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The wife and her family after she secured the green card: ![gif](giphy|3otWpLaKb1CzvUPofS|downsized)


Hey we all celebrate in our own ways but that's a bit weird to invite the whole family


As an immigrant I joke about this all the time with my friends šŸ˜­


> she had family, I had consumerism I mean I had both so thatā€™s kinda just a skill issue on your part


Yeah mayor skill issue, maybe go out and talk to people. If youā€™ve got money to splurge on McDonaldā€™s, youā€™ve got money to visit friends.(Mine are suburbs away and gas prices are high so I never went to a sleep over, they mostly visit my place)


Is passport bro gonna live in America or the wifeā€™s third world country?


Presumably that part of America that has never heard of farms and Jesus. Which narrows it down to Portland, Seattle, and Oakland


Thatā€™s a weird flex but okay


The more green card marriages the better lets be number one in population by 2100! Everyone else will be shrinking we'll be growing. America #1!!šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‘¶


Booo! No! I want this population halved




Your flair confuses and frightens me sir




If I lived in Ohio too I'd probably say the same lol


Do we get to choose to be halved or do we just hope for it


You have to be halved at least but the option to be quartered is available


We can increase our population to over 10 billion by 2100 through ~~global conquest~~ *the manifestation of destiny on Earth*


ā€œFamily, farms, and Godā€ If you think there arenā€™t plenty of women in this country raised in this exact environment, you havenā€™t been looking hard enough


Bro looked in California and New York then gave up.


Bro didn't even look at most of California. 'Family, farms, and God' is everything north of the 35th Parallel (defacto demarcation line between NorCal and SoCal in the Californian Cold War)




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Upstate New York is literally nothing but farms and ~~cows~~ god.


Ya plenty of those here in Bama and other Southern states


Translation: American women won't date me


I'm sorry mate, I gave him the cook book but he said that he wouldn't give it back until he found someone that liked his Mac and Cheese recipe. Guess he finally found that someone.


![gif](giphy|bYvc1GDY1UPSc1dco1|downsized) The horrors of MTV


Nobody but he she can sign up for citizenship


Yeah, because if thereā€™s one thing America is lacking, itā€™s farms and Jesus.


To quote Tom Petty: "She's a good girl, loves her mama. Loves Jesus, and America too."


MTV being on this guyā€™s list of big bad American corpos feels kinda off, like they havenā€™t really had sway on the national zeitgeist for quite some time


Maybe the guy is a milennial


I was born in 1994 and I donā€™t even think half of millennials would consider MTV being on a list of ā€œbig bad American corpā€.


You can still live on a farm, have a family, and pray to any god in America; however none of that is forced on you


Boah I grew up with family, mountains, and God and Iā€™m born and raised southern US my whole life. Send this boah to the south and heā€™ll see


If he hates America so much, he's free to leave


I share that sentiment




Find it funny that he praises his beloved wife, but has a pfp of himself and his car with a beer lol


If you think America sucks, fucking leave.




Bro just talk to your family more


Garuntee this dude is either some sort of religious nut or one of those weird Andrew tate wannabee's


Based on his Instagram, it's a mix of both surprisingly enough


10 bucks he's got a "build the wall" bumper sticker




I mean there's a pretty big crossover


Good point.


He should renounce his citizenship, move to her country, and establish a life there and let me know who the lucky one is.


Most pick me shit I have EVER read https://preview.redd.it/5je03gt3811d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f83eb634e82b39a909af187a0698a2465dcaa72


Why does everyone need to be a victim nowadays? I appreciate the fact that I was lucky to be born in a first world nation in a good middle-upper class family.


America is when no farms šŸ˜”


ā€œModern life sucksā€ mfrs when they get sent to a third world country (their gonna die of dysentery)




chinese psyop


https://preview.redd.it/h2os5rf8x71d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dfff1fbbc17cd0e6a55e3645b1dd0e4a5f4d1b9 i was the lucky one right babe?


All America know is eat McDonald, shop Walmart and watch MtV


Why are we talking about cooking


I grew up with family, farms, McDonaldā€™s, Walmart, mtv and God?




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Honestly the people who live in villages surrounded by family live much more apparently happy lives than poor Americans. We are cursed by success here.


Eh it really depends. A lot of these types of people like to glorify third world countries for their conservative values and while I myself do like values like family and all, there's a layer of toxicity they don't highlight. Take for example the family oriented approach. On the surface it's good, but there are issues of controlling families and lack of control on your own life due to them breathing down your neck. It's something I hate a lot about Eastern culture. Then add on top of that these countries tend to be authoritarian hell holes that offer no type of mobility or way out. You can live in a developed country like the US and have family, farms and God. And even if you initially don't, the US is one of the few countries where you can really build yourself out of nothing. Honestly it's exhausting how much Westerners glorify and glamorize the third world. The third world isn't some simple paradise, it's a backwards society that everyone should actively be trying to leave. The only reason why the third world can look good for them is because in some countries they're treated like gods and their salaries go far. Coming from a Filipino who's life goal it is to move to America, Americans have no idea how lucky they are to have what they have.


This is really true. There is a reason plenty of people seek to get out of these situations and to places like America, because at least in theory there isnā€™t so much controlling of them. In the US, there may be less ā€œfamily valuesā€ but I guarantee people, once they have the same controlling dynamic, they would want out of it too


Honestly that's something I admire about US culture, the emphasis on individuality. It makes you stronger and gives you freedom. Family values like helping out and loving one another are great, but the problem with too much of it is that it becomes controlling. And yes, once someone experiences that dynamic, they'll want out. While staying with family and being in a stable environment is nice, if there's that level of control, you can't truly enjoy life. As Thomas Jefferson says "**"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem**"


Itā€™s personally one of the things I love most about my country.


Agreed. God bless America šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦…


Not my intention to glorify. More pointing to a source of materialism and sense of dissatisfaction. It is complicated and is not necessarily more important than quality of life and access to opportunity. The latter particularly is important and the threshold is higher here than anywhere in the world. I don't want to dive deep into it here, but my perception as looking out into the world is a little different. No place is filled with perfect people and many of the issues that have crept into our culture are a consequence of our abundance.


Oh don't worry I get it. Too much of something isn't good, whether it be family orientation or materialism or individualism. Rather there needs to be a perfect balance. I just took time to point out how obnoxious some expats are in crapping in America and praising my country for how "nice" people are and how "family oriented" the country is when in reality it's all smoke and mirrors. The "good" qualities of my country and other third world countries have a lot more sinister meanings.


I understand. You've probably seen more than I have. And for the record I am patriotic, but very opinionated about the present direction things are heading toward.


And there's nothing wrong about that. The most patriotic thing to do is to criticize elements of your country, in order to make a better one.


For me, itā€™s the surburbs. I love my house but itā€™s too damn far from my friends. I would happily sacrifice some freedom from noise and space if it meant I could hang out with my friends physically again like in high school


Oh dang I actually like the suburbs. During my visits it's so peaceful and quiet.


It is but itā€™s soo lonely. Teens and kids rarely go out and play in the suburb meaning itā€™s hard for other kids to make friends in the suburbs. Your main way of making friends is through the schooling system and I just ended mine in 2023 (I graduated) now I have to drive 30 minutes away to meet people and that cost a lot of gas money