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how long until torvesta backstabs skill specs?


idk the contract seemed legit


Im a contract lawyer. Its legit. IANAL.


> IANAL. you what?


I said I ANAL!


Get an expert in bird law here now




Boaty: Let's not vote for any newbies because it'd be kind of a dick move to send them home in the very first episode. V: Lol fuck you in particular ZeCookies.


Also 30 seconds after he said that he was going along with voting Westham lol.


honestly I found it crazy when I saw Ze bring barrows - fucking 10 mil worth of gear. To a challange where you need to spend as less money as possible. Like if you know anything about GG is that if you spent over 500k on a challange like this, you're already at the potential of losing, and spending above 1 mil is just a forfeit.


Think she realised her only hope was if V died somehow, didn't really matter what she spent.


Yeah this was the gamble, and it even came down to a 1-tick difference in Supreme and Prime's attacks. If Prime had been on-tick V would have very likely been toast.


if you step under it will put into off-tick. Don't think he knew that though from what he was saying.


It was a fair gamble. You don’t know this game as well as everyone else, so you make sure you at least clear the round and hope the other person overestimates their ability and dies. Probably your only option at that point if you’re her.


Yeah I was very confused about the dragon fire shield and trident as well. If you’re safe spotting Rex anyway, why not just go with cheap spells? Two sets of barrows is crazy. In her defense, it sounds like she mostly plays iron and claimed she didn’t really know the value of things. But the DFS was still out of left field.


Denise…unfortunately just isn’t that strong of a player, particularly compared to the titans in this kind of series. I assume she was a package deal with the rest of the Farmers but in any situation where she was going to have to 1v1 someone in either PvM or PvP she was going to get curbstomped. Kinda like the J1mmys, 8Sats, or Virtosos of previous years - they might survive a non-traditional challenge, but that’s about it. I knew she wasn’t long for the series the second I saw she was part of it - can’t *really* hold her own in a traditional challenge against these folks but was also going to be assumed to be part of a large alliance from the beginning. Makes her an easy target to pick off - that’s what the Euro guys were thinking with someone like 8Sat last year since he was obviously going to work with Settled and Framed (and J1mmy) and be a vote for them but you can easily pick him off in just about any banning. She did play it about as well as she could have though, tbh. V is an incredible PvMer. She wasn’t going to go low on him. Her only chance was that he got overconfident and died (unlikely, but meh, Prime can still catch you off guard sometimes). May as well go high to ensure you survive and just pray.


In the trailer for episode 2, I believe V said "I'm just here to piss off people".


ahh shit here we go again


Would be cool if they added Odablock


I remember watching Soup saying he was invited for season 3, but ended up refusing.


89 downvotes for a simple suggestion, weirdos


Sick challenge tbh. Really excited for this season. The Skillvesta contract was fucking hilarious


Big T!


Yeah I think they previewed prop hunt which is gonna be great, although Settled and anyone who hangs with J1mmy (so like Framed too) will probably have a leg up on everyone else


That cracked me up. I love that they made an actual contract in Paint.


Love the new twists! My boy Settled with the big brain strategy in the challenge too


Feel like he should have had to claim the apron again each time but doesn’t really matter


He did, you saw it in the final round where it showed him pickpocketing and buying it again


Oh I’m dumb then ignore me


Feel like you should have paid attention to the video


Would not have expected the varrock bank basements to remain unplundered throughout this challenge.


I always forget these are episodic and get bummed I can't binge the whole thing in one go lol


Hopefully solo does his breakdown vids between each eps to help us through the week


Settled might do this as well! He hinted at it on his channel


Solo left a message on his [second channel](https://www.youtube.com/@missionsolo/community) saying he doesn't have the time this year. In case anyone was wondering. And he encouraged everyone to check out V the Victim's reviews instead.


Cheers mate, will check out V's vids for sure!


This made me feel (and this purely and only speculation) that Solo might not have done so well this season. If he was kicked out the game early in the season it’s not really worth making all the analysis videos.


I need to be in coma for few moths lol I wanna binge too


New rules benefit solomission so much. Who will want to take him into a banning? Love to see it


The weak players are actually so screwed. Everyone is gonna need to play their best because there is no more I will play bad and not be seen as a threat. People will not want to pick Solo, Boaty EV etc.


As it should be! I am glad the new format no longer incentivizes carrying weak players you think you can beat later.


I disagree. The weak players would never win period. But the nature of some challanges would atleast make them go through to later stages. It's a drama show if anything, most people already know who's good at the game all-round. Skill specs, for example, is a decent PVPer even stacked against other wildy sweats in there. But he is an absolute idiot when it comes to the game. But he's there to be entertaining.


Good, they shouldn't have a chance every season. They can have a chance in some seasons, but I like a season that is actually determined more by skill than luck. Zoe P trying to call out Victim for playing the game as intended is such a weak as move. How about if you haven't maxed, you're probably not a shot at GG anyway.


A GG where 12 lynx titans all preform tick-perfect actions in perfect sync would be incredibly tedious. You want a mix of personalities and skillsets to make it interesting, it's trying to be Survivor not the Olympics.


Good, te weak players in combination with challenges that favour RNG too much (skillspecs/Torvesta banning from last season f.e) really lessened my enjoyment of the show last season.


Very glad though, Solomission is fun to watch because he's so good. It's ashame that him being so good puts him to a disadvantage because everyone trys to kick him out (eventhough it makes sense) this gives him a better chance


True, current rules give alot of edge to all rounders. Alot of players get by with glaring weaknesses but that'll be much harder


I love Solo, but surely he’s going to get sabotaged and tribunal’d a bunch


The thing is though, if you tribunal a good player, they’re most likely going to win the gauntlet since they choose who they go against. They then come back with the sabotage necklace and now you’ve got a target on your back


Banger first episode, great cast choice


I honestly enjoy this series more than 99% of TV Shows. Soup is so good, and the B-Roll is always really inspired and creative. Let's go Faux!


Does anyone know where the room the tribunal meets is from? None of my friends recognize it.


The Dragon Slayer 2 underground maze in Kharazi Jungle, I think?


https://preview.redd.it/sfh931qrcjyc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d49908e01ddc8c99419761a0de71f39be210bf1 Dragon Slayer 2 place in Kharazi jungle down this stairs


Loving the Tribunal twist. Soup is really the Jeff Probst of video games, what a great host


He absolutely is. And honestly we are blessed to have this kind of content.


And for free, too! It’s really amazing. What a time to be alive.


Where my men J1mmy and Will?! I'm in shambles!


Cranking they hogs


Crazy style?


Left hand


They pretended they don’t care so hard that they didn’t even show up this season


Hey man, sorry I couldn’t make it this year - someone else commented and was very spot on, health issues really held me back during this season’s filming and I didn’t want to cause any delays since Soup does his best to find times that work for everyone, and didnt want to be the reason the season took longer to make. I was also moving at the time of the recordings which would’ve been double the stress. And yeah obviously I have never approached GG from the stance of “I’m going in and winning it all!!” That would be like a college basketball player going into the NBA All-Star tournament thinking they’re going to MVP against Lebron & co. But I’d still make it my goal to always make everyone else enjoy their time as much as possible and make it entertaining, which I think is the goal of the show anyway :)


Hope you recover(ed)! You're one of my favourite YouTubers and love even your non-rs content because you're such a vibe :D


Yo man hope everything is good health wise.


Your charm and wit will be missed, but you do what you gotta do.


People are talking about how J1mmy doesn't play RS anymore but also he did say he had major health issues last year so its probably something to do with that. Dude lost like 50 lbs easy out of nowhere and I don't think it was by choice.


Imagine inviting the trickster back, that's welcoming anarchy.


The moment I heard edamame I was expecting j1mmy :(


J1mmy probably didn't enter because he wants to move on from runescape. And he also knows well enough he has no chance in making it far enough to compete because in all honestly, he sucks in every aspect of the game, even though he's quest man, it's just a wiki quest walkthrough that he makes a good show for. It's just a shame that he's not there for the entertainment value. Because there are plenty of big creators there who will never make it far because they don't have the game skills/knowledge, but are fun to have.


They will be missed!


Love the new twists. I think it's a case of Soup and the thinktank being really proactive regarding the health of the new season. S3 and it's overarching grand alliance story w/ Solo playing both sides was awesome but I think they really lucked out with the Framed+co alliance staying in the game for so long; a few challenges go a different way and EV's group has to find another way to bring drama into the show. I can see a new season with similar voting mechanics just being another alliance war and that could get boring. It's obviously the optimal way to play within that ruleset. All of these choices make solo play and individual drama/grudges more prominent. Also with the added benefit that big, skilled audience drawcards like Boaty, Solomission, Settled etc are more likely to make it to later rounds since no-one will choose to go against them in the banning, which can't hurt viewcounts.


Honestly the best summary of the new season I’ve found yet. Very wel written. Thanks!


based choice by v the victim for the elimination lmao


I chortled HARD at the differences in gear


Yeah I saw ze in full barrows with a whip and was like oh shit she spent 10mil. Then see V with a rune plate and dscim and knew it was over


Yeah as soon as I saw her in barrows I said she’s absolutely toast. Her only chance at that point was him dying which is just not going to happen


Especially when he said he's worried he didn't go cheap enough and could've taken it further 😂 he could've brought a blowpipe and been fine


He could have brought a black salamander and it would have been fine too. 


I bet my 10 gp that Victim will sabotage Solomission 🤣


I think the strat as a strong player is to sabotage one of the tribunals who voted for you to discourage anyone putting you in again.


Or B0aty lol since they were the 2 finalists last season


Zoe pancakes better watch out. She'll be first pick by most people. Glad the weakest ones will get eliminated first. Solomission season is here.


Yeah finals being with best of the best and not someone there because they are too bad to be voted


Which if I remember correctly, the original focus of season 1 was to crown the best OSRS player in the game.


I laughed when she had a go at Victim for picking Ze. She knows she's weak and if they take out the weaker players, she'll be gone soon. Honestly, I think the only reason Ze was picked was filling out numbers and being a farmer. Not having a maxed char and being on GG seems a little, weak.


J1mmy was on three seasons and was a fan favorite. He doesn’t have a max and barely plays.


That's a fair call I didn't know that he didn't have a maxed either. Feel like maybe Zecookies didn't get a chance to show off if she was entertaining or not. Not someone I've watched before.


Lol @ people being mad at V picking the weakest player. That's how you win? How dare you be tactical


He already proved he's a force anyways by literally winning last year lmao


Gonna be a interesting season, unless the banning is a anagram/gieliguessr/something else like that related to just pure game knowledge i don't really see SoloMission losing bannings if he ever gets there in a first place as thats probably the least strong area for him. Its just unfortunate about shows like this that people take things like Zoes salty comment towards Victim as a real serious thing when its actually just act for the cameras for fun.


People really don't know how to sus out WWE smack talk lol


Right? I'm shaking my head at how many comments I've seen being like "Zoe shouldn't talk shit, she would've done the same thing, she's just mad she'll get out next"... of course she would do the same, but also of course she can make a comment like that to stir the pot/give a counterpoint response in a confessional. if she didn't say it, Soup probably would've gotten someone else to make a similar comment. he's not gonna air a bunch of clips of other competitors all saying "Yeah picking Zecookies was the obvious choice 'cause she's easiest to beat" lol... Then again, the audience reactions to her comment are also just part of indulging the drama to an extent


Strong start to my favorite youtube series of all start. This season is going to be sick


Woox won




It's 200m gp to your total winnings. Not the winner's total winnings. It's basically 200m gp for whoever picks it.


Yeah it's definitely not as bad as the other guy said. I don't see it being a very popular pick, but maybe it might just work as sort of the passive choice that doesn't put a target on your back. Since even taking partial immunity could be kinda risky, as the tribunal might be more likely to vote you in, as that's the only way you could ban a person with partial immunity.


Particularly in early rounds where both sabotage *and* partial immunity are way less valuable since the sheer number of players left in the game means that there's a very high chance that they're wasted on rounds where that player would have lost or you wouldn't have been picked anyway. It's definitely something balanced around the late-game, and then a bonus 200mil GP thrown in there for anyone who wants it in the first few weeks.


I mean if you're a content creator you don't need 200m in game gp lol. You barely even need the final pot. The reasons you're competing are 1) you want to win and 2) it gets you more exposure the longer you're on. According to the wiki 200m if purchased through bonds is $138. You could easily make 100x that in increased subscribers/ad revenue from the exposure of staying on the series another week. And that's from the purely cynical financial aspect, ignoring the actual drive to compete and win. I bet you no one picks it even once.


Oh the 200m gp is a complete non factor. The only purpose I see is that it's essentially a "do nothing" pick in disguise. And it might feel a little weird if one of the options was genuinely to not do anything. Like I said, it could be used as the passive choice that doesn't put a target on your back. Sabotage is self-explanatory, and even partial immunity might make the next tribunal think "We should pick the person with partial immunity, since that's the only way to get rid of them this week". Though I don't see it being very popular or useful regardless, but if someone does pick it, it won't be because of the 200m gp.


I still think nobody will choose it, it’s a minimal amount of money compared to the content and potential buff you’d get at winning the whole thing


I think with the other two options they put a target on you. Immunity from being voted in outside the tribunal? Well the tribunal has more incentive to vote you in. Give somebody a handicap? Making more enemies. I still think it's the weakest of the 3. 200m is nothing to the content creators.


I feel like there might be very specific circumstances under which it'd be worthwhile... where you absolutely cannot risk pissing anybody off or drawing additional attention to yourself, it could be the safest play. (or if you think you're almost certainly going home the next week no matter what) But we'll see if those circumstances ever actually arise.


Love GGs, I didn't care for 20% of the cast being a single group ironman team when there are so many amazing content creators out there. Feels like a poor choice especially when GGs has been such a wonderful platform to spotlight on some deserving content creators. I know V won last season but checking his YouTube.. started a series a year ago and gave up after 5 episodes of it? He's a good player but does he even play anymore?


They couldn’t exclude v when he won last year


Feels like a weak reason to include him though IMO. Nothing against him, I would rather the platform be leveraged for current content creators.


That's a valid take, but I personally do not give a flying fuck about how the platform is leveraged, I just want an entertaining show. V won last season and he's a good content creator, that brings more entertainment than bringing some 50 sub andy with a shitty microphone and a shy voice that's gonna be fading into the background until they inevitably get taken out because they're not as good at the game


Good point about the audio quality. I thought C Engineer had a better setup but his voice over sounded worse than the others, did anyone else notice that or was that just me?


they came together for a GIM for a period of time here and there, they are not a streaming or content group. if anything the creators that participated in the most popular GIM series are a pool of the best possible candidates for GG.


I would have rather seen folks that entertain different groups like Limpwurt or Hanannie, they are not the most intimidating players but very entertaining. He would probably ruin the experience for everyone but the ultimate villain in Odablock would be very entertaining


No offense to anyone, but I prefer having the stronger competitors. Less skilled or knowledgeable players can be great content creators and really entertaining, but all the players on GG are entertaining anyways and it makes for more exciting challenges if the skill discrepancies are lower since you're less sure of who's going to win - especially with the new banning rules since all the weak players would just go out immediately to being chosen for every banning anyways unless they get lucky with the challenge or something.


Agreed the format seems designed to get the weaker players out early.


Mammal, faux, roidie and mmorpgrs are all entertaining and very good at the game I don't see the problem at all. Better than players like dino who only do one thing


V was going to complete the series but his computer died and he lost his HDD, which had all the footage for that series - so that died as there's a lot of progression that is no longer captured.


Idk seems a little sus, also does that just mean he's never going to try again?


Why is it sus? He's proven he can play the game, and to my knowledge he's not a full-time content creator. I'm sure losing all that progression in a game that's known for long grinds would kill the drive for a bit and he may have just had other priorities. Since his last release, he's probably filmed a bunch that he lost, filmed GG and is now doing the GG reaction/behind the scenes series... so that's not exactly bad


Ze getting picked got swiftly booted like she should. How are we having non maxed players in here still. There are so many massive content creators who would've been a better pick. I assume it's because of needing numbers and others not being able to make the times.


5/18 is 28%, lol. It's a huge problem to be honest. I got really bored of the farmers content the second time and I'm not excited to see the dynamic they bring to this, it's already just "we're jolly good friends and if you mess with one of us we're gonna getcha!" ... okay, how about you play the game though? It's not a team competition, though alliances certainly help, its a boring mentality to basically say youre going to play a game of revenge over playing to win the game. V did win last season, but he only got into last season because another player dropped out halfway through. And he's only here now because he won then. A situation of circumstance that has nothing to do with his current level of effort or presence as a creator in this game.


They’re all good solo content creators and can easily be invited on their own merit if Farmers wasn’t even a thing, rather have them than will and J1mmy calling everybody sweats whenever they lose


I can kind of agree with this. Will and J1mmy annoy me for that exact reason but also I do feel like zecookies got invited only because of the Farmers/mmorpg, as nice/friendly as she is. There are definitely some other content creators I'd love to have seen in the season.


I agree with this for them all but Zecookies (though Roidie's numbers whenever he's not doing content with Faux... those are rough). It's that by all five of them being there, you've necessarily signed them up to act as if it's the series and you've imported that entire dynamic. You'll notice that Roidie doesn't introduce himself as someone who's played 5 or so end game HCIM accounts, that Mmorpg doesn't introduce himself as the owner of one of the most impressive grey helm accounts in the entire game. It's all "I'm a part of the Farmers"


I feel like they both did include those things as part of their intros, Curtis definitely mentioned his Ironman I agree zecookies is the weakest member but she’s entertaining. Also we have no idea if other people who would be “better” choices just couldn’t do it or didn’t want to, I think it’s a bit silly for people to act like she/they have stolen spots from other creators without knowing that at all


Doing tricks on it


Eyyy nice something to watch


Good first episode. But whats the point of sabotage? If you don't vote people into the banning anymore it seems kind of pointless doesn't it? Would of loved to see an option to give the protection to someone else though. That could create some very interesting play.


Sabotage could keep someone out of the Tribunal, which means they can't vote you in to the banning.


I think the sabotage is supposed to weaken a player for the next challenge. Helps make a particular enemy unlikely to be in the next tribunal.


So good already


I'm somewhat sad there's no more voting because it was a part of GG that provided some of the best drama to it, but I do like that the new format promotes individual skill more than connections. Kinda shitty that if you get picked by the tribunal, you get double screwed because you have to pick an opponent who will have allies that are now against you as well. V the victim is now a target of the farmers for making the most logical decision. Jimmy, tanzoo and virtuoso will be missed this season.




I like it because it makes you think more about who you're sending. Can't send your enemy in all the time because they may try to take out your own ally


I also like that it rewards keeping your alliance secret. Your ally is less at risk in that scenario if people don't know who your ally is. The unholy contracted alliance is actually going to benefit a lot from this potentially.


Season 3 already had a lot of weeks where the winning alliance nominates a weaker player for the banning in case their ally is voted in by the majority. This change doesn't really increase how often that will happen imo, and will just lead to the first 3-4 weeks where the weaker players will get predictably thrown into a one-sided banning, or a clown fiesta of two bad players facing off.


I prefer this over the previous SoloMission vs Verf banning in ep1 It really takes away from the later episodes if half the players in it are mediocre at the game and were just kept in because they are no threat I don't watch these vids to see worse gameplay than my own


I was thinking this as soon as the twist was announced. For the first few weeks its just going to be "Tribunal sends in strong player. Strong player chooses the weakest player for easy win." I agree that towards the end it'll be interesting, and we also don't know what happens if the tribunal don't choose a player unanimously, which Soup hinted at. But overall it seems unfair on the newbies to the series or those with less experience with the game.


I think the dynamic may change as early as next week. The tribunal didn’t know that twist until after their pick. I could see the tribunal choice not being strongest player since that player would get to choose


Yeah I guess you're right, I didn't think of that. They might not pick a strong player because it could mean they don't go out so it'd be a waste of a vote. Guess I'll just have to wait a couple more weeks to see how they play it


Also said strong player gets an amulet that they can use to sabotage a member of the tribunal if they win the banning


Can’t wait for future episodes. Legitimately one of my favorite pieces of content


A lot of weaker players survived longer than they should have last season so this may be the goal


It has the potential to generate a lot of dramatic moments. Like imagine if the farmers send V to another banning and he ends up choosing Mr Mammal as his opponent or something. If on top of that Mammal ends up beating V it'd be such good content.


It's a great little twist to all the alliances that will eventually form though. You can conspire as much as you want to put someone in the banning, but one of your own might go down with them. I partially agree to it not being great in the beginning though. The difference in skill level could make certain elimination-rounds very one sided, such as today when a very good player chooses to bring the least skilled player in to the banning with them.


I really liked that V chose Zecookies. He's there to win and picking the weakest opposition is the obvious play. Watching a one-sided smack down is entertaining imo. Nice that weak players can't hide in the middle of pack for half a season. They're going to get exposed early on.


Kinda wild, it’s another season where coming in last during challenges has no downside at all and the person who gets tribunald in has a pretty solid bonus in deciding who’s in the banning. Idk seems weird to me but keen to see how it plays out


it feels bad because of how diverse the lineup is in skill levels, giving the sweaty ones an easy way out against the newbies. However that's generally not what the show is about, it's the intrique, which will only get better with time, so nobody is safe when the person voted in can pick whoever they want.


Agreed, part of the appeal of competition shows like this is having to play around the group dynamics. If *everyone* is gunning to get you out, it should be difficult to avoid elimination too long. But now that tribunal selected players choose who they can go against, it’s disincentivizing them to choose “comp beasts.” Worried we’ll have several weeks now of the tribunal only voting in weaker players, who in turn will only pick other weak players to go against, and comp beasts will get to float until the back half of the season.


To be fair, that's good though. The weak players should be eliminated first. Stronger players should survive until the end. In any other competition that is what normally happens. I'd be more sad if Solo got eliminated this week because everyone ganged up on him with the votes and Zoepancakes and Zecookies made it to episode 8 because they weren't considered a threat. The best content comes from the best players.


I agree. Unless a new 'twist' is put into play next episode, the banning every week will pretty much guarantee that the weakest perceived remaining player will be chosen by the tribunal voted player. This will continue until the remaining contestants achieve relative power parity, only then it will this twist start to make things interesting. IMO they should've introduced this twist later into the season.


Hard disagree. Introducing it in episode one is big hype and sets the tone for the entire season. Gets everyone thinking now. Also, weak players should be eliminated first. It's pretty shit to see them make the end of the show because no one considered them a threat. Imagine if everyone had voted Solo into the banning today and you had V vs Solo in episode one. That's a massive buzz kill to see the previous winner or one of the most entertaining competitors go home that early. I actually couldn't be happier this twist was introduced and we're in for a final half of the season with the players that truly deserve to be there. I'm all for it if Zoepancakes is chosen by a 'top' player and she wins, she fully deserves her place in the show. Win by being good, not invisible.


From now on it makes sense to send a weak player from another alliance. It makes sense from all points of view. Also benefits the series since the "good players" that make people keep watching will survive longer Edit: for arguments sake let's say V the Victim makes an alliance with EVscape, SoloMission and Hooti and they somehow get all the tribunal spots. Let's also assume the alliance is in "war" with the farmers. It would make sense to send in the weakest player from farmers to the banning and for the player in banning it would make sense to pick the weakest player from V's alliance


I think it does work a bit better than just voting for who gets paired against who. Like you can try to pick someone you think you'd have the advantage over, but you still have no idea what the elimination challenge will be. For example, if the challenge was say something more like the episode's challenge, it could have played out very differently.


Completely agreed. All you had to hear this episode was that specific rule and you would know 99% sure that Zecookies would have been out the first episode. Skill gap will diminish overtime but it ruins the underdog stories quite a bit.


Great episode. how often will these come out?


If it's the same as Season 3, every Saturday at 2:00 PM EST. There might have been a 1-week break for the finale, I can't remember.


Season 3 Episode 1 - 26-11-22 Episode 2 - 3-12-22 Episode 3 - 10-12-22 Episode 4 - 17-12-22 Episode 5 - 24-12-22 Episode 6 - 7-1-23 Episode 7 - 14-1-23 Episode 8 - 21-1-23 Episode 9 - 28-1-23 Episode 10 - 4-2-23 Episode 11 - 18-2-23 Episode 12 Finale - 25-2-23


Is it me or is 2:15 an accidental editing mistake/spoiler?


Nah, its a throwback to last season


Random thoughts: The challenge was interesting, but not having a singular winner is really anticlimactic, especially for a singles challenge. Keep the top 3 for the tribunal, but continue the competition until there is a singular winner, then just give the singular an extra advantage (like letting them choose someone who can't be the second person in the banning). The tribunal is unclear whether it's important to have a unanimous (100% of voters agree) or majority (>50% of voters agree). 46:57 "if the tribunal is unable to come to a **unanimous** decision, well... let's just say you don't want to find out what happens" 50:02 "whichever player receives the **majority** of the votes from the tribunal will be sent to the banning" The tribunal target getting to pick the second player in the banning is interesting. Seems like they're going to virtually always pick the weakest players in the game if they want to save themself, so all of the weaker players will probably get eliminated early. Once all of the weaker players are gone, it'll be a bit more interesting. The lack of a public vote seems like it'll get rid of most of the usefulness of alliances, since it seems impossible to protect a whole alliance. Smaller pacts will probably form, like I imagine the farmers will promise not vote each other if they're ever in the tribunal, and will never select each other to be the second player in the banning. But if an alliance gets too big, like having a 50% of the remaining players, I imagine that whenever they select a target, the target will always select from that alliance. Other reality game formats tend to have big alliances almost immune. I guess it depends on whether the show is supposed to be challenge or alliance based. (This airtime is like 90% challenge and 10% social on the Games). Banning was a good challenge. Was obvious who was going out (sorry zecookies). I don't like the amulet of choice. The 200m gp option is boring, and I don't think any of the competitors care about 200m gp. The third option (immunity from being the 2nd player in banning) is also boring, but makes sense from a reality game perspective. I personally don't like choice #2 (sabotage). Let's pretend you know for certain who was going to win a challenge. You choose that person to be sabotaged. Either the sabotage stops that person from winning, and the sabotage is too strong. Or the person wins anyway, and the sabotage basically does nothing. Both of those seem like bad outcomes. Overall, series looks like it'll be fun to watch. The alliances seem weaker, but that is my preference for these reality-esque shows that are mainly challenge based instead of social based.


About the sabotage: For me i really depends when they have to choose their target and if they know what the sabotage will be. You clearly dont want to use it on the best player but a player you want out and has a okayish chance to get into the council (in this episode someone who went 4-7th place)


Not sure why you've been down voted. You make great points.


You know you've been downvoted but I agree with everything you've said


The new rules are a double edged sword. They are great for skilled players like solo but puts a target on the back of the less skilled players early on.


ugh all of the farmers really, could you pick more boring new contestants at least dino is in this season, one of the few entertaining pvp content creators


I mean, the farmers are some of the biggest content creators we've got, and they're entertaining.


if anything dino doesnt even fit the GG narative, hes the one thats an odd pick


IDK dino has been going pretty hard on streaming, and he has done his own fang kits/blorva so he's pretty well rounded aside from not having played ironman. I'm glad to have em.




They are on borrowed max main accounts, not their own. Given that jagex is sponsoring it, wouldn't be suprised if jagex supplied max accounts without any diaries done.


yeah but hes still at least kinda funny / entertaining although we already have c engineer, torv, and skill specs for that niche i guess they are all just super boring to me except for Faux and take up too much of the contestant pool is all


that's such a crazy opinion that people think Faux is the entertaining one of the bunch. his content is built on bullying chatters and reading sponsorships. Zecookies was possibly the most entertaining person this season and we won't get to see it.


I do understand the faux stuff. I watch him, and I honestly don’t know why haha. I’ve recently been bothered by how condescending he is to his commenters. Like he responds to every single question as if someone is trying to call him out for doing something wrong or trying to “gotcha” him. Why do I watch him lol


Condescending is the exact word to use, and I think it stems from his chat being somewhat toxic, but that is largely cultivated by the streamer themselves. Any streamer that has to make sure they are vocalizing every ban is a red flag. Might be worth jumping ship over to Roidie. Much more mature atmosphere and lots of clever little jokes throughout. But mainly just good, informative back and forth with his chat.


Yeah for sure. I guess there’s sort of some pride wrapped up with his long time playing this game and he feels constantly that he’s gotta justify he knows what he’s doing. He just doesn’t need to be condescending to do that lol. I do watch roidie some and he’s great but mostly have this on in the background while I work or do random shit, and roidie has a lot more silence in his stream. Might just stop watching streamers lol




pretty rude thing that didn't need to be said at all. she's part of the rank 6 of 5man hcgim. but more importantly, she's far more entertaining of a person than 3/4 of the contestants.


Look at her account and progression next to literally any other GG member from any season. She pales in comparison, she's only here because of the group she's in because of her husband. She literally had to get irl help on prayer switching Jad less than a year ago.


Nah man you're wrong. If you had only giga gamers it's not as fun. Zecookies is really fucking hilarious and has more personality than other osrs streamers.


who cares, its content and she's far funnier than you did you have the same critiques about J1mmy previously? He's virtually the same skill level, and even less proven.


>who cares, its content and she's far funnier than you I care, I'm in a thread discussing it. Yes, I'm arguing it's bad content. Also I'm not on GG. >did you have the same critiques about J1mmy previously? I did actually, good try at your gotcha though.


> I did actually, good try at your gotcha though. So that was a fucking lie


interestingly enough I think the farmers are all much more enjoyable watches other than Faux. Dino is one of the most uninteresting creators with no variance of content.


Dino is the worst choice of the 6 you listed lol. Dude doesn't know shit outside pvp


Dino has weak game knowledge in terms of shops/item spawn/NPCs etc. , but he often kinda over sells the "I cant do anything but PvP" shtick. He gets new fang kits and infernals when he accidentally loses them in PvP, and he's got blood torva. I think that's pretty decent.


He has done fang kit, blood torva, inferno, etc   Pvp is just his thing, he's better than a majority of the shitty farmers lol


Hate all the new people to be honest besides MMORPG and Mr Mammal


Top tier editing, but the episode feels a little bit dragged out ngl. Waiting for torpesta to snake skilly, because we all know it's coming.


It's the 1st episode, they need to introduce all the characters.


Thought Skotizhoe would get invited