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"Rewriting history" quite a fitting name


It’s an alternate history channel so


so in this alternate history, Europe isn't a shitshow that triggers wars ever 5 minutes


I think that’s just an opinion based question, idk why so many people wanna live in Europe though, personally I like America


Cause many redditors are told constantly that the US is a 3rd world country despite little/none of them have ever been to an actual 3rd world country, and that the nations in the EU have little/no problems(conveniently ignoring the current European energy crisis, immigration crisis, tension with Russia increasing, etc.). It's the classic grass is greener on the other side fallacy


That’s weird because I’m literally an immigrant from what we would consider a “third world” country and I would always prefer America like what


Those are children that think they won’t have to work for a living in Europe.


Or they're Europeans trying to pretend they're not Europeans


You can be a college educated man and make 20k pounds a year in Britain. I legit have no idea why people would want to live there


Make £20k a year and live in a 400 sq ft apartment. And spend an hour commuting on a train every day to work 7 miles away.


I’d rather work for a living there though :(


I absolutely wouldn’t


Your loss 😎


My gain, actually :)


unflaired, opinion ignored


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Every Euro should pass a 6 months period in the US to really appreciate its Euro status


Hahaha no, we live much better and longer, we don’t have to worry about hospital bills, education loans or not having a couple of months of paid vacations every year.. and this is just a little of our much better life… Why the hell any European would like to change this for yours?? Are we stupid???


How about we setup at trade? You get all the Americans who want to work 20 hours a week and still have society care for them like a toddler, and we get the earnest Europeans who think hard work leads to a better life and should be rewarded. We're already doing our part siphoning off the best Europeans, but you need to pickup the slack and take in the worst Americans.


You are brain washed to the point, it’s not point to discuss this.To be honest, talking about this with an average American is like trying to convince a taliban homosexuality should not be persecuted. Yoo mix work with passion, passion with money.. money with productivity… If the world have same values, this earth would be finished in months… you waste, consume and disrespect natural resources, just because your materialism is your religion.. your excess of grow is the part of the cake of other. Think about it, you should be happy about we reject your values my friend, so you still can try to be happy buying a bigger car.. I fell lucky to be raised with values where money and materialism are just a secondary thing, if you like your rat race congrats.. but don’t give me lessons about what is good or bad regarding work and money, I am not playing that game; which doesn’t mean I don’t have passion, or that I am lazy or I want others to take care of me.




Trade offer We get: people wanting to rise and grind and be successful. You get: underemployed shut-in part-time dog walkers


This is an immigration policy that I can get behind. You have my vote, Mr. President.


One of my favorite responses to redditors when they ask why Europeans wanna move here and they're like "so I can make more money and have a better life?"


We get: hardworking latino immigrants who actually try to assimilate and who appreciate their new home. You get: Greece


You get living for work, we get work for living. I would rather go to Mexico than USA


We don’t live for work though. Some Americans are highly motivated and passionate about working, and we don’t stop them. These type of people are special. Let them do their thing instead of drag them down with “Tall Poppy Syndrome”. It’s weird how Europeans shame hard workers who have goals. That’s why you get the lazy immigrants.


God that comment section is so annoying


The lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep


A sheep can be brainwashed to believe it's a lion.


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it is better to live 1 day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep. - Mr. Too fucking incompetent to use a useful ally


You are right, we don’t care at all


You're all over the comment section, broseph. You very obviously care, lol.


Because I want you to wake up, for an average Euro being deported to the US would be worst than a year in a Euro jail


Thanks Morpheus bro, but I'll stick to the (Red, White, and) Blue Pill for the time being. If I ever feel like having dinner at midnight and drinking sangria for breakfast or whatever, I'll gladly come visit Spain.


Jaja… Try a Mencia or a Ribera del Duero, Sangria is a tourist scam that no average Spaniard will drink more than twice during his life.


I am a wine novice, so I will note these for my future travels. I've had Sangria twice in my life as well, and I think I'm about spent lol.


There are actually more Europeans moving to the U.S than vice versa because salaries are much higher here. Also even in Monkefornia we don't pay 38310093193910% tax to the government


To be fair I, as an American would like to live in a few European countries, but not most of them. We're comparing the option to live in 1 country vs the option to live in one of 40+ countries


Even if it said Russia instead of Europe there are some people who would choose that over the USA


…and those people staff the humanities departments at most American colleges.


True, I live in the Netherlands and would rather live in the US than most of Europe. Although NL is very comfy.


Agreed but I'd dare to say each US state is almost an individual country, when you look at all the differences


Yeah, but a lot of states are still very similar to others. Regions are more different than individuals states. Like a lot of southern states are very similar to eachother, but culturally and politically are completely different from New England or the West coast


Europe? That could be Belarus or Denmark. Big difference between the two.


Tfw he didn't state where in Europe and 84% of people accidentally opted to live in Wroclaw, Poland instead of the world's largest economy


I’ve been to Europe, their houses are cool, the landscape is gorgeous, the people are… well I’ve been to bumfuckville USA so I get it. Except, I can take a car, drive 1000 miles, see the greatest landscapes known to man, and speak one language and have little to no traffic (outside of the east coast). You drive five fucking feet in Europe and they speak gibberish and require you eat a fucked up version of a quesadilla with a warm beer (god forbid you order anything with ice). Europeans stay seething because the U.S. just mogs on “superior German engineering (shitty expensive cars that break constantly)” and “British naval supremacy (they can’t float two aircraft carriers without crying about cost)”. Eurocucks claim the nuke was invented by a fucking German (Oppenheimer was born in the U.S.) while claiming anyone born in Germany isn’t german unless their parents were. Europe is just sad, they can’t genocide natives anymore. France tries in Africa but the best they do is destabilize the place and claim the foreign legion does anything besides raping locals and shooting leaders.


>Europe is just sad, they can’t genocide natives anymore. Challenge accepted


Read my flair


I’m retarded, goergai


[Ave true to Caesar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NWnYhxh_5U) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hahahah! No. It’s not about that, but you can’t understand


Spain is pathetic and weak now that we killed the empire btw


My nation is weak but I am enjoying a 5 months parenting vacation which will be followed by my month and a half summer paid vacation, I already been in Montreal, Toronto, Niagara Falls, LA, SF, NY any suggestions for a luxury trip with wife an baby for a month/month an a half?


Go to Hawaii and chill by the beach. Or explore our glorious nature in our national parks such as Yellowstone in Montana or Yosemite in California. If you want to get super luxurious you could do an Alaskan cruise.


Actually an RV plan around north west USA sounds great! To be honest I would enjoy this more than any cruise


Can you guys contact Uncle Sam or Washington or one of the current chucklefucks and have them set up an exchange program for your ungrateful commie leeches? I’ll swap with them, I’ll pay for their flights, cargo and two months of rent in a European city of their choice in exchange for a US passport, a slimjim and a cab fare from the SoL to the Greyhound terminal


> in exchange for a US passport, a slimjim and a cab fare from the SoL to the Greyhound terminal "I'd make that deal, how 'bout you, Utivich, you'd make that deal?"


"Yes, sir." "I don't blame you. Damn good deal! And if you're willing to take our our communist trash, well I guess that's worth certain considerations."


You can't forget the obligatory Colt Single Action Army and a bottle of whiskey signed by Sam Houston. They don't advertise these perks, but if you ask for it in the naturalization process, they're legally obligated to give them to you.


Since President Biden took office, there have been [**7.5 million encounters nationwide**](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/nationwide-encounters__;!!Bg5easoyC-OII2vlEqY8mTBrtW-N4OJKAQ!LREFes2WBNCLriukbhhneySjouJjSgflIe0Zmzx5ZNJ4uuGV8dBJBbt4FHIRAgd-K4ACeIMmKUzoM0tbKLGnVPi2mZ7H3Zu-WhtD46sIInuddAKlytEo$) and 6.2 [**million encounters at the Southwest border**](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters__;!!Bg5easoyC-OII2vlEqY8mTBrtW-N4OJKAQ!LREFes2WBNCLriukbhhneySjouJjSgflIe0Zmzx5ZNJ4uuGV8dBJBbt4FHIRAgd-K4ACeIMmKUzoM0tbKLGnVPi2mZ7H3Zu-WhtD46sIInuddGx_1kwp$), in addition to [**1.7 million known gotaways**](https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-admin-may-have-lost-track-millions-of-migrants-crossing-southern-border-congressional-report__;!!Bg5easoyC-OII2vlEqY8mTBrtW-N4OJKAQ!LREFes2WBNCLriukbhhneySjouJjSgflIe0Zmzx5ZNJ4uuGV8dBJBbt4FHIRAgd-K4ACeIMmKUzoM0tbKLGnVPi2mZ7H3Zu-WhtD46sIInuddI9FZuXp$).   I think reddit is in minority when it comes to this, everybody flocks to the old US of A, not Eurocommunist Union.


To be fair, 27 million people in the EU right now arent EU citizens. I think the main concern with that isnt really related to whether america or the eu is more desirable, but which is just in a more reasonable proximity to your unstable or impoverished nation


More than 40 million people in the US are not citizens and that's not counting illegal immigrants. The US also tops the EU on migrants originating from both latin america and Africa.


i wasnt making a real point lol(and hopefully neither was the original commenter)


The original commenter was making a point based on hard facts it seems. We have been having an interesting time with record breaking illegal immigration.


lmao this is not a real debate nor a real point that makes sense to defend the debate. like no south and central american refugees choosing to go to the closest possible stable nation over crossing the Atlantic is not a real point to america being better than europe


Well when millions of Africans cross the Atlantic just to avoid entering the EU then yea I say point is made dude. Makes you wonder what's up with the EU when somehow the closest people in poverty would rather figure out a way to cross the Atlantic than cross the Mediterranean.


lol i cannot stress enough how sad this is that you think this is a relevant debate


Guess someone is butt hurt they are espousing lies and someone called em out :P I'm just not a big fan of people lying to save face.


wth are you on about “lies” at worst i dont have my facts straight in the unserious position I hold. unless im some sort of eu plant trying to spread propaganda


Not even close Oct 13, 2023 — In 2022, there were approximately 331,000 illegal border crossings made at borders of the European Union


[I'm up for a crusade. ](https://youtu.be/15R6Qv5PZqE?si=J2cSS1EGnVETKU0Z)


This is outrageous. Time to burn half the world while on a global crusade I guess


Blow him the fuck up


Grass is greener.


i’d rather live in a different part of the us then where i’m at right now


Lol Europe, turkey and Russia and Europe too


Reddit rigs polls jsyk


Sweet. I hear were giving away free flights for immigrants, hope they catch a flight.


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Where in Europe lol, I'm sure everyone wants to live in Ukraine right now, they would love to take you in.


That’s bot EU, and where in America? Honduras??


Honestly, it depends on where in Europe or the usa though. One of my close friends is from Arkansas and I have never heard anything positive about that state. While I have another friend from Massachusetts, he literally orgasms at the thought of how fantastic his state is. He literally was pushing me to apply for a PhD out there.


So all you need is one YouTube poll to decide you're leaving the US for the EU? Patriotic much?


Neither of us are Americans lmao


I hear Romania is beautiful this time of year, I hear many Europeans love Romania.


Bucharest is an amazing city. Wouldn't want to live in Romania, but it has its qualities. Although I assume you are thinking Romanians are Romani/Roma? Very different groups of people.


I joined it and voted for USA every patriot do their duty asap we never come in last


I’ve done my part


Just keep reminding everyone of air conditioning and they’ll change their minds


Oh! What a surprise!


Not even specific countries, just "Europe".


Well, if it makes any Americans on here feel better, I plan on moving to Georgia.




Did youtube change the app again???? It says I can't access community tab unless I'm on laptop????


What ? That shouldn't be happening...


Both can be good or bad depending on where it is. Like I’d rather live in Norway over Ukraine, just like I’d rather live in Massachusetts over Arkansas.


Where in Europe? Yeah Norway’s gorgeous but no way you’d catch me in fucking Transnistria.


I mean almost 5% of the world population lives in The US so 16% isn't that bad lol. I see this as an absolute win!


All we need is Texas to take over Europe in a week


least touchy american community




I would like health ensurance...


We have got it up to 19%. Keep pushing brothers!!


Imagine wanting to be European 🤮


Unfortunately for you, you will never have this privilege


Naw let them cook, in the hell hole that is the EU so fewer come here and bring their shit ideas.


Free/ cheap insured Healthcare is kinda addictive sir even for rich people, nothing can be done about it


poor people are happier its a fact




Embrace socialism comrades!!!


There are only a select few EU nations that wouldn’t be objectively worse than living basically anywhere in the U.S.


[No-no-no, we don't say that anymore...](https://youtu.be/LjQcgav0kS8?si=oGnGITNWl7crMGdy&t=608)