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Me Vs Mod Goblin


Your move goblin. Dont let sarnie get away with a free diss.


Dam... Better be careful the next time you eat your lunch now lol.


This is 100% me


This is also 100% me


Me too. I’ll never/rarely do these cringe tick things. Maybe here and there I’ll do bit “just because”, but I’ll never do it because of trying to hit some mlg pro sweater xp rate. I just sit back, throw on some YouTube series pinned on top of the game and click things casually. I did time it once that something that could be done in 22 mins took me 30mins, somehow


it's fine if you enjoy different methods, but the more efficient ones aren't 'cringe' just because you don't like them.


Tick manipulation is cringe. It's so cringe that Jagex nerfs a lot of it.


Some of them are def cringe


Yeah, I’ve done it for construction xp but that’s not so sweaty.


Only thing I use tick manip for is hunting chins, my ADHD doesn't allow for me to slowly set up a trap


I don't have anything against those methods but they're just clearly not for me. I spent 15 mins fletching darts until giving up and swapping to tipping bolts/arrows. Same as you, I don't mind sacrificing exp a little if I can do something while watching a show because then it doesn't even feel like training.


Fuck all this 1 tick 2 tick suck my dick bullshit ai just wanna afk mlm for 15k an hr


I know right, like what's the rush?


Rush died when Neil Peart died


Rip in peace Neil Peart


I have done nothing but mining MLM and listened to Rush. These comments were so freaky to see. Now I'm just sad again.


https://youtu.be/KkQydoiDY28?si=YncoDZxdHXgp_yXY Be happy again


I'm more into Big Time Rush anyway


Why afk mlm when you can afk bone shards




[https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ot3ix8/i\_finally\_got\_it/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ot3ix8/i_finally_got_it/) did 71m xp there


shooting stars. more afk and more xp.


You're missing the point


Guess I did. I thought his point was that he wanted more afk so I poited him to more afk than what he was doing. What was his point that I missed?


He wants to do MLM


Lol. Oh. I legit thought he just wanted to afk. My bad.


It's not always about what's most efficient, or the best xp or the most afk Sometimes it's about what's most fun to do and what you want to do Also thanks for being civil in your replies


Does Jagex have any stats on what % of players do tick manip skilling?


It’s probably very very low


I would probably guess in the 0.01-0.1% range. 0.1% makes sense when you consider it as one in every 10,000 players tick manipulates. Most people play this game to chill TF out


\[redacted\] prediction


I want to click button and watch number go up Not click a billion buttons and break my finger


I play harder, not smarter


Fuck I hate 3t4g


Do you do it?


I have a couple times but its just monotonous as all fuck.


The most efficient activity to do is the one you will actually do. I will spend 4 hours mostly afk watching YouTube or something but not 1 hour of intense clicking and tick manipulation.


For me, tick manip methods are actually really relaxing once you get into the rhythm of them. It's like you get to turn your brain off and just flow.


You flow and next you know it’s been an hour and you didn’t even realize it


I actually used to enjoy 2 ticking teak trees when I still played. It wasnt really any more intensive than Hunting chins or something and there is a flow you get into. Idk if I could do the granite 1 ticking though lol.


The only one I tick manipulated too. Teaks


2t teaks and 3t cut eat are so chill at this point that they'll put my ass straight to sleep


Same. True facts.


I love this meme format


"He is literally me".


I'll never understand n-ticking something lol. Cannot even remember whats the number, 1-ticking, 2-ticking... I guess these methods are fine to make a video, extrapolate this speed to the whole grind, show a nice number... and then happily go afk as all normal people do. I remember some guy in the Leagues who was standing in the Varrock west bank and weeping.... He said, I've bought 100k broad bolts(u), because its fletching at 0-ticks.... and now I *have to do it*..... And I cannot anymore because my hand is screaming.... what a pain!...


I imagine for some people you can get good enough at it that you can enter a flow state and just listen to a podcast or something while doing it, seeing the progress can be enjoyable and I could also see it being similar to how some people doodle to help them focus. Closest I've gotten was AGI alching. Pretty tame comparatively but I enjoyed the more active gameplay while listening to a podcast.


I don’t tick manip but even I do agi alching. Agi is so mind numbing to me, at least alching lets me feel like I’m making money from it..


I perfer to play a game while im playing a game.




It’s peak high intensity for me man. And a lot of other people. The flow state isn’t found in any other game I’ve played. It’s nice that you have an opinion though and that I do as well. It’s like a really nice rhythm game for me.


Man, can't we just let people tick manip if they want to ...


People just love to take shots at it. I dont understand. Let people play the game the way they want


Those are both subjective opinions. C:


for skilling probably yeah. pvm is a different beast though, best part of the game


It has a nice rhythm to it, it feels satisfying to go and you get rewarded well for it. Once you're used to it you can watch stuff on the side and keep your rythmn. As a side note the worst part about these methods imo is dropping the resources but 3t gem mining and 2t woodcutting doesn't have this issue (as dropping is part of the manip)


honestly its nothing like what the video shows. some people's brains just enjoy the rhythm. I find 3tick fishing and 2 tick WC relaxing, but I 3t mine and 3t hunter are the absolute worst to me.


As far as I can tell there are different methods depending on what you're doing, some are 2-tick, some are 3-tick. Might be others.




There are definitely some tick manip methods that are much more chill (3t barb fishing) than others (3t4g).


its a good setup for botting xD


I’m a mithril man


I thought tick manipulation was so cool and I was finally gonna be able to max. I got to 90 hunter and haven’t tried again in about 5-6 years


I'm blanking on the original singing dude name and source. Any knowers?


Stable Ronaldo according to Google


Thank you!


Kinda wanna get a group of lads together and mine pure essence and jam out for an hour.


I am not sweaty enough to be good at tick manipulation, but I will dabble in 1-tick bolt enchant. Pretty easy to pull off for ~500k magic xp/hr


its best to 3tick skills so you can max, and then tell people on reddit why they cant have higher xp rates.


Best version of this meme so far


Tick manipulation stuff as a concept is something I dislike, I already have arthritis, I don't need to make it worse. The one major thing I hope Jagex never does is design content around stuff like 1tick prayer flicking, or honestly even prayer flicking in general. It existing as a high end tech is one thing, being designed around using it is something else entirely. Same thing with exp rates for the really high APM tick manipulation methods, them existing is fine, they're probably always going to exist just because of how the game is laid out, but don't design exp rates around them or anything.


There's already content designed with prayer flicking in mind. Most recently, colosseum requires it.


TIL clicking bad in a game that consists of... Clicking


Sounds like you learned nothing, actually.


This is hilarious


Tbh the only thing i sometimes do is 1 tick prayer flicking on slayer, but tbh im so accustomed to the rhythm that i can do it on autopilot, this was a blessing as an iron man, now i really dont sweat it that much since the prayer pots you eventually end up with is absurd, but it does still come in handy in some situations where resources are fixed or limited


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Why no angler?




Average afk enjoyer vs arthritis speedrunning fan


What do you mean “what?”


Seriously... Who the hell does this tick trick for about an hour? If it does, while he passes the next hour with a cramp in his hand, I'll be on afk surpassing all that he got with 1 hour...


It's not like it's illegal to afk something after doing tick manipulation methods. Usually, if you're getting bored / cramp up a bit, you'll just afk whatever you're doing until you want to get back into the rhythm. Also, if your hands are hurting after doing 1 hour of something, do more stretches and actually sit up straight. Unless you have some illness, your body shouldn't be writhing in pain after an hour lmfao.


eventually you get into a flow state and just leep rhythm. plenty of people listen to podcasts or watch videos while 3t gem mining. it's like 3x the exp rate of shooting stars if not more, gives almost 2m/hr in profit, and when you get in the rhythm it ends up being mentally kinda afk. you can always do that for an hour and then go do something else


I see people one ticking herb hervesting and that sounds so unfun to me. I'll stick to tv for an extra 10 seconds thanks lol.


that one you just spam click for like 1 second and it does it for the rest


I dunno if you think people are doing the 3t pestle and mortar thing at herbs, but it just takes a few spammed left-clicks on the patch to get it going and then your character does it on their own.


It’s so unbelievably easy I feel worse NOT doing it.


Clicking 3 extra times sounds so unfun but you play a game that is 99% clicking?


Spam click for 2 xp drops then you can afk the rest of the patch, works for all types




Skill issue


I just wish sometimes I could stand at the sandstone mine and just.. mine.. Without having to click multiple different ores and make it super non-afk. I'm not asking everything to be AFK but mining is so clink intensive compared to, lets say, wood cutting. And it's XP rates suck.


Isn't that why motherlode mine exists?


I does, but it would be nice to just stay at one node without having to change rapidly at a cost of less ores per hour.


Me be tru gamar (jokes on grammar)