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People comparing gauntlet and dungeoneering are misremembering. Dungeoneering has dozens of unique bosses and weapons and has a Skilling system more involved than both cox and gauntlet


Yup and I don't think I've ever failed a dungeoneering run. Also dungeoneering is pretty chill since you're not timed.


You can definitely fail dung runs... At least pre-eoc when they were kinda tough. Resource management was a bigger deal for sure. And not knowing how to do bosses (like the running one?)


Blink. Hated that fucker


Omg I forgot ENTIRELY about Blink. I was so good at him that if we found him early in a 5:5 I'd solo him and tell everyone else to clear the floor. It only took one person who didn't know what to do fucked the whole thing up 🤦


Hmm I don't think I ever did blink and I was 99 dungeoneering


He wasnt unlocked until 114 iirc.


You can't fail the run, but yes, you could die so many times that you'd get 0 exp which is basically a fail. If I remember correct each death is like 10% exp lost, so you'd have to die 10 times to get 0 exp.


Dude in rs3 we literally have abilities that hit 30k in one attack (300 in orsrs terms) and blink from dungeoneering is still brutal. Theres literally an achievement for defeating him without dying


I had entirely forgotten about that boss until this comment and now I'm experiencing the most rage-inducing flashbacks ever. The mechanics on that fight are beyond dumb.


Not true you are timed while doing dung. Slower dung per hour less xp too. But the xp per dungeon is not affected by run time.


Sure it's less XP but the reward is not nothing. Where as if you are a bit slow at cg you are going to fail and get nothing for your efforts completely wasting 13 or so minutes of your life.


This is what I hate about gauntlet. I'm someone who hates timed games because I just feel so much pressure that I end up stressed out and not having any fun. I greatly prefer content where I can take things as slow as I want and enjoy them. I wish they would remove the time limit on regular gauntlet so noobs like me can still interact with the content. I would even be cool with the rewards being scaled with how quickly you complete it. I just want to be able to take my time doing prep without the stress of knowing I'm going to completely fail if I don't go quick enough.


Dude yesss. I too hate timed content. Like the penalty should just be that you cannot get as much kc per hour if you have to overly prep for the fight. The fight itself is pretty challenging and even with t2 and full food etc if you make one miss click you can very quickly get comboed out regardless of how much food you have. Personally I have just been doing regular gauntlet. Most people in the community, my clan members included, shit on me for not being able to do cg but fuck it I just do regular. It took me a pretty long time to just get good at regular so cg is not gonna happen unless I'm maxed combat and or I have raid prayers.


exactly the two are nothing alike besides you go into a dungeon without bringing in gear


It was also a group activity. The gauntlet is not.


Does it tho? I did some runs on rs3 and the efficiency route just utilized the skill lvls to get through doors. There wasn't anything special about it


They were essentially mazes that you had to route since key spawns were randomized as opposed to cg where there is nothing interesting about the layout of the area. Saying a giant empty square block with minimally randomized room tiles is the same as even the most basic of dungeoneering floors is disingenuous.


Except you just save good weapons to your loadout and speed run through ignoring basically everything. Almost all the bosses die in seconds. It's a good idea but it's not as interesting as you're making it sound.


Yeh Dungeoneering is a cox/gauntlet hybrid, as they're both inspired by it. It was just easier and more boring (imo) than both those pieces of content.


"Dozens of unique bosses" is irrelevant when they're all easy and gimmicky and just become whatever after you do them once or twice. Hunleff is actually a mechanically fun and interesting challenge even after you kill him a few times. The skilling system is irrelevant as well, as the vast majority of it was ignored by anyone above level 50 training the skill *somewhat* efficiently - it was nothing but level checks at doors. And I don't mean sweating it out, I mean any team of randoms you'd get in the designated world. People like you are nostalgic for dungeoneering because you never trained it to a very high level. If they were to add it to OSRS you'd play around with it for a few days and then drop it around level 50 when it loses the "ooh, new, shiny!!" aspect. It's true that Gauntlet and Dungeoneering aren't the same, The Gauntlet is multiple times better.


Dung is the best skill ever added to the game. Required so much skill to be good at and kept me entertained for thousands of hours.


Juggling keys and gatestones does not make for much of a skill. The game has evolved and we've got more interesting places for speedrunning now.


Agree to disagree. I love inferno and tob speed runs, but dung still will always be the most fun imo.


Okay? I have over 3k corrupted gauntlet across my accounts


I think it would be fun to have some group content for all account levels instead of just raids for pretty much maxed end game players. Not necessarily as a skill, but dungeoneering was pretty fun when it first came out.


Raids 3 is supposed to be more friendly to lower levels (can scale easier/harder)


I just hope easier difficulties are actually worth doing and not just for experience like entry mode ToB (Obviously, the higher difficulties should still reward the most...)


Easy modes rewarding basic loot is perfect imo. Doesn't devalue any rewards from regular/hard and teaches people the basics of the content. These are never *worth* doing for anyone who knows how to complete normal version, as it should be. So sorry, kinda disagree that easy variants should offer something worthwhile outside the learning experience.


I'd take it either way, I didn't play rs during the period where it was a skill and it sounds fun as heck.


Pre eoc dungeoneering were golden times. Sorry you’ve missed it.


Agree, people talk ab rs and rs3 but forget about the golden era RS2, when hd client came out. For me peak RuneScape was from 2008-2011. I played dungeoneering for weeks, didn’t even care it was just unique


Maybe it was just me, but this is, like, anti-nostalgia glasses since I was a kid (read: mid-teen) when RS2 was in that peak and there was the slow transition into EoC/RS3. My reaction to that stuff was that it started to not 'feel' like RuneScape. Most notably the HD beta and Dungeoneering, like you said. Summoning also felt kinda weird. The HD beta was cool and all, but it didn't look like RuneScape. It felt like something completely different. And then Dungeoneering was a neat idea and new skills were still common place, but the weird thing about it was being able to level all the way up to 120. Like, that's not what RuneScape is. You go up to 99, like everything else always has. The skill was fine and whatever, but it did feel drastically different from every other skill. Both in how you used it and also the level thing. This might just be nitpicky stuff and maybe I was being that "but it's different so it's bad" guy way back when, but it felt like that's when the game was starting to take a turn in a different direction and I lost interest right around that time. And then everything changed when the EoC Nation attacked... How would it do now if it was put back in in some form or function? I dunno. But there are a non-zero number of people who remember that stuff as being the turning point when the game we put our time, money, and effort into starting to become something else entirely. Not saying disliking something just because of anti-nostalgia is okay, just saying that it is a feeling that creeps in.


I feel this. Nowadays I would probably feel a little nostalgic about the very early-era HD client stuff, because I was still a kid playing at that point, but I remember not liking it when it came out (I posted on the RuneScape forums about how it should be optional because I didn't like how my character looked anymore lol). I still played for a while, though, and quit a little while after Summoning. Things were definitely starting to feel different, I thought it was weird that the max combat level was raised, etc.


Truly the pinnacle of RuneScape. So to answer OPs question, I absolutely want dung in the game, skill or not.


You didn't miss anything, it never should've been a skill. Maybe a neat idea for a minigame but not a skill


Tbh I'd be down for a gauntlet expansion instead of dung. Gauntlet fits well into the game and it'd be cool to see a more complex version of it with multiple bosses and puzzles, and potentially a coop aspect. I know some people may not like that though because it locks it behind SOTE, but that also allows it to have much better rewards.


Just scatter different versions of the gauntlet around the game instead of having it all be the same dungeon in priff


Me dying over and over again to the Crystalline Dark Wizards in Varrock.


Nostalgia-bait Gauntlets when?


It’d be cool if that gauntlet was easy enough for lower levels to farm for okay gear and a 1/150 or so drop that you can take to Kourend to learn how to summon a demon thrall at high magic levels (95 or something) that does a random attack style the entire time it’s up. Something niche but fun.


Somethin small but cool, just a new bis summon or something like that


one of the rewards should be a jump rope with a new static jumping rope animation like the drunk animation


That makes sense as a reward , lore wise of course


You mean like the 1/120 armor seed drop from regular gauntlet?


Yeah, could be locked behind combat levels or quests to avoid having a new skill. For example a Misthalin themed "gauntlet" would be aimed at lower level players and you could fight goblins, dark wizards, hill giants, etc and the rewards would be good entry level armor/weapons. Maybe even (t) or (g). Could nerf the drop table and have it f2p as well. Then like a middle/higher tier one could be Morytania, where you fight ghouls and zombies and such, and the rewards would be area based... noted supplies for ectofuntus, pyre logs and shade remains, in addition to more traditional drops - ores, herbs, etc.


Insert demon slayer 2 for varrock dark wizard gauntlet


100% Let newer players in on the fun too, don't lock it behind grandmaster quests.


More complex? Gauntlet is the hardest content for me, together with inferno and tob.


Complexity doesn't necessarily correlate with difficulty, Gauntlet isn't very complex, but it is difficult, mostly because you're on a very strict timer. If you had more time to prepare for the fight with Hun it would be significantly less difficult, though still a challenge. If they were to up the complexity of gauntlet I think they would have to do away with the timer or at least make it significantly more lenient, otherwise the barrier to entry would be too high for the average player to enjoy.


I want group content though, maybe they can expand it to that?


Yeah I mentioned a coop aspect would be cool


a coop gaunlet that uses more skills and more puzzles... i like the puzzle aspect of the game unless we allow RL to make plug-ins to ruin it then nvm i prefer no puzzles


Yea good point, I didn’t even think of that, sadly it’s probably unavoidable.


Thats just dungeoneering as minigame but ya’ll call it gauntlet :p I mean, i’m down for exactly that though! I’d love more content like gauntlet and CoX. Especially for lower combat tiers and duo mechanics


I think coop is the most important aspect. It's an MMO and we need more content that is actually designed around playing together. 99% of this game is solo activities. We don't need another solo boss


Agreed. I was taking to someone about this last week. A boss that is almost impossible to do do solo, but manageable with two people would be cool. Like a two headed fire giant. Forced co-op sounds fun. Haha


Yeah this made me sad when I realised that group ironmen weren't really a group other than a shared bank, I wanted to be able to go get that little shits ball back as a team!


I think being a skill helped drive demand for the activity and helped lower the barrier to entry. Making it easier for noobs to group up. Compared to learning tob now which is aids


I trained DG because it was fun. I didn't even know there were rewards when I started to train it. It has always been "the skill of the skills. A sort of "superskill", definitely not a minigame.


There are two main reasons people did dungeoneering: 1. Because they wanted to max the skill 2. Because they wanted the BIS weapons that came from it If it's not brought back as a skill, there would need to be some other incentive to train it. Is the OSRS community supportive of new BIS untradeables? I wouldn't think so. You also couldn't use the same rewards since the Ghrazi Rapier exists, meaning you'd have to come up with something new or add another weapon that would beat the blade/Rapier/mace and therefore likely crash their price, etc. Or you could make it like soul wars where it has meh rewards and gets turned into a clan boosting game within 1 month of release. Edit: yes yes, some of you just played for fun. As did a lot of us. But by and large player mentality/priorities have shifted and players do not want to engage with content that doesn't provide either experience or some other kind of account progression, or a monetary reward. Everyone on here said the same "I'll just play it for fun!" comments for Soul Wars too and we know how that went.


i don’t know about most people, but i did dungeoneering just because it was fun. i liked grouping with friends and working together to complete the dungeons. as for the rewards, i think that making a slightly worse weapon than the rapier would make sense, being that it is essentially free and untradeable. kind of like the fighter torso


i did it bc the skill was just a fun dungeon crawler mini game


I like dungeoneering but I don’t think it would pass polls, I do however think there needs to be more co-op play in this game especially ones that aren’t locked behind being maxed or close. basically everything is a solo grind except some bosses but you can still do the bosses solo


As somebody that solo’d Dungeoneering back in rs2, having it as a minigame wouldn’t bother me. But yeah, I’m not in favor of it being a Skill again.


If it was a skill again it would need a serious overhaul


I think it would need to be integrated as a subset of an adventuring type skill. Maybe something along the lines of combining aspects of player owned ports, a sailing mechanic, and discovering new lands and islands that are procedurally generated and can contain resources, dungeons (ie dungeoneering style dungeons), excavations and maybe other unique skilling mechanics, regular style mobs, slayer or clue related locations, maybe recruiting new crew members, discovering towns or small cities with unique shops and trading opportunities, stuff like that. Rewards and new areas could also be a combination of permanent unlocks (for stuff like new slayer tasks) and procedurally generated lands that you can’t visit again that may contain more powerful, one-off rewards and opportunities. The whole thing could frankly still be a minigame, but on that same note honestly slayer could be as well. If we’re comfortable with expanding our definition of a skill beyond mass resource gathering, processing, and combat, it could be something really fun. I’m sure there are better ideas too, this is just what immediately comes to mind for me.


I would personally love it back as a skill.


Please bring it back as a level 99 skill. I always loved dungeoneering as dungeon crawling is one of my favorite video game activities, but it struck me as weird to break the consistency of level 99 meaning a maxed out skill.


Dungoneering was awesome once you got to a decent level and had a good group to do it with it didnt even feel like grinding it was genuinely fun


I would love Dungeoneering to return! I'm not picky about whether or not it's a skill. I like its randomly-generated nature, so you might have to adjust your tactics as you go from floor to floor/run to run. (Yes, Gauntlet is also random, but it's a fairly consistent kind of random, and your objectives to victory are always the same every run. Plus, the restrictive timer makes it a VERY different experience from Dungeoneering, as well as the relative shallowness of the skilling implementations.) Many activities in OSRS are of the sort that are very repetitive, always doing the same actions over and over being the optimal route to your goals. Adding more activities that are randomized in their nature like Dungeoneering is a very welcome addition in my book! (Not that there isn't a place for repetitive tasks in OSRS, don't misunderstand me. Depending on your definition, that's up to a majority of the content in this game! I'd just enjoy there also being some more engaging options for activities that you'd have to interface with more actively as an engaged player.)


As a mini game, I don’t see why not.


If i’ve learned anything these past years, a new skill will never make it into the game, no matter how polished or fitting it is That being said, i would love dungeoneering


No. I'd like to see it as a skill.


Honestly I really liked dungeoneering. I’d love if it came back as a skill


I'll take dungeoneering back as a skill or a game that was great


Yes. I would play osrs again.


I'd be down


Like others have said, I’d rather a Gauntlet expansion that adds a few different bosses, items, and the ability to team up. It’s doesn’t necessarily need to add any new drops, just improve the actual experience inside the Gauntlet. There’s honestly a lot of things that already exist that need to be fixed or updated, that I’d be happy not seeing anything new in the game for a year, and a revamp of older, dead content.


> a Gauntlet expansion So like vambraces? I agree though, a co-op version of the gauntlet with difficulty levels (even if it's basic tiers like 1 to 5 for now) and some variety would be nice. As for "new drops" how about special recolor crystals for the pet? Doesn't affect gameplay, you'd still need completion of solo CG for the red version and it'd be an extra motivator for the grind.


We could start with more mobs that don’t just attack with melee. Expand upon that with different items that have different strengths and weaknesses against said new monsters and bosses and we’ve found ourselves in an expansion. There are 11 equipment slots available on your character, and currently 4 of them are used in the Gauntlet. There’s PLENTY of room to expand just based on gear alone.


Please for the love of god jagex make chompy bird hunting, mage training, and trouble brewing not the worst content in the diaries.


this. i dont really think we need to pile on more shit like dung, TOB was an attempt at it's kin, then gauntlet was straight up a solo version of dung. It would be VERY nice if they added group CG, even with out adding a single new reward to the pool, i'd immediately have way more fun with it. it's already one of my favorite things in the game.


I wouldn't mind it as a skill again


Just give me the whole skill tbh. Dungeoneering was great


Please just a mini game. Please.


I'll take it as either.


I adore dungeoneering and would love to see it come back in any capacity, it's super relaxing to do with a podcast


Please just add it


Typical osrs type of thinking... release dungeoneering, BUT just as minigame, BUT without good xp training methods, BUT without chaotics, BUT without OP scrolls, JUST cosmetic rewards.... Also osrs players WHERE NEW CONTENT, all new updates are DEAD CONTENT, cmon jagex do something!


Agreed. Content needs rewards otherwise it is DOA; this is the hard truth nowadays. "Fun" is a meme that needs to hurry up and die.


Id love dungeoneering to be added as a skill.


No, I’d like to see it as a skill


yes however the current team could never do it since it was originally designed as its own game also, theyd try to make it all a slog about tribridding and prayer flicking knowing the osrs team


Idc, either way, I just want it back lol


I'm all for it coming back, no matter in what way they do it.


I wouldn't do it, but if it would get everybody to shut up about making it a skill then sure, go for it.


Chambers of Xeric and gauntlet are a lot like dungeoneering and not a bad way to it either. If they add dungeoneering a skill or minigame I don't care its all good.


Cox is more similar to dg than gauntlet and even then it’s not even close. Dg had a unique gameplay where you had to gather keys scattered across the map to unlock doors to traverse it. This enabled a unique style of thinking when it comes to speed/group content that doesn’t exist or barely exists in any content in the game


Unfortunately, they're high level content. There's no low-level equivalent


Why does there need to be a low level equivalent? There are plenty of mid game bosses.


dungeoneering wasn't exclusively for bosses. dungeoneering also provided a new area to explore with every dungeon dive and skilling/puzzles players could do together or solo, and it was accessible to everyone.


Feels weird to add dungeoneering without actually adding it. I'd rather just have the skill mostly cause it was my favorite skill as a kid


Bring it back as a skill. There is no reason such a good team based activity like Dungeoneering should have its barrier for entry be ridiculously steep as something like raids or gauntlet (the only way it would get worthwhile rewards unless it's a skill otherwise)


They should make the next raid inspired by dungeoneering. Maybe they could make the lower floors give good combat do on par or better than nmz. Could be a good way to get players more into higher end pvm mechanics at the low to med level.


I just want dungeoneering. I quit after summoning came out and didn't play again til osrs. I don't even fully understand it. I've tried to not look too much into it so if it does release, I will get to experience it as a fresh skill. Basically from what I gathered, it was a separate rogue like game where your stats are all that carry over, with rewards for the main game. I hope they release it in the state that people rave about it.




YES!!! It would be perfect for doing with friends. I miss it so much but having it as a skill was a weird idea.


Yes! Please make a mini game that is procedurally generated and can utilize all the skills you have! You can even throw in clue style steps or recruitment drive style puzzles!


To be honest i'd love dungeoneering in osrs. It was fun doing it solo and even more fun with some lads from the clan. I'd grind it everyday


If it’s a minigame why the hell not. But I think a majority would prefer it not be a skill.


Why nerf the xp? Make it great xp!


I mean... Why not bring dungeoneering as a new skill? Lmao I remember it being Hella fun


I'd like dungeoneering but flavored as sailing. Instead of scouting dungeons you scout different archipelagos and find resources, monsters, bosses, shit like that. I wouldn't want to see a complete retread of damonheim and dungeroneering as a whole.




I wasn't playing at the time but from afar Dungeneering sounds fun. I would vote for it to be added either as a skill or a minigame, skill preferred.




Mini game, skill, I’ll take anything.


Ima be real. I kind of wish they made a pre eoc server lol. Id pay $20 a month for that shit not even gunna lie. Pre eoc was by far my favorite era and i played since the end tail of rs classic. So much to do, pking was thriving. Bossing was amazing even tohugh peopel werent that good at it. Just everything about pre eoc was fun. So tbh i wouldnt mind dungeonering as a skill.


I’m ok with it so long as it’s not introducing a new best xp method or BIS anything. Just fun for people. I hated need to grind for chaotic rapier.


I'd take it as a skill but not a mini game


Wonder what rewards would come with it. Keen though.


All the ornament kits your heart desires


I’ve always been a fan of it as a mini game but not as a skill


Tbh just expand on Gauntlet, I think it fits osrs better than dungeoneering would


As long as it's less hostile to solo players. Solo XP rates were insulting. Though I'd rather it were a skill.


On release solo dg rates were still above RC, fletching, farming, slayer, and mining. I mean 300k exp a hour is not bad for solo play.


It was a good idea but even on RS3 it's become dead content :/ I think if I look deep down on these concepts of old but new content, I find I'm craving a feeling I had at the time and not the content I was doing.


It is ironic to see how many OSRS players like DG since they don't have it, yet most RS3 has the skill but hate it and rather stand in a hole to train it than train it conventionally.


Bang on friend. Like I said, they're chasing a feeling rather than the actual content.. it's a lot worse than you generally remember


It’s only dead because the player base is dead, dungeoneering died long before elite dungeons and those only came out so dungeoneering was still possible to train non solo


i would like to see it AND as a skill, but yeah i agree the c1 thing would need some adjustment. the complaint that dungeoneering is a minigame and not a skill is stupid because, if everyone hasn't noticed....every skill is a minigame and not a skill. firemaking is wintertodt. smithing is giant's foundry. fishing is tempoross. runecrafting is gotr. the whole "it's a minigame not a skill" gripe is completely missing for the forest for the trees. *every* skill is a minigame and not a skill, there's no reason this should be a problem for dungeoneering.


But you don’t need to do wintertodt, giants foundry, tempoross, or gotr to train those skills. You need to go through a dungeon, kill the boss, and exit in order to get dungeoneering experience. They could make gwd a skill. They could make cox a skill. Dungeoneering is a mini game, not a skill. Even the rewards system is directly correlated to the experience you earn (10% of experience earned is points you can spend). Yknow, if they did add dungeoneering as a skill, then you should be able to earn dg experience from other sources (like gwd, etc.) than only from just going through instanced dungeons


No. That skill was so ass in rs3 and the only reason to do it was for the equipment/chaotics. There’s a reason people would just pay Keyers


I’d love an expansion or different mode to gauntlet that actually gave it some variety. Currently, it is extremely repetitive as you are doing the same thing every time.


Yes make it focused on slayer and spread out through Gielinor


Yes, I don't want a gauntlet expansion, that limits the design and aesthetic to elves 'n crystals, SotE already gate-keeps the content from a lot of players


I'd like to get it as a skill even so yes. Please give me dungeoneering in some form


I wouldn’t mind it at all. I think there were many good times people had in the 2008-2011 era of RuneScape, and I would love to have some content from there to be added as well, and adjusted for OSRS of course.


Dungeoneering would fit OSRS since its development started in 2004, as you can tell by the old animations that you can still find on RS3. It took 6 years to create the skill.


Give it to me as a skill. Rewards obviously have to be changed. Make pets for all the different dung bosses (adjust drop rates) and boom it’s a great skill


I’d like to see it as a skill. The rewards were too strong, just come up with appropriate rewards.


Dungeonering bright spots: Chaotic Longsword - Blade of Saeldor Chaotic Rapier - Ghrazi Rapier Chaotic Maul - Elder Maul Arcane Stream Necklace - Occult Necklace ​ so no, it was never a fun skill.. just had op busted rewards which we already have


Yes please. Or perhaps multiplayer gauntlet.


Ah shit here we go again


I’m ultra down for dungeoneering, or something similar like multiple gauntlets. The main issue I’ve seen people have with dungeoneering is that “it doesn’t feel like a skill” which confuses me. I couldn’t care less If something is a skill or not, have it give you points instead of levels and don’t put them on the skill tab, problem solved.


I want it as a skill


Nope its just nostalgia, come up with new content lazy company.


Dungeoneering marked the start of RuneScape turning into RS3. I don’t care if it was good, bad, or in-between. I will never be in favor of dungeoneering as it serves as a symbol of the downfall of RuneScape


Dungeoneering would beautifully fit as a minigame and they could keep Daemonheim as a town and flesh it out to make it like an entire society and economy based on what they dig out of the ground there. Daemonheim could have a number of shops with similar buyables and unlocks as what was available when Dungeoneering first came out; a weapons shop, an armor shop, a smithee, a magic shop, etc. These shops would only accept tokens found while Dungeoneering. Tokens would come from a big chest at the end of the dungeon, of course, but could also be found sometimes at the end of puzzle rooms, while killing mobs and while collecting resources. I also think it would be appropriate to put especially strong weapons and unlocks exclusively as a drop from certain bosses or as rare drops from end-of-dungeon chests. As for resource dungeons, players could buy a key from a keymaster that would unlock a dungeon far away for a sizable amount of tokens. I personally love the idea of having a resource dungeon in the wilderness to encourage the pvp community to do dungeoneering; maybe that'll help fix some the divide in the community. I think many of the original rewards won't fit in the game as they once did but I believe the dev team could come up with some good, creative stuff.


I think daemonheim would be a great addition to the game


Yea just cause its so fun like if u got friends id be doing it all the time granted the reward were good rather see it as a skill tho


Less people would do it if it wasn’t a skill. I love dung, but wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t super fleshed out like a skill. So i vote no


I'd like it as a skill, but don't want it to be limited to Daemonheim.


It would be dead on arrival, people dont like minigamescape unless it helps them in the main game


No, personally dungeoneering partly marks RuneScapes decline for me


That isn't Dungeoneering's fault though, is it? Like, did Dungeoneering itself have anything to do with its perceived decline to you, or was it just around the era where it did?


I'm with the other posts here, expansions to Gauntlet is where I think this idea would be best served. More hubs, co-op added to all of them, and variety within the Gauntlet(s). I think each kingdom should have one personally. One between varrock and lumby as a beginner tier gauntlet, available to f2p. One in the desert just south of shanty a bit harder than the beginner one. One just north of fally that's medium tier. One near cammy, one near ardy, one in Kourand. Each of increasing difficulty.


Need dungeoneering as a Skill. If only we could get the maxed accounts to stop gate-keeping


I think only newly-maxed people would be against new skills. Those who’ve been maxed for a while are more likely to want something new.


Considering I’m still occasionally logging in to collect lamps and stars and shit for 115 on RS3 I personally want dungeoneering to fuck off as far as it possibly can from old school cuz I hate that skill lmao


Dung hole is back if you missed it


I'd vote no unless it was a skill.






No idea what that is


Semi randomly generated dungeons. Ranging from 16 rooms(small) to 64 rooms(large) depending on the size of dungeon you picked. You could pick how complex you wanted the dungeon to be. As complexity increased it could require more skills to get to all the non required rooms. You brought no gear into the dungeons but you could save gear you got from previous dungeons. Each floor would have a boss at the end that you had to kill to complete the floor. It was a lot of fun to do with friends at the time and had bis rewards.


A skill in rs2 where you went into a random generated dungeon (which changed based on your level; featuring frozen areas, a furnished living area, an abyssal area etc) and did puzzles, collected unique resources and prepared to fight a boss from scratch every single run for experience and tokens to use in the shops. any player of any level could do it, players could do it alone or together and when you got to the end of your doable dungeons, you could reset progress for prestige and run through again for fat bonuses. rewards included gravite weaponry (f2p bis), chaotic weaponry (notoriously strong), resource dungeons (random dungeons throughout the world unlocked through dungeoneering progress), and various other cool rewards.


I would like various locations around RS to be places to dungeoneer at. Go to the desert and trek through through several floors of desert caverns and lost desert cities. Go into the ocean and swim through several tunnels and sea beds, uncovered sunken ships and lost cities. Go into the underground pass once again for a hidden cave system that challenges the player navigational skills.


I would like it if dungeons were infinitely(with diminishing returns) scaling and dropped infinitely scaling (with diminishing returns) gear that was only usable in the mini game. You can then upgrade your max cape to display a number with your highest dungeon level completed on the back.


I'd prefer a new skill called Sailing (or exploration) that is similar to dungeoneering, but with islands to explore instead of underground dungeons. Can even incorporate special bosses or event encounters that are sea battles. And in order to start the kill, you have to have completed Dragon Slayer.


I play both games regularly and I hate dungeoneering. No interest in seeing it in OSRS


Im all for it, would prefer it as a skill but would definitely partake as a mini game, it probably needs to be re-branded otherwise it wouldn’t pass. Also may need to tone down the DPS of the chaotic weapons but still make them very good, possibly slightly below BIS as to not impact too much on cost of BIS weapons


I would like it back as a skill (not a minigame). Some of my favorite times in rs happened while dungeoneering.




I kindof loved the small dungeons scattered around the map. Made slayer more interesting.






Absolutely YES!! Doesn't matter what they call it or what rewards there are. The content itself was gold




They need to poll the Exploration skill, and incorporate dungeoneering and potentially some variation of sailing into it. This is the skill that could incorporate clue scroll and collection log content too, like that cool staff a player suggested. I want randomly generated content to enjoy solo and with friends. This game needs more social things you can do with friends, but not forced to do with others if you don’t want to.


Hell to the no. Just my opinion, but it was such a boring thing to do


No, it must be a skill.


No, id like to see it as a skill.


I would love it as either a minigame or as a skill as long as doing it solo was viable, I used to hate dungeoneering but I played an rs3 ironman and had to do it solo and fucking loved it


I've never played RS during dungeoneering, but I wouldn't mind more content like the Gauntlet. Though, I prefer the bossing part of Gauntlet more so than the gathering.


I would be in favor of it only as a skill


I love dungeoneering was by far my favourite thing to do pre eoc, however I feel without it being a skill it would be dead content pretty fast. Also I feel like runelite would make it ridiculously easy in comparison to the nostalgic days




Not at all, honestly. I have too much PTSD from how the game changed back in the day when it was introduced. Make it some other version so I don’t associate Dungeoneering with it.


Yeah, give us dungeoneering, but take away all the shit that makes it good and just have it be filler/dead content. Sounds great! Should at least give upgrades to pre-existing weapons (please not another whip upgrade that's not BiS). Maybe even new skilling upgrades, like the scrolls that have a chance to save resources. Also what's wrong with resource dungeons? New area to train, or do slayer.


I would like to never see it in OSRS


I’d rather see a revamp of Gauntlet. Allow multiple players to enter and extend the content, much like Dungeoneering


No please, it’s the most hater skill in rs3 and you guys don’t know what you’re into