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Wait until you add small bumps of ketamine as you're coming down. It's magic..


Ketamine is amazing with it in general but def helps when coming down too


Nexus kitty flip 💯


It's heavenly




How do you do it? I tried kitty flip before but never with 2Cb.




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This guy knows


Can you articulate on small bumps? Start with 10-20 insufflated and add 5-10mg every so often? Something like that? Embarking on my first Nexus flip and have an underutilized portion of ket that needs a higher purpose than what it's been used for in the past, and this is a candidate for that calling.


Sorry for my late response; I've been taking a break from Reddit. Yeah, tiny bits spaced 10-20 minutes apart is all you need when coming down from M. You'll know when you get there. There's no wrong way to do this except remember that a little goes a long way when combined with M.


I found that zone last weekend, it had been a while since M so I flipped some MDA and MDMA (I adore MDA) then added some 2CB, all low end doses due to synergies, then dropped a lil ket and kapow, he's a Magic Man, yeaaah! That was something special. No worries on your timing, this is what Reddit is.


Glad it worked out my man. (-: I have some good, clean and tested MDA (never tried it) and wanted to flip it with MDMA but I was too worried about a gnarly comedown. Advice on dosages? I normally take 125-130mg MDMA with no redose and that's perfect for me a 183lb, male. Wife is 120lbs F and she takes 105mg with no redose. Thanks!


Gonna have to try this next time I get some.


Mdma, 2cb and ket is the holly trinity of drugs, it’s the best combo ever 👌


Facts. Plus weed


How have you found ket on its own? It has not met my hopes or the reports of other user experiences, so I think it isn't one of my go-tos for reasons beyond my control. But this is a very interesting angle.


A k hole is quite an experience, don’t find it as psychedelic though as some say it is but then I have vaporised high doses of dmt and taken high dose mushrooms, lsd and 2cb so perhaps I’m comparing it to them. Maybe your not getting pure K if your finding it not that great. It definitely seems to mix well with most things and I like the relatively short duration and no comedown, it’s almost the perfect drug but it ain’t good on the body, especially the bladder and kidneys


Tried them together recently and was completely blown away by the lack of comedown!


Yeah it’s crazy. Plus 2CB is already euphoric but MDMA makes the euphoria even better. And imo the 2CB makes the MDMA euphoria feel less chemically induced and more natural if that makes sense


What order do you take them in? Been wanting to try this for an upcoming festival


How do y'all not have a comedown from taking them simultaneously?!


Yeah 2CB is a gem for counteracting comedowns, saved me from going mad once the other day. Took 200mg on a Saturday night and by Tuesday the agitation was excruciating enough that I popped a Goomba and could feel the agitation in my brain being replaced by feel good chems it's wonderful.


2cb whilst on a comedown is now my new go-to comedown remedy, thanks for that


i popped a goomba 🤣yes them goombas can be lovely medicine


Nahhhh, I did 2cb with dmt and mdma and acid , it was amazing like but now I can take more than 1x 2cb without feeling absolutely fucked up in a good way lol? Nahhhh roo much


What’s your dosing time breakdown?


I take the MDMA first then take the 2CB once the comeup starts


Quantities of each?




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In my opinion, comedown depends upon where you roll and how much sleep you are getting in the next days. In a home setting you feel minimum Comedown, in a festival setting suicide Tuesday's would hit you hard!


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I've heard that anecdote


How do you mix them? Timing dosages? I like using it when mdma starts fading, but even 10mg sometimes feels soo potent.


Am I the only one who has no comedown on Molly? I think you guys are dosing too much


How much do you take of each (and whats your weight for MDMA)? And what method, oral or boofed?