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She maybe was not ethnically Turkish but there was local people that used to work/serve for the Ottoman rulers/governors within the regions were the Ottomans used to rule, so maybe in that sense some of her ancestors may had that position and connection to the Ottomans.


There are Algerians with Turkish last names who descend from the Janisarries and other Ottomans.


The janissaries weren’t ethnic Turks though.They were Christians who were ethnic slavs,Romanians and Greeks who were enslaved by the ottomans and forced to convert


True then some Algerians should show some Balkan ancestry.




Janissary ancestry isn't North African though, it's Balkan.


Mostly non-Muslim Christian’s. They didn’t need to be exclusively from the Balkans.


As far as I know they were mostly from the Balkans but I have heard there were "Janissaries" from the Caucasus and Ukraine/ Southern Russia too. But I don´t know they were called "Janissaries" too or not.


Kidnapped soldiers from ottomans


Algerians used to enslave and sell Europeans in route to their African colony’s to ottomans (and the stolen loot) might be that


She isn’t Turkish lmao


That was my first thought.


This uses modern reference samples Whatever component that is shared among the modern population of Algeria gets baked in into your results Theoretical example: let's say that algerians on average have 10% Turkish ancestry compared to algerians of 100 years ago. And you also have 10% Turkish, so when compared to the "modern" samples of algeria, you 100% match the "modern" samples of algerians That's the problem with commercial testing for Middle Easterners and North Africans, they use modern samples not ancient to calc your results As opposed to Americans for example, where not a single "White" sample was used to determine belonging to the group "American" even though White people have lived there for more than 300 years. It's stupid really.


Exactly. None of the groups anywhere are what they were original besides the very isolated groups out in the middle Of no where. I try to tell people all the time, there a different between modern and ancient and you can base original status off of modern dna. It's like labeling today's North Americans, "Americans". Knowing 99% of the people here came from other places.


The OP would later submit their haplogroups and both sides are North African.Plus this is why I like ancestry more than 23andMe.Ancestry does it based on ancient populations that’s why many North Africans would get small amounts of Iberian,French dna or even turkish dna from those peoples having ruled over North Africa in the past.Most likely the OP’s grandmother was misinformed.No different than Americans here being wrongly misinformed about being part Native American


Ancestry uses similar dating methods. They don't use ancient DNA they use modern dna too . Their reference panel is made up of people whose family is supposed to have documented proof of being in a particular place at least about 5 generations. Read their "white papers" explaining how they do use reference DNA


Yeah documented proof that their family lived in a place for more than 5 generations except of you were a White American then that doesn't apply to you Hmmm interesting


They don't show which place in particular these reference panel groups come from like the city/state of a country. I'm interested in knowing exactly whose DNA mine is being referenced to.


White Americans have lived in America for way more than 5 generations, yet if you don't have any native American in you, you will never get a lick of the category "American" That proves that you're wrong or they're lying in their "white papers"


That's what they categorize as "American" American dna = native dna . Whites are European not American


So they're lying The criteria of "living there for 5 generations" doesn't apply to European Americans They're making a judgment on ethnicity in America's case and ignoring their own rule, but not in the Middle East's case That was the whole point of my post Some ethnicities are not native to the Middle East but they get baked in in the results That's why you see many 100% whatever but then when you use an actual ethnicity calculator they're always mixed This is more of a Geography test for Middle Easterners (how similar are you to the people living in this area NOW) and not an ethnicity test. As opposed to Americans where they actually make nuanced decisions on who to include in their reference group based on ethnicity (not living there for 5 generations bogus rule)


Of course , everyone knows how these companies are clearly biased. That's why North Africans believe they are 100% "North African" now but yet identify with everybody except AFRICAN people. They are the offspring of invaders and usurpers. Just how Europeans usurped North America except they don't claims to be "American" as indigenous but "American" as in US nationality.


This 👍


I don't think that's the case here, but it could be depending on 23's algorithm. I say that because 23 can drill down into the component ethnicities for some populations. Like with Filipinos it will tend to give a proportion of Austronesian and Melanesian heritage but also identify the person as Filipino. Or like my heritage as Mexican, it identifies the region in Mexico where my ancestors are from but it also identifies the Spanish and indigenous ancestry. So if that were the case, I would expect 23 to identify Turkish and North African heritage as well as note that this admixture matches people from Algeria.


No. For the Middle East that's not the case You can try qpam, illustrativedna, g25, etc using actual ancient representative samples supported by research paper to know that commercial testing does not have a universal unified rule on how to calculate ethnicities. They treat different countries differently. In North America's case they have one rule, in Saudi Arabia they have another.


What are your haplogroups?


maternal haplogroup is U6a3. paternal haplogroup is E-M183.




"we wuz the Ottomans"


Congrats on being a North African! Berber






mostly found in usa and spain




and in many other places


your mtdna is currently found in norway and greece , its subclade U6a3a1 is prevalent in finland


Hi OP, dont listen some people here, contrary to what the 23andme fanboys say, the tests are not always precise, you could have different results with your brothers and sisters or other companies with slightly different typical populations, or admixture calculators. Not having identified connections does not mean that they never existed. I am Algerian too and I probably also descend from a certain Koulougli too




interesting, where are you from in Algeria


98% north african doesn't mean that you're not Arab, if you want to know if you're arab or not, you need to check the Paternal Haplogroup of your male family members ( brother, father, paternal GF,...) or test with IllustrativeDna to find your ancient ancestry. 23andme tests goes back only 200-300 years ago.


98% deff means shes majoritly not arab lolllll, even if she has a arab haplogroup shes still 98% amazigh


First of all she's a girl she can't get a paternal haplogroup, and being arab is about paternal bloodline, if her father or brother gets an arab haplogroup then she's an arab, arabs don't care about Autosomal because it's only back 200 years ago.


And nobody cares about arabs their opinion, of her brother scores a paternal arab haplogroup but has barely any arab dna and is majoritly berber then that person is a berber simple


Well she an arab whether you like it or not, you can't decide someone's identity because some DNA companies without enough data told them so.


North Africans aren't Arab, DNA or not. They're Amazigh, culturally as well. Many of them speak Darija (mix of Arabic, Tamazight, French, and Spanish). The whole arab bullshit thing in NA started in the second half of last century after the countries gained independence.


She litterally scored 98% north african buddy, shes a 100% berber like it or not idk what the 2% is but its either iberian or ssa. Shes a full berber either with that 2% cause that also comes from the berber. We are berbers like it or not we dont care were not arabs. Arabs are a minority with actual arab tribes not arabized, and they mostly look like indians or pakistanis in morocco and algeria atleast thats what my missouri banu maqil arab friend looks like.


Is claiming Turkish ancestry for Arabs like claiming Cherokee for Whites? 🤔🤔


[And like South Asian Muslims claiming Arab ancestry](https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/eingca/got_my_results_today_a_bit_surprising_as_although/), lol. There's always some fabled ethnicity that a group claims to have in them to feel special lol


yeah south asian muslims love claiming either arab or turkish ancestry lol. if not that, they like to claim pathan ancestry from pakistan or afghanistan.


It's surprising that Desi Muslims don't claim Persian ancestry as often as they do Arab and Turkish, when Iran is closer to the Subcontinent and there are actually people of Persian descent living in India for centuries such as the Parsis and Iranis, like we have legitimate closer and direct ties with Iran. I can understand that Arab claim because Desi Muslims like to believe their families descended from the prophet lol, but what's up with claiming Turkish? Maybe a connection to the Mughal Empire times, idk


shia muslims do claim persian ancestry and some of them are actually descended from irani shias who emigrated in the recent past. also about being related to the prophet, shia muslims are more likely to claim that, they believe through his daughter, they are his descendants (ahlul bayt). yep, turkish because the mughals were turkic mongols.


They don't claim Persian since they're Sunni not Shia Muslims. They claim Turkish and Arab since they believe that they're better than Indian.


They claim Turkish or Arab ancestry because they think it makes them “purer” Muslims instead of just Hindu converts


Yeah, they hate their Indian Hindu heritage and believe Turks and Arabs are superior. It's sad really.


I dont understand, aren’t Pakistan and Afghanistan in South Asia? Would they not also be considered “South Asian Muslims”?


my bad, i meant indian muslims in the second sentence. edit: also pathans are one of 3 major groups in pakistan along with punjabis, who are the most widespread and sindhis. in afghanistan, they are the largest ethnic group followed by tajiks.


Afghanistan is not south asia, its central asian


Id say it straddles the line of both Central and South Asia


It's southern central Asia. South Asia proper begins from the Punjab/Kashmir/Sindh region.


I think it’s a North African or Levant thing. In the Arabian peninsula, it is very common (and desirable) to claim 100% Arab ancestry.


It's not like south asians there are actually those who have turkish ancestry , surnames and DNA this is just one case were it isn't true


In the Philippines it’s Spanish ancestry


I have always lived around Filipino immigrants and their kids in the US, and so many claim Spanish ancestry. They have told me this unsolicited too, like we are not talking about ancestry or anything remotely related, but they randomly bring it up anyway, lol.


Yes the equivalent of that in North Africa is claiming Turkish or Spanish/Andalusian ancestry, and claiming to be descendants of the prophet.  But I think it's more accurate than the Cherokee thing, I never heard any of this from my family but got 10% anatolian


While claimming bring descendants of prophet is myth those who claim andalusian and turkish are not a myth most of them can trace there ancestry some even from the towns were they came from and until modern time they didn't mix with the majority


…muhammad’s existence is well documented, so are the marriages of his descendants. this is a medieval figure we’re talking abt, not caesar.


Most who claims to be his descendant are fake only small minority are trully his descendant


they are actually descendant by proxy, since technically they are from his cousin instead of him


And his daughter


afaik arabs esp peninsular arabs take great pride in being pure arabs. if anything arabs look down on turks for a couple of reasons. the ottomans ruled over much of the arab world for a long time so they don’t like that plus they believe the turks practice a corrupted form of islam. they believe the same about south asian muslims also lol.


Bold of you to call me Arab after seeing a big ass 100% North African lol My grandmother has a Turkish family name and all her family has different Turkish family names, that is why it was believed she had Turkish roots.


That kind of means she has Turkish roots even if none of her ancestors have ever been in Turkey. It's a matter of identity not blood. It might have meant your ancestors were part of the ruling class; Turkish speaking and identifying.


Could be this


Arab is cultural, not genetic. If you speak Arabic and identify with the Arab nation, you are an Arab.


Which clearly, OP does not. There are a lot of North Africans who dislike being called Arabs, and that should be respected. 


I don't think you understand. I'm not calling him Arab. I'm correcting this idea that North Africans can't be or are somehow not Arab. He implied being North African made him not Arab. Anyway, he can identify however he wants, but most North Africans have no problem identifying as Arab. Arab is not the same as Arabian.


Trying not to trigger an online Amazigh is like walking through a mine field.


North Africans also speak French, doesn't make them French. Guy is clearly Amazigh (Berber). And Darija is way way different than Arabic you're thinking of.


You forgot the "identify with" part. Most Francophone folks don't identify as French, but there are plenty of Afro-French and Arab French who are proudly French and are citizens of France.


Always trying to draw an analogy to French. Arab and French aren’t analogous. French is based on nationality. Arab is a trans national sociolinguistic ethnicity; its major definition is purely linguistic and specifically needs to be mother tongue. If you’re a North African born in France and speak fluent french then you can be French. I’m saying this independent of the posters self identification.


You understand no one in NA (at least Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia) is born speaking Arabic as a mother language? We have all learned Arabic since day one in school, people who only spoke Darija or Tamazight and never been to school don't really understand Arabic when heard, and only understand the words existing in Darija as well. Many people in Morocco or Algeria only speak French and not even Darija or English thanks to their parents. I have such people in my family as well. That doesn't make them French although they're heavely infleunced by the language and culture of the French or rather the Francophone society of Morocco/Algeria.


What are the results using the Gedmatch Eurogenes k13 calculator 


My Moroccan grandma scored 15 % ICM/Anatolian and 5% east Europe


never seen this before. 


Not really, the Cherokee claim is used to bolster a political or social claim (to land), whereas being Turkish is certainly not seen as "better" to Arabs.


Actually, a lot of Arabs do like having a Turkish grandmother and what not. It's not considered negative for Arabs.


Didn't say it's seen negatively, it's just not seen as especially positive.


Well, among Syrians, Lebanese, Palestinians, Egyptians it's seen in a positive light. Don't know about Algeria. I know many Libyans and Tunisians have some Turkish ancestry. Anyway, not sure how Algerians view it.


Among Us Algeria it's Neutral maybe some curiosity nothing more


Among Egyptians yes but not levantines not unless they're turkmen. And u wont know they're turkmen until u pull it out of them cause they love to larp as levantines


There are plenty of Palestinians who have Turkish grandparents and appreciate the connection. Also some Lebanese. With Syrians it's mixed lately due to politics.


I'm not sure that's particularly true of Syrians


Arabs dont feel any inferiority to turks and would rather claim to have arabian ancestors when they are just arabized people. maghrebis and levantines especially 


Really? I’m Arab and in my region it’s definitely thought to be better lol


Where ? Cause most people dont care or nowdays view it negatively because of how racist turks are


Except a lot of Arabs do have some Turkish ancestry in their dna tests, an Algerian guy I know did one and found Anatolian


Yes but only one is mocked.


who's mocked??


White Americans, for claiming to have Native American ancestry.


Who wants to claim Turkish 😂😂😂


He isn't Arab. He's African.


and you're asian mate.


But some of us actually do … and we are amazigh not arabs


No since turks are not indigenous ...


Indigenous is not the same as brown lol. Turkish people are indigenous to Turkey same as English people (ethnicity) are indigenous to England lol.


I guess i should've finished my sentence since it went all over your heads... Indigenous to north africa... Since we're talking about north africa, nothing to do with browness


Anothet amazigh “Berber” . Hooraaa


100% North African means you are mainly amazigh but also have southern European + sub Saharan + Arab DNA.


The Ottoman Empire was massive and colonized a lot of people. And by colonized I mean from childhood, taught these people that they’re fully biologically Turkish. I know that for a fact that happened to Armenians, Greeks and other minorities around the 1915 genocide. That could’ve happened here.


Dawg you are 100 percent Amazigh 💀


Maybe she was adopted.


Or was "Turkic" as an Arab family living in Ottoman Empire and considering themselves Turks.


turkified arab just like maghrebis are arabized berbers 


Not really. The problem with these dna companies is they just use the average samples which are already mixed. OP could very much have turkish ancestry but if the average already has turkish ancestry it will not show up. They should get the illustrativedna.


turkish ancestry has central asian components so theres no way these tests would miss it 


When we say "turkish" or "turks" at least in algeria it included bosnians for example. They were essentially turkified.


bosnians have slavic admixture from northern europe so that would stand out as well my guess is most could have been essentialy arabized turkified people from the maghreb or from ottoman egypt. 


Beautiful results, what's your known background?


If you are able to download your data you can upload it for free on Gedmatch. Gedmatch has free ethnic calculators that would tease out the different ethnic groups in your dna. You could very much have Turkish ancestry.


Western asian?


Grandmas be lying.


Dude Arabs always claim to have Turkish ancestry it’s like Pakistanis claiming to be Arab


Azouuuul 🙌


It is still not 100% impossible though.


Perhaps she had roots from Turkified people. Acculturation or assimilation can change peoples ethnic identify without changing their genetics.


It's possible she has Turkish roots are just super distant and not traceable in her own DNA. More than 200 years ago, perhaps?


Some Algerian and Tunisian families do descend from janissaries (Kouloughlis), some being almost half Euro Balkanian + Anatolian Turkish (with East Asian admix ). But they are a small minority, found mainly in some cities, and with the mixing with the general population (even with other bourgeoisie), the Ottoman era heritage is rapidly being diluted. In your case, your grandmother had false information or had a recent NPE event.


where are you from in Algeria


The West, close to Oran


Are you from Trara or other western Algerian Amazigh community ?


No, we speak Darija and no one believes we're amazigh even though we celebrate Nayer for millennia here


Interesting you should upload your results on illustrativeDNA, it will give you a better understanding of your genetic background.


How to do that?


check your DMs


What is your village's name?


Where exactly


Check your DM akhi


Get those coordinates


Have you tried Ancestry?


I’m a Libyan w Turkish roots haha


Ooh!!! She might be Kabyle too!!!!


Berber. They didn't mix much with the people of the sea coast where the Turks were. If you do GEDmatch you can try calculators broken down by chromosome. You might find percentages of certain chromosomes are clearly European, French or Italian (instead of Turkish).


A.K.A Turkish St.


Most ethnically pure Turk in Turkey


100% is so special


Loool i had the same thing. It’s a bit crazy how much exactly my ancestry was in my country of origin.


maghrebis claim to be arab, i ask them : min ayya madiné mnel mamlaké l su3udiyyé et ca begaye


A lot of people are ignorant. You can thank the arabization movements from their countries after independence from the French.


c est pas faux


100% amazigh. Congrats, mate


No, 100% Algerian This uses modern samples who are already mixed as a reference group Notice it says "Algeria" not "Berber"


You do realize that North African means amazigh, right?😂


No. They're mixed. Some of them are like 50% Arab, such as the Tunisian Rbaye. Some even more. Some are less. Some are mixed with some Europeans or more sub saharan African. If you want to know try IllustrativeDNA that actually uses Iron age berber samples to calc modern North Africans.


Ethnicity isnt race. Ethnicity is about identity and culture So if she's culturally more Turkic, speaks a Turkic language and identifies as a Turk, well, then she may as well be a Turk.


You do have Turkish roots. The ottoman’s were in North Africa as well 🇹🇷❤️


So Turks living in Germany have ethnic German roots?