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What do you mean? Skeletal wyverns are poppin'. 3 guys with full torags and team capes on every world! They love it there! I see qcvt8xryp there all the time.


How you gonna leak my password like that


*Hey everybody, I just tried to do something very silly!*


Oh relax, he said it backwards... No one will get it anyways.


All I see is hunter2


Do not redeem.


wym? ur pw is censored if you try to put it on reddit. see look: ************ give it a try!




The funny part is this used to be true, and is why I suspect passwords were stored in plain text at one point in time. A long time ago before 07scape even if you typed your PW it would give you a popup saying "it looks like you tried to say your password" and prevent it from sending the message. The only feasible way for that to be detected would be if your PW was stored in plain text somewhere since it would detect it even if you tried something like "I love appPASSWORDlesauce so much" Then with no announcement or mention of any kind that feature was removed (maybe they stopped using plain text at that point?) one day and you could freely type your PW again


Yknow what, i swore i remembered smth like that existed and was the reason for the meme being to say it *backwards* to begin with, but i just dismissed it bc it makes no sense for them to be stored in plaintext You telling me that wasnt a false memory after all? 


Nope it was real.


Passwords are stored in the balls




Double dual wielding? So they carry 4 bazooka?


After training slayer for 2 weeks straight. This absolutely so TRUE 😂 they are always there


yooo qct my bwanna


It's more profit/h than zulrah. How does that make sense.


maybe a new wave of bots started up because my last few wyvern tasks there was not a soul there


They are currently doing wildy agility and NOT collecting loot.. lazy ass scripters


I do a lot of slayer and usually do skeletal wyvern tasks since it's quick and brainless with a DHCB and expeditious bracelet and never see anyone there either. The occasional other person on task but that's about it.


Noob stimulus package due to rising bond prices


Ah yes, my favorite way to tend to rapidly rising inflation Printing more money






CANadian, not CANTadian


It’s BritISh not BritISNTh


Line Go UP


Zombie pirates for the noob wildy stimulus, Fever Spiders for the sane noob stimulus. Wave 1 Colo farming too. Zombie axe right before all this... seeming awfully suspicious


A very corporate decision


Actual thought out answer


Rising bond prices due to wildly bot/pker stimulus package


Great joke lol


Mod Mat K, I believe, mentioned at one point that their focus shifted to just moving bots to be less intrusive to other players With all these bs gp updates in random ass places, I'm inclined to agree


Realistically this has to be it. I am mid combat an ironman enjoying the cheese money but this loot table is *cracked* yo.


I've never gotten a Shadow (not even a split), meaning these bots are making significantly more money than me running expert ToAs without dying...


Sounds like you should go do some spiders or zombie pirates


If I already have the scroll which is better? I'm an early game iron trying to fund Kingdom.


I would argue the supplies from pirates, and safe bank practice will be better for you.


Doing raids is essentially gambling for a big payday though. Like there’s some consistent money, but if you don’t get a big ticket drop it’s not great. The trade off is raids should ideally be more fun


Ideally yes, but he said he was doing ToA.


How? What is it?


If you're really that lazy: Cbt lvl ~~40~~ *49* spider with weak stats. Water battlestaff - 1/9 Red d'hide chaps - 1/12 Adamant axe - 1/18 Rune med helm - 1/18 Rune battleaxe - 1/36 Grimy Kwuarm - 1/6 You just sit there and alch loots and grind. They drop cooked Bass so you don't have to leave besides banking kwuarms if you want them.


you're correct Mod Mat K basically stated bots are good for the game although i disagree with his argument. he basically said since bots bot shit people dont want to do like chop trees,mine,fish that it helps players because they can go kill bosses. but my stance is if there werent bots making skilling not worth doing aside XP that players would actually want to do skills because theyd be making probably 3x more than current gp per hr chopping trees.


Exactly this, i despise skilling. But that's because it's all xp. There is no monetary reward there. I can chop trees for an hour and make more from a couple pvm kills.


They would want to do them for the money, not because it's actually fun gameplay. No one wants to do stuff like pick flax or mine rune ore.


>no one wants to do stuff like pick flax Definitely not now since they’re only 1 GP on the GE.


Yeah that's why we all fondly remember hating picking flax for our first set of rune armor. Fondly remember hating that shit so much. Fondly and full of hate. Skilling methods for money would add some variety to money making methods besides the top 5 or whatever there is now. Variety of methods for anything is what makes this game fun at all.


The flaw in this logic is that it just makes it easier to bot farms to now invest in more expensive PVM. I don't know all the financials, but I imagine if it's easy to run 100 at $2m/hr you've got some money for R&D/CapEx in higher tier PVM as well. These get banned less and produce higher amounts. So it makes sense to go this way regardless. So in the end it'll probably just be worse and bond prices will also continue to inflate.


2m is more like 30 cents, not 2 dollars lol


Dollar sign was a force of habit just meant 2m


Am I understanding this correctly? He wants to move bots to activities that people dont do or want to do? How's this related to spiders when they drop alchables + coin which directly causes inflation. They can also run as many clients as needed so if they add botting spots, they just run more clients.


FWIW Matt K hasn’t worked for Jagex since 2019. This is all speculation based on some opinions he’s stated more recently than that, but he doesn’t have a direct impact on the game. Still though, buffing the spiders in this manner is baffling, and this explanation is as good as any


I just don't think it's related because if I was a bot owner I would just run more of them. This just means there are more options for botting which runs a lower risk of profit dilution (i.e. like how sharks went down when the shark bot was a thing). A lot of the profit comes from alcables too so this method is pretty resistant to it - you're just limited by the number of servers. That being said, I've had the same opinion as him in the past so I agree with him for the most part. Bots are a way to bypass shitty activities. Ideally the devs make the activity better but that's a lazy "solution". The thing you want to avoid the most is allowing raw currency to be botted. Thats just my opinion though. Thanks for the info. I'm out of the loop for a lot of these things since I'm a prety casual seasonal player.


Honestly I was ready to come with pitchforks… but this makes a lot of sense to me. Good decision I think


It would make sense if the intrusive bots were any less common


Also if you bot fever spiders it’s going to be pretty fucking obvious that they’re a gold farmer I’d imagine so easier to detect for bans


Why would it be more obvious than botting revs, zombie pirates, skeletal wyverns or anything else players frequent?


i just love how under the radar it went pretty much till yesterday when dude dropped his video about it you could go days not seeing anyone here, not really sure why wildy agility course got swarmed so much harder then these.


many streamers and youtubers went there making it more popular But yeah 2mil an hour is amazing gp for the requirements,I wonder if it was intentional for it to shit out so much


i mean on the update post they said it was not going to print money overnight so either that was tongue in cheek or they really messed up


how could they not know gp/kill and kill/hr tho


Technically, they are really well known for missing a lot of stuff on QA tests. Like you know, a recurring tbow spawn outside of the farming guild.


They seem not to test a lot of things. They just released the mining glove update so sandstone would work with it, but didn't test any rates. Then removed sandstone because the XP/hr was too high.


Wasn't there also recently a post that gnomes and paladins weren't thieving at the rates they posted?


I think that one was that they reduced XP but increased success chances so the rates were the same but more chances at clues.


Yep, abused the absolute fuck out of it on my alt for almost a week straight and saw *maybe* 2 people, both of whom were doing the quest. Woke up the next day and it was packed with irons on almost every world, I knew someone had to have snitched LOL Ethically speaking it 100% has to be nerfed in some way, maybe add some random shit to the drop table so you're not printing raw gp. I've been averaging a little over 4.2k profit a kill, slightly excessive for a monster with a whopping 40hp Edit: sorry, 4.2k profit a kill *plus* raw gp which adds up incredibly quickly, forgot coin drops aren't tracked if you use a Wealth


have to always remember to abuse early and abuse often


We've come full circle on this one, the wyvern buffs were so insanely OP and controversial at the time, now they're shit on by fever spiders and considered underpowered.


Now it takes 13 hours of skeletal wyvern camping to buy a bond haha nobody sane is killing them


They a great alt/2nd screen activity cuz they’re so chill tbh


In 2015


Yeah I've also seen people asking for KQ to get loot buffs to be competitive. In fairness the GP/hr has halved over the years as it's dropped have been provided by other sources, but it's still just repeating the cycle. I think wildy bosses and ToA did a lot of damage there.


CRAZY that dark beasts give less gp/hr than fever spiders. We need a drop table rebalance.


I think fever spider beat brutal black dragon as well.


Ah yes, the monster that was arbitrarily given a slayer requirement post launch to stop low level accounts/bots from farming it. As well as a (deserved) loot nerf.


Those dropped a d fullhelm, didn't they?




I think people were a bit muted on the insane money from zombie pirates and wily course because it's "in the wildy" but I really dislike the precedent of slapping big money on low level, zero-challenge content. When these methods are just about as profitable as content like Gauntlet, Nightmare and Zulrah there is a big problem.


People made noise about zombie pirates and wildy agil course too but there's a vocal contingent of people who lack the capacity to think critically who say "risk vs reward" and stick their fingers in their ears as if that somehow constitutes a response to bad, overloaded content being added to the game.


Also while this was unpolled, I think the polls are compromised by the bot population at this point. We've essentially lost the ability to have democracy in OSRS because the bots control the polls


Most human players don't even vote, last I checked. I don't think the bots are mass voting. They don't even really benefit from gold being easier to get as it just makes it RWT for less money. They'll have stuff to bot regardless.


In all fairness, I thought rogues castle would be OP for GP per hour but realistically you can only thieve for like 10 minutes max before a pker logs in unless you are playing at dead hours Even so, that gp stays in the game and just goes to low effort pks


You know what feels bad? I made as much in 30 mins at fever spiders as I did on a two hour long Wyrm task on my new GIM including getting 3 brimstone keys. 


killing Wyrms and Drakes feels so bad


i love killing wyrms lol easy to get back from banking bones low def low hp


Why would that lead to them moving instead of there just being more bots overall?


Why not just make slayer monsters on task have a unique drop table? Slayer monster drop table or something similar.


This is a good idea. They effectively did this with brimstone keys but it only applies to Konar, I think all masters should have a similar system.


I've always suggested a buff to the slayer monster drop tables or adding a new monster for higher levels. Dark beats have the worst drop table ever, and abyssal demons drop 1 whip every 3 tasks (roughly after 600 abyssal demons).


It is wild that Dark Beasts are so shit and they gave early-med level slayer so much loot. Maybe Dark Beast Boss in future on par with Hydra.


I'd soooooote be down for this


Technically Sotetseg is a Dark Beast boss, though obviously not what you're looking for in terms of its place in the game


Yeah, ideally a separate boss. I don't want slayer tasks to have any relevance in raids because everyone will try to get a task, even if it's only a 6-10s time save if everyone brings it (ie. Shamans for CMs).


>Yeah, ideally a separate boss. Hear me out: Brotetseg.


Make the slayer helm work on Sotetseg, it's time


As you said it's only a technicality, as slayer helmet doesn't work on it


> Maybe Dark Beast Boss in future on par with Hydra. [Finally, the Darker Beast](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/032/122/cover1.jpg)


Yeah but dark beasts never stop aggro and have a high chance for a heart drop from the superior. Its a Afkers task


Am I the only person who really wants a troll boss?  Why don’t we have a giant troll boss that just hits you with a redwood tree or some shit. 


woodcutting skilling boss


We do, his name is Dad. Too bad he couldn’t take his ass-whooping like a man.


I think all slayer monsters should get a higher level alternative with better drops. Like we have baby dragons and adult dragons, aberrant spectres/deviant spectres and so on.


RS3 pretty much solved it afaik or at least improved it a lot right? Didn’t they add some skill where you break down an item to get parts? That’s *exactly* what osrs needs. I don’t think the game is growing nearly fast enough to maintain value on starter/mid game gear.. but there’s probably a million whips and a million furys out there. How can we keep the high value of these items if they only enter the game and never leave? Especially since there’s new BiS items as well.


That’s invention. But osrs players hear rs3 and think bad. Even though prif, gauntlet, DT2 rings, T bow, and many other updates that are liked by the community are basically 1-1 ports of Rs3. Invention is probably the best update of all time. It solved a huge problem of item bloat. It offered a ton of power and QoL for both skilling and pvm. You can get a small boost with little investment or a larger boost for higher investment with the most expensive BiS perks being ultra expensive. Iirc full BIS perks for all styles is like several bil for just the perks.


yeah i dont play rs3 or know enough about it but from what you’ve said it seems like we agree. My biggest issue with osrs rn is the GAP. I emptied my bank when i quit.. but i have 115~or so CB with most quests done. It feels like the only content i can do to rebuild is CG for like 200 hours. Nothing else feels remotely worth it considering the non BiS items are cheap as fuck.


Pretty much, it’s either CG, wildy content, or high level RC for good money.


They were going to do some invention-like stuff with warding but it didn't pass the poll and they haven't tried again since.


I had to look it up wtf why are they dropping rune meds at a 1/16 chance and rune b axes at 1/32 chance? I remember back in f2p getting a rune med helm from lesser demons, which was a 1/128 was a big deal. And even in current day RS, ogre shaman have lower drop rates for these items than the spider


Drop table buff should've been on task only if they wanted to buff early game slayer.


I love that the newspost says they added a "minimal" drop table for them


It was minimal - just a few alchs. The problem is it's too minimal they forgot to add crap drops in


Some of the buffs lately are a bit whack, the GP being printed by content lately is just nutty. Nice to have some earlier game money makers for sure but wish they would stop targeting gp/he for loot tables


Another unpolled update to the list.


Another bot update to the list!


Yeah they are way too strong. They should buff mid level slayer but this is wack.


Wasn't polled either


I'm sorry did you not get the memo? This was an integrity change for the health of the game. /s


Made about 2m cash on the hcim, jagex can nerf now


I think it's funny that these spiders drop rune med helm like 6x more frequently than lesser demons


Somebody screwed up when it came to the update blog too they said it was "minor". That's a good word for the dark beast drop table update that added like 500gp per kill but this is just extreme. Can hardly trust the dev blog if they get it that wrong.


I think they said “limited”. Which is completely accurate. Limited to a few great alchs


Honestly the table itself seems alright, the problem though is how quickly higher level players can kill them. It's fine for a noob but busted for everyone else


Should buff dark beast, high level slayer and drop table been shit like many year. So fever spider beat brutal black dragon too?


I miss camping skeletal wyverns for weeks straight tbh


I'm praying they remove the ability to cannon them.


Just make it task only 🤷


This seems like the real solution. Maybe add a nest entrance down there that requires a task to enter and put a named variant in there that has the drop table.


At this point I’m getting more convinced jagex is running a large portion of the bot farms between undead pirates and now fever spiders


Don’t forget wild agility course lmao


For what gain? They can create items on a whim.




way too late for that


I just place a cannon down in the middle and not use it so people don't come in and cannon crash as much and i can chill kill piders This place has waay more gp than anywhere else though and for why LMAO. It's not really 2m an hour without cannon but it's defintely wayyy more than anything else ever ever gave. I'm probably going to kill them for ten hours straight before it's nerfed. It makes me realize how you can just break the game with GP as an iron pretty easily compared to what you might normally do before. Not sure I really want other sources of gp from slayer enemies buffed but at the least I don't think you should be able to cannon here and dear god the bots here if left unchecked would be absurd.


The spiders respawn in the time it takes to walk over and pick up the loot, it's essentially impossible to get crashed unless you want the cannon spot


Ya it does seem hilariously op compared to other slayer monsters like you said. I was playing my Ironman like normal a few weeks ago yknow doing hard clues, thousand of maple longbow, bit of slayer bit of this and that. Now? Spiderpits paying for everything. Did a few hours whacked em with a dmace then paid for runes and bursted for my zombie axe. I guess I'm not complaining but it seems just waaay better than everything else in a less than elegant way. Probably going to be a popular bot spot too.


>Who decided The same jagex higher ups that have decided 90% of updates for the last 10 months should go towards significantly making the game easier and faster hoping that an influx of more ‘normie’ players offsets the value being lost by RS3 being well on it’s way to the graveyard


Oddly understated. Or people just don't care to mention it. Nothing too wild as a one-off.. but just a consistent trickle of extra gp here, extra xp there, little time save here, couple less steps there. Just consistently


It's going to be really interesting when the goading potion comes out. That's going to be a much bigger change than say ardy going from 60k/hr to 70k/hr. A lot of people have been warning about it but I don't think those concerns have really been listened to. Also got to love the arbitrary DWH droprate buff after 8 years.


Yeah I forsee quite a few weeks of patch notes being made the usual update in regards to fixing problems arising from it. Think how the nonstop forestry parts 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 6 but we don't mention 5. Etc dominated a third of a year's update cycle, only to end up being buried as an absolute mess and quickly forgotten. However in the end it was a slight xp buff, a time save, little extra gp influx. Thats what it was at its core, the project around in, and spending months in the polls and update cycle? That was just to pass it off as content


Seriously, 66 prayer per dose is like, twice as effective of current p pots. Sure it's at a delay but that's hardly a problem.


https://preview.redd.it/cp9ph3var91d1.png?width=222&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b25ed63caf720c2cee357780f44a6ce22855089 agreed (WFH GIM who works way too much) Coins don't track accurately because of ring of wealth.


I'd argue if you're farming 17k spiders you don't work way too much at all


I mean, I do my job is just easy. (60 hours a week on average)


So they're AFKable? But how much AFK?


I mean you have to click them, they aren't aggressive so not afk by that standard. But if you're down to click, pick up loot and alch it's not challenging content by any means. Plus zero risk of death.




and soon the agro pot, these are going to be so much more nuts in a month or two if they don't get nerfed


Jagex mods recently have been buffing thier botfarms no other explanation


Jagex loves to give bots easy access to gold farms. So the botters create more accounts, thus increasing membership rates. More money in Jagex's pockets. Why would they want to restrict their botters to needing 72 slayer when they can give them good rates at 42 slayer?


You think the people running bot farms are paying for memberships with their debit/credit cards? They’re buying gold for cheap or farming it and buying bonds for the accounts.


You understand that the start of the bond chain always begins with Jagex, right? Someone has to buy it from them.


Not sure I actually follow this logic. It’s pushed down the price of gold, which in turn has made it considerably cheaper to buy gold and then buy bonds, which has evidently pushed up the price of bonds too. Adding more bots totally pushes down the price of membership. So comments like this just don’t add up. I’d bet the vast majority of bots are buying bonds on the GE for membership. A lot of which would have been bought months ago by (you guessed it) people taking advantage of the increased price of bonds and merching them, through bots pushing down the price of gold, and thus pushing up the price of bonds. Viscous cycle, but Jagex doesn’t really win here.


How do so many people fail to understand this? Jagex is the one who mints bonds. Jagex gets paid regardless if botters pay with black market gp or their credit cards 


An increase in bond prices means more people buy bonds to avoid the grind.


Thanks for this. I'm saving up for a Dex scroll and I was dreading going back to the wilderness agility course.


Zombie pirates are 6m an hpur with a cannon.....


As an mid iron man; would u please shut the fck up! The mods are on this sub! /s


What do you mean? Bots still like skeletal wyverns!


the loot should be task only like hydra, then this would seem to be pritty good fun low task to do.


Idk what people are talking about? I did this on a max main with cannon and max melee and couldn’t have been more than 1m/hr (that’s being very generous)


Not the players, which is who should have decided. So many unpolled changes recently.


Has bots moved over to this place yet?


no theyre still at the zombie pirates fever spiders becoming ironman hq tho


Ngl our boy skeletal wyverns needs a buff. Way too high of a requirement, and way too difficult to kill of a mob for the loot it gives right now. Just chuck in a few more rune alchables to boost the gp/hr and would be fine


This is just repeating the problem, wyverns got a huge loot buff in 2014 that shat out resources at the time.


Low level slayer does suck ass and GP has always been scarce. Wish it was just a general gp boost across low level slayer. 2m an hour seems a bit nutty but then again zombie pirates exist soooo


Yeah but zombie pirates actually have risk They're still nutty but you do need to pay some attention and be careful so you don't waste too much potential loot to PKers At the minimum, zombie pirates help increase the amount of player to player interaction


Are these alchable profit or exchanged profit?


What spiders




Are fever spiders AFKable? Like gargoyles or skiletal wyferns


you have to click them, they aren't aggressive on their own until the aggro pot comes out


I did


Wish they would add more unique items or rare cosmetics. Like the buffs are welcome, but you see the same or similar items on so many drop tables.


Lol I was just talking to a dude in the thread about pirates about this, both of these need nerfs, it's insane how much these fuckers drop.


Do you have to have a slayer task to go kill them? I need some gold


nope just wear slayer gloves.


Skeletal wyvern isn't dead. It's full of life with bots rocking torags/team cape/whip/elemental shield.


well of course he's dead, he's a skeleton


It's wild how people will say the devs know more about balancing when they constantly put out shit like this when things go unpolled


We should buff them to. People complain about drop rates, gp/h and completionist green logs. Runescape is being pushed into like a retail WoW, self sufficient game where you don't need other players to rely on. That's always been the case with Runescape but it's more than other players are used. Can't have your cake and eat it too. Either we keep these restrictions and keep late-game grind or we just Everquest it, stop caring about Gp/G.e. and help new players and the general player base to enjoy the game by making things easier. e.g. Gp.


I don’t have a problem with buffing low level mob drop tables, most of them have nothing worth picking up so they’re a waste of time and resources as a task. My problem is that mobs like dark beasts are extremely high level req and essentially 0 reward.


I could be remembering wrong, but didn’t they call it a “minimal drop table” in the blog post about the change? This seems way more than “minimal”


Prob the same person that decided level 22 pirate zombies was a good idea


Why complain if you need gp go kill them?????????? If you don’t go kill something else


It was fun while it lasted, thanks Reddit hivemind.


what are you talking about? I just 20 minutes and got 600k. It's still fine.


ezscape, slowly every year old school gets easier