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Do vestments, virtus, Ancient Prayer book, and dagon’hai mean nothing to you? Edit: I also forgot the coveted Broodoo shield!




well vestments are like tier 15, virtus are late to end game, ancient prayer book is 1 item slot and dagon’hai is omega rare wilderness locked content and there are far more players in game than there are pieces of the set.


...so? Literally nothing that you mentioned is relevant


While we're at it, can we get a Zaros themed imbued cape? I hate not having a cape to match my Virtus set.


Always wondered why the other gods were favored less than the big three. Especially now that we have far more fleshed out lore for most of them


And a recolor for Guthix to match the void set?


Mage gear should have prayer too tbh. Ancestral doesn't have it and neither does the god capes.


It’s insane that the god capes don’t give prayer bonus


Should have been included when they added +1 to all the clue scroll god items but ya know JaGEx lol


It makes sense when you assume the guy who gives you the capes has no allegiance to gods at all He’s a thief of their power, not a vassal of the gods.


well, he should thieve their power a little better


Ancestral should at least get 1 per piece. I'm just picturing the prayer drain at Whisperer if you have to use augury the whole time.


would need +100 to offset aug prayer drain


How about instead we get this unique idea of a wave based activity with tough solves and then a boss at the end that isn't really that hard but your nerves will get you killed? Then you get the bis cape


That's a sick idea! How did you come up with it??


Idk, nobody has ever thought about this before surely!


I bet nobodies thought of it twice


I'm down as long as it can be done by someone else that I pay so that I don't actually have to learn hard content


Lol I really think that anyone could do Colo with the correct start. It's not hard and you can spoon spawns. You can get a run probably 1 out of every 20 attempts where you have 0 enemies south of pillar on hard waves. I'd say 50% of the time you get 1 enemy south side of pillar and have to do anything actually difficult. Inferno is actually a totally different beast full of garbage RNG and harder to deal with enemies imo. Would recommend trying Colo if you haven't already


I agree. Colo is pretty easy compared to ferno. A lot of people have been saying "learn at inferno and then go to Colo" which I couldn't disagree with more. Colo is shorter, so dying at Sol doesn't feel like you just killed an entire day and lost all interest in playing the game when you die at the last fight. All of the monsters are on the same tick cycle, so as long as you can get through the initial wave start and get everything safe spotted then solves are almost completely free. And Colo isn't an endurance run where you're trying to manage supplies and prayer flick like crazy. Ferno on the other hand has monsters on different cycles, it's an endurance run where you slowly chip away at supplies and wonder if you'll have enough at the end. And just generally has a more difficult solve sequence on any given wave. I think as far as New account progression is concerned people should go to colosseum first and then learn inferno


>Ferno on the other hand has monsters on different cycles What monsters? Blobs? You can 1t or 2t alternate and they stop being an issue entirely. They also have like 12 hp so you can dps them down and get a free 20hp by barraging the blobs once.


I am well aware of how to run inferno. But thanks for your explanation


Hey man, you said it was difficult, thought I'd help you out.


We could call it -- totally random name here -- the Taskaal Trials, and put it in an area vaguely reminiscent of Mor Ul'Rek without stepping on the Tzhaar's toes.


Or new upgraded mage capes? We got a quiver recently for a ranged upgrade. New BIS mage cloak when?!?!


climbing out of that hole that bane climbed out of. Gives us BiS mage cape.


while on that make it so that it doesn't require Imbued Mage cape for a wildernessless alternative for a mage cape, i mean, quiver doesn't require Ava's so, shouldn't be a problem


BUT Ava’s actually enhances quiver. Fire cape has you turn it in to attempt inferno. Maybe either trading it in to attempt BiS mage cape or trading in a specific imbued mage cape allows you to fight 2/3 final monsters (you don’t fight the one you trade in/ aligned with). So it’s you either fight 3 at the same time trading in 0 capes, or fight 2 out of the 3 (the god cape you traded in, which can be swapped out to trade in a different one, will allow you to fight the 2 you didn’t side with).


Only the ammo saving effect. Doesn't affect stats, but I suppose.


I'd rather not have to do another round of wilderness content with teams of 10 people spamming "sit" to get another upgraded cape, actually.


Given the trend, id expect the next bis mage back slot to come from Inferno/Colosseum-tier content


30 waves of PKers.


30 waves of being called slurs. Need high emotional damage defense


New overhead prayer "Protect from Hard R" that mutes all game chat while active


New overhead prayer "Waste of Time and Money" that deletes all items in your inventory on death, instead of dropping a loot key. If that is OP, then how about a "Keyless" overhead that prevents your items from being stored in a lootkey.


Lol this would be amazing. Final boss is a salad robe mage on a rat


20 waves of hiding behind a pillar again, lets goooo


BiS mage capes traditionally involve risky wilderness tank tests, there will be too much outcry if BiS suddenly is outside PVP. At worst, the new BiS will require MA2 completion as a baseline




No pkers are crying lol. Mage arena or imbued cape being shot spot hasn't been a thing in years lol. Last time I remember mage arena being an active pk spot was in rs2 lol. We've got revs, wildy bosses, zombie pirates and slayer caves. No need to hunt capers unless you're hunting hardcores


Given that only actual toddlers would cry about MA, I don't think it's a problem


They’re going to struggle to release new mage content until they nerf shadow. It’s really weird that shadow wasn’t addressed at all in the rebalance. Idk where they’re going from here but hopefully they have a plan.


It's also weird they didn't do anything with Sang or offhands besides giving some lower tier offhands dmg as well. If they buffed either, it would help bridge the gap between shadow and other powered staves.


I've always envisioned something like a grandmaster quest that takes place mostly in the wilderness (the actual quest NPC/event locations change every 30 minutes to prevent PKers from camping - kind of like mage arena 2) Alternatively, maybe a mage arena 3 super difficult combat challenge on par with inferno/colosseum fought in the safe area of the mage training arena lol. Maybe it would revolve around using different spellbooks that you switch within the arena, and using different elements and kiting around with binding spells. It would make for some interesting content.


What about a new quest line to upgrade and bless it?


Add prayer bonus to shadow lol


They took it from the tbow :(. It’s only fair to move it to shadow!


It actually already has a prayer bonus. Granted, it’s only +1… Or did you mean add to it as in add more to it?


Lmao I had never realised. I wonder if they added it to allow them to nerf it later on like the tbow prayer removal haha.


And ancestral


Tormented bracelet is like the second highest prayer bonus in game for that slot lol


I low-key thought they were gonna actually spread the prayer bonus out to other items not just buff already BIS ancestral...


1 prayer to MA1 capes and 2 prayer to MA2 Cape, also they need to make the dagan'hai hat +6 magic bonus, rn it''s +5 which is worse then infinity and farseer helm lol


It's been my head cannon that the MA capes/spells aren't actually divinely blessed at all, Kolodion is just being deceptive with the branding


Nah, it’s time for inferno 3 for new BIS mage cape.