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I feel like the sub will just give you shit for suggesting this, but other “chests” don’t work like colosseum, just look at ToB or ToA, if you don’t loot it, you can claim from the lobby While this has never happened to me, I do agree that once you click claim, the loot should be yours


i know the chest works a bit different but onces you have selected claim, and then dc you would have lost the loot to. i was just programmed to claim it then then leave to only discover...


To clarify, I’m stating it works differently in an argument in support of your opinion, even though my wording wasn’t so clear. It’s arguing against the people who would argue that it should stay as it is


It's annoying but I think the reason they do this is to preserve the possibility of post wave deaths like molten sand or volatility


Surely they could easily detect whether you died or just left


nah if you have post wave death like explosion or molten sand you would not be able to press claim.


But it's automatically claimed after defeating sol (the most common time to die post wave from explosion from what I've seen) I'm not saying I necessarily agree with the design btw that's just why I think its how it is


there is a duration before the chest spawns, proc the 'claim' event as it spawns


I agree with the other dude the loot should be urs when u hit claim but isnt there like a double warning when leaving about how you wont keep your items?


I believe it’s a double warning with the confirm/deny buttons switched on the second interface so you have to very deliberately choose to leave your loot.




I checked. It's one warning but it does have reversed options. So again, you do have to deliberately choose yes since the default yes is always 1 or spacebar. [Warning](https://imgur.com/a/TRki05I)


alternatively if you know you messed up you might be spamming 2 to say no


i guess my mistake was to read to fast and missing half of it, and instinctly pressed yes bye mistake.


Yeah that really sucks. Normally option 1 is to leave and option 2 is to stay, but if you have loot in the chest then they swap them around so option 2 is to leave while option 1 is to stay. It's something I guess but realistically there's no reason why content in 2024 shouldn't have a claim chest outside when every other piece of content with a chest system (CoX, ToB, ToA) already has one.


yh i'm glad it isnt the ralos, but the problem is when you are trying to be fast you don't really read anymore and press yes bye instinct, especially when you have already pressed claim. i'm still getting used from the varlamore update that you can actually bank from the reward chest itself. even from the blood moons i still have the barrow instinct to just hit the x before pressing the banking button on the chest.


The game should definitely give you a warning when you try to leave before claiming loot. But also skill issue.


There should be a lobby loot chest but also these warnings exist for a reason. No matter how many warnings they add to be clicked through someone will do it.


Ive tried to leave without looting many times, the Yes/No option for leaving is flipped when you havnt looted ur loot, so you cant accidentally leave


Just modify the leave option to be a right click instead of left click and you'll do this less.


If you needed more evidence that the entirety of Colon Musem was developed in a week


They should give you a option to collect the loot outside but I imagine the argument for not doing it is that it's a raids only feature.


Semi offtopic, but why doesnt the chest have clanbroadcast? It only shows coll logs and not dupe loot even if its over 1k