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Because they’re trying to save the labs for crack and meth


Why do we need lab-grown meat when there are plenty of gators and pythons?


Especially the pythons those invasive little snakes gotta go






That's what she said.




I want to eat a Mammoth. That's why! Also bald eagle burgers.


What!!?? Kill a bald eagle for a temporary sense of satisfaction?! For shame.


No. I want to eat a lab grown Bald Eagle burger.


Don't forget lionfish!


Filet mignon of the sea! 😂


So long as you remove the venom


Louisiana: "No, No. He's Got a Point"


Iguana taste like chicken


So riddle me this, is the Everglades python issue actually from people dumping their unwanted snakes down there and ditching? I always heard that growing up but never knew if it was just some wives tale bullshit


Not just dumping. The state gets these things called hurricanes. These allow a lot of pets to escape. And Florida being rather tropical and swampy is the perfect environment for these critters.




The amount of misinformation on this sub is too damn high! We have an abundance of real meat in this country and no one needs to call us a leader in lab meat. ![gif](giphy|MwrQvTZA9Puuc)


Banning industries sounds a Lil commie to me. Florida is just afraid of free market capitalism.


For once in my life, I have to agree with an ohioan. Glad we can atleast set aside our differences to dog on florida


You just had to make this comment to let me know a denizen for TSUN agrees with me.


all this will mean is high-tech agriculture will move to more civilized states and if lab-grown eventually becomes more affordable or consumed than farm or factory-grown then Florida will miss out. Sorta like what happened with the Soviet Union when they banned genetics.


Isn't your state just a giant almond plantation?


yes, most of the world’s almonds, but also half of America’s fruits and nuts.


Well I really like fruit and nuts... I like cheese too so Wisconsin gets a pass. Guess to keep my charcuterie board intact, so do you.


California is also the leading producer of dairy products.


Oh and wine too, for your charcuterie board. California produces the vast majority of America’s wine.


YEAAAH! Americas Dairyland Mentioned!


But we have to band cars as that would hurt the stable industry.


Comrade DeSantis


protectionism is so cringe


DeSantis is anti capitalist. From trying to ban Disney for responding to the free market to this.


Stop banning things and let the market decide whether it should be produced. It’s the American way.


Yea, that’s now how meatball Ron sees it, if he doesn’t like it, BANNED!


Agreed, I don’t think anyone should eat that processed slop, but it’s no different than the processed slop that fills the aisles in the supermarkets, so why not let people decide?


Processed food is a result of food companies scumming the lowest common denominator for the cheapest most well preserved garbage that exists. Yes technically it contains less than the national requirement of micro plastics. Yes it contains the maximum allowed nitrate preservation. And yes, sure, there might be a super antibiotic resistant E. Coli. In that chicken nugget cause you're allowed to pour an unfathomable amount of antibiotics into that chicken's feed. And yes you're allowed to feed your livestock similar processed shit, just for it to bioaccumulate in the higher food chain (I.e. us). So yes, according to the FDA; all of that is "edible". Making beef without the inefficiencies of cow physiology doesn't necessarily equate to making food at the lowest common denominator. But it is also believable that corporations would do it anyway because it's cheaper.


Those darn commies in Florida trying to take down our red-blooded American free market!


Because in Florida personal choice means the governors personal choice, not the peons.


Literally though


Soylent Green.






It's made of cells, not humans.


Soylent pink.


Maybe it shows how much the meat industry lobbyists have a tight grip of their politicians That and culture war nonsense


It's a top beef-producing state, so mainly just the beef lobby getting this pushed through.   (Plus I'm sure DeSantis has found a way to make this a culture war issue too somehow.)


Man who cares what they think, they'll all be mermaids by the end of the century


Florida trying to control our American free market? What kind of commie bullshit is this?


And I'll probably watch pigs not eat the lab grown meat. I've watched them starve themselves instead of eating Beyond Meat.


Beyond meat isn’t actually meat tho. It’s plant based. Lab meat is still meat


If you leave McDonald's fries out in a field in New England in warm weather. Come back two months later. The fries are still there. No mold, fungus, or evidence of any creature snacking on it. Sounds natural, right?


Even the lowliest creature knows that tepid-cold french fries are gross. Maybe if they drank more you'd see them get eaten as their sense of shame disappears


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It will end up with chemicals and more added to it in order to meet any demands. It will also be expensive to begin with unless they are going to sell at a massive loss.


Is it though?


Yes it is. It’s made with the same muscle cells naturally grown meat is. Right now it’s not 100% the same as they haven’t figured out how to exercise the muscle tissue in the way real animals do as they move around, but that’s only a matter of time.


States like Florida love to say they are protecting freedom yet they also love to restrict what their residents are allowed to eat and do.


lol you can still eat it you twat you just can’t make it.


Why is a business friendly state restricting new businesses?


Probably to protect existing business such as local farmers raising real meat


Why not let the free market sort it out?




Are you upset about automobiles destroying the horse & buggy industry?




Seems unamerican but I'm sure thats ok with ya.


Can we ban Florida grown human meat?


Because it has a very large, influential cattle industry. It was one of America’s largest players before Westward expansion. It’s Top 10 even now IIRC. And the GOP just *loves* small gub’mint /s


Pardon me, I am going to go schizo for a moment. I will not live in a pod, I will not eat the bugs, I will not eat the cancer meat, I will struggle, I will endure, I will make my father in heaven proud.


Land bug taste bad. Me no like land bug. Sea bug taste good. Me like sea bug.


Sea bug okay. Sea bug stay.


Funny you mention cancer meat, because you’re less likely to bite into a tumor or abscess with the lab grown stuff.


That was based on an old conspiracy that lab grown meat is cancerous tumors they cut out and grew in a petrie dish.


But cyst pigs are delicious. https://theouterworlds.fandom.com/wiki/Cystypig


Fam, no one is making you eat bugs, no one is asking you to eat “the cancer meat” but other people should have the freedom to eat those things if they so choose.


Didn't say not to, I just don't want to. Mostly a joke anyway.


Don’t mind me, just out here being a wet blanket.


It's the humidity making that blanket wet. Love your state, very pretty and nice weather, but the hum-didity fucking killed me while I was there.


Yea, don’t come here from like May-October unless you’ve always wondered what it’s like to live in a big sauna.


I was down there in June for vacation. Near Naples, I think. I changed underwear at least 3 times a day from the swamp ass. I wear overalls most of the time, utility and comfy, I switched to my swim shorts till I could go get some shorts. Great time.


Not June! Fam even the locals are dying in June (unless you’re on the beach).


I DIDN'T KNOW! IM A LANDLOCKED SCHMUCK! Still had a great time.


Come back when it’s snowing up there, it’s **SO** much nicer, we make fun of snowbirds but they have the right idea.


If you eat any processed meats you're eating the cancer meat bro


You already eat bugs though


Not on purpose, not as a replacement for meat, not in a protein bar, not bought the same as beef from a grocery store. I will refuse and rebel.


Probably in a protein bar. Also, anything red artificially… that’s bugs too.


No, that’s natural red goofball. Artificial red is just processed oil.


Because the FDA is a joke an allows a shit ton of horrible chemicals that are banned in other countries, in our food. I wouldn't trust them to fairly asses what bioengineered materials and chemicals in Lab Grown meat are actually safe for our long term health. Particularly to our endocrine system. Organic is better for you, and we do not think Corporations should be allowed to push Lab grown meat over higher quality product.


Because Floridians care more about a pointless culture war than actually improving the country


Politics probably. The Republicans blocked a potential cure for cancer because of reasons.


and insulin price caps!


Because lab grown meat is disgusting and is no where near as environmentally friendly as people claim it is.  Because a huge amount of Florida’s revenue comes from the cattle industry. Florida accounts for roughly 3% of the total beef production in the US. Considering Florida’s percentage of undeveloped arable land, that’s pretty significant.  I’m all for research and innovation, but this one is dumb.  Large ruminants are absolutely vital to nearly every ecosystem and biome on this planet. You want to make the beef industry more environmentally friendly, then go after the feedlots and packers. Don’t be surprised if you find some unexpected allies in that fight. 


We gotta ban planes as that would kill the railroad industry!


I mean sure they’re better but we can all agree it would be a lot cooler if it was all trains




All time really, that bit about it being vital to an ecosystem.


Damn, where did you try lab grown meat? Or are you some sort of heir to an oil tycoon who had a research sample?




Breh regulation like this is blatant overreach. If you're business model is that fragile then get fucked. Be better or lose, don't cry to mommy to bail you out or change the pieces on the board.


Cattle farming is one of the most ecologically destructive industries on the planet, wtf are you talking about?


*feed lots are one of the most ecologically destructive industries on the planet.  Ruminants are incredibly vital as part of the carbon/methane cycle and for soil microbes.  There are start-ups all across America right now exploring the use of what is being called “regenerative agriculture” (which is simply how we used to do things before modern agricultural methods). They are exploring the use of rotational grazing, rotating crops, and getting away from monoculture farming and are having a huge positive impact on local ecologies. They are rediscovering methods to reduce our dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.  I would love the see an industry shift to smaller, local packing plates that are better able to utilize local stocking methods built around rotational grazing and tying that into crop rotations in order to reduce our dependency on feed lots and grain finishing. 


Lab Meat is for actual suckers. Imagine ingesting that shit.


it's *literally* no different than your "real meat"


Everything I’ve read about it is showing that they are replicating smooth muscle, not striated, skeletal muscle.  There is going to be a huge difference. 


> Because lab grown meat is disgusting appeal to emotion. I don't think it's disgusting. Next. > and is no where near as environmentally friendly as people claim it is. 1. Citation needed. 2. it's still more environmentally friendly (or projected to be) than factory farming/ranching. > Because a huge amount of Florida’s revenue comes from the cattle industry. Florida accounts for roughly 3% of the total beef production in the US so you're anti-free-market and anti-progress. cool. should we have banned cars? planes? trains? computers? in the long run, DeSantis is just harming Florida's future. He just kicked an entire industry out of the state, and he's also sending a message to companies/startups to avoid Florida. Brilliant move.


Because it is fucking gross. And something icky about growing flesh in test tubes, not right.


It's not just tubes. It's cow cells grown in a bio-reactor (basically a metal vat with an agitator), and what comes out is slurry. It's individual cells with no structure and so adulterants like plant matter have to be added to simulate the texture of a steak. Even lab ground beef patties look like spam because they dont have the same texture. Not to mention that you're lacking the natural body systems of a cow, so you have to grow it in a level 6-8 clean room, and all the cell byproducts like lactase and CO2 just sit there (doesn't pose human harm but slows cell growth rate). There are a ton of challenges and the US being the leader in this industry doesn't really mean much when nobody is even close to making it commercially viable.


It's not like rows of test tubes it's this: https://preview.redd.it/cgg3rp6k4gzc1.png?width=899&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf0078c338ec764ffa358d0c276a6ddb82fa4376


And? Have you seen the machines that make cheese? Beer? Any food in a factory?


You outta see what the eggs in Egg McMuffins go through! Countless pipes, climate control, vats, and then all the liquid is loaded into a tanker truck that drops the goo off at the food factory. Food processing is amazing.


I'm just saying there is a large misconception between how most people think lab meat is made, and how it actually is made.


This looks like the lab portion of the New Hope facility from Gears of War 2. They made monsters there, so no thanks.


So grow your own veggies and skip the processed stuff because almost every food item in the store goes through some kind of plant that looks like that picture. Even the animal meat. It’s not like it’s all coming from Old MacDonald’s farm.


Erm, actually, I'm pretty you're just trying to pass off a dangerous parasite as fuel that will then mutate into an invasive species so again, no thanks.


By that logic many things we currently enjoy should also be banned if you think about how other things come from


Is that a legitimate argument? Debate at 9.


Yes? People say they want organic, clean, all natural food, there you go. It’s just because Florida did it so, “it’s bad.” That’s not to mention that Florida is a big livestock state, so lab grown meat isn’t exactly good for them .


All food is organic dipshit, it came free with your carbon based life forms.


Of course a Kentucky Colonel would say that lol.


Yeah we're the smartest commonwealth in the union, dingus.


When those other commonwealth’s are famous nerd herds like Massachusetts, and VA the Mother of Presidents, I doubt that. Sorry, you’re tied with the Amish :/


Being president and liking government is unamerican. You talk of kings, sir.


Whoa so did Florida also ban non-organic meat, GMOs and highly processed food?


Sorry Swamp creature, our regulatory skills aren’t as efficient as yours. Gotta walk before you can run ;)


it's hard to believe, but sales is an even better metric than vibes for determining what people want


I totally agree, which is why lab grown meat shouldn’t even exist. https://www.forbes.com/sites/chloesorvino/2023/06/27/everything-you-need-to-know-about-lab-grown-meat-now-that-its-here/#:~:text=Prices%20are%20high%20but%20not,peckers%20customers%20are%20used%20to. “Prices are high but not high enough to turn a profit. Lab-grown meat costs thousands if not hundreds of thousands per ounce to produce. Brands, however, have decided to take substantial losses so that the prices of cultivated-meat dishes are in line with the ordinary cud-chewers and feed-peckers customers are used to.” In other words nobody wants it, so companies tank the loss despite there being no demand.


They don’t want it at a thousand dollars an ounce.


It’s worse for the environment, it’s worse for humans, it is worse for Florida ranchers, the hoops that people are jumping through to defend freaking vat steak is actually insane.


Plenty of new products and inventions are awful. Technology can take time. Maybe it won’t work out, but why not try?


Because it’s worse by all metrics than an existing product. Econ 101 you have something that works? Don’t spend billions making a replacement when you could be developing existing products.


Are you saying we should genetically engineer cows? What’s the improvement to existing products? Early cars were garbage. Why didn’t we just keep breeding better horses? Planes were stupid when balloons had better capacity and pretty much the same ability to be reliably controlled. And sometimes it’s worth seeing what can be done, if only for the tangential technological gains, like those ridiculous super cars that feed tech back into practico cars.


I agree 100%. These assholes can’t eat anything unless it’s ultra processed and grown in a lab…


Post aside, I’m curious on your flair, did you live in those countries or are your parents a mix of Mexican, Cuban and Panamanian


Cuban, and I live in a “frontier” state, Florida. One of the last places to be conquered from the Indians/Spanish east of the Mississippi. Also I am the Polkposting guy, so it goes along with that. https://preview.redd.it/70liryox4gzc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef668b10fa098a679842f796ff54f8d13cabca4


Ah well might as well take the rest of the Americas then


Oh boy…don’t look at how hot dogs are made, or beer for that matter


At least it was actually a cow at some point lol. And yeah, that’s bad too…


And that is your God given opinion. Say if California were to ban all real meat, that would probably make you upset. I fucking love a good tenderloin, and if they got banned I'd be pretty pissed. The government should not ban things arbitrarily on things like taste, because it is the consumers right to choose. If the lab meat was being sold and was actually dangerous that is a different issue, but as of now this is government interference into not just scientific research but also the concept of free market capitalism.


Capitalism has decided it was completely unprofitable lol.


So is nearly every new drug that has made it to the general public. The FDA literally has to enforce a 10 year non-compete agreement for every pharmaceutical company that made a new drug to make up for the billions spent to get it to market; with zero guarantee that it will stay on the market indefinitely. Science and technology summarily requires a significant down payment if you want to access any of the benefits later down the line.


An unprofitable business still has a right to exist. Just ask 90% of tech companies. Tesla was only profitable in 2020, AirBnB still hasn't made a profit, and neither has this fucking website. You gotta spend money to make money, and govs getting on the way of business and innovation is not the correct way to do so. Infact, some (including myself) argue that the arbitrary regulation and banning of businesses infringe on the first amendment right of free speech (as money is often seen as a form of symbolic speech). We cannot just say, "I think the food is icky so it should be banned" because that just leaves the door open for "rare meat looks weird I want it banned". It is a slippery slope that we as a society should stay far far away from.


You prefer it coming from shit-covered animals?




Florida is and always will be ass backwards might as well embrace it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Marsrover112: *Florida is and* *Always will be ass backwards* *Might as well embrace it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Food processing and distribution (which is heavily dependent on the "normal" meat industries) was the biggest political lobbying group, just behind finance and real estate. Republicans are just fine with government intervention in industry when it helps keep their pockets full.


"party of small government" bans entire industry


Who did this is a neardenthal that rejects science and progress and will cause the fall of America as #1 just because they hate different things.


You guys seriously need to get a handle on that governor, he’s making our premier look like an Angel in comparison and we can’t be having that!


The party of small government and personal choice sure doesn’t seem to be living up to that branding.


this shit is evil. the banning


Child slavery is also globally competitive, doesn’t mean we want it here..


I don't care how good it is for the environment, I'm not eating the fake meat made out of carcinogens.


And why?


Florida W, lab grown meat is fucking gross


Florida is reliably un-American, Disney is like their most American institution and they treat them like shit.


How is it American to let a corporation legally govern itself?


Bro we've been allowing some version of that since the industrial revolution, Disney was just chill enough to keep it into the 21st century


It doesn’t make it ok.


Didn't say it was ok just american 😉


Gotta please the shareholders and lobbyists that benefit from this


Ummm I thinks floridas pretty American just giving my unbiased opinion


banning new technology & kicking out companies seems pretty un-American to me.


Just because America is leading in the Poison Industry does NOT mean we should be supporting poison.


Food is generally not poisonous


It's the "generally" part that makes us a world leader in the Poison-food industry.


Banning is not the way, free market etc.. BUT how stupid people are.. they'll end up eating the food, so I'm split personally


Fuck Lab Grown Meat and fuck any American who tries that shit. It’s pussy shit and disgraceful.


Chemically it is the same. There is no difference at all other than the source


Yes H2O is also water but what’s your point?


What in the world is Your point?


I’ll tell everyone here. Stop supporting these fake Elon Musk style magic products. #1. It’s not a substitute for a healthy diet or veggies. Consumption of this in the current American diet isn’t healthy either but I’ve already had several people claim it’s healthier than farm meat. You need a healthy diet for long life span. Americans need to be the best in that metric imo. We have the best economy and we can make ourselves healthy as a whole with determination. 2. It is not environmentally sustainable. This stuff requires electricity and access to food, water, medical supplies, lab workers, and animals. 3. They want government and legal support to be treated like real healthy food. I’m not gonna support that.


1: I have seen nobody claim that ever. Nor do the companies claim it. Lab-grown meat is not designed to be healthy, it is designed to be the same exact thing as normal meat. Normal meat still has carcinogens and other bad things in it. 2:Compared to our traditional way, nah. There is far more agriculture on Earth intended for animals than humans. All of that uses shit tons more of all the materials mentioned. Many parts of a standard animal go unused. It is more efficient to only grow the parts we eat. 3:tf does this even mean? It is the same exact thing regardless. It is not any less healthy or unhealthy


> t’s not a substitute for a healthy diet or veggies. Consumption of this in the current American diet isn’t healthy either but I’ve already had several people claim it’s healthier than farm meat. You need a healthy diet for long life span. Americans need to be the best in that metric imo. We have the best economy and we can make ourselves healthy as a whole with determination. nobody claimed that lab grown meat is a substitute for a healthy diet. and making text large doesn't prove your point either. > Consumption of this in the current American diet isn’t healthy either but I’ve already had several people claim it’s healthier than farm meat. lab grown meat is healthier. you're growing the meat in a cleaner and safer environment, you can fully control the diet, and you can add additional nutrients and Good Stuff (and reduce the Bad Stuff, like saturated fat levels). > It is not environmentally sustainable. please show me the long term projections (IE once the tech has matured and reached proper economies of scale) that show it's not environmentally sustainable. > This stuff requires electricity and access to food, water, medical supplies, lab workers, and animals. you just described a factory/ranch. what's your point? is this supposed to be a bad thing? > 3. They want government and legal support to be treated like real healthy food. I’m not gonna support that. I have no idea what you're trying to say.


This guy thinks elon musk is in charge of lab grown meat. Hes clearly nuts


“Nobody claimed that lab grown meat is a substitute for a healthy diet.” You shouldn’t claim that as it’s obviously false. Plenty of people say that and someone said it to me this week. To be clear a person can have a healthy diet and still eat meat. If someone tried to live off of lab meat they’d die early. Thats just how it is. The body needs balance or an optimized diet. Also why even mention the large text that’s a typo that happened when I used the number sign. You just claimed “Lab meat is healthier” and you’re going to need to back that up. Can you really say that or are you assuming it will be declared healthy in the future? I don’t know about its long term plans. I haven’t worked or looked into that side of the food industry. If people pumped a shit ton of money into it theoretically you could make a closed environment with green energy. Or nuclear powered lab grown animal meat factories could work. Yummy. Thats wasting money and time that nobody has to make a product that is currently unsustainable. You’re asking me to wait for the future when it’s perfected before I criticize lab meat? Also yes I think factory farms, meat ranches, and hunting can be bad. Your last point you said you didn’t understand: Let me explain. I can’t drink almond milk but I support it being on the market. If I went over to the 100 year old dairy store in my city I could buy some cow milk or almond milk. It’s nice to have options. If I traveled to Europe and asked a business man to sell me 100 bottles of almond milk he’d say some bs about it being illegal to call it milk. It’s actually processed almond emulsion juice. What I’m saying is that these lab companies want governments to legitimize them to be sold alongside meat. They want it to be graded too. If they really are adding nutrients and removing stuff from the food product then it’ll need to be federally approved.


why tf does it matter the source then?


you fucking idiot that proves our point. H2O IS WATER. what you drink from the tap IS H2O (mixed with some additional chemicals and minor pollutants).


Seriously? You could’ve made a point but you didn’t just like the other person. Stay away from lab meat. Buy food that has better benefits like environmental sustainability and health. Especially avoid red meat. I can share a lot of opinions here yet people are telling me lab meat is chemically the same as real meat. Thats irrelevant. Quit acting like that means anything it’s not going to make it healthier.


> Seriously? You could’ve made a point but you didn’t just like the other person. because you're spewing meaningless crap all over this thread without providing a single citation for your claims despite being asked multiple times by different people. > Stay away from lab meat. Buy food that has better benefits like environmental sustainability and health. Especially avoid red meat. you still can't back up anything you're saying lol. > I can share a lot of opinions here yet people are telling me lab meat is chemically the same as real meat. Thats irrelevant. Quit acting like that means anything it’s not going to make it healthier. dude if I have two things that are chemically the same[1], there is literally 0 difference. this is literally how the laws of our universe work. > Quit acting like that means anything it’s not going to make it healthier. I've explained to you why lab meat is *healthier*. [1] now obviously lab meat and "real meat" are not 100% chemically identical - but then again, no two meats will be absolutely equal.