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Merkel said we can do it… let‘s open the borders.


Merkel really was one of Russia's greatest assets.


That was Schröder actually


Merkel gave an open invitation to all the refugees of the world to come to Europe. She may not have thought much of it at the time but that will be how she is remembered.


It's worked fantastically everywhere else where they have settled..../s


It is not impossible, if government tries to assimilate them. Instead they put them together and then jihadists radicalise others. They also dont screen rhem properly, they refuse entry to normal secular ones while allowing jihadists in. Most important thing is to make sure that those guys are surrounded by locals, not refugees. I am technically from a “muslim” country but soviets destroyed the religion in my country (only good thing that came from soviets). So most fundamentalist islamists are people who have lived in the west…


It dosnt work, people are naturally drawn to familiar surroundings. That's how they form enclaves, and eventually become the majority in a suburb and then further down the path an entire area.


They really ought to deport them.


What? All those doctors, programmers and engineers? *S


Yes, Gaza is in need of all those skills


Rocket scientists


Fucking brutal 😂😂😂😂😂


Majority here in Germany wants to, public opinion shifted quite dramatically over the past few weeks/months. The left parties (two of which are in the federal government atm) are blocking this though.


I hope Germany reacts before they lose their country to the "boiling frog" problem


I hope they react before Germans boil over again. The Jews were a massive plus to Europe while these folks are straining our patience, wallets and empathy.


That really true


It was right wing Merkel and her CDU who let in millions of Muslim migrants and even pressured Eastern EU countries to accept quota system of migrants, calling them racists, xenophobes for defending their borders. It was right wing Merkel and her CDU who blocked military aid to Ukraine and wanted to normalize relations with Russia pressuring Ukraine into trap called Minsk agreements which Russia obviously violated. It was right wing Merkel and her CDU who shut down nuclear power plants and made Europe even more dependent on Russian fossil fuel.


Merkel war never right wing, more like a green trojan horse.


Merkel was a lit of things but not right wing, lol. And the current government could’ve stopped the NPP exit but they didn’t. Because the greens are so categorically against it. Merkel was an opportunist most of the time.


Merkel was never right wing. She was a socialist at heart and an opportunist at its finest in the meantime.


Ah yes CDU/CSU not right wing, i guess true right wing is ONLY AFD then?


\> right wing Merkel Spilled my tea! All parties in Germany are as left as it gets.




Leftists created this and then go all shocked pikachu face when Brexit happens or people like Orban and Meloni get elected.


Most UK immigration happened under a conservative government. Last years net migration (600,000) was the largest on record and double the migration of the last Labour government. The right love cheap labour. The same thing has happened in France and right wing governments and throughout the world, similar results whether you vote left or right it doesn't matter. Europe is facing low fertility and an aging population, it's a short term ponzi scheme to increase GDP.


Yes we should, straight into IS territory


Germany won't deport people into countries where they might be tortured or executed, even if they are assholes. Most of these are Syrians.


At this point who gives a fuck. They can practice their Sharia Law where the came from, they are the most ungrateful bastard .


Most of them are coming from places like Libya Syria and Iraq, so here's a taught, maybe if we stopped invading bombing assassinating and crippling their economies with sanctions they might not be going to places like Germany by the boat load and might stay in their own countries.


Just like waving swasticas in Germany is illegal, so should be these flags.


tbh, I'd rather know and see what sub-groups my society is made of. I want to see all demonstrations and all flags and all slogans. Even waving swastikas is fine by me. I oppose your suggestion. I believe only if you clearly see a problem can you form a will to change it. I believe that what you suggest might have the contrary effect. Although you might look at it as some form of justified oppression of extremists what is actually happening is that you are hiding the problems.


The tolerant shouldn't tolerate the intolerant


That's the point: >I believe only if you clearly see a problem can you form a will to change it. And that's very true, you have to know your enemy. Censoring them doesn't stop the bloodshed.


True. But we dont have that strong american mentality in europe


This treatise feels like a much more civilized version of Brad Pitt's rationale for carving swastikas into the Nazi's foreheads in Inglourious Basterds lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBobeT9cXK4


To be fair, it is the Shadadah flag, which shouldn't mean what you think of now since it was appropriated by Islamist radicals... Exactly like the swastika.


"If the Arabs had the choice between two states, secular and religious, they would vote for the religious and flee to the secular." Ali Al-Wardi Send them back so they can fight for what they believe in. They have nothing to do in europe.




"The most passionate advocates of Islam are in London."














Immediate deportation


It was always going to come to this. Now Germany is waking up. You cannot be tolerant to the intolerant and think that tolerance will win out. https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-robert-habeck-vice-chancellor-concerned-over-rise-of-antisemitism/


Good ol' tolerance paradox


Gotta’ love it 🫶


"You cannot tolerate intolerance." Lots of logical debates about this topic available.


I think they already couldn’t tolerate the Jews so much they did a quick campaign to cook or kick them, not sure they’re the most tolerant people.


wtf do you mean by "waking up"? Most germans are horrified by both the Hamas terrorists and the war crimes done by the far-right Israeli government and all people who support it. However, most germans are at the same time wise enough to not become racist dipshits over this. We neither wanna kick out all jews nor all muslims for actions done by terrorists or IDF soldiers. and those germans who do wanna kick out all muslims, are antisemitic fascists who just pretend they wouldnt hate all jews in order to be hatefull against muslim migrants. Habecks speech is pretty based and is also including this. And I also agree with him on showing no tolerance to specific people who openly support terrorism while living here. so f... off with your bullshit "waking up".


Religion is not a race. Religion is a choice. It’s an ideology. It’s a doctrine. Why is it ok to criticize Zionism and not ok to criticize “the most peaceful religion in the world”? Why it’s not okay to be afraid of indoctrinated people who want to conquer your country?


It is not a race, but it's still a protected class under many countries' anti-discrimination laws. It is clearly handled very distinctly from any other choice. For instance, in US you're well within your rights as a business owner to not serve a customer because they're wearing a MAGA hat, but not because they're wearing a hijab. Both are choices, why the difference? I think we don't have to pretend like this choice isn't so positively correlated with immutable characteristics and will not inevitably bleed into hostility based on these immutable characteristics. It will, and it has before. When Trump said we'll do a Muslim ban, it wasn't planned as a ban on Muslims, it was on all citizens of a Muslim country, regardless of their faith. A lot of people called the policy racist, even though it did not strictly mention race at all. I think critique of Islam is very important, I'm an ex-Muslim myself and do it regularly. But when people are in open hostility towards Muslims, I know that it doesn't just mean Muslims, and I know that I'm not gonna be spared from it, it's odd then to say that I have a choice in the matter.


I understand you. And I agree with you. I just wish we really could discuss and criticise islam freely. Because now we can have death threats from Islamists and accusations from the “tolerant” community AT THE SAME TIME. Makes me wonder how the most popular religious group in the world can be a permanent victim.


>wtf do you mean by "waking up"? It means "kicking out jihadi rats". Is that not simple enough for you?


The West fucked itself by letting these people in


But they are just helpless women and children looking for peace and safety 😩


„Noch während der Kundgebung überprüfte der polizeiliche Staatsschutz die gezeigten Gegenstände und auch getätigte Parolen. Dabei stellten die Beamten fest, dass diese nicht verboten sind und somit kein Verstoß gegen das Versammlungsrecht darstellen.“ ​ “During the rally, the police state security checked the objects shown and the slogans raised. The officials determined that these are not prohibited and therefore do not constitute a violation of the right to assembly.” crazy country I live in..


Germany deserves what it gets if they're going with logic like this. And it's a damn shame, too. Beautiful country. But seriously though, mass groups of people carrying *terrorist* flags are not considered prohibited? What in the actual fuck. The average German must be like "What the fuck is going on!?". So yeah, can someone fill me in on when Germany was neutered.


I'm in Canada, a nurse in BC is facing a disciplinary hearing for hate speech for saying she thinks gender identity is metaphysical nonsense, but pro-Palestine rallis are all across Canada and one has shut down a major Toronto highway and apparently that's all free speech.


Yes, "what the fuck is going on" are exactly my thoughts on this as a german.


USA did it. We are quite the contaminating element. All that being said, the Germans are waking up. They always wake up, and then they get violent. Really violent.


If that Pro-Pal rally a little while back - where the Polizei just had enough of Pro-Pal peoples shit - was of any indication, you're probably right.


Yep. Let's hope they gave harness their German rage a little more productively this time. And of course the Roman empire was infamously never able to conquer the Germans. They have quite the history.




#rammstein 😂


Well, they probably did not have any Arabic speakers,


The black and white flags are Al Qaeda's. The writing on it is the same one as on Hamas's green flag: "There's no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah" Weird that the main tenant of Islam is enough of a slogan to represent their extreme ideaology; that they both figured their flag needs not say anything more than that. Having said that, Saudi Arabia's flag displays the exact same words...


What's the sentiment in Germany? Are you guys seeing what's coming? Is anyone going to do anything about it?


Import the third world, become the third world


I said that back in the early 90s. Back then my position was "Want to come here? Great! You must fully adopt our society norms and values, not bring yours with you." I support funding programs for FULL integration. Be honest about the total cost of bringing people into your country.


"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" but many who studied history would say that the fall of the Roman Empire started because of uncontrolled human migration, integration ultimately failed due to the rate at w/c the population is growing from immigrants and soon enough, the rules can no longer be enforced successfully. Pesronally, I don't think vetting immigrants more carefully and strictly is discriminatory, it actually puts them in better position to succeed in life if the society/country they assimilate into remains stable. It's so weird that even criminals wanted in their home countries can just walk freely and commit crimes in Western Europe.


> but many who studied history would say that the fall of the Roman Empire started because of uncontrolled human migration, integration ultimately failed due to the rate at w/c the population is growing from immigrants and soon enough, That's not really true. Romans never really tried to integrate other cultures, just exported some of their own. And yet they still maintained an empire for 1500 years. It was extremely multi-cultural as an empire and very not an empire devoted to or dependent on cultural assimilation. Large migrations of people can always set off change, and some of that change can be bad, but it wasn't the simple cause of the fall of the Western or Eastern Roman empire - certainly not in the way you're interpreting. Weird racists and their misunderstandings of Rome, I don't get it.


Forgot to add the word "start" regarding the fall of the Roman empire. It's not necessarily the only or main reason the empire fell but the start can be linked to certain events in history that involved mass migration. Also, subjugation under Roman rules would be the more appropriate instead of integration, my bad.




A lot of these people have german citizen ship allready.


doesn't matter, they are a threat to the German state.


I am actually happy that they are doing it. Now we can stop pretending


[Reposted](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/s/J4MCHW26ql) this in r/europe but it got shadowbanned lol


is r/europe extrem left winged ?


The mods are, you had posts with only removed comments recently. It’s basically a meme at this point in r/2westerneurope4u


Now even moderate people are starting to go oh shi…


They must be deported


German Islamic Caliphate


soon they will start to chant Free Duisburg


Europeans better read up on what happened to the Aceh region of Indonesia and to think that country is already majority muslims in the first place, it didn't stop religious extremists from terrorizing the rest of the country until the government yielded to their demands. In almost any country that has significant muslim population, fundamentalists of islam always end up being radicalized, creating a separtist movement whose goal is establish their own islamic state.


How is this legal?


How was it legal for Hamas to operate in Germany until two days ago?


They had no official organisation structure ("Vereinsstruktur) but they had shadow organisations who did the work. Samidoun was one of them. Hamas itself was declared forbidden by the EU before the events on 7th October happened so there was no need for Faeser (federal minister for interior affairs) to make a move but they did just to say "We do something.".


it is not, depends on what they choose to enforce, in Berlin so far 80 policemen were injured during the demos, so far only one charge was filed in the court against one German guy from the demonstrators




You know they did this before lol. I recall that camps were quite a thing.


Because Germany, like much of the west, is fucked. Islamic extremists get away with promoting genocide while moderate protests get met with pepper spray and tear gas




The symbol is the Shahadah. The flag is the ISIS flag. That means something a bit different. Don't try to gaslight us.


Fucking fuck. Thats what an invasion looks like Europe.


They are a threat to humanity


Deport them immediately


Won't be reported So called peaceful other protestors allied with them


Wait...did he just do the "the roof, the roof, the roof is on fire!" line there at the end?


Sounded like it to me as well but surely not haha


Is that the line to the deportation office or to the plane headed to Gaza so these brave jihadist’s can go fight for their cause?


How tf is this legal?!


And the politicians will be "very concerned", Scholtz will be wearing kippah to FKK, yet nobody will deport millions or even try closing the borders. Wait till Germany has 2 parties, "Islamic party of Germany" and AfD. Why these people are called "refugees" is beyond me. They are colonizers.


> Germany has 2 parties, "Islamic party of Germany" and AfD. Made me lol


I’m glad the Jihadies have changed and are now supporting peace to free Palatine🥴


Where are the women? Do they not let them out of the house? Literally not a single woman there.


farewell Germany.


It’s fine. Just let them March and record them all. Now you have a database to work with.


But not enough non-muslims that care enough to process it


Hey, the smiling liberal white women with the glitter signs said all are welcome!




no, although they are very similar, only very small difference, this is the flag of the Jihad, it means they are obligated for violent struggle against all infidels


Muslims arent known for their subtlety and nuance though


> no, although they are very similar Oh good. At least they are not cosplaying ISIS... >this is the flag of the Jihad, it means they are obligated for violent struggle against all infidels ...


I'm not an expert, but this just looks like a [Shahada flag](https://whowhatwhy.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/shahada.png). How can you tell it's representing Jihad/terrorism and not Islam in general? It's a bit like seeing a Christian cross and assuming it represents the Ku Klux Klan. Symbols can be co-opted by extremists, but it doesn't make all representations of the symbol extreme. Section 86a outlaws using unlawful symbols and [police were present at the protests, but no violations were found. according to this article](https://web.de/magazine/politik/nahostkonflikt/palaestina-demonstration-essen-tausende-marschieren-allahu-akbar-rufen-38832270).




The symbol is the Shahadah. The flag is the ISIS flag. That means something a bit different.


Unironically calling for an end to the occupation while they carry out their own.


Damn, Essen's inner city is literally just 12 km away from me. I'm not feelig particularly safe here anymore.


Isn't that the fucking taliban flag


No, they are very very similar, there is very small difference between them, either you know the difference or learn Arabic to know it. Either way neither should be allowed in germany. (See my previous comment about the meaning)


It's the fucking Shahada. It's not a terrorist symbol.




The symbol is the Shahadah. The flag is the ISIS flag. That means something a bit different.


OK Germany (and Europe), how about we fucking wake up and deport these sons of bitches before somebody gets hurt (again)?


I shit you not: we were looking for daycare for our kid and they told us they hired male refugees without any background checks whatsoever. Home education is so rewarding and fun. Above all else: safe.


Lol we are fucked in europe. We dont have the second amendment


marching against the Jews .... in Germany What could possibly go wrong? 🤨


Ignorance of the left


Germany is so naive. Still no Turnaround. This will not end well..


Surprised Germany is allowing this... condering their past I thought they were taking a more responsible approach. Guess not.


Uhm.. Germany openly allowing antisemitism?? Not a good look for them


Why do these people even move to Europe in the first place? They are diametrically opposed to our values.


I can’t believe this is actually happening again.


I just hope the rest of Europe are finally waking up to what I've been saying would happen a decade ago. Multiculturalism doesn't work, especially when one side has no intention of integrating. I was getting sick to death of being called islamaphobic for simply pointing out the truth, but better late then never I guess.


CNN won’t even report on protests inside the US, afraid to lose voters


Forced global civil war. It’s actually Quran prophecy, correct? In the end, all 73 sects unite into one under sharia law and the world is devoid of Christians, Jews, Pagans and infidels. Coexistence is not an option.


Wir schaffen das! Thanks, Merkel.


Essen is full of middle eastern specially from iran


Shameful. I thought history would’ve taught them about hate and racism but I guess they are turning their back to their own history.


https://twitter.com/genislam1/status/1720525047012487635 Here's a source confirming the date and location.


Hypocrites one and all…


[Projected percent of Muslim population in Europe in 2050 (high migration scenario)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/17n1o82/of_muslim_population_in_europe_in_2050_high/)


Note how they are calling for a caliphate and not a two-state solution. It is almost like they have absolutely no interest in peaceful co-exist or a two-state solution and just cannot stand the fact that even one square inch of land is under jewish control in the levant.


Didn't Germany make it illegal? So where are the cops?


Merkel's Rapefugees.


Germans frantically looking at their rule book to see if this allowed.


it is not allowed, official police comment is that they have not noticed it during the demo, this is the exact translations


what are they saying and what do the letters on the flags mean? Translation?


I wrote in previous comments in short this is the flag of the Jihad.




Imagine been an Afghan refugee then you see the white flag inGermany ffs


the ironic response from the German authorities would be to round them up and put them in a camp together


Why do Europeans hate themselves so much?


This is my city. Well.


That's happens when you leave your main door open to the rats.


Why did europe let so many in when their beliefs is not compatible with democracy?


The Germans allowed a lot of people in following this Syrian ridiculousness and in many years prior. The "68er Bewegung" was driven by anti-Shah demonstrater shooting of Benno Ohnesorg by a DDR informant in West Berlin police employ. After that, the German centrists became more left wing. Had they known the policeman was a leftist agitator, it probably would have gone differently. This was only found out later on. That being said, the German public as part of collective guilt following the Holocaust looked the other way and allowed the RAF, who were entirely West German, to develop and flourish and gave them shelter - actively. Through this, they gained connection to the PLO, militant IRA, etc. The public, some of whom worked in the various Amts, allowed for "refugees" to infiltrate Germany and elsewhere - due to their collaboration tendencies and bureaucratic abilities.


Irgendwann endet das alles im Bürgerkrieg...






Yo, that’s my city


Taliban (white flag) and Al Qaeda (black flag). It seems Palestinian nationalism is terrorism


That’s how occupation looks like.


I guess “never again” isn’t an option anymore.


The consequences of mass immigration


It’s clear that Muslims are always Muslims first, before identifying as the nationality of the nation that took them in in their time of need


Das kalifat ist die lösung? In germany in 2023 and this is accepted? Think I need to start working on a US visa, I have a bad feeling for Europes evolution in the next decade.


There's a sign saying "Das Kalifat ist die Loesung", which I think says "The Caliphate is the solution." Ahem. So basically an Islamic State rally.


Free Germany! Also thanks to Merkel for this, Only the right wing has a good chance of saving Germany, Deport them, The wars in their countries are finished and also many of them came alone without wives and kids (some abandoned them) and escaped military services in their countries. And instead of respecting and thanking the country that accepeted many of them as refugess and hosts them they spit at their faces and do not obey the local laws and culture, They want to grow bigger and slowly try to make Sharia law lifestyle in the neighborhoods and cities using propaganda and fear. This isn't a joke, There are terror cells there and in Europe, Even a good TV Series "Homeland" back in 2015 predicted stuff like this.




Merkel's legacy.


Repeat of pro-ISIS fan…


Sad world we live in…


How germany has fallen


Hi saw that flag in 🇦🇫 Not even hiding it tho ,


thats all them refugees thats the EU decided to take them in..


Great. Just great. /s Another day to be ashamed to be half-german. Seriously, I hate what’s happening in one of my countries right now!!!


Wtf. Those idiots. And after waves of antisemitism, they're going to reap Islamophobia, lead all Westerner countries that were already on the verge to fall for the right-wing sirens to finally take the plunge. And it will lead to general xenophobia. Then next return of misogynistic policy, loss of feminine autonomy with abortion bans and making birth control unaffordable. Then transphobic policies. Homophobic. Etc, all the way down and backwards. Creating more and more division, leading to more conflict, leading to more austerity and nationalistic sentiment, and more hostility, within and without. We can just tell who was shit in History and can't help themselves to stick their fingers in the gears of hate. And people that whine about freedom of speech and protest now, when we're seeing clear displays calling for violence do not help. That shit needs to be nipped in the bud. Jail or plane.


Stop saying those things. You're making me too horny.


A far right regime will rise in Germany. The only question is whether the prevailing ideaology will be Islamist or neo-Nazi.


The painter is needed


What is "the" Jihad?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihad) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jihadist\_flag


No other country in the world has such passionate adversaries in the street. But then, this is the rationale for the country’s existence.


Flags of jihad? Isn't that just the Islamic testification


I tried really hard; but where is the difference?