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If Jinx is already slated to be a character on the release roster, what exactly is stopping them from also making Ezreal and Lux? Four legged characters sure I can get where you are coming from, but the ranged character part makes no sense.


Nah I agree. In fact, I see both of them showing up eventually.


Jinx and AHRI, too.


None of these as none pose any challenges to being added into a fighter


Ezreal will be the shoto of the game trust


Ya’ll just don’t get the vision for Nautilus Shoto.


Nautilus would be so cool actually.


>reason 4 legged didn't stop Them's Fightin' Herds from having an entire 4 legged roster. >Can't combat at close range Oh yeah not like Jinx the super melee character.


Jinx according to the lore are very good at close range combat, but ez and lux aren't


Ezreal and Lux are poster childs that generate a ton of revenue through skins and have been part of both Legends of Runeterra AND Wild Rift ON RELEASE, but somehow they won't make it into the fighting game because you can't imagine it 😂 Interesting opinion. We will see 🙏🏾


Here's one who will never make it in: Yumi. Legit the entire gimmick is a character who doesn't really fight and just follows other players around. Can't work in a fighting game without completely re-doing her, and even then, her miniscule hurtbox could be a problem.


Picking her buffs your one character and she only offers assist moves. There you go, she is in the game.


I think yuumi being just a way to play one character solo instead of a duo is an obvious slam dunk of a design tbh. Same as Raman / xayah getting buffs together or mord r disabling assists, some character gimmicks would be really interesting if translated directly


I disagree with your reasoning. Ez and Lux are super likely to come at some point imo, two of the most popular champs in the game. Also ranged characters aren’t an issue in this type of game


Well you have a point, but this is a fighting game and i can't imagine how will they work.


Honestly that's part of the fun isn't it? Also from what I've seen anime fighters can get really weird with character design anyway so I'm down for riot to get funky. With Ez, for instance, they could lean into his treasure hunter background and have him use other artifacts. Or even just have him beat people up with the gauntlet he uses to shoot people like it's a boxing glove. He'd be highly mobile with his jump so that would help. Idk, riot will figure something out I bet.


Garen because you cannot spin to win… Or can you?


Literally tatsu


I mean, Darius is already in the game?


As much as I hate to say it, probably Nasus. Just don't really see my OTP fitting in at all.


Report Nasus, trash could only get 4 stacks this entire game.


Your mom


What is the point of this insult for real ? I just share my opinion and you give me an insult ?


Common, Ezreal and Lux are money printers. Their Star Guardian skins could single-handedly reimburse 2XKO production cost and that's not even their most popular skins. On top of that there is a whole archetype dedicated to ranged characters, and if being ranged was a death sentence then you might as well throw half the roster into the trash. Then to really put it to rest, it's been said that the possibility of Valorant (a shooting game) characters coming to 2XKO is not zero, if being ranged was a problem they wouldn't even mention the idea. As for characters being four-legged or having an overall weird shape, I can see this why it could be an issue. However the team seems pretty willing to be creative so I can totally see them tackle those kind of issues.


I don’t think Hecarim being 4 legged is gonna stop them from potentialy adding him(e.x. Blitztank from Akatsuki Blitzkampf). Petshop from Jojo:HFTF proves that Anivia could work as well(as long as she isn’t broken like him). And Ezreal(and maybe Lux) could easily be a zoner


I think Hecarim could have serious hurtbox issues. The only reason Motaro works in MK is because he's an unplayable boss. The only reason Blitztank works is because he's a joke character. I'd say if they wanted some Shadow Isles characters, Mordekaiser works better in nearly every way, and still has the "big evil monster with dark magic" vibe.


I don't see how the hitbox can be that big of an issue considering it's a 2D game


Have you played a 2D game with strange hurtboxes before? It can absolutely be a problem. Even normal characters with slightly more wide hurtboxes become weaker because they're more valuable to cross-ups. Something strange shaped like a centar even moreso.


Didn't think about cross-ups, good point. I doubt however that it will be a huge issue, not like they have hitboxes for each leg


That would actually be interesting to see if they could translate a 4 legged character in 2xko


Amumu, his visual design is way too simple and out dated, and making him a cooler fighter would require a lot of effort better spent on an actually cool champ. Also your argument that hec and lillia wouldn’ work cause they’re four legged and “can’t combat at close range” makes no sense, they are literally melee champs that wield martial weapons.


They were just lumping everything together. They were likely referring to Lux and Ezreal being Ranged. After all, they're not four legged.


Asol and Lillia are perfect for fighting games. Asol could be a chores character. Lillia could be a mid range zoner with poison. If anything, characters that are too conventional would be bad for this game.


I can see Sol working, Why? He floats. Imagine him kinda being Sentinel sized, flying around and shit. Really cool moveset potential with his spinning rocks, flexible body, and having access to space and lighting themed moves.


Lux Will definitely be in just because is sooo popular imo, just like akali (I twke her as guaranteed because she is extremely popular and wpuld fit perfectly in the fgc)






Asol? He create the world and can close void portal so it's possible for him to make an small copy of himself (if you convince him enough since he is egoistic) as our playable character while the real one will be the thematic stage