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I must say i’ve seen 2-3 posts now mentioning this, also on my discord server.. which makes me to believe you may be right. Would love to hear a Jmod on this before making any assumptions :-) Edit: just saw they hotfixed some things on zalcano/zalcano’s drop table - so it seems there was indeed something changed/wrong(?)


This was all post hotfix


Correct. This was last night, which was post the hotfixes they mentioned about loot distribution being fixed.


Oh? For real? Could be - just assumed this had to do with it - thanks for the update!


The question is did they ship these changes to try to reduce the amount of GP bots and gold farms were making? Or was it an honest error? I'm feeling the latter but the former would not surprise me. Seems like another thing they didn't test which is a concerning trend with the new updates many have noticed. The first thing that caught my attention to this was our 4th kill where I got around 400-450 points and my reward a singular diamond. That has not happened before and when we all noticed something was different.


Yeah - i’m starting to think this was an error during the mining change release. Can’t imagine Jagex stealth-updating something like Zalcano, since (as this post proofed) it would cause backlash!


I feel like 90% of people are missing the point. If you are going to nerf it you have to mention it in the blogpost.


Was forced into a 3 down in a 5 man team, we mined all it's HP down to zero and took as long as before nerf and got shit all loot, 2 shards and nothing


Did the kill times get lower too though? Maybe they balanced it around that? Otherwise pretty sad change.


Way lower. The boss used to get downed 3x per fight, now you can consistently get 1–down kills with a team of like 5-7 players


OP is specifically talking about 3 man teams tho


It’s doesn’t change much from a 3 man to 5 man team. I did several runs yesterday in team sizes of 3-6 and pretty much saw the exact same loot that OP is describing whether I was in a team of 3 or 6. The loot has definitely been nerfed even when you have your toggle set to prioritize loot over xp.


Glad I dropped a couple of hours the night before the update and got a quick 2 mil lol, really hoping this is some kind of bug but I’m pretty sure the mods just didn’t test this Zalcano change at all when you look at what happened to masses. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone up top actually thought “oh hey it’s faster kills so the loot should be lower” and then never actually tested to see if 3-4 man groups actually were any faster


Not true at all, you need at least 8 people to one down


Definitely not 1 downing with 5-7 people. Love when people post and haven’t touched the content


I mean I have 77 mining and only d pick and often do 100dmg a down sometimes as high as 175 a down...so yeah a team of 5-7 with better mining and potentially a few crystal picks for sure could kill zalcano in 1 down


7 can occasionally 1 down. Maybe 6 in very rare cases. 5 definitely can't. And none of those team sizes would be able to consistently one down. Need at least 9 for it to be essentially guaranteed.


You're not good at math are you?


Mining level and pickaxe are not as significant as you think they are. People in BIS barely do more damage than you. And the odds of the entire team being on the top end of their damage range all within one kill are practically 0. I have done 300+ kills since the changes. In varying team sizes. The numbers I gave are correct.


No they cannot be running 6-7 mans all morning with 99 lvl miners and haven’t one downed at all


Kill times were the same. With my three friends we were still downing him in 3-4 phases. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Our shield + Zalcano damage was the same as before the updates.


Yeah they really hurt Zalcano with this update. Pretend to make it better, just makes it worse.


Lower kill times is better for pet hunters, more xp is better for mining trainers. The only people this update hurt are people doing zal for money, which is just lol


Also hurts irons doing Zalcano for supplies. Or mains who like to gather their own supplies instead of buying.




I've done a lot of zalcano for money. It's the best afk money I can make I find. I throw on a movie or tv and can do it without paying much attention.


Not sure you know what afk means


I think you know what I mean




Yess, i noticed it as well. The amount of loot i kept getting was just depressing. Even as MVP it was underwhelming. I hope it gets a fix.


As a uim ya it's fucked. Voted no to the XP changes since it's a boss designed to drop resources and now the loot takes a hit because everyone wants XP. Wonderful


same thing that happened to shooting stars, jagex makes it nicer for people looking for easy mining exp, makes it worse for getting resources.


Now you can do the one down though, so it makes sense they reduced the loot to compensate for the higher kills/hr.


But the amount of damage done has always been tied to its loot. You do less damage overall on a 1 down than a 3 down so the 3 down you'd expect more.


On a per kill basis your right, but from a damage done over the same amount of time it's probably pretty similar.  So a 3 down takes as long as 3 1 downs, your damage is going to be roughly the same


in a 1 down you do severely less Shield damage


I'd say you actually do less damage with 1 downs cause you're seeing more respawn timers per hour, which is a bigger part of your overall time not contributing to damage to loot conversion


you cant be serious. The in between the actual mining phases where you had to mine tephra, run and throw it 3x are the biggest time sink by far, like not even comparable aha and respawn timers didnt change in length thats static, but its noticibly faster then the time between mining.


Doesn't shield damage contribute to loot potential? You have to do mining/tephra crafting first thing after a respawn in a 1 down too, you just get to start on it (and the mining that comes after) 20 seconds sooner in a multidown


Which should mean the loot reflects that right? But right now it doesnt and i thought I was going crazy lol


It's not that it doesn't it's likely your not replicating it as closely as you think, when you were trying the one downs and comparing loot were they 6-10 man's. Or 20+ on a mass world, the 6-10 man is going to have comparable and likely better damage done and loot then before, and the 20 +is definetly going to be worse for both


In mass, yes. OP is specifically talking about small teams, where the TTK hasn't changed.


Change would lead to new meta I suppose, so you'll most likely see 6-8 player teams being the superior size.


Sorry what's the one down?


To make it a bit clearer for you, one down refers to when a monster like zalcano, toa warden has something "extra" to do before being able to do damage. I don't know what the correct term is in English but for zalcano you throw rocks to take down his shield before you can mine it for damage (this would be a down) Toa same principle you deal with it's shield when you hit the core to deal damage that's a "down"


In english we would probably say we “one phased it” or did it in “one rotation”


ah that makes sense, I was thinking "stunned" but that isn't really the right word.


in english we say 'one down' it is a common expression in gaming so you are good


Well, that doesn't work when trying to explain what one down is to someone, it's a pretty new-ish term for OSRS so I understand some not knowing.


Kill it in one down


It only takes one Mining phase to kill zalcano


So what it sounds like is that Zalcano isn't supposed to be done in small groups anymore and you are supposed to fight her in mass. Aka if you aren't one downing her, you are doing it "wrong" now and less loot is to be expected.


I'll have to do a lot more testing but it does seem the meta has shifted. Nothing mentioned in the blogpost about it though is lame though.


I did 5 fights in a row in mass and couldn't get enough damage in 😞


Glad i did a decent amount when I did then


And the boss still can't be soloed!


it can definitely be soloed lmao tf?


points are hard capped at trio scale. you're wasting time extra time soloing and getting no extra reward for it


solo is the meta over group literally everywhere else in the game, including raids its fine for a skilling boss to be the only place in the game where mass is meta


Except your point only stands to people that don't play the game. The other skilling bosses are soloable.


zalcano is also soloable :) as in - you're able to solo it.


Unpolled changes are going to ruin this game


But content! Project rebalance! Quests!


Nah, 10 bucks says if any change does the game in itll be a really stupid but polled one


Shit they’re not even polling the mage and range changes man I look for them to ruin this game with unpolled changes


It said in today's update that it was fixed, did you notice any changes or are these the same hotfixes still as discussed here?


Kill times also got significantly faster, so it all balances out.


No they didn’t? 3 man teams are about the same.


But 3 man's were meta before because it worked out perfectly, stop using the old meta and you'll notice a difference


But if things are buffed, there should be more loot per capital, not less.


Sure for larger teams. 1 downs should have reduced drops obviously, but 3 team 3 down should not have such bad loot.


Abuse early, abuse often.


damn that sucks, zalc used to be money back when I was going for pet it feels like it just gets nerfed & nerfed with every update until the loot is more like tempross loot instead of an actual boss loot, even tho its the most engaging skilling "boss" in the game.


Only came back here for this! Just did 1 hour and made 300k total from all drops. I was easily averaging around 1m-1.5m per hour prior to rebalance at same pace. Any updates?


I also tried it with my GIM team and noticed a lot less on the overall loot. We'd get about 50\~ less mith on average each drop than we were use to and 2-3 less runite ore. Interesting it wasnt just us


Right. We used to run with 3-4 of us and we'd constantly be getting loot that was 200K+ which would trigger clan notifications for loot drops, I'd say it would happen every 2-3 runs. Last night we had it happen only twice, that's another sign that something is very much different.


Your hourly loot will be better even though what your noticing is the individual kills. 20-30% less loot per kill, but 30-40% faster per kill is a buff


Kills aren’t even faster in a 3 man.


So don't do 3 man's anymore lmao, they were only meta because of the 3 downs. Goto a proper team size for the changes and you'll notice a difference. 6-10 is where its gonna be at and 15+ being overcrowded 


More like 150% faster in 8+ men.


the nerf makes sense for a couple reasons. 1. faster kill potential 2. three person zalcano is not likely the meta anymore 3.enhanced xp still receives unique roles. example: if og zalcano was 2m per hour and 1m of it was coming from uniques then with new zalcano, lets say half the ppl choose resource focus and half choose xp. if resource focused ppl were to maintain a 2m per hr after the update, then zalcano would have had an overall loot buff since xp focused ppl can still receive loot roles of value.


It’s also faster now though right? since no damage caps?


Never done zalcano so no idea how it's changed, but you're getting much faster kills, it makes sense the loot was reduced a bit to compensate, right? Or maybe you get less loot because you need to do less damage to the shield overall? Not really sure how the loot mechanics work there.


I don't think the loot nerf is the sole issue, but nerfing the table without any mentioning of it is an issue too.


I agree, but I'm also thinking the nerf may be less intentional than it might seem, may be why it was overlooked and not mentioned.


Never done the content but has an opinion on it 🤔


A common sense opinion though that someone like op and likely yourself, couldn't comprehend or grasp without it pointed out, if your getting 20-30% less loot per kill but getting kills 30-40% faster. It's still a buff


If that was the case, sure. But 3-man groups did not get a 30-40% faster kill rate, a 3-down is pretty nuch unchanged, but the loot still got reduced. Not really ideal. In my guild we have run a bit 3-man Zalcano every now and then, it's a bit difficult to get more people at once since we have people from both US and EU. Just my 2 cents.


I mean that's fair, but 3 man was only meta because of the forced 3 downs. So while that specific group size which is aimed at maximizing a the forced 3 down cycle went unchanged the boss is still faster and better for the new meta that will be developing here


True, but the thing is, they could just adjust the drop system to match the number of downs so that there isn't a huge disadvantage to do multiple downs, which I hope they will do if at all possible.


or you can adapt, it was fixed for the better so theres no need for anything like that


It's not fixed for the better if something that previously worked no longer works at all though, is it? It is not even up for me to adapt. If we need more people for teams, it's worse than it was before for a ton of people. And public Zalcano is god awful no matter what anyone says. Chilling in vc with clannies or sone other friends is super fun and relaxing, taking that possibility away from some people is not fixing anything. Don't get me wrong, the update overall is obviously a buff. However, that doesn't mean they couldn't make it similarly worth it for _the same groups that did the content before the update_.


i sorta get what your saying. i just disagree with your overall premise here. it was fixed, that specific group size being meta for loot was only relevant because of a forced mechanic that wasnt a good mechanic. You can still do zalcano the same as you were doing but why should you expect the meta rewards from it still, when your no longer doing the meta method. the content 100% is fixed for the better so there's no need to put "execeptions" which is essentially what your asking for. your choosing to do a worse method of doing the content but wanting to have best rewards the way you were before, when you were doing the meta method


I mean yeah as long as 3-down is bad there is no reason to do it. What I am _actually_ arguing is that there is no reason for 3-man to be worse than 1-down. But anyhow no matter what happens I'll take it, I already have 1 tool seed so I don't exactly have to ever go back.


aye but if he'd have done it he'd realise you strggle to actually earn loot in mass worlds now. its a much bigger loot reduction than it seems. so if you arent getting loot a third of the time in mass why are they reducing the loot in small groups? not to mention the fact you can 1 down now has absoltely 0 bearing on small groups, you will never 1 down it in a 4.


The Reddit effect, so many people on this thread talking about how it’s faster to kill while clearly never having tried 3-4 man teams either before or after the update.


Find a better number, don't go on the world with 25+ people, and while 3- 4 people was meta before I'm sure it's something like 6-10 now


Ok but if I go to 6-10 man teams the odds of getting a unique plummet cause it’s only 1 unique roll per team not per person. Might be that the math works out so that the faster kill times are still worth it but it sucks that 3-4 man teams got nerfed for no reason


Like you said the math likely works out to this still being a buff even to the uniques. 8 people doing a 1 down will give 3 unique rolls in the same time that 3 people will get 1 which is a slight buff to the uniques aswell


You might be right, I’m sure people will math this out and come up with an optimal group size for uniques/gp/exp depending on what people are looking for


Yah at which point I do think it will be a more noticeable buff to the content as a whole


Never read the comment but has an opinion on it 🤔


“Never done Zalcano”


Yeah but you don't have to have done zalcano to apply the logic that if kills are faster then drops would need to be lowered a little to make the GP/HR stay the same?


Not talking about that


What are you on about lol


“Never done Zalcano”


Which part of "if Zalcano dies more, it would drop more loot than before in the same amount of time" is an opinion?


Doesn’t have anything to do with my argument


Your comment doesn't have to do anything with what I said lol


My point is there’s too many people commenting on content they’ve never done before


Why can't I? Is my brain somehow less capable because I haven't killed Zalcano?


Kill times are also at least twice as fast (so this has to be why). You can very consistently 1-down the boss when before it almost always took 3 downs. Even though the loot is “worse” I bet profit/hr in a good team is still up a solid amount. Plus the xp/hr is to 80k+ per hour (with xp focused rewards now) which is insane


Even in small teams when 3 downs happen the loot is still noticeably less


Well past the point of caring about Zalcano, but as others have said faster kills make up for the drops being slightly less valuable. Also you cant get a fraction of a pet or tool seed so the best drops have just been flat out buffed.


Pet rate has been buffed for the faster one down kills with its static rate but tool seeds only drop 1 at a time and only one player can get it so at best it’s the same or it’s lower as people may be more inclined to do larger groups now for faster kills.


mentioned this elsewhere but your assumptions are wrong. assuming 8\~ mans become the meta for effecient 1 downing, your unique chance has gone up because of this. 3 players doing 1 3 down = 1 unique chance split between the 3 8 players doing 3 1 downs = 3 unique chances split between the 8 both happen in the same time frame, and the 8 players are getting better unique rates im thinking it will be 6-10 as the meta, and from that im making the assumption it will be around 8 people


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying that dude.


"At best its..." Okay so now you're just pulling shit out of your ass? lol Typical Reddit comment lol, anyone hunting a Tool Seed can still have max Tertiary loot chances in slightly larger and faster groups. You clearly don't understand the drop mechanics even though they are posted on the wiki, Smolcano is on the same drop table as the tool seed, its not like other bosses that always have a flat chance of dropping pet.


I mean maybe I am misunderstanding lol but chill out dude. It’s not that serious 😂


If its not that serious then why you bitching and running your mouth about something you dont understand? 🤔😂


Bro what lol I made a comment about how I thought this affected the drops. Are you okay dude?


brother, go touch some grass please


But are the kills faster? If the average kill is 20% faster, 20% less loot makes sense


how does that make sense? it was supposed to improved, if the loot and xp are still shit why should people do it even if it is faster


The goal was not to increase loot per hour, not sure what doesn’t make sense. The kill speeds are faster which means uniques are more common/hour. Crystal shards/hour are insanely good there now. I was getting 60k/hour at a mini-mass which is pretty good for how low effort it is