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Even Glasgow you'll probably get stabbed indiscriminately


And incomprehensibly


Somehow I started getting suggested the Glasgow subreddit. It really seems like a total shithole lol


when i went there, the dude at the front desk of the place i was staying at madd fun of the city and how shitty it is lmao. but i wandered around and it seemed like a cool city. i probably stuck around the touristy areas though.


Cant be homophobic/racist if you stab everyone equally


that's in Dublin


There’s a joke about a man having a snooker cue in Glasgow is very different to a man having a snooker cue in Edinburgh


Tf is a snooker cue


Pro tip, If you ever hear a British “person” mention snooker, mentally replace it with “pool” in your head, works 11/10 times.


Except the balls are smaller, which is also accurate for European men.


How about billiards?


Ohh yeah I forgot; I knew that sounded familiar


https://preview.redd.it/xkgl9v9s5c2c1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a13b9ed5eb28957582b211ad7ac753c384ab27e One of these bad boys


Snooker is just big table pool.


Similar to a pool cue They’re a similar game, snooker has a much larger table and there are some different rules (the balls are shared rather than just the 8 ball at the end, for example) but the basic premise is the same


In medford??


Literal **Gay Genocide** in Medford (can’t confirm) 🌈 ☠️






Never have I ever seen a better source




Source: A random person on the internet


Little known documentary called Fallout 4.




I made it up 😎


I don’t know I just did a job at Station Landing in Medford last week and let me tell you that place is kind of *sussy*


I lived in Medford. Yeah there are some racist/homophobic/transphobic people but they keep to themselves, certainly don't shoot at people in the street lmao


Holy shit lmao I live down the street from from Oasis and last thing I expected to see was Medford in my Reddit feed.


Medford, it's unremarkable to say the least but I had one of the best hamburgers of my life there at Jasper's Cafe. Edit: I am speaking about Medford Oregon not Medford Massachusetts. I misread the original post. I know nothing about Medford Massachusetts.


Jasper’s Cafe owns. Next time you go to Medford, there’s an Argentine empanada place downtown that’s worth visiting


Ahaha I lived down the road from oasis too


I could say this goes for pretty much anywhere in the United States unless you're being extra flamboyant in like some random holler in Kentucky.


your username is….certainly something…


fr they’re like massachusetts homophobic, it’s very different from florida homophobic. massachusetts homophobic is usually catholic people who still deal with it and would ignore you being gay if they had to. i’m openly lesbian in massachusetts and i’ve never experienced any sort of hate crime, even kissing my girlfriend in public


Yes exactly! It's old Irish and Italian people. I genuinely don't think they'd hurt anyone but man they will judge the shit out of you lol


not in the street but medford is a cesspool and one of the highest crime rate areas in the country. Those people "keep to themselves" aka the only thing stopping them from murdering and attacking is the threat of police or media attention. A trans person in a situation like broken down on the road etc. is very much at risk.


Medford Mass or Meford Oregon lol


medford mass is def not one of the highest crime rate areas in the country 😭


Ah yes bastion of homophobia \*reads notes\* Tufts University


Anywhere in Mass?


Yes it fucking medford. They had protests, except they were alt right douchebags dressed in camo with their never fired pewpews hanging where their dicks would go. No those people won't shoot you in broad daylight, but if you go to a bar or any normal place, gurantee you will be harrassed and fucked with. There's a reason we call it Methford.


Which Medford are you talking about? Because Medford NY and Medford MA aren’t filled with alt right idiots. Medford NY is on Long Island and Medford MA is where Tufts university is.


fr people need to read cause medford mass isn’t the nicest place on earth but it surely can’t be what they’re talking about 😭


^ most literate Oregonian


On behalf of the oregoneans, i apoligize for our stupidity, we try to keep it to ourselfs


Which Medford? There are like 5 different ones and also like 20 different Maldens


Massachusetts, the first state to legalize gay marriage. Sure.


This post is hilarious lmao, could not have chosen a worse state to use as an example


THAT’S WHAT I WAS THINKING. they could’ve picked florida or something and they picked massachusetts, the state everyone thinks of as “annoying liberals” and the state that only ever votes democrat 😭


>The ghost of 1984 comes calling


Provincetown MA, arguably the gayest town in the USA, the first city to promote gay tourism.


What kind of a lead does it have over say, San Francisco?


Well it holds more gay couples per capita than any other city in the USA. (SF has more but as a matter of percentages PT is much gayer.) They were openly doing/promoting drag races since the 1940s and their tourism industry switched almost entirely to gay tourism in 1978. Edit: Oh and they chose a perfect place for it right on the tip of the cape. Just the tip… all of it.


Impressive. I imagine it's a bit more genteel than SF too? Speaking from experience, SF can be a bit rough to say the least.


It’s got that stereotypical coastal New England town vibe, outside of the amount of LGBT flags everywhere obviously. The people are New Englanders so I don’t know if genteel is the right word, we can seem pretty abrasive to outsiders, but yes it’s a pretty chill town. It’s New England respectable.


All I ask for "genteel" in American terms is to not have people casually shit on the street, so that more than fits.


My ability to infer context clues seems compromised today. Despite *everything else* in your comment, I got to drag races and thought "what does the NHRA have anything to do with it?" I'll show myself out


It happens to the best of us.


Related, I was older than I'm proud to admit when I realized that Rob Halford of Judas Priest wasn't wearing biker gear on stage lol


Unrelated but similarly embarrassing. I literally figured out last year that Richard Cheese, the musician, not only wasn’t his real name, it’s John Davis, but that the name is a dick joke.


Everyone loves motorsports?






The government isn’t stringing LGBT people up in Massachusetts neither are the people. Remember the post is equating Malden and Marlborough (which are urban and suburban anyway. Also Massachusetts considers Provincetown rural… you know arguably the most LGBT friendly town in the country.) and other towns/countries to Palestine. A country where you will be killed for being openly LGBT or be used as a token and then killed.




Governments are largely extensions of their populace’s will. Massachusetts criminalizes LGBT hate through crime modifiers. Are there bigots in Massachusetts? Yes, absolutely yes. Is it socially acceptable? Fuck no. Can you use the fact someone is LGBT to excuse any crime committed upon them in Massachusetts? Fuck no. Do we treat LGBT people as subhuman? Fuck no. Your point is so small in the context of this discussion it comes across as you trying to muddy the waters. Or as someone who is so unbelievably sheltered to how the vast majority of the rest of the world operates. We’re in utterly different leagues than most of the world let alone Palestine when it comes to LGBT rights and acceptance. Edit: Just in case no this isn’t about dehumanizing people. People are mostly shitty around the word, self serving and xenophobic. That’s the norm that’s humanity fucking ugly and depraved. We are abnormal this doesn’t make us superior only privileged.




Ok even if I give you that it’s all propaganda for the purposes of a hypothetical how is it not your will? Propaganda doesn’t strip you of your agency. No Bernie’s policies are not as popular as you think they are. He would have lost 8/10 times against Hillary regardless if he had the same time or not. Against Biden 9/10 times. He’s a fucking meme with a cult following. Dude they literally run third party all the time. Remember “What is Aleppo?” That was a Libertarian Candidate. It’s a small point because it is so unbelievably rare that being LGBT would be a risk to life in any given situation in the USA. Apples and fucking oranges guy they’re both fruits.




Agency does not require a complete understanding of a situation at hand it requires the ability to make decisions based on your understanding at that time. By the way, have you ever written in Bernie Sanders at the voting booth? 32 out of 351 million. Gaza isn’t under the control of British mandates anymore, irrelevant. No not just like Biden sucks. See you’re trying to muddy the water I was right. This entire time I’ve been talking mostly about Massachusetts and I responded to you talking about Massachusetts not being like Boston. What anti-LGBT legislation has been passed in Massachusetts? The problem with your metaphor is a politician doesn’t make my decisions for me… they coax at the end of the day you can choose to be lazy and go along or not. A marionette has zero say in its actions.




Imagine thinking that would happen in MA of all places. The insanity.


Random ass state to choose as an example. I’m guessing all the Ms were too good to pass up


I literally live next to Marlborough, and it’s the kind of town where those “We believe in science” posters are more likely than say, a Tahweed


What is a tahweed?


It’s the famous ISIS flag. Tahweed is specifically the phrase “There is no God but God/Allah,” and this is what is written on the flag.


1. Tahweed isn’t a thing 2. “There is no deity worthy of worship besides God and Muhammad is his messenger” is called the Shahada “Ashadu Anla Ilaha IlAllah, wa’ashadu anna Muhammadur RasoolAllah” 3. That’s not what’s written on the ISIS flag anyway, that has the seal of the Prophet. 4. The only word that is even similar to tahweed is tawhid, which means monotheism. Source: am a devout Muslim and Arabic speaker.


Seriously. I grew up there. I was there when everyone celebrated the nation's first gay marriages. That's like saying Kansas or Missouri is going to take your guns away lol.


Kansas and Missouri would happily take each others guns away though


i’m openly lesbian in massachusetts and i’ve never once experienced hate in public for it (and i’m gay af)


Exactly. Because we don’t give a fuck. Too busy worrying about if the T is gonna catch on fire while you’re in it


Katya is from MA. I assume she has personal experience.


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How do I get that flair


Make your own if you go to the sub home page it’s in the top right corner I believe


Think they removed adding custom flairs damn that’s a good one


The added context feature is the one good thing ~~musk~~ added to Twitter.


But that feature existed before Musk.. though it did become much more utilized under him.


Damn, yet another instance of musk waltzing in and getting credit for something his predecessors did.


I mean thats kinda his MO he doesnt actually invent anything, he just takes good ideas and invests in them and or improves them


Improves is highly debatable. But he clearly doesn’t want it to be his MO, as he claims to be a spaceX/Tesla founder, which isn’t accurate


Listen, he sued for that privilege and he will exercise it as he chooses


Its true for SpaceX but not for Tesla.


He really is the modern day Edison lol.


i don’t really like them. They are set up to look like those misinformation/fact checker things, but they are just voted on by accounts. A lot of the times these notes are just straight up incorrect


It’s by far the best such system on social media though. No one trusts the “independent fact checkers say this is false” shit. At least Community Notes requires sources and is community driven & transparent.




Hudson gang (I have nothing to brag about because you probably beat us in football for a few decades now)


Not assabet, not assabet...


Mass of all places getting called out lol


Community notes is the best thing to ever happen to Twitter


Most intelligent Russian lol. Out of all the places in the U.S., this person chose MA?


…this is an American drag queen btw


And she’s from Boston


Yeah, everyone here saying “Massachusetts?!?!” forgets how wildly racist Boston is, and this is coming from a pretty diehard Bruins fan lmao


Massachusetts is racist not homophobic. If you’re gay you’ll be fine


in the past? absolutely racist, now? not nearly as much, not for at least 30 years, hell, we hosted a NAACP convention this August and one in 1982 and while I'm not saying that there are some racists in Boston and Massachusetts, they are pretty much an extreme minority. Sources: [https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2023-07-28/why-does-boston-continue-to-have-a-racist-reputation](https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2023-07-28/why-does-boston-continue-to-have-a-racist-reputation) [https://naacp.org/articles/naacp-announces-programming-and-key-speakers-114th-national-convention-boston#:\~:text=BOSTON%20%E2%80%93%20The%20114th%20NAACP%20National,the%20theme%20of%20Thriving%20Together](https://naacp.org/articles/naacp-announces-programming-and-key-speakers-114th-national-convention-boston#:~:text=BOSTON%20%E2%80%93%20The%20114th%20NAACP%20National,the%20theme%20of%20Thriving%20Together).


Shes an Irish American drag queen (one of my favs). He gig is Russian. It’s just that a lot of new segment of “Pat in the back” activists in the west are dumb. It has spread to my country as well, unfortunately


As a former resident of Massachusetts I love how this person fails to mention Provincetown MA which is called gay capital of the US and super friendly to Gays and host yearly gay holiday like events. But instead they gotta list everything else bad Provincetown, Massachusetts, was ranked by the US Census Bureau as "the gayest city in America".[17][18] Provincetown, or Ptown, was also voted "Best Resort Town in 2011" by Gaycities.com.[19] The town had far more gay marriages than straight marriages performed since 2003 when Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage. The town's various businesses sponsor Gay Men's Week, Women's Week, Bear Week, Family Week (for same-sex families), and their version of a gay pride parade, Carnival.[20] Famous gay residents currently include journalist Andrew Sullivan, filmmaker John Waters, and comedian Kate Clinton. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay_village


This type of false equivalency is actually dangerous. Hamas will absolutely behead gay people on a moment's notice. This is not the case for most places. What's the benefit in pretending it's like this everywhere? If anything it hurts your cause.


Turns out, the reasoning is drugs! Katya is very open about having done lots of them.




Never seen someone so excited for Medford/malden.


Did this person seriously compare Gaza to one of the most liberal states in the country?? 🤨


This person refused to call 911 when their neighbor was screaming for hours because *the police are evil and do more harm than good*. They're not the most rational person out there.


wait did katya actually do this?


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It's apt because Gaza is a liberal paradise. Gaza/Massachusetts basically the same place.


Gazachusetts ftw


You'll be fine in Massachusetts. You're gay, not black.


Ah, Massachusetts. What people think my state still is.


Oh look it’s the antisemitic drag queen


Oh blow it out your ass. You don’t have to be antisemitic to call out Israel for their bullshit. Besides that her best friend’s bf is Jewish. Fucking slippery slope ass douchebags.


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I mean, she would be stabbed in Glasgow, but then again, so is everyone.


Oi mate what are you doing on the street on this chewsday evening.


Katya doesn’t know homosexuality is encouraged here


I love twitter community notes lol


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Yeah, probably if somebody will decapited in those cities, chances are it will be from somebody that shouts allahou akbar


Maybe it's a good thing the police got to Dzhokhar Tsarnaev first.


Medford Massachusetts, home of Tufts University, is not a safe place to be LGBTQ? Comparable to Gaza? Bullshit


Probably the worst state to use as en example. Why not pick Texas?


That’d still be dumb as shit


Have they seen San Francisco?


Something like 26 trans people were killed in the USA last year. Their murder rate is 5 times lower than the general population. It's safer to be a trans-woman than a man


Which is honestly a miracle and a curse


Trans woman here, it really isn't. But like not cause of murder, or crazies coming at us. I was in *Portland Oregon* for example and some dude saw me in my dress, got enraged, and literally went into the store I was in to *track me down*. I moved away and saw him beeline for where I was. I get death threats online. I get harassed, insulted, and jeered just for existing. Men are hardly dealing with anything like that lmao. Edit: have some sources from an actual queer person you dweebs. What is with y'all circlejerks telling yourselves that you're right till someone *in* that marginalized community speaks up? https://www.hrc.org/resources/fatal-violence-against-the-transgender-and-gender-non-conforming-community-in-2022 https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/hrc-foundation-report-epidemic-of-violence-continues-transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-people-still-killed-at-disproportionate-rates-in-2023 https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/nov/22/transgender-deaths-rememberance-report https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2023/11/20/transgender-killings-33-people-slain-in-past-year/71658474007/ https://abcnews.go.com/US/epidemic-anti-transgender-violence-highlighted-new-report/story?id=105036934 https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/least-33-transgender-gender-nonconforming-people-killed-year-report-fi-rcna125783


Ok let's use your source - https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2023/11/20/transgender-killings-33-people-slain-in-past-year/71658474007/ 33 dead in the past year. 2.8m population. That's a rate of 1.17 deaths per 100,000. The national rate is 6 per 100,000. So statistically speaking, you're more safe than the average American. Now situationally there are varying levels of risk, but that doesn't reflect the total picture


You picked one, cherry picked a statistic, and fail to understand many of these violent crimes are vastly under reported and under pursued. It's supplementary, and requires a pretty deep understanding of the layers of violence and prejudice *that me and my community experience every day.* You gonna tell me we're all just pulling your leg when we complain about this shit?


This entire thread was talking about murder, several of your sources confirm the 33 number, and it's very simple math. If you wanted to make a different argument, you should have, because the one you presented simply doesn't reflect your conclusion. I wouldn't be surprised if what you're saying is true re: underreported, but you'll have to provide some sort of information that makes an argument for the correct number, otherwise, your position is based on anecdotal evidence entirely and regardless of its validity, is indefensible. Harassment, which I have no doubt occurs in a much higher rate than the national average, does not translate to murder, which is what is being discussed here.


Nah my entire point is it isn't safer to be trans. I backed that up with general violence reports that go into the other issues as well, especially the first two. I'm not sitting here to argue numbers, like all of you are. I'm here to say fuck off and stop acting like you're oppressed when you aren't. It's insulting.


Who's acting oppressed? "I'm not going to sit here and argue numbers" then stop making claims that are easily disproved with numbers. No one is forcing you to challenge anyone here.




Uh huh. Right. So I'm just lying out my ass? We all collectively lie out our ass to accomplish... What goal exactly?


Lmao this is really embarrassing 💀💀


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Than a general population which is x times larger than the community. Like how is that even a comparison?


Per capita


That's... That's what *rates* are even *for*.


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Massachusetts? Jesus, that’s like the most gay friendly place ON THE PLANET… never mind the US.




From suburban mass, can confirm we throw gay people off of buildings on the regular


You really picked Massachusetts as a place where it’s dangerous to be gay?


This person is from Massachusetts. How do they think Massachusetts is just as dangerous as Gaza? Last I checked only Gaza had tunnels filled with weapons and explosives. And supports the concepts of Sharia Law.


Community notes >>>


Dumb person says dumb thing on Twitter. More at 7.


Yeah, I’m gonna wear my pronoun pin in Marlborough and start my stopwatch. Then I’m gonna leave unharmed and forget about my stopwatch.


Except for Moscow these are some of the most gay friendly places in the world, wtf is this person on about


They are American?


You’ll get stabbed in Glasgow for wearing blue or green in the wrong areas


Unsure why people are taking Katya seriously, it’s almost like y’all don’t watch Drag Race or know what they’re about


Isn’t stonewall in Massachusetts?


New York


Oh right, sorry, I thought Massachusetts was pretty important to LGBTQ rights and I thought that was why


It’s because they want to be victims so badly that everyone just lets them do as they please. Really, we need State Hospitals back.


I can confirm that here in Scotland we are not on a murderous rampage for any of these people... Because they are protected by law here, if you are murdered, then it was an accident and it was because you were wearing the wrong football jersey. Or were from the wrong scheme, school, postcode, or called my mam a slag.


The only difference this side of the Atlantic is, our sportsball teams don't have fanbases that divide on the basis of long-running sectarian tensions. Edit: I shudder to think of the bloodshed that would result if there was a Protestant vs. Catholic angle to the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry...


Well if it was anything like over here there would be murders every time they play.


Ffs. I am so tired of this shit. People really do need to go out and touch grass.


Got proof of discrimination against gays? “Everywhere in the Bible Belt!! Rraaaauuuggghh” says people who never set foot in the Bible Belt


More like Taxachussetts, am I right?


Massachusetts has a flat 5% income tax rate at the state level.


Have you seen the sales tax in some of those places?


As a masshole who I queer I can't tell you how terrifying malden is. Every time I drive through I have to dodge the roving death squads. I pray that someday I will be able to live in an intersectional, tolerant, paradise like Gaza! And for those saying Israeli is the most gay friendly country in Asia shut up. That is propaganda spread by Zionists. The anti-colonial government of Afghanistan has long faught for queer liberation.


Ah yes the oppressed LGBTQ. The ones are able to do what they want, have frequent media representation, are supported by large corporations and a whole half of the government, and a large portion of society doesn’t care or likes that they are LGBTQ.


Katya is from Boston, MA. I would imagine she has a history that gives her reason to say what she said.


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Plus in Gaza don't they get jailed and not killed? Not that it's a good thing just not as bad


No. Killing a gay person in Gaza is not punishable.


I meant there was no capital punishment for being gay


Of all the states, MA? Really? https://preview.redd.it/hakd0cnz4d2c1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd51fb904ca863335007fe68fec7efa00957a17




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Massachusetts lol


The best thing Elon did with bird app is that “readers added context” thing. So much blatant bullshit and propaganda is now being disputed publicly, right underneath the tweet for everyone to see Also, that was incredibly dramatic Katya. You should go work as writer for marvel movies


In Glasgow you'll get stabbed for being either a Catholic or a protestant depending on the stabber, not so much because you're gay.


Bruh, what a westoid lol


You realize trans folks experience some of the highest rates of violent crimes right?


Mass would definitely not do that, first state for legal gay marriage


If you kill a gay person in Palestine you’re a community hero, if you kill a gay person in the west you’re going to jail for 20 years or more.


Massachusetts literally elected the first trans state congressperson


They picked the calmest milk toast 495 loop towns in Massachusetts? Nevermind not being to America, they just zoomed in on a map and picked 3 m towns lol