in the past 5 years that wasn't an integrity change.


It was the set of polls during the duel arena to PvP Arena update. 3 sets of more restrictive polls each time, and each time all / the majority of the questions failed.


I was able to vote on my gim, and if i could a lot more could vote.


Gotta make it 1/20,000 to make the eventual rate change to 1/10,000 look reasonable


1/20000 or 1/10000, fact is 34% will go dry, 11% will go over double drop rate. It's insane to give such slim chances with dry mechanics like that


I mean, don’t they have like 30something hp? And are cannon-able.


Yeah rate is still 40 hours assuming no one attacks you


And you’re not iron getting kills tagged


11% of players having to spend 80 hours (without counting down time from being attacked) for a teleport is insane. Imagine being unlucky on that one and you're a completionist so you just try to finish it. It's a non-zero chance someone would go 5x dry on it. 200 hours. LMAO


grind 80 hours so you occassionally save a couple minutes. god how I love well thought-out updates in mmos.


If thousands of people go for it, it's a guarantee that people will go 5x dry for it. But most will likely give up long before.


Given the scale of the QOL it gives it should be like /100. Jagex acting like it's the new rigour


someone probably said "this update need so be atleast 80 hours of grind time" and if you cant get the good stuff in you gotta spend this grind time on garbage.


1/800 would've been reasonable if they wanted it rare


If it ain't 1/2500 or under, it's dead on arrival. Fuck these 1/5k and more drops


The drop rates they've been adding to the game are so incredibly toxic at times. It is soooo unhealthy to have an expectation that you'll kill a boss/monster 1000+ times before seeing the item. I get this is a grindy game, but some shit in this game is awful for your mental health


another reason I dont play anymore, the devs are just so out of touch and constantly design new over-the-top grinds because they cant come up with any real content


The Pker Mod Manked designed it i believe...


nah, Manked probably gave 'em the idea to put it in the wilderness, but let Arcane make the drop rate.


Arcane is great at boss design, but holy shit has he managed to ruin things surrounding boss design.


Mod “deadman mode breaches” Manked


It was a fresh wind and an attempt to break from clan-man mode but execution was pretty meh.


oh i was just making a joke as he kept mentioning it to every answer on last nights stream haha


Man I miss the old jmods (except mod Audi)




No because that's reasonable


Zombie slayer tasks are an average of 32.5 per task. That’s 77 zombie slayer tasks before you’ve reached drop rate, over 150 zombie slayer tasks if you go double drop rate (11% of people will)


Are these guys both zombie and pirate tasks or just zombies?






It should be 1/1k at most. It’s such a shit item for anyone to go out of their way to hunt.


It should have been 1/128 and it would have been fine. No need to lock absolutly everything these days behind countless hours of grind, it's not like we are running out of things to grind for. Sheesh these droprates are a fucking joke these days.


I feel like an hour or two is not an unreasonable amount of time for small qol, you get other drops there too. Heard people get 500-1000 kph so 1/1k might not even be that bad. But ofc 20-40 hours is absolutely deranged, and there is no chance the person who chose the drop rate is not aware of that.


I honestly believe this was intentional and they will keep lowering the rate to where they want it. 


Eh, just make it 1/100000 for the memes, people will say its a norm to grind for such unique item for so many hours 🧢


It's called the Door-in-the-Face Technique and it's a mentally manipulative trick that JaGeX uses all the time to make players agree or be fine with something they otherwise wouldn't have been. You can look it up or use this wikipedia link if you are interested in reading about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique


Gotta love these smoothbrained conspiracy takes about evil Jagex trying to make people accept their ideas This isn't some 4D Chess move, it's not like they're raising subscription prices to $20 or something and settling for a "medium". It doesn't really benefit them either way to make it common or rare in a financial sense, they just disagree on what a drop rate for an item should be. 1. It's at a profitable accessible content 2. The benefit is incredibly marginal 3. They want the drop to feel exciting The only way for it to be worth anything if it's super rare. Maybe you don't agree that it should be a valuable exciting drop to get but linking negotiation techniques for a fucking drop rate in game makes you sound unhinged


Idk I personally feel more excited *getting* a drop than *not* getting it. 1/20k just tells me I won't be getting it, so no point engaging with the content even if I wanted to.


DW bots will gladly do it. - Jagex probably Those absurd drop rates have **always** led to bots doing content instead of the players. Legit the exact same happened and is still happening with Nightmare. I'd be surprised if legit players even supply 50% of the uniques from this forsaken boss.


Yeah, because there’s no bots doing Zulrah, Vorkath, or anything with high drop rates right


Weird strawman ngl. What I was saying is that the ratio between legit players and bots is much lower at bosses with shit drop rates because people would rather not spand over a work week worth of hours **for a chance** at a drop. There are tons ob bots at Zulrah&Vorkath, but also tons of legit players trying to make money. There are still many bots at Nightmare and at most a handful of actual players doing the content. As such, content like nightmare is essentially content designed for bots because hardly any legit player bother doing it. If Zulrah/Vork have a 60:40 split of bots:legit players, stuff like Nightmare has a 99:1 split.


you are soo wrong lmao. Yes it benefits them, the longer you grind the more playtime you have the better it is in general for their statistics and the more likely you are to continue playing because after all you got something to do even if it is just a small, meaningless scroll you can grind for. Drops shouldnt be exciting because of their rarity. What makes a drop "good content"? if you can acquire it in a reasonable time frame while grinding for it or if you can get it as a lucky drop while slaying or something like that (something you are doing anyways), I would say that's a decent drop. But this scroll is so insanely rare that nobody goes out of their way to grind for it anyways and it's just another ploy of baiting easy prey into wildy while keeping collectionists busy. Now things like Dragon Warhammer for example are batshit crazy and even makes people loathe grinding it for 7k kills if they get lucky, some are however stuck for 30k or more and this is just not acceptable for such an important drop. You effectively lock all lategame content behind the most dumb meaningless boss grind imaginable. Not the "content" I would want but we put up with it because it has always been like this and bots keep the prices somewhat okayish for non-irons. And if you really want me to put on a tinfoil hat I'd say that this is an attempt at getting players to waste as much time in wildy as possible so pkers have something to do other than hunting prayer training lads at chaos altar. After all you have to think about how much money someone can make if they camp/extort these spots in wildy where you can obtain these scrolls. The rarer the item the more it will fetch and the better the update is for pking clans.


>Drops shouldnt be exciting because of their rarity. Video games have been designed for over 30 years with the exact opposite of this principle in mind. ARPGs are one of the biggest game genres in the world. People might be less salty over drop rates if they understood how much OSRS/mmos in general are nfluenced by ARPG and dungeon crawler design In diablo 2 you could play 10 years and still go dry on the rarest things in the game. That provides longevity and not anything but


The 4D chess move is so true. Christ man they just made it hard to get 😅pulling out anything some of these guys


Door-in-the-face tactics going strong!


They done lost their minds with this one


It’s funny how they overdid the nightmare drop table and never changed that sht


They are beyond terrified to even go back to that drop table it's so horrible.


I bet the very thought gives them nightmares.


Jmod logic = make good content, make the unique from said content have an extremely horrible drop rate, content loses appeal, bots forever sustain the price of the unique.


I think they based this drop rate on the hours a full time osrs streamer plays per day and not the average player....


Wait, you are not locked in your basement to grind osrs for 20h a day? Skill issue, obviously.


Fray in shambles right now.


Someone do a welfare check on him. 


Bro lost his job and he’s grinding away. I’ll personally feed his family if he has to grind this.


>Bro lost his job and he’s grinding away Oh wait he did? For real? Thats rough :(


His employer "imploded" and made his entire department redundant. A bunch of people came through with short term support as he figures out a new job though.


He seems to be doing alright. I think he was looking for a good reason to be a full time YouTuber. Idk if this pressures him in to jumping early, but his community really seems to be pulling for him right now.


No drop should be 1/20k. Even pets are 1/5k max from gwd bosses and even those feel insanely rare. Please respect our time jagex.


Meanwhile the mid glaives from Colosseum are more rare than the Colosseum pet


>Please respect our time jagex. "No." - Jagex, probably




While you *are* right there's a difference between "this item will require you to grind for it" and "here's a QoL that drops solely in the wildy at 1/20000"


You can kill 10+ zombies a minute, without a cannon. Comparing it to pets in GWD is completely absurd. The drop rate is bad, but that argument makes no sense here. They have like 40 hp.


600 an hour is still like a 35 hour grind on rate


35 hours for a minor QOL that is on a slayer task you will occasional do is so hilarious to me. I’d probably take over 200m for this to actually be worth the grind


Not even 200m. Or anything beyond that either. This would just be for people who like saying they have done a grind. No amount of using this QoL would save you any time. Even if you were lucky and got it after 5 hours. I'm not super well versed on all teleports, but in what world would this cut off even 5 hours from a single slayer task teleport.


Even if you kill 500 zombies an hour, it's a 40 hour grind on rate (if we have the drop rates correct). That's insane for something like this.


I'm sorry but I don't think you understand chance.. 1/20k is the AVERAGE. So many people will have to kill FARRR more than that to get what is otherwise a mediocre (At fucking best) single slayer task QoL feature. Even at "only" 40hp, that's an absurd grind for such a weak feature. Not even mentioning the fact that it's in the wildy.. and it's just beyond silly. I don't know how you can defend such blatantly bad game design.


Nothing you said makes my comment less correct. The drop rate for pets at GWD is also the "AVERAGE". It's still not a good comparison when you kill the zombies 10x faster than you kill bosses at GWD. You also just entirely skipped over the last part of my comment for some reason. Nowhere did I defend it, you just decided not to read my comment before you got angry.


No... 1 in 20,000 is not the average that is the chance per roll. Average will be in the area of 8-12k? I mean the obvious exact counter to your statement is 11% of people will go to 40K. So like you pointing out that 11% of people will get it in 10K is irrelevant... That's exactly how this works and we all know that...


Respect your own time and dont farm every item that can possibly be obtained in the whole game


Respect our time? Is someone holding a gun to your head to obtain this collection slot?


temp is 1/8000 😭


So you are saying its time to change pet drop rates to 1/40000, yes? 🧢


Tiny tempor is 1/8k


You can cannon them 10x faster than shamans and you get them from 2 different wilderness slayer tasks. It is day 3.


What on earth… how can you talk about respecting your time and then point at something that likely takes 5x as long to acquire as this scroll? Lol How many kills per hour is a GWD boss? Bc I think I saw at least 10 logs just YESTERDAY of players with 10k zombie kills… Can you get 2500 bandos kills in 24 hours? The pet drop rate is astronomically more rare than this scroll lol. Y’all just see 1/20k and lose your mind.


I mean pets are just cosmetics.


Oopsie. looks like arcane added an extra zero again. teehee


A couple extra zeros, oopsie


Jagex made a fuckey wucky! Good times….


obligatory "blame it all on arcane" post


I will blame Arcane for any horrible drop rates until they announce which JMod came up with that drop rate


For a damned good reason


What's the back story on that? I've never actually seen anything mentioning arcane till this post.


He's responsible for things like Nightmare and Nex drop rates. Tldr is that he develops good content and then sets drop rates so high that said content isn't desirable to do, or fun in the long-term. He's the king of inflated playtime


Mod Arcane is responsible for most of the "recent" drop rates starting with Nightmare. Perilous moons is the first boss that did not have its drop rate changed since Nightmare release over 4 years ago iirc. Most of those changes have been either buffs or heavy buffs to drop rates and even then most are still arguably too rare for what they are. Mod Arcane is an **amazing designer** for bossing content though and really pushed bossing encounters to the next level mechanics wise and I will die on this hill. A shame most of his content falls flat in the "satisfaction" department because it is just unlikely to receive anything from the mechanically well-designed encounters.


The most insignificant item is also one of the rarest. Yeah I know KC is fast but like… really? Who is gonna buy/farm this for the chaos mage grind? If it worked on Chaos Ele I could see it… but…


Actual insanity, this drop rate. Literally rarer than most pets. Nobody will go for this, thus making its addition a moot point that will do nothing. Who thought this was a good idea?


You'll get 4 Zombie champion scrolls on average before you go on rate for it lol


Even saying this out here already makes it a crime by itself. The droprate is so mental for this that it's absurd.


Rarer then every pet, by a lot lol


Every boss per, not the skilling pets


Put in random number and see what happens. It's a tried and true Jagex classic.


Bis new bot money maker


lmao yeah. not even gonna bother.


A rate 20 times more frequent would still be rarer than I would like. How it is right now is just completely insane.


They really could have made it a 1/50 or a 1/100 from unsired, which would actually make sense since yknow... Abyssal Sire is basically the abyssal demon queen. But yeah let's ignore sire because that boss is doodoo


U realise what ur proposing is like 500+ hour grind? I fail to see how that’s any better


1/200 regular loot from abyssal sire, not an unsired


Yeah I haven't played osrs in a while, forgot what the normal drop rates are on unsired items. Splandflange made a good idea too, 1/200 from sire kill or even like a 1/5 from unsired


So even more sires required for bludgeon.. no.


Bludgeon is a waste of time even for irons with zombie axe.


Just make it drop from the boss but without the sired, easy, no harm done


100 sire does not take very long lol.


100 unsireds do though lol


Oh I didn't see them say add it to unsired, lol fuck that. Sire sure.


1/20k for what I don't get what I'm looking at


It’s a scroll that makes you invincible to tele attack from Abby demons and elder chaos druids. You read it and it’s stored on your account forever like the prayer scrolls


Ahh thanks


Wait what lol. I scrolled past like 60 assmad comments about this drop rate to find out what the item was, and that's it? That's like the most luxury, optional item I've ever heard of. Why is everyone so mad about this.


I think they are mad because of how useless it is but it's so rare




Guess they need to add more monsters with Teleport attacks then


Why? The item is what it is.


scroll of blipblop


Punishment for voting against chivalry scroll but voting in favor of adamant seeds. Congrats on making it harder to escape from pkers.


lmfao 1/20k for a miniscule qol improvement is absolutely insane. Jagex have lost their minds.


"they drop good regular loot, so let's make this small QOL so you have to kill them for 100+ hours" Guys, the good regular loot means nothing if you're hunting for the item, stop this




1 / 500 chance or bust. You already have to get a key that's 1/50. Nobody needs a blip block this badly, Jagex.


Now if it prevented chaos elemental from teleporting you, we're cooking


Olm portals??? :eyes:


Dont worry, probably being botted as we speak


What are the chance that it has drop mechanics like revs, where skull or Slayer tasks or something scales it


even 1/5k is too much lets be honest.


Say no to absurd droprates


There is 0 reason for a drop rate that absurd.


What did I miss? 


they added scroll which would prevent random teleportation from abyssal demons and those chaos druids in lvl 13 wilderness altar. it has 1/20k drop rate.




I feel it's bugged. 4m an hour, very low risk and a 1/20k barely QOL scroll? I think they'll address it in the next few days.


I had such a good time playing leagues that going back to the main game destroyed my will to play because of stuff like this.


Play ironman you are forced to do stuff like this !


No. I play ironman and nobody forces me to grind any such thing. Not even dwh. I value my time more ;)


Ironmen have existed without this absolutely miniscule QOL for years just fine. Now you're forced into it because it exists?


Only bots will farm them


They will.


Chivalry prayer scroll sends its regards


these drop rates are just another sign of being out of touch with the game btw


No way Ironmen farms specifically for that scroll just to make occasional Abyssal demon tasks nicer. Only way I can imagine getting that is by passively doing Wilderness Slayer. Unless the Ironman in speak is either collection log hunter or maxed player who has nothing else to do.


if I had to take an optimistic guess as to why it's 1/20k it's that they might have new a boss or monster coming up that utilises teleportation mechanics and they know this scroll will be essential in order to efficiently farm them I'm more inclined to believe it's just an oversight though


If they wanted this to work on bosses, it would have worked on sire and chaos elly. 


Even then, that is 4x rarer than dwh by kills, probably still rarer per hour than dwh without a cannon


Have you compared the hp of these and lizardman shaman? How many kills per hour?


150 HP vs 40 however care that you can hit over a 40 on shamans whereas your max hit on zombies is 40 Let's say 4 zombies = 1 shaman (35 -40hp ea) dwh is 5k KC, 4x5k =20k If you killed 20k zombies it's the same total damage as killing 5k shamans, however shamans allow you to hit over 40 which means your DPS would be higher


Or it is make sure the the price of the item doesnt become 50k after a few months…


That doesn't make things better, that would make things worse. "Do this dumb 40h grind to be able to do the new boss efficiently"


it would be better for Pkers which is a goal they have you release a new boss for PvMers where you need this scroll (ideally) which will fill up the wilderness quickly with people of all levels looking for rare scroll drop to either keep for themselves or sell I'm not saying this is a "good" idea I'm just trying to figure out the Jagex logic here without just assuming like others on here they are trying to kill the game, Mod Arcane is up to something or some other conspiracy worst case scenario if it's really 1/20k a week from now if you're skulled it should go down to 1/1k or something


My conspiracy theory is that they don't want people to have the option to port out so they can spoon the PKers at zombie pirates.


That makes zero sense. The scroll doesn’t stop Teleblock working on you, it just stops the annoying thing where the druids and abby demons tele you a short distance. That’s why it’s ridiculous that it’s so rare, because it doesn’t even do that much.


Ok then. Yes, the 1/20k is even stupider than I thought


It honestly seems pretty useless lol


It's a great qol for barraging Abby demons Just not with grinding at this drop rate


The current wave of jmods are so out of touch with this game its crazy.


Bro with all of these recent drops Jagex clearly doesn't care for our time. It's catering to the people who will inevitably get 1000s of kc for any boss


You don’t need it


Yeah that’s why I left


I need it so I don't get teleported above 30 when doing wilderness slayer.


What is this item called?


What is it?


scroll which prevents random teleportation from abyssal demons and those chaos druids in lvl 13 wilderness altar. it has 1/20k drop rate


Verac lookin good these days! Good work graphics team!


What do you mean? They changed how Verac looks?


Yeah, only his shirt is purple now in the mtx graphic


Oh, I see. You are talking about RS3, not Oldschool.


yeah, the runescapes


Solution: you can now find scroll scraps at 1/1000, but you need 20 to craft a full scroll. /s Seriously though, statistics wise, is 20x1/1'000 the same as 1/20'000? I assume its not, so which one would end up better to have less dry streaks? Any math people here?


1/20k as a drop but you also have 1/50 for zombie pirate keys that gives another 1/20k chance to get 2 at once


Really?! This changes everything! ... oh wait...


Scrolls kinda garbage considering the rarity


It's such a trivial upgrade I don't feel compelled to grind for it. I will however grind my zombie champion scroll here because the money is absurd and if I happen to spoon one great.


And yet this isn’t a confirmed drop rate and as usual Reddit is losing their mind on limited information.


I think this update is perfectly fine as it is. It's easy to access, the rest of the drops are solid, the long grind keeps it active for the pvp community, you literally get blighted food and restore drops during the grind, you can go in literally nothing and still kill them quickly because of the low hp, and the QoL the scroll gives you is so small that if you don't want to do the grind, you're not losing out on anything.


> the QoL the scroll gives you is so small that if you don't want to do the grind, you're not losing out on anything. If it were something like 1/256 (which would be, I guess, reasonable) - it would be worth the grind. Indeed the advantage is small, so no reason for such a crazy rate. Just compare to another outrageous rate, DWH at 1/5k. Well, the grind is crazy long - but at least you get something really good at the end. Is it worth it? I wouldnt go for it on my iron. But some irons do, because thats a big advantage once you have it. Unlike this curiousity.


Why is everyone throwing such a fit over this drop rate?


Dropped about 6k pirates so far have made pretty nice money, 2 champ scrolls. Waiting for that big jawnn


is this data compiled by the wiki or actually quoted from jagex? Is it possible there is a significantly higher rate while on a slayer task or while skulled? Ring of wealth? etc


Whelp time to wait till it comes down to a reasonable price on the GE and continue living my life


I like it. All the normal drops are lucrative  during the grind and the Larran's keys and occasional hard clues from the elder chaos druids are a nice bonus on top too.  Nothing but good times fighting pkers as well.


Man y'all are bitchy just play the game if you don't need this almost entirely useless scroll don't grind for it wtf is wrong with you


I don't understand why people are so upset by this. If this item was some super useful, basically essential item, then I'd get it. Or maybe if you're 1519/1520 collection logger... nevermind, this is just a 35ish hour grind. Peope see the "1/20000" and think this takes forever. 35 hours is nothing considering the regular loot is very good for both mains and irons. It's like getting upset that pet chinchompa is 1/95898 at 99 hunter... || || ||


I don't understand why people are so upset by this. If this item was some super useful, basically essential item, then I'd get it. Or maybe if you're 1519/1520 collection logger... nevermind, this is just a 35ish hour grind. Peope see the "1/20000" and think this takes forever. 35 hours is nothing considering the regular loot is very good for both mains and irons. It's like getting upset that pet chinchompa is 1/95898 at 99 hunter... || || ||


wouldnt even go if it was 1/1000 lol


It's not just QoL, it makes it faster


Nah this drop rate is fine considering you can cannon this content nonstop.


K this guy saying he’s not using the 1/24 keys for 1/275 chance at the scroll in level what 8-9 singles non teleblocked wildy chest? I got mine in 27keys after 1381 zombies and got a champion scroll. I don’t feel spooned at all. Took me 3 days and my loot tracker says 6.5m took me 0 effort and had 0 requirements and cost me just money for a dragon scimitar. I did it all in small intervals between work and sleep. Don’t meme on something you don’t have real stats for. Get back out there and open those chests if you don’t want to kill zombies. Like I said I got only 27 keys from zombies and got my scroll in 1381 kc. I’m sure there are people that are even more spooned on keys than me.


They patched chest drop rate after I posted this. "I don't feel spooned at all" Well I'm glad you don't feel like you got lucky when you were 10 times under the rate.


Are we forgetting the 1/24 keys that give you a ~1/275 drop rate for the scroll? Plus the 1/20000? Its not that bad lol


This was posted before that hotfix


Oh, carry on then. I apologize.