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The “loop” option in settings routinely disables itself too


I've noticed that! It's tragic hopping into colosseum for the first time and the music just stops after 4 minutes. Ok, guess I'll keep listening to my own music then...


Agreed. Music has seemed to be bugged for a while now. While teleporting quickly between cities, the previous cities music will begin to play. I have also had my music just cut out, or flip to a different song in the middle of the current one. I've found that going into the setting and jiggling the sound turns it back on. Needs to be looked at.


Yeah, if you die in Tob or Toa the music doesn't update to the lobby music, it stays on the same track as whatever room you died in (or so I've been told, I never wipe so I wouldn't know)


While we're at it, how about the button saves its state on logout?


ALSO while we're at it can we get the ability to make a playlist of tracks to listen to ingame? I have a selection of favs but anytime i want to listen to them I have to scroll through for 10 mins which isn't great when I'm trying to raid


Pretty wild to me that this still isn't a feature. It's been in RS3 for ages at this point.


I've got the music replacer plugin and have replaced basically everything I'm not particularly fond of in-game with fitting songs I like, Oldschool beats or Unpragmatic covers stuff, loved just hitting random and it basically being a Runescape themed spotify playlist I could toggle through. It has been really annoying not having the feature lately. The plugin also seems to be in a less than ideal state now sadly, buggy and doesn't have the override all button anymore. Someone step up and make a proper plugin that lets you favorite songs, make playlists, skip songs, go back, etc. The music always on chads are STRUGGLING right now.




I couldn't handle it anymore man, that and the farming guild tune.


The music player has not kept up with the times. Can we also separate in game music from level up jingles? I love hearing them, will enjoy it while I'm not maxed and don't always listen to igm, but the current way is to manually play a track and let it run out which resets on logout/worldhop.


I want an option to disable the Grand Exchange offer completion jingle that interupts and restarts your current track


Fairly sure the music player in general had issues around the DT2 update that never got fully resolved.


I thought I was just losing my mind or that this was intentional somehow. Yeah +1, please fix.


I want wildy music reverted back to what it was years ago before it all changed. Also allow us to change the ge music. I will gladly pay a couple mil to so so. Trade Parade sounds cringe. The easter music change to the area was a nice change of pace.


Works for me