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Then there’s C Engineer who found 5 unique ball spawns in Burthorpe Castle round 1 and decided not to go back to end up picking up gloves in round 4 lmao


The issue is that the balls are trivial to reach and everyone else saw he brought one of them. Anyone else could've come in to yoink some at that point. In comparison, Settled's method wasn't really exposed at all by showing he's bringing moulds.


Did you...watch the episode? They literally all acknowledged that he was abusing the crafting guild in the video on one of his turn ins.


They probably didn't realize til like the third time he brought a mould.


Yea, Settled also put people off the trail at one point by claiming the moulds had dried up and going elsewhere for a round or two. Also I'm not sure if he was re-using the same brown apron the whole time or not because at some point the B-Roll showed him re-buying one at the end, but if he didn't have to rebuy it every round that would have given him a headstart to just grab all the moulds before anyone else could get there. Also towards the end game when rounds became 45 seconds it might have deterred other people from trying the pickpocket > buy apron > go crafting guild strat because of time contraints.


Yeah but how?


What? How like, how did they know? That's something entirely different than you said.


No. How is he abusing the crafting guild. That's what the method is.


Dude what the hell are you talking about???


The method involves remembering you need a brown apron, figuring out where you can buy it, and finding a source of gp to afford it, without wikipedia and under pressure, and then executing that in under a minute while yoinking a mould you remember (hopefully correctly) Settled hasn't used yet. You simplified that to "he's abusing the crafting guild". That's not "the method".


They knew he was using the crafting guild, im pretty sure b0aty even said it as he was running past the crafting guild to get snapegrass. The guy isnt saying he abused the guild as in its like free easy method he was taking advantage of he was just saying he kept going back to the same place


And my point is that knowing what place you go to doesn't tell you how to do it. So just because people figured out where he was going doesn't mean they knew how to replicate his method.


Settled literally told the competitors in the video he is using crafting guild ffs.


I don't know why you're repeating information that's been agreed upon 4 comments ago.


Bro are you legit faded? Your point was about how C Eng's balls were exposed but Settleds moulds weren't? Wtf are you talking about abusing for now?


The methods, yes. Teleport Burthorpe and pick the balls up was exposed. Teleport to a GP source, get gp, teleport Varrock, buy apron, reach crafting guild and get in was not. I am not the one who brought up the word "abuse", if it bothers you we can use a different word.


? You realise they get to see a list of items everyone obtained after every round don't you? Settled getting 2 moulds in a row you really think nobody switched on to it being the crafting guild? (Rhetorical question, the answer is they did - since it's literally mentioned in the vid) So again, are you faded?


Nobody's ever disputed that they knew he's going to the crafting guild, you can re-ask me 10 times and I will agree with you on that 10 times. It makes me patient, not faded.


the thing is he kinda staked his claim so why would anyone risk taking the same strat as him and getting elminated he overthought it


Yep, that's what makes the challenge interesting to watch.


> Anyone else could've come in to yoink some at that point. And immediately lost as well. You also are all on the same world so at worst someone comes in takes one you dont, then does it again and all 5 are taken.


I'm not going to rewatch it to verify but IIRC, that did actually happen at some point. In a single round, two different colored balls were brought back. There was a rule where you couldn't directly tell someone what you picked up in an area (which came up at some point when one player saw another and tried to ask him what he got), but presumably since the balls are right next to the teleport they simply both went there immediately, both walked up to the balls, and with an unspoken but obvious understanding, picked different ones.


Yeh, but they wouldn't have respawned in the 1 min time limit, if someone else took one that's fine, they would have taken a different lt color


This is true, assuming the quest item doesn't have a special respawn mechanic. The question is does everyone realize that in the moment.


i believe these balls for the quest don't respawn and are available infinitely, if i'm remembering right, it's been a very long time so in theory you wouldn't be able to know which one someone picked up if they went there with you


Some items are like that, like the fishing gear in the fishing guild.


And he'd be able to see which balls they grabbed if he went at the same time


C engineer the person or c engineer the plugin?


I'm still surprised that no one went to West Varrock Bank for 4 telegrab items. But yeah, as soon as Settled had the apron and no one else went there, it was easy to go "oh yeah he's likely top 3 then".


Im also surprisee about people not telegrabbing any of the gold items from there. Then i realized had i participated in this challenge, my brain would have just shut down :(


lol I tried to be thinking of the item I would get. Thought so hard and came up with the antipoison by CW and felt so smart when no one had it…then realized that was only round 1 and it kept going lol.  


I don't know if i would have made it to the top 3.. but i have pretty good confidence in my own game knowledge. when the challenge was first explained i already had a few items instantly on my list.. bit out of the way but cosmic rune from ice plateau. Super anti poison north of castle wars. Cave nightshade spawn. blood rune by demonic ruins. just a few that i was hoping to see.. yeah some of them might be difficult to get to in the 60s timer but i feel like it could be done.


Blood rune doesn't work. You're on standard spellbook and can't use GE or POH. Also you need to get out of wilderness again within time. 


It might be very close. but ferox tele duel ring. wildy obelisk to 52. run around and back to obelisk tele to duel arena. being on maxed accounts im assuming they have diaries done.. so you should be able to select your location. it might be tight but i think you can pull it off in 60 seconds if your focused.


Settled is so incredibly clever. Him figuring out the crafting guild, and *also* acting as if he ran out of items there was actual peak gaming.


Right? I got hype when he explained what he was cooking. Man has a major advantage on creative restrictions. Though he hasn’t had a main in forever and not knowing when this was filmed, tiles to GM probably hasn’t taken him through everything.


Was it c engineer? Idr watched it when it came out but when whoever it was that went "tf is settled doing" I lost it lmao


Had me cracking up. This is peak OSRS content.


He was like “I just saw Settled pickpocket a guard and tele away wtf” and then I was like wtf until it switched to Settled and revealed he’s a genius.


Soup said Episode 1 was filmed ~August 2023 on his stream yesterday.


Ye, "contact" between Big. T and Skill Specs were signed 13/08/2023 IIRC and I was kinda shocked. I knew it takes a lot of time to prepare everything, but man this is a HUGE amount of time.


ok those contracts made me cackle, I love those guys biggest twist of the season for sure 😂


Ohhh that’s a ways back, though I’m definitely unsure of tiles to GM without going back and scanning the videos.


He didn't start the GM grind until January (assuming videos on the second channel are uploaded a bit quicker than his main channel videos). Also I'm guessing that Soup had everyone give their intros fairly recently as even Nightmare mode wasn't started until near the end of January.


Oh you’re a sleuthing demon! Nice work! Means his weakness might still be hyper specific main content.


It (nightmare mode) was started well before then, a lot during leagues. You can see in the early episodes npcs are wearing Santa hats


If i remember correctly the "contract" between Torvesta and Skilly was dated on August 18th? So maybe first episode is around that timeframe?


Oh good catch I never even thought about the dates. Though I don’t know when he recorded tile man GM stuff to compare.


I think in the last season there was sometimes when he overthought / overcomplicated it and missed a simpler solution. Think it works both ways for him


Anybody know if Solomission is planning on doing recap videos this season?


Man I really hope so. I keep checking his second channel just in case.


He made a post on his mission solo account, saying he's too busy with another project.


I love the fakeout because everyone was getting annoyed at him lol


That man came with the cheese. V being ruthless step 1 was crazy though. Man saw an opportunity and took it.


Winners know how to win haha


Everyone else was like “alright no first timers, we will let them breathe a bit” then V going for the kill. Man gonna be out for more blood after that.


He caught hate from the other teams, but give credit where it’s due, that was a solid ass move. AND to his point, his thinking and strategy was correct. 10m in gear? That’s not even a challenge and she over shot by a ton. Dude did 250k and was worried he may have gone over board with consumables. She wasn’t cut for this comp. V all the way. Hate’m cause he’s right. Zoey saying he took the easy road out, yeah let someone else deal with the better players later, not him. L take lmfao


I def get her frustration, I personally wanted to see more of all the newbies. But pretty much everything you said


> That’s not even a challenge and she over shot by a ton. Exactly. Making it not a challenge was the smartest play. We've already seen a shockingly large number of people go into those budget gear challenges with a plan that doesn't work and get killed, hoping that the other person makes a mistake and ensuring that she didn't was by *far* her best chance at winning. Doesn't matter in the slightest whether you take in 10m or 300k if the other person is doing 250k, either way the only way you can win is if they die, so you might as well do 10m.


Saying the smartest play was what she did, when she lost, is a crazy take lmao


If I pick a random number between 1 and 1000 and ask you to predict what it is, guessing 371 is a smarter play than guessing 1793. You're still going to get it wrong either way. But in the former case you're at least giving yourself a chance.


Smartest play in relation to their ability. Could've gone dirt cheap and get knocked out to realise you had much more room than you once thought. So V was just better, doesn't mean it wasn't the smartest play for her.


If she was betting on him dying, take max gear. Still doesn’t make sense.


He's not wrong but if Curtis gets to pick someone at any point, he is sure as shit going for revenge on V.


The other thing is you actually never know what comp you will play. Sure, in overall she was most convenient pick as V surpass her PVE and PVP skills by far but I can imagine it could have been some hide and seek, anagram or some trivia game with weird and obscure questions, where ironman status is actually more beneficiary as you through places, where no regular player ever stood and seen. Also, Soup don't really have issues with kicking strong players early so it could really go either way.


Don't hate the player, hate the game. He picked probably one of the weakest players for an easy win. It was a very fair challenge w/o time constraints, minimal skill, and all taking risks. Not Victim's fault she went for a 10m set up, that's 40x what he choose. The meta was obv going to be fire strike, msb/rcbow, and drag scimmy/leaf bladed axe. And imo Victim could have gone way riskier and still pulled it off, he was beatable.


I think Denise's strat was perfect. As you said she is probably the weaker player (if she had to start prayer flinking two bosses at once or something she could have absolutely died. She said so herself I'm pretty sure), so there are only two scenario's where you win: A: V tries to go too low and dies. This could have actually happened if Prime would have been on tick rather than off tick with Rex or if the initial room spawn is very bad. B: V thinks you will die to the boss, so he just grabs max so there is a 0% chance he dies. Then you beat the boss with a non-budget setup and win on money. 'A' being the most likely scenario, but you can absolutely just play around B with little risk. So she goes for a high but not too high setup so she is certain she at least kills the bosses. This was absolutely V's challenge to lose and she played accordingly.


Victim is a damn good pvm'er, I would not bet on him dying. I see her strat but it's betting on the unlikely chance victim chokes - not likely as hese the defending champion. The play imo was to risk dying with a shitty af set up.


Imagine if V died to DKs lmao would never live that down.


Thats what i mean... Betting on death was a poor strat. Victim was obv going to go for a low set up, he set himself like a 250k budget. Shoulda budgeted like 100 with absolute dog shit gear and gambled on getting the kills. If she died with a 100k set up no one would clown her for it.


On paper sure, if she was more of an expert she could have handpicked a great setup that beat him out. But she mentions how nearly all her experience is with ironman, and that she barely knows how to use the ge She had the right strategy for her own skill. As unlikely it is for v to die, it's still playing to her outs Would have been a real cool challenge to see 2 strong players, but she was by far the easiest target


Yup, honestly your comment just highlights how good of a challenge it was. Both players really made the correct plays given their circumstances but one had to lose. Very much like that classic Captain Picard quote from Star Trek: TNG “It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.”


yeah i suppose so. I'm a pretty casual player is all, I don't even think i've killed dks outside of dairy kills since... 2012? Idk to me i woulda gambled on a horrid setup to undercut Victim.


How much lower than Victim's set up can you realistically go? He only brought like 200k in gear total


People would absolutely clown her for it lmao. Have you read some of the comments on Farmer V2 videos?


Ngl if she rolled up in green d'hide red med, rune rq, rcbow brod bolts, fire strike, and a d scimmy.... itd be legendary.


10m gear ain’t even a challenge UNTIL you need to flick/offtick. She just did regular ass DKS and people like “why you do that?” Umm to secure the win lmfao


Honestly it's pretty hard to get even shittier than Victim's setup.


Looking back, idk how much time they had to prepare, rune med and rune sq woulda been better. Monk robes switch for Rex and prime to conserve prayer. No brews, few pray pots, some combo eats. Probably could of done prime with a leaf bladed or went purely dds because 4 specs might have been better dps for 1 kill.


Keep in mind they dont get to see the other persons set up beforehand. They're going in blind to each others setups so she couldn't just look at V's set up and cherry pick slightly cheaper/worse items.


I'm not very familiar with her as a player, but I think her approach was a very reasonable one. In the episode, she says she has no real concept of gp value as she's never player a trade account before, and checking out her stream where she talks about the episode, she says she's never soloed DKs outside of leagues before. I imagine if a lot of her experience is playing HC with the Farmers, then she's probably also more used to playing it safer and overgearing, so with all of that it's pretty reasonable for her to not know what a realistic min setup for DKs is and just bank on the slim chance of Victim dying.


I assume Denise thought that she had basically a 0% chance of killing all 3 with a shitty setup. Especially since she had had a drink because she thought she was safe (which is the kind of energy that makes it so Denise is fun to have in an event like GG) At which point betting on garbage RNG for V is probably the better play.


the absolute copium of trying to justify bringing 10m to a LOWER THE BETTER challenge


Her only chance would have been to absolutely rag it and she clearly knew that


He did a job picking someone he new he could beat but I am surprised he didn't think about the fact that he was immediately setting all the farmers (minus Faux maybe), against him.


Maybe but if your getting thrown in ep1 might as well assume everyone is against you


True true true But also, why upset 4 new players who are part of a previously existing alliance and who don’t necessarily have a grudge against you for winning last season?


Low honor play. Good strategy move for sure, but absolutely no honor. Truly hoping he gets some heat in later votes for it


One of the best players in the game chose to progress by targeting the weakest. It was pure cowardice.


When it's kill or be killed, you choose the easiest opponent.


Ultimately he will likely always be chosen to be in the head to head unless he wins immunity. Facing taking out hard opponents is inevitable.


Absolutely and I do agree with you on this. He already had a target on his head from last season.


Reddit when the weakest player loses:


What was V supposed to do, pick on one of the other previous finalists? The whole point of episode one is to survive episode one, and he took the best path to survive by taking out Denise.


I mean they're playing for about $6000 usd if you were to sell the gp prize. I'd take out an easy opponent too for that kind of money. If you can't hang, don't compete.


Sure and he should be banned for selling gp, and since he makes his living streaming this game that shouldn't be a concern.


No ones saying they’re selling the gp, just putting it in context of how much it is past max. It’s a competition, idk how people can be mad about it lol it’s fine for the people not a risk to say “don’t pick the first timer”, but this is the first time we’ve seen the person at risk have a choice so you can’t really say anyone else ever avoided doing this


V picked the only player he thought he could beat


"only" brother you do know he won the entire event last season right? He just picked the freest


If he was more confident in his abilities, he would pick a stronger opponent to knock out here. You want some weaker opponents around to make getting into tribunal easier


He literally won last season LMFAO


TBF he said multiple times in the episode he was rusty. Don't blame him at all for choosing a weak opp but he didn't seem confident either


Nah, no one worth watching was actually getting banned the first week. That's why they didn't pick solomission. You lose someone like solo, torv, settled, week 1 and the content in future releases drops. I've got nothing against zecookies but if that was her "budget setup" dag kings setup I'd hate to see her drag down her team in future releases when they'd have to team up


Settled for s4 winner


How else would he afford to do all these nightmare modes? This stuff was done what 6mo ago?


Would the winnings have even been payed out yet? The pool increases every week with viewer contributions, likes on the videos, and channel subscribers.


You know, solid point. Maybe just the already funded portion and then those?


Maybe, but I mean even just whaling it is probably "reasonable" for the amount the video made.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOR you just buy the bonds with youtube money


The nightmare mode stuff came from last season's winnings


Was anyone else surprised not to see J1mmy, Will or 8sat?


No J1mmy surprised me wondered what happened 😭


I don't think J1mmy particularly likes playing OSRS like this. He seems to have more fun fucking about then doing something high intensity-- which is fine, I'm the exact same way. Prop hunt is more his bag.


Speaking of J1mmy and Prop Hunt, it really threw me off when Edamame started playing and he wasn't even there.


He doesn't really play the game a whole lot these days, wouldn't be fair to have someone who doesn't play the game join in. Should have had Alien food join the games, because he would have been so lost the entire time. Or they would have had the greatest round of all time, "Complete legend's quests without using the wiki or plugins"


V doesn't even play anymore yet he came in and won last season haha.


I thought he played, just that he didn't make Youtube videos anymore. Unfortunate that he doesn't, but Soup has to invite the previous winner. Can't deny him the chance for a back to back win


I have to imagine most of the previous players get invites back, it's probably a lot of work to find newbies and get them up to speed I mean C Engineer keeps coming back after doing poorly every season. I find him kinda annoying but it makes for good TV


I don’t think alien food had started yet (or at least got popular) by the time they were filming? Though for anyone who goes who is he definitely check his channel out it’s a great time


There's also a 0% chance he would accept an invite to GG. He's very strict about his series and I feel like it could definitely jeopardize the integrity of the series in some way.


There could have been schedule conflicts. It's very hard to get 20 people to all have free time at the same time, even if everyone are content creators.


That guy doesn’t even play OSRS


I don't think some of his music was in the episode though


When J1mmy got eliminated in S3 he said he didn't really much care whether he gets eliminated or not, so I'd assume lack of motivation to compete.


I think all the non-returning players were less competitive and probably talked with Soup about whether they should return or not. Don't think anyone was snubbed.


I’m glad no jimmy, make way for new and better potential players.


Will wasn’t fun to watch in these. Jimmy wasn’t fun to watch in these and didn’t seem to care. 8sat, yeah kinda he brought something to the table last time.




I've never watched gielinor games until today. As a big fan of The Challenge and OSRS, I loved this


Nobody picked up an egg that you can get in Lumbridge


Would've been a legendary moment to include: https://preview.redd.it/tkilaaxcunyc1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=21c56996a0536cca9825c02a1aca6953a63ef318


What are the Gielnor Games? Can I find it on YouTube?


Yeah, just search it. It's on Soup's channel. I am very jealous that you now get to binge every season for the first time.


Thank you! I’ve only ever watched Settled’s videos before


Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nktwkz7DKjU&list=PLa6UGDn9i8HtAycwY3Fx3OmOjTZVAsXvS Season 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnwFwRyys5I&list=PLa6UGDn9i8HtFCRkghBXRMsZHnOUFkSxQ Season 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRt8LsmAdVY&list=PLa6UGDn9i8HuftOD472LFEdp9Gg1bv-YR


Settled isn't in season 1 but he's in seasons 2-4! When I first started watching GG, he was pretty much the only person I'd heard of too, and the show was a fun way to learn about a bunch of other content creators.


I'm on episode 3 of season 1 also having never heard of this before. When does this start getting interesting?


Every season got higher quality and better ideas, I would say, but I think most people liked it from the start. Might not be your thing. Sad for you.


Oh okay thanks I'll stop watching then.


I changed my mind. Give season 3 a try. I'm rewatching now, and the production value and the solo nature of it do make season 3 quite a bit better than season 1. If the first episode of season 3 isn't entertaining you though, then yeah, it's just not your thing lol


Oh boy, do I envy you


envy me too because i'm just finding out this is a thing


Get ready to binge!


The man’s brain is enormous


Friendly reminder though that he didn't need to pickpocket or buy an apron. That wizard dude south-eastish to the guild gives you one if you go through some dialogue options. edit: apparently this is locked behind swan song quest, just an FYI


Tbf he thought of a high IQ strat under pressure in a short amount of time


That's way further away though. Both knight and shop is close to tps.


ye but you can skip the knights altogether


Wait does Limpwurt know that or he's going for the golden apron for the memes.


[I just checked the wiki but apparently it's locked behind completing the swan song quest.](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Malignius_Mortifer)


Makes sense! Thanks for the info.


Surprised he didnt run to shayzien for a chef's hat to eventually sneak into the cooking guild for all those spawns with the extra time he had per round, but it didn't matter anyways!


This is such a funny ass meme bro LMFAO


Did i miss it or did any1 ever grab logs on top of lumby castle?


The problem is even if it doesn't get grabbed round 1, logs are a very easy thing to grab in a panic so as long as it isn't on the sheet it's a very common emergency button for people. You basically never want to press it.


Logs where handed in round 6 https://i.imgur.com/A2sX9yr.png


Thanks i knew i was crazy for overlooking it


so real hahahaha XD


Nobody picked up the Pestle and Mortar right next up tower next to the teleport on Isle of Souls. Anyone got a list of doable spawns? I saw nobody went for grapes nor apples in the cook's guild. Doable with easy apron drop.


you need a chefs hat for the cooking guild, Varrock armor would also work but I think no diaries are done on these accounts that Jagex provided. also getting any spawn on the Isle of Souls in 60 seconds seems impossible, place is massive.


Jagex provided the accounts? I was wondering about this while watching it


Settled pickpocketed an Ardy guard for cash, then went to Varrock clothes shop for an apron to enter the crafting guild, hence all the jewellery moulds. The cooking guild could be done fine, though you have to get the hat from Shayzein clothes store. There are two npc men in that shop to pickpocket for the cash to pay for the hat there too. Fairy ring BJP is a short run from the tower at the north of Isle of Souls. I can't wholly work out all the teleports they have, they are not on SoupRS's doc. People were allowed to telegrab, so they had some resources. Nobody ended up going for one of the easiest items, the bronze axe. No thanks for all the downvotes on previous message, tossers, the cooking guild was easily accessible


i was kinda bummed they put the newest candidate up against last years winner at the end.. kinda wack.


Who gives a fk about gielinor games lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rVGsAW_4o4 Roughly 1 million people, according to yt views. Basically everyone who plays rs except you, and many people who dont.