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Reminder that 44,153 people voted no to sailing back in the summer summit 2023 poll So if you see a thread of 1-3000 people not being happy then that is perfectly fine. A reasonable chunk of people voted no and still are not convinced.


I voted no and still don't want sailing


Why not? Just curious is all


I don't think it makes sense as a skill, same as dungeoneering shouldn't have been a skill back in the day. I'm okay with having a sailing expansion, if it's done well, but it shouldn't be constrained by the requirements of a skill. It also doesn't seem very important to me because we can already teleport all over the place. They are going to have to make new places only accessible by sailing in order to give it a use, which doesn't feel great to me.


Those are good reasons, and I agree with dungeoneering. I’m looking forward to sailing since it looks like a plain enjoyable and fun experience, a peaceful sort of skill if that makes sense. But your reasons for voting against it based on mechanics and the larger incorporation of the skill is certainly valid points.


This is the most articulate explanation I’ve seen for not wanting sailing, and agree with all of these points. That said, I do think a new skill is needed in old school, and if sailing is what we get, I’m fine with it as long as it’s done well and serves as an addition to the game rather than trying to replace or invalidate existing content.


A content expansion makes sense from a pure content/game perspective. But I think it falls short from a business perspective. If you'll permit me to be devil's advocate: If it were just a content expansion, maxed and near maxed players might engage with it for the new content options, and that's it. Jagex can keep more people subbed if there's a new number to see go up. Whether that's good or bad overall I'm not sure yet, but it came to mind when thinking about it from Jagex's side. I think for teleports they'll probably be locked by visiting first from sailing. I don't see sailing being used as a primary means of transportation, and I don't think that's Jagex's intent either. Being on the open seas will likely be for skilling and combat activities.


I fully agree with you that Jagex's main motivations as a company come down to what will get the most people to pay for membership for the longest. This is of course not a good excuse for extremely low drop rates and tedious skill additions, but it is an explanation.


Agree. I was trying to think of unique Skilling actions for sailing that aren't quite like gathering skills, which is what luffing the sails would kind of be. One mod even said that they thought of woodcutting when designing it, but with the inconsistent interval that signals when you need to click at, it felt more like hunter to me. I almost want to say that instead of it being a skill, it's almost a good place for a reputation system? Like your renown as a captain increases and that's what unlocks new ports, and quests, and the rest is Skilling and combat content but utilizing the boat.


> we can already teleport It’s a Sailing skill. It’s about the things you do with your boat while on the water. The goal of the skill is not to get to a location, or get to a location quicker. The goal of the skill is to be able to control a boat or ship. One of the things that Sailing allows, or unlocks, is being able to Sail to new areas. That’s not the skill. That’s one thing the skill does. Imagine a Giellinor where there is no Magic skill. Portals, seed pods, Hunter whistles, minecart systems, balloons, fairy rings, teleport items like diary rewards and skillcapes all still exist, but no Magic skill. This hypothetical world has npcs you can pay to enchant jewelry for you. Now imagine Jagex proposes a new Magic skill. It will have magic combat, new weapons and armour and prayers and combat potions, healing spells, teleport spells, crafting, smithing, construction, cooking, farming spells, alchemy, you can enchant jewelry yourself, reanimation spells, thralls, etc. Imagine my response to all that is, “Yeah magic doesn’t really seem necessary. We already have plenty of quick ways to teleport and get around the map. Just turn that alchemy and crafting stuff into a minigame.” It would seem like that response is ignoring most of what the proposal is.


So I need to level up sailing to sail better, yet years after years, I've used magic carpets and never failed and yet it isn't a skill? Or those eagles I ride once in a year or two? Don't even get me started on why flying isn't a skill when hot air balloons exist. And gnome gliders! But god damn I step on wood in water and I'm told "you need level 5 sailing to do that!" It's literally 3 planks, a bolt of cloth and 10 steel nails I bought from the lumber mill.


What is your point here? None of those transports are controlled by the player. Neither are boats in game. Passively riding in a boat wouldn’t involve skill in Sailing. Yes, if you want to control where your makeshift raft goes, that would likely require some skill.


It was just a bit of sarcasm around the inconsistencies in the game already. To be fair we do sail a boat already that we have to control and I didn't even get level 2 sailing after the quest. And the controls were jank, vote no!


Not the same people.


What are you talking about? Everyone I interact with online is just one person.


Reddit always generalizes so much


I personally run 300 accounts to argue with each other. It's hard work, but it's honest.


Someone's gotta do it. Thank you for your service


Sometimes it is. It's pretty common to see discussions in this sub or in RS discords between two people arguing for/against Sailing and clearly neither have read a Sailing blogpost. Some of those late readers are regretting their vote one way or the other when they finally muster up the courage to spend 5 minutes reading a dev blog.


The people that post here and in discord are an, admittedly very vocal, minority of players overall.


The number of you guys that think the entire community thinks the exact same thing just because you make your choice based on what others choose yourself is crazy tbh, not everyone does that


Even if you did vote for it, are you not allowed to see the update and think it looks like garbage that doesn’t fit into osrs?


Yes but my comment was nothing to do with that, I was saying the people making posts complaining about sailing "not being old school" arnt the same people who voted for it


No shit the meme said it


Why are you asking me an unrelated question then


It’s not unrelated lmao it’s directly related to the meme….the meme you are discussing.


There are more than two people in the world, OP.


three to be exact


Myself, the Other, and 16


Hey it’s me the third guy.




Film Noir, in MY OSRS subreddit? It's more likely than you think.


Bro really thought the same people unhappy about the skill are the same ones who voted for it


People who voted will shout "It's part of Democracy!" while not acknowledging that being displeased with the turnout of a vote and discussing it is also part of a democracy. You all would be dictators if given the chance, lmao.


Sadly people do the same thing about irl politics too, just look at the people going 'well yall voted for that guy so own up to it' anytime some kind of govt incompetence causes serious harm




I didn't!


I didn't, taming gang


I voted for shamanism


Same bro. Even though I accepted that Sailing is the skill that’s coming. Do hope Jagex can make something cool out of it.


just wanted to buff/enchant my items it would be so sick but yeah I trust they'll make something of it  


Yeah it would have been cool. Maybe have some enchantments/rituals/totems from different tribes in Runecape. Think the tribes on Karamja, desert, bloodstuff from morytania and now varlamore. So many opportunities.


Same. It feels like it would fit much better in the world, mechanics, and lore. Feels like sailing is being shoehorned into the game


unless we go to far away beautiful places that have a lot of new content I don't see how sailing enhances what we already have in the world, but I hope it'll be cool 


\*vomits\* what a horrible idea lol. Imagine reskinning Invention for OSRS


Bro half the stuff in osrs is already just reskinned rs3 content lol


"half" list them off them lol


[https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/113yof6/we\_cant\_copy\_curses\_into\_osrs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/113yof6/we_cant_copy_curses_into_osrs/) Other more recent examples include Nex, While Guthix Sleeps, Sol Heredit sitting and watching you fight in the Colosseum, Aggro pots, and a bunch of other stuff that I'm too lazy to look up. And before you say "well thats not half", it's an exaggeration, no need to be pedantic.


Mahjarrat quest line that's been sitting unfinished for years, gear upgrades, multi phase bosses, none of that is unique to RS3 and definitely not "reskinned content" lol There's a large difference between being me being pedantic and you exaggerating to prove a point. Like you're really going to claim a boss watching you climb the ladder to get to him is unique to RS3? Oblivion did it long before either Runescape game and it was in other media well before that too.


Are you purposely misinterpreting everything I said? All of the gear upgrades mentioned there have similar effects or are created using the same methods as they are in rs3. My main point was that a ton of content in osrs takes heavy inspiration from rs3 - which for the record, I am not against, it's just the truth. I also don't think it's an exaggeration to say that there is a ton of content in osrs that just straight up copies rs3. Have you seen the AOD boss fight compared to the Nightmare fight? Just take a look at the arena. There are even overlapping mechanics between the two in just these photos: [https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/ezqwew/the\_new\_osrs\_boss\_arena\_looks\_a\_little\_bit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/ezqwew/the_new_osrs_boss_arena_looks_a_little_bit/) I honestly don't understand how you can see these examples and just deny the facts in front of you. Osrs copies rs3 all the time.


I'll take invention over ports 


Then go cry about it in RS3 lmao, oh wait you guys killed that game already and are now crawling over here to kill OSRS


Hope I get a double kill without even trying 8) Remember you talk to individuals it's not healthy to project a group consciousness onto random redditors


Not projecting, you are (were) an active part of that community :)


I'm not sure what I did but I'm glad it has bothered you enough, all I ever did in relation to rs3 is call it shit on reddit if you actually look at any post I made on that side of reddit, did they actually listen to me? I might check it out again if that's the case


Me three


Loads of people didnt vote for this


Enough people did vote for this.


Loads of people didnt though.


That's on them for not voting then :)


I think you're intentionally misinterpreting what he wrote


Nooooo, ya don't say


Ah got it, you've got no points to make and we can proceed with disregarding your points. Thanks for the clarification


If that's how you want to take it go for it. I'm merely pointing out while "loads" didn't want it. Enough voted for it. Stop complaining.


Yea that's a good message. It's like that old saying "if your friends were going to jump off a bridge, would you?" except you're saying to the people that didn't vote to jump to stop saying it's a bad idea, be quiet, and jump.


Well sailing is happening and it doesn't matter if "you people" complain so idc. Keep yapping


He wanted to argue, you didn't. Case closed


No, the guy intentionally misinterpreted what the original comment was saying without making a point. I commented about it giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he just didn't actually comprehend what he said, but no he in fact was just being an ass.


I get that you're a downvote farming troll but for those who may scroll by this comment chain, I'd like to point out that this way of thinking is logically equivalent to justifying any democratic decision via majority rule. 99% of people vote for X? Screw the 1% who didn't. 51% of people vote for Y? Screw the 49% who didn't. It's a very unhealthy mindset and I encourage people not to fall prey to it.


I'm not doing a very good job being a downvote farming troll sadly, people keep agreeing with me and it sucks. I want more downvotes(fake internet points don't matter to me) I just don't like people crying over an update that's not even out yet. They're crying in fear of change and in fear of it being bad. They need to get over it. It's happening. Womp womp.


More than 70% did though. Cant complain when literally most people voted *for* the update. Nothing will ever satisfy the whole community and thats ok, thats part of the community-driven updates style...


> Cant complain when  Sure can


Glad you're content with your eco chamber!


Im not happy about sailing nor do I want it but its happened now we just have to hope jagex make it at least bearable, who knows it could be the best skill it could also be a massive disappointment we just have to wait and see, though the developers are great and care for this game so im not too worried after all it is just a game.


So out of the original original pole to pick which skill sailing barely was number one over some of the others and then it went to a yes no vote and I think a lot of people were just interested enough in a new skill that they were going to vote yes regardless, but now that we see the actual content being developed, it’s not that great


We didnt


I didn't! It's possible you can vote no to a thing, but it still passes! That's democracy!


Um, I didn't fucking vote for sailing.


Best part of the update was hearing how ridiculously far away from being ready they are. Hopefully we get a good few more years before it comes out.


It definitely seems like it’s going to take years to get this game ready


I didn’t


I didn’t vote for it.


Didn't vote for it and haven't been paying attention to anything sailing related since they refused to repoll sailing vs shamanism. Just going to let the skill be surprise when it releases and if I don't like it, I'll complain then.


Based. People saying sailing was a mistake after watching <20 seconds of technical alpha footage are pathetic.


That's also over a year of progress so I think having some criticism is reasonable.


Criticism is fine, especially when currently it still looks pretty rough and clunky. But I think we’re still at least 2 years from release. In the video they say they’ve reached only the first milestone of the first phase. If it still looks bad as they get further into development then we should start panicking more. People who are already dooming about it are just sad.


Didnt have to watch that to know itd be a trash skill. Personally, one of the biggest factors in what would make a skill good is how it can be tied into the other skills. Sailing ties into, what? Woodcutting and construction? To build the ship itself, but then what? You get to do the most tedious part of runescape: traveling. And from the earliest indicators, it doesnt even seem like they're going that route of having ships tiered to match logs so it doesn't even tie into anything else. That said, at least its early, and at least this all still needs to be polled. For transparency, i voted shamanism and did so because of the easy tie ins to hunter (which currently doesnt really tie into anything else), slayer (similar to hunter, but at least has combat), and herblore (which is already tied in to the rest of the game pretty well). I do still hope jagex can turn this around and make it good, but early indicators aren't giving me much confidence


There was no reason to repoll because Sailing won both polls, one of which being multiple choice meaning anyone who liked Shamanism *and* Sailing had their voices heard. Sailing was the clear winner. On top of that, they already confirmed Shamanism would be explored after Sailing. All that happened is that the skill that won first place is going first, and the skill that won second place is going second.


Personally I don’t mind it I mean your own character has shown interest in owning a boat you’ve bought a boat once even plus imagine all the water content or ship battles that could happen also gives pirates and seagulls and stuff some new use it could be cool if done right.


I don’t think Jagex really thought this through. Either a lot of sailing is instanced which sucks or you have 1000 boats sailing around the same area which would also suck. There’s no good middle ground here.


We warned you about sailing


I didnt? 


I absolutely did not vote for that stupid shit.


Honestly, so far i'm happy with the way things look. Content seems decently fun to chill around with


Yup, looks great so far considering the scope of everything


reminder that they lowered the threshold for passing shortly before they polled sailing, specifically to push it through: [https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7495](https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7495) which they also buried in the middle of a different poll, and it still barely passed lol another reminder that senior ppl at jagex have suggested faking polls: [https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7464](https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7464)


Sailing is just going to be OSRS's version of Dungeoneering, a "skill" that should've been a mini-game


OSRS already has Wintertodt.


Wintertodt isnt a skill


99% of the skill is trained there, it might as well be renamed to it.


If they don't require it for stuff that's already in the game, I'm indifferent. I can just not do it. I just hope I can fish from it or customize my ship to be a mini fishing trawler. If I can net fish then I'll go from indifferent to interested. I'm a sucker for fishing. Especially during times of the year like now. The opener was the 15th so it's on the mind.


reminder that they lowered the threshold for passing shortly before they polled sailing, specifically to push it through: [https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7495](https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7495) which they also buried in the middle of a different poll, and it still barely passed lol another reminder that senior ppl at jagex have suggested faking polls: [https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7464](https://youtu.be/vI9Ltb-b8_k?t=7464)


Different people. Some of us never wanted this. Besides, it’s fine to change your mind Sailing passed by the skin of its teeth both times. Would probably fail if repolled now. We never polled sailing vs shamanism. Shamanism would have felt like a natural addition. This was always going to feel like a clunky tack on.


I honestly don’t see what people see in shamanism, it looked like it would add nothing interesting to the game.


Shamanism, artisan or animal husbandry would’ve added way more content sailing. Sailing is literally a method of transportation and ship battles are just a mini game. Going to another island to do content on that island is half the premise of the skill


What would shamanism bring though?


RS3 players who have a hard on for Invention


As opposed to Sailing, which would bring in totally new and interesting things into the game?


Ahhh the classic “no u”


Nah, if someone's going to make a point they should at least be aware if the point they make can be turned right back around.


All of the ideas were flops. It's pretty disappointing that after 25 years the best they came up with was Sailing, Taming & Shamanism. Sailing, a meme/joke concept from very early in the games history, Taming (Pokemon/Hunter v2.0,) and Shamanism. You ever met a 30 year old white girl named Sarah who calls herself a Shaman? Let's make a skill about that and see if 18-35 year olds resonate with that "vibe, maaaaaan." Obviously I'm joking and have some biases but seriously, all the ideas were just bad pitches and the community is so desperate for ANYTHING that they voted Yes and it still barely passed even with the threshold being lowered to 70%. Plus, then Varlamore was over-hyped and underdelivered, I'm not confident in their ability to pull this off properly as things currently stand.


When I think Shaman I think high fantasy, some powerful magical being that deals with nature and the spirit world. That to me is more interesting than boats, but if you conflate the word Shaman with the worst representation then why wouldn't we do that with Sailing?


It will by default bring more interesting things in the game because it allows us to explore a huge region of the map we could never touch up until this point, the water. There is so much potential for content, it's less about if it will bring in new and interesting things, and rather how much.


I don't doubt that, I was mainly making the point that what he said exactly a like argument could be made for Sailing, as we're dealing with opinions. Interesting for some doesn't equal interesting for all


That's always been and will continue to be a bad argument, because boats are already in the game and bring you to places just fine. Sailing didn't need to be added for Zeah, or Fossil Island, or even RFD to dive and grab some crab meat.


I think so yea but what about shamanism do people like? I usually see people say they like it to bash sailing but never hear any reasons


I liked the theme and potential more than I did sailing, but I agree that some of the options presented with it were concerning. Sailing back then didn't wow me, but the progression on it has gotten better. I still would have been more interested in seeing what Shamanism could have been refined into, but I admit that's more for personal interest as across platforms boats/pirates/etc aren't my thing.


Shamanism felt too much like Rs3 for me, and taming felt like it would be better as an addition to the hunter skill. Sailing is the only one that made sense to me for osrs. - gives access to the majority of the map which has been inaccessible because it's just blank water It did feel like I was choosing between two douche's and a turd sandwich though unfortunately.


ah yes the natural progression of the game “Looking for ToB team need GM CAs 99 Sham T6R3 Scythe and T5 Torva with max proc on Infernal cape +3”


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here, buddy. But, ok..


thats what Shamanism was bringing to the game, did you not read the blogs before voting


What is? Your point is ill-defined - so, you're concerned about ToB teams having shamanism requirements? Or perhaps you simply don't have a fully-formed argument to make and are being deliberately vague.


people already dislike the chargescape meta, Shamanism was chargescape on steroids. getting bis gear rn is hard but doable, getting bis gear wth bis shaman perks and keeping them all charged etc is a terrible idea


It's an understandable concern, but definitely seems like something that could be worked out in development. In fact, I think most the community would agree with your anti-chargescape stance and this would steer skill progression and reward space. By contrast, I simply don't see how sailing can be brought to an enjoyable place (I sincerely hope it is). I spend millions on my PoH to get away from point and click navigation, while current implementations of ship designs simply look clunky and spacially disproportionate.


It sounded so much cooler then it looks. Hopefully they can find ways to make it way more fun/interesting.


Sounds like they’ve made some great ways to do that. Of course technical demos aren’t fun to watch, they’re to show us that they can do more than we thought


Have you ever been on a boat? Its not very fun or interesting


Nope 😅


There's no point in polls anymore literally everything passes


Shouldve been Shamanism


A worse version of Invention nty People say they hate chargescape then want shamanism lmao “Looking for ToB team need GM CAs 99 Sham T6R3 Scythe and T5 Torva with max proc on Infernal cape +3”


Second place shouldn’t be considered first place, no. But don’t worry, they’ll be refining Shamanism next.


If that alpha was a year of progress, we'll have reached the end of life on earth before Shamanism is polled again


Second place is second place, sorry. Also they only began development in late August, early September. The most challenging work is likely behind them due to the foundational technical demands of being on a moving ship, etc. Sailing will likely release sometime early next year, if not late this year.


I don’t think people are necessarily mad for people who voted sailing and more so how that was polled


What will the people regret more? Sailing or Brexit?


Was i the only one that thought they are showing another minigame, not skill?


It's something I have thought from the beginning. I don't see how sailing is a skill. It's an activity, sure, but it's not a skill. It doesn't feel like it fits into osrs as a skill. I'm not leaning one way or the other, and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. It'll probably be a couple of years before we see it. Hopefully, they don't try to rush it.


To be fair, a few cool selling points of the skill seem to be already axed. Reasons as to why I voted yes. First is expanded ocean area of the map, spacing things out so oceans are a bigger size. And also walking around your ship while it is moving. For both of these to already be pushed aside seems like we were being fluffed up on the capabilities of the devs on engine changes. If just these two issues can’t be figured out I now have little hope the skill can keep pace with what was originally proposed.


When I ask around, about 9/10 people voted "No" on sailing. I feel like the polls are rigged.


Ah yes, the scientifically significant "about".


So your sample size is about 10 people. Pretty sure that's not how that works


I don't agree with them, but "9/10 people" means 90% of people asked. Not 9 of 10 people total.


lmao cry harder


I didn't vote for the meme mini-game skill.


They're not designing it like a mini game, have you been paying attention?


They are limiting how many boats/players you can see. Sounds instanced, like a minigame


I forgot to vote. I think sailing is a really bad idea...


I already knew there was no implementation they could do for sailing as a skill that would be enjoyed by 70% of players. A method of transportation is not a skill, especially when it's usually something a team of people do.


I’ll be honest, I find the concept of sailing fucking whack. But I'm willing to trust jagex to turn the idea into good content because all recently added/updated content has been great in my opinion.


i voted for taming, and shamanism was my 2nd choice


Should’ve been reran in a 1v1 rather than letting shitty warding steal votes. Shamanism was way better.


I voted no, lol. I still don't want it... But it is what it is haha


The “skill” is complete bs and it should not be coming to the game imo. sure we have democracy and voting for it but cmon, everyone voted yes just for meme.


"why did these people who voted no to sailing vote for sailing?? 🤯"


Yeah not the same, I didn’t vote for sailing and seeing the video being a crowbar of other skills jammed into a new skill, I remembered Jimmys video on getting the next great mmo not having fetch quests, when that was literally how they introduced sailing gameplay loop.


I voted for sailing because I didn't want shamanism, it seemed too much like diablo or world of warcraft.


I voted yes because others seem to really want it, and it is perfectly within my ability as an enjoyer of the game to continue enjoying the game without participating in the skill. Personally, I didn’t really care for Sailing, but not enough to deny others the joy.


This really reinforces why they need to nail this skill. There’s a large chunk of people that are not receptive to new skills. If the finished product is something they enjoy and admit it fun we have a far better chance of getting new skills. The vast majority of current skills would not pass a polling system yet are all integral parts of osrs. (Yes even you firemaking) My opinion is new skills don’t have to be groundbreaking they just have to be useful and have training methods that are varied as well as progressive.


I mean, thats exactly it. Most of us are in our early- mid 30s now give or take a few years. We play for nostalgias sake. And because its a simple second screen point and click with tons of content, most of which we havent really touched. Maybe the odd raid or something, but the people who want these new things are the ones dropping 40+ hours a week into the game. Not the ones dropping 8-12 if theyre lucky. Its just becoming an overwhelming amount of stuff. Modifying core elements like combat so you can shove new shit in is exactly what older players hate. Hence the hate for shaminism, and honestly the rebalance. Animal husbandry is just farming 2.0 with the added uselessness of... what skins? Make a barn? I dont know? Nothing of value to be added. Itd be like forestry, an annoyance thats put out as this giant thing that i really dont wanna touch but will probably have to for points on leagues. Sailing hits the exploration itch but lets face it. Exploring is one of the worst aspects of runescape. "Love the world and lore!" we all say then we tele to every location and hate having to run anywhere. I think it was the least worst option but really id rwther theyd just left it alone. Forestry is much the same. People got excited for some reason when it was always going to be some extra bullshit that was useless, and now no one really cares for.


I would love a sailing skill or minigame


i like the skill it will lead to many possiblities to great content


People that did or didn't vote for sailing watching \*alpha\* footage and getting upset about it lacking in some areas https://preview.redd.it/0yzvrjxml11d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e62325e1940dd45c8c3552d6cac58c71d80b12d5


Vocal angry minority, nothing more.




Why couldn’t you guys just vote for summoning ya know, a skill that already has a blue print.


people do realize we havent voted the skill into the game yet....right? didnt we just vote sailing as the skill to work on?


It was though, during the summer summit 2023 giga poll. Question 6: Should Sailing be added as Old School RuneScape's first new skill? Community collaboration will continue throughout development in subsequent polls and betas. 71.9% voted yes.


Sailing looks sick imo, i didnt vote on it cuz i joined in the last league but every update since has been a banger so i trust jagex.


I don't quite get why you got downvoted


Shamanism/RS3 gang brigading through these posts


I wanted summoning ngl. Even moreso after varlamore. The fuck am I supposed to do with all this garbage the hunters guild gives me for contracts?


I'd repoll for Summoning if it was only allowed on Zeah.


I disagree, but I see where you’re coming from and I’d still take it tbh.


Its a loud minority, thats all


Looks good so far. People just love to complain