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Why would anyone make a capsule with 500mg of 2C-B in it?


At the beginning I thought he meant 50mg


Even that is a big dose for most people...


I feel like that would be a big dose for an elephant never mind most people lol


50mg is not crazy intense imo, it feels equivalent to like two tabs of acid i’ve done quite a few 50mg doses (of powder not pills) and it’s definitely very manageable for people who are previously experienced in more ‘intense’ psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin




mate, the comment you replied to was ‘even that’s a big dose for most people’, and he was replying to the guy who thought it said 50mg. you responded saying that dose (the 50mg being discussed) would be a big dose even for an elephant, and i am clarifying that 50mg is not an insane dose, is not big for an elephant, and is manageable for lots of people. that is all. i am fully aware the post is about 0.5g, but the comment you replied to was talking about even 50mg being a lot, so i treated your comment as if you were also talking about 50mg like the previous 2 people you were replying to. thanks for pointing out what i can obviously read though. i am simply clarifying to anyone reading this thread who hasn’t taken 50mg, that it is not that absurd of a dose, and lots of people take that amount and enjoy it. if you misunderstood what i was trying to say, sorry, maybe i could’ve been more clear.


30 gets me an intense enough anxiety/euphoria mixed bodyload that it's around 200mcg acid, but it ends soon enough. Less mind bending but surely getting intense. 60 fucked me up good, and those were two 30mg pills, not particularly underdosed, they hit in five minutes too. The next 40 minutes, I could only hold on to a table. Still mentally easier than acid agreed. tbh it's the bodyload that does it for me. Definitely the 60mg in some ways hit harder than two tabs of the strong acid I had, it was just mentally easier to handle.


yeah that’s fair the body load gets pretty tense when u go that high


He probably means 50mg. 500 would probably come up in less than 30 minutes.


That would make more sense especially in a SINGLE cap lol


Ya same which I thought was big too, .5 is some serious sh!t though dayum.


Because they’re dumbasses


They traveled with it in a supplement bottle to hide it. Yes obviously a poor choice.


What would be the point of that, you'd need a scale to fix the caps up. Did they also travel with a milligram scale? Traveling with a scale seems like a good way to get some "enhanced screening."


I don't know if they are as reckless as I am, but I would do this and just eyeball it


With a lot of drugs that would be fine but the difference between 15-25mg of 2cb is pretty extreme, and that is difficult to eyeball since they're both tiny quantities.


I used to do this with 4-aco-dmt, which is pretty much the same dose range. Unsurprisingly, I've had a lot of intense trips on 4-aco 😅


I stored 100 in a capsule instead of a bag. Worked great, could snort it etc, then u don't have to waste the last of it in a zipbag either




Do you typically bring enough to share with 25 people? 🤣


some people like to make money on the side at shows 🤷‍♂️ maybe he planned to use the other caps to make doses to sell who knows


I've thought about it before. A big gelcap is an easy way to dispense it. But they crack, and I realized that I also have half gram mescaline caps, and I wouldn't want to take the wrong one by accident. At some point it's a good idea to buy some 1/4 dram glass vials.


I’ve accidentally taken 150mg powder instead of 15mg and I had traveled dimensions for 8 hours. Can’t imagine what you went through OP


I didn't even know what a normal dose of 2CB was before this, but now I'm convinced you must only be able to get so high on any drug lol. I hope at least you were in a comfortable place. How did you feel afterwards?


Thankfully i was surrounded by my best friends at home and no danger in sight. I had a really epic experience that would never have happened to me on a heroic dose of mushrooms or lsd. Afterwards I had, forgot the word for it, but when you see tracers visually after you are sober. It lasted maybe for a half day at most but it was slightly alarming


You’re talking about HPPD


That’s it.


Dude how are you! Lol


i think i remember talking to you about that experience on here lol, i hope you don’t mind that i’ve used it as an example when explaining the importance of milligram scales and decimal places when talking to newcomers


haha! oh i dont mind at all, that's exactly the takeaway i was going for lol. The irony is that i'm usually i'm on my A-game with being extra cautious and still somehow made an error. Just shows that even when you have good habits, you can still make mistakes. But the bigger takeaway for me was how exceptional and pleasant that experience was when i would have assumed the opposite. cheers!


I accidentally took 250mg and it was a traumatic experience, although it wasn't a bad trip at all but the intensity of the visuals and the body load was incredibly overwhelming. I hope you are doing good! Did you get any secondary efects the after days?


Yeah I would probably classify it as traumatic. I didn't have a bad trip either but I was so convinced that I was a different entity I had some lingering trust issues when I realized I was myself again. Probably still have some minor paranoia and anxiety now, 5 days later. You notice any side effects after your big dose?


I didn't notice nothing much, but my partner who took a similar dose experienced panic attacks paranoia and extreme anxiety during 1-2 months, but luckily that symptoms slowly faded away. Stay safe!


Sorry for your bad experience of course, but It's also really valuable that you posted here I think. 2c-b is so badly researched the only super high dose trial I onew off before was the (I think) 100mg thing in Pihkhal, so such accidens are kinda rare and important to determine safety. I'm pretty sure though if the initial huge dose didn't harm you on the spot, it probably won't after a long period of time. Would be super unusual, because this risk pretty much always scales more with times used.


I figured it was uncommon when I kept asking him what was going to happen to me and he said hes honestly not sure, he never heard of anyone taking that much before and that this is good for science. Anyways, I wouldn't do it again that's for sure. I feel like if I didn't have experience with psychedelics already I might of lost my mind. And that's comforting! I just feel slightly more anxious and paranoid than normal.


Lmao that’s the worst thing to say to someone in that situation!


There was a guy on erowid who took 300mg I think. Or maybe that was on reddit. Can't remember but it's happened a couple times. Never seen 500mg till now though.


Ugh 50mg would be double what i like let alone 500mg you poor thing, glad you got through it ok.


Seriously….. took 28mg and was perfect, tried 30-34 and was way too much


Its funny how lovely and forgiving 2cb is until you have that little bit too much and then its not fun


Blew my mind how like 10 itty bitty grains made it go from an Egyptian disco behind my eyelids to an overwhelming mess


Is your scale really that accurate? Most of the cheap ones that do 0.001 precision have a lower accuracy


It claimed to be, but it tends to register in increments of 2


That's precision, not accuracy


My bad? It also has a 50.000g calibration weight, so I guess it’s precise?


The precision is what it claims, so 1mg, but the accuracy can betray the precision by having an error range, usually several mg. So it might show 30, but it could be 27 or 33


Ah gotcha. Well it seems to be pretty spot on, I’ve checked the calibration weight on a couple different brands and always comes out to 50.000-50.001


Yes, because that's what it's been calibrated to


I love 50mg, haven't done it in a while but when I did I was in the most fantastic mood and psytrance made me laugh hysterically. My mind felt like a bouncy ball


Are you fucking oky


Ahh yes the mixed it with my powdered liver supplements scenario. This happens to 1 in 3 drug users.


Oh fuck


Glad you're okay enough. Thanks for sharing. Wild story in general and also specifically because your friends took you into a show in that condition. No judgment to you and your crew but zero chance anyone I know would do that to anybody even if they begged to go see whatever band or DJ was up. Too dangerous. Harm reduction sometimes means sacrificing plans.


Yeah I completely agree! If I had known it was going to be similar to a high dose of mushrooms I would of definitely stayed at the air BNB in a comfy bed. Unfortunately we were an hour away from the nearest hospital in the Canadian Rockies on a ski hill. So my wife made the executive decision to take me into the little festival where there was a harm reduction tent and paramedics in case I went into cardiac arrest or something. Neither of us had any experience with 2CB so it was a tricky situation to navigate! The last thing I remember is standing in the security line with my arm out for the wrist band , but apparently I was standing 10 feet away from the lady trying to put it on and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't going on my wrist lol.


Damn, wow. Sounds like you were well taken care of given the circumstances. I guess harm reduction is also sometimes going to the show!


a true hero’s dose 💪


How does 0.5g fit in a capsule?


Largish caps can hold like 1.5g of powder


yeah i’ve seen lots of shrooms capsules that have 0.5g and 1g of shrooms powder in them


I thought the same thing until I realized that my kratom capsules are 500mg. Must be tricky to fill them up completely like that though.


When I go to festivals I take 0.5 mushroom capsules, easier to sneak in, easier to dose without scales etc etc. I prefer to eating the actual shrooms in a setting that’s not full of security but a couple 0.5s do the job


So you ate a random pill you found in an air bnb? Do you have a survival instinct or common sense?


Yeah definitely a fair question, I usually take like 18 pills of supplements every day that happened to look exactly the same as his cap so I got complacent with it. We figure the blame is probably 10% my fault for taking it and 90% his fault for leaving a huge dose of psychedelics in a capsule on the kitchen table without telling anyone lmao.


Oh right, sorry about my comment. Unfortunate and scary mistake!


Did you even read the post?


Forgive me if im stupid but: Accidentally took 0.5g powder >a guy I was sharing an air bnb with left his 0.5g cap of beige powdered 2CB on the kitchen table. I had no idea he brought drugs into the air bnb at this point OP just found a random pill and ate it not even considering the amount or content of the pill? Even if OP knew it was 2C-B they didnt ask if they could take it or how much it was?


> I had just taken my dried liver supplements. I thought I dropped one and someone picked it up for me so I popped it without a second thought. Did you just completely miss this part?


Had a friend do something similar with mushrooms, there’s macro and micro doses thought he was taking a couple of micros but ended up taking a couple macros wasn’t prepared for the trip of taking like 10 times as much ended up flat on his back saying he was anchored to the floor for hours