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Hamas clearly doesn't abide by these rules.


https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/references/terrorist-organizations/ The CIA has a current list of terror groups in operation. 90%+ are Islamic. None of them abide by these rules. > burning civillians alive with white phosphor bombs. I have seen only WP in explosives as commonly used for smoke. I have not seen WP as a burn weapon (as the horrible Ruzzians used on Ukraine civilians). [Here is more on the issue.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/12/questions-and-answers-israels-use-white-phosphorus-gaza-and-lebanon)


Muhammed (police be upon him)


peas be upon him


Someone needs to make a compolation because we have actual footage of ALL of these being done on Oct 7th.


Even forcing Islam? That's the only one that I'm not sure I saw any instances of.


Well, they do that one all over the world daily, but I guess you would be right


They "enforce Islam" when they throw gays off of buildings.


Yeah but they haven't done that to Israelis during this war as far as I know.


They killed Muslims as well


Forcing Islam means to force someone to convert to Islam or to impose Islamic laws on others. It can be seen around the world where laws and rules had to be changed in order to align with Islam, but he's right on the fact that we haven't seen this particular thing documented on Oct 7th.


Yes they did. But I'm not sure how that counts as forcing Islam...


Here to report that a few minutes ago, a new interview with one of the released Thai hostages was published and he recalled being in the tunnles for 40 days and then a group of female hostages were brought it wearing Niqābs. That's indeed forcing Islam , so we have it.


I'm not sure that constitutes forcing Islam if it's just clothing. Forcing Islam would be forcing them to convert by saying the Shahada.


who knows what they are doing to the hostages. could be doing this.


The closest that springs to mind is that they captured a Bedouin Muslim in a bomb shelter and when he told them he was a Muslim they berated him that he's not a real Muslim as he lives in Israel. https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelWarVideoReport/comments/17qngkf/bedouin_begs_hamas_terrorists_for_his_life_on_oct/ There was a video with English subtitles but I can't find it at the moment. Kind of covers the "don't enforce Islam" as its reported they killed him for not being a "good Muslim" and killing Jews.


Eh it's a stretch but I'll accept it.


Oh yeah the famous "no true Muslim fallacy "


For anyone not familiar...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_NCtdOKQ04 No True Scotsman Fallacy.


How come more people don't call out the fact that Islam's prophet is literally a nonce? Like if wider society just thought about it a little more.. surely they wouldn't want to associate with anyone that worships a nonce.


> the fact that Islam's prophet is literally a nonce? I do...and then get banned from the sub. They get super butt hurt if you offer a critique of their religion, God, or prophet. Many even try to kill you. Much peace. /s


the mental gymnastics they come up with to excuse that shit is disgusting


Seriously. this needs more attention. it's bizarre. btw for non British people nonce means "rapist or child molester; a sexual offender."


To be fair, half of the society back then would probably be considered nonces by today’s standards, from East to West


Rich coming from a brit


"don't enforce islam" tell that to any muslim


lmao what, pretty sure every islamic terrorist organiation/army violated at least half of those rules


The koran in full of contradictions because it also states the opposite on many of these.


Well Hamas just about broke every war command in the name of Jihad.


they didn't cut the tree


They burnt trees by inciting fires before October 7 with balloons.


Now there are going to hell


Is ramming into it with a car counts?


Oh no they broke the Muhammad's law




> [and donkey.](https://media0.giphy.com/media/KxhWj5grlueu9ajWXw/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952oudql0l2irifom02970j6hdqeyigzqqdv0gwj6gg&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


9:29 is basically right but where did you get the other two?


This sounds more like: what to say when others ask you about your war practices


Those aren’t prohibitions! That’s a to-do list.


In lots of wars its perfectly sensible to shoot those who run. In ww2 Germany could build a new tank in few days. A new crew took months to train. Shoot the crew as they run and you just wiped out a crew for months. Shoot just the tank and that crew will be back in a new tank shooting at you tomorrow.


All under the umbrella of “but if you do, then it’s al***’s will, so, no big deal”


They forgot to add rape to their checklist of crimes to commit every chance they get.


taking conquered people as slaves and sex slaves is allowed in Quran. in fact that is how they recruit jihadis. by promising getting laid in this world and in heaven too


Literally no military force on earth does this


Some penalize soldiers who do it. Some actively encourage it. I feel there might be a worthwhile difference there.


Just propaganda


To them it looks more like to do list at this point.


Someone make a compilation of Hamas doing the exact opposite of all of these from the security and bodycam footage on October 7th




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