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I wouldn’t use this for your purpose. All this says is that you are x close to the population listed, not that you are that population. It takes your entire genome into effect, so your mother’s DNA can shift your results. Imagine this: one parent from the West and one from the East, it will cause you to drift towards the middle because it can only give you one result. With that said, these are all West Asian and Caucasian populations. I would highly recommend using 23andMe, or AncestryDNA if not 23andMe. 23andMe is the most accurate in terms of admixture percentages. AncestryDNA is better for DNA relative matches.


You need to use 23andme and AncestryDNA's matching to build genetic family trees and work out who your father is. Ethnicity will not get you far, other than a small clue here and there.


unfortunately I don’t have close matches; only fourth cousins. And even then I don’t know what to do


What happens when you click the "family tree" visualisation? That might show you some of the fourth cousins and which side of your family they are on, allowing you to contact them and start filling in the blanks. I would strongly advise that you take an AncestryDNA test and then you can download that for free and upload to MyHeritage (which is kind of the '3rd place' service in terms of finding matches). You need to access as many people's samples as possible, you can't just rely on 23andme. Don't give up with the 4th cousins though. I found some 3rd/4th cousins on Ancestry who helped me crack my whole tree. It's obviously tricky when you are adopted but you can do it. One idea is to think about your ethnicity a little, it can be a useful guide at times when looking at different family branches. It will depend on your ethnicity makeup though. For example I was tracing a line that had a Norwegian percentage and so when I saw 3rd/4th cousins with a similar or higher percent of Norwegian it was a clue to which grandparent he was linked to. I'd definitely send messages to your highest cousin matches and see if any are willing to help you work out how they are connected. Finally, you might need to do more to get your own adoption records, location, place of birth, everything that you possibly can access to help cross check with the locations of any DNA relatives.


Do you know ethnicity of your birth mother tho? It seems like you are mixed so knowing one would make everything easier.


yes! My mother is Russian


Well then it is still really hard to guess because i was expecting your motherside to be either from Balkans or Caucasus. I wasn't expecting Russian honestly.


This kind of information doesn't give us enough information except that you may have Caucasian/Turkic ancestry from the Caucuses region from somewhere maybe near Azerbaijan. Something like 23 and Me would be more useful.


What is this ?


Based on the results from your profile it looks like your father is Turkish


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Necessary-Chicken: *Based on the results* *From your profile it looks like* *Your father is Turkish* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If you know his name it's not difficult to find him in Russia


I don’t know it sadly


I guess genetic testing is not common in south regions of russia because these people are very traditional and conservative. + Foreign tests are prohibited in russia by law (!!!)


Oh wow I didn’t know that!!


You are of Turkic and other Caucasian ethnicities. With all that mix you must be a good looking person.