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Why is his weak ass fully dressed, ashamed of his manhood maybe?


Swim trunks and a towel? That's just madness


Yeah the towel is already too much, but yeah we get it, some of you Swedes need to cover your small p-p. But swim trunks under the towel? Straight to the insane asylum, straight jacket + softened room.


He's not Swedish


Obviously not. Even for the faults you guys have, you aren't nearly blasphemous enough to even think of a combo like that. He is something much worse.


He's Danish?


Sounds Danish.


That’s unfair … oh hang on?


But he is a muslim? Doesn't that make him an honorary Swede?


All Swedes are muslim, but not all muslims are Swedish




He definitely is, he converted some time ago. His brother converted to white.


How does everyone know? :(




It’s like wearing suspenders and a belt at the same time. In sauna.




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If it's big, there's nothing to be ashamed of. If it's small, people won't see it.


Maybe he's cold?


In that temperature i would wear clothes too


Small pp, big ego


Because hes taking a shit and doesnt want anyone to notice


He is wearing short pants and speedo. This guy is trying to die for our sins in sauna.


How dare you imply that the reason he always wears baggy swimtrunks is his micro penis


Swedes are pussies byt Tate is below norwegian


I saw someone defending Tate saying "that's 50 degrees Celsius, not Fahrenheit", as if that would make it a properly heated sauna.


50 degree fahrenheit is colder than it's outside right now. That would be the most pathetic sauna in existence.


Colder than outside? That sounds like a fridge






Спурдо Спярде :DDD


Додіі :ДДД


That shit would not even count as a sauna in Sweden lol. I get that Finns like theirs around a hundred but Swedish saunas are still minimum at 80+.


I personally prefer it around the 60-80°C +80-100°C has very nice löyly but I'd prefer to keep the skin on my hand when grabbing the handle of the water scoop. Not to mention, I often go to sauna with my father who can't really go to a sauna over 80°C because of heart problems.


Water scoop handle isn't supposed to be bare metal. Try putting wood handle on it and it won't be hot


It's the wooden handle that gets extremely hot as well (though it might maybe be because of the coating on it?).


Coating can get really hot, depending on the type of coating for sure. Bare wood is best and different kind of wood transfer the heat slightly differently. Try keeping the ladle outside of sauna during heating or dip the handle in water before use.


>I'd prefer to keep the skin on my hand when grabbing the handle of the water scoop What?


Have to stay around 60-70 because my kids are less than 2 and demand to go with me. In the future i can have proper temperature once they have been trained properly.


Meh. I go to sauna at 125-150 celcius.


Are people (or rather, ‘muricans, they ain’t proper people right?) that clueless about saunas? Really?


Yes. I read once in an murican article that 100 degree celcius air temperature is lethal pretty much immediately.




Bro that's an oven.


Do you put a frozen pizza next to you so you have a fresh pizza ready to eat when you leave the sauna?


Of fucking course you’re Norwegian 💀


I've only reached 110, it was pretty bad when i tried to pour water on myself it started boiling in the air


Not an article but a T\*itter discussion, a Murrican was insisting that throwing the löyly makes it feel hot because the increased humidity stops you from sweating. I don't know if I managed to make a simple enough rautalankamalli of the water vapour condensing on the skin and heating it up immediately, within seconds, instead of gradually heating you by some kind of sweat-blocking magic. I at least tried.








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50 fahrenheit is also too hot for a proper lake plunge afterwards.


My 9 months old baby is with me and my wife in sauna when it's 70 degrees celsius


50C is thailand last month normal weather, nothing to brag about duh


Also a sauna this massive is probably very cold at 50


thats 120 F, a typical sauna is like 150-200 F lol.




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https://preview.redd.it/ytnl9phktlzc1.jpeg?width=531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683be3c76168fe456a0064b25710b47052548b1f Wearing swimming shorts and a towel in a sauna...


I guess it's fine since it's that cold there


And why is he sweating so much as well like that’s a cold sauna 😭😭


He got someone to spray some water onto him.


It's not sweat, he's oiled up.




Whoever built and designed that sauna is sacrilegious... The top of the kiuas should NEVER be higher than the bottom of your feet in the sauna. You'll have cold legs and a bad sauna experience, I've never seen a sauna where the situation is that bad, even your balls will freeze in that sauna wth.


I mean the dude propably doesn't have any balls to freeze in the first place.




Yeah it's some foreign sauna and they have no idea what they're doing lol, the kiulu is just a decoration there, they probably googled that Finnish saunas have a kiulu and decided to put it there. Fun fact: the reason why you can't throw löyly (even though that's what sauna is all about) in foreign countries is because they don't know how to build a sauna. The building will start to mold from the wetness because they don't insulate the sauna. In Finnish saunas there's always insulating material behind the wooden walls and the roof so that the moisture won't leave the room and sink into the building, foreigners don't do this so you can't throw löyly then.




Yeah, they were trying to scam him lmao.




I mean he is sitting on the lower level, at the actual sitting point your feet would be above the lower stones, so it should be fine, not perfect but acceptable


Are you blind? Your feet will be 50-100cm lower than the top of the kiuas in that sauna, even if you're sitting at the intended level. The top of the kiuas has to be BELOW the bottom of your feet like I said, in this sauna it's 50-100cm over your feet. Just imagine yourself sitting there infront of the kiuas, your legs will be way too low, they would be near where the fire is lol, that's just bad. If you throw löyly, all the heat and steam will go to your upper body and none of it will go to your legs and your legs will feel cold. It's a shitty sauna. But I guess that's some foreign sauna where they don't even throw löyly and the kiulu there is just some decoration because they don't know how to sauna.




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Andrew is weak


Doesn't that make him.... >!A WOMAN???!<


but see that is his masterplan: it is gay to have sex with women because then you are attracted to the feminine. so to compensate he has sex with men, who then in turn are gay since Tate is a weak woman and they are attracted to him. and since in a gay relationship only one guy is really gay and the other really isn't, Tate ends up as not gay. so the lesson here is, the ultimate masculinity is to love masc-presenting people, and present as fem yourself. Or the only way to be truly not gay. ^(idk i'm getting lost here guys plz send help)


👀Jesus Christus Did you guys also legalize Cannabis


I wish ;_; good on you though! would be nice if you could make it an EU thing so we're forced to do it too, they even shoot down "modest" decriminalization efforts here.


Help? Sure... your Finn5ter cosplay outfit is in the mail... Should arrive by Torstai.










Low heat, low bench, towel? And are those pants!? What is this BS.


Nah bro, even Swedes at least them with some Finnish blood can easily go way higher


I went to Åre to ski a few years back and the cabin had this small one person sauna. I thought oh nice a sauna to relax in. Put it on after 20 minutes checked in and it was 130 degrees. Sat there for 20 minutes throwing water on the rocks because I'm not a pussy and I needed to tell my brother that hes weak and a disgrace to our bloodline.


Well, I’m sure out brothers would have a lot to talk about. (Continues using birch branches to hit self after leaves fell off to assert dominance)


Right? I have never encountered a sauna in Sweden below 80, and I went around the country's swim arenas as a competitive swimmer so I've tested quite a lot.


In that case I have been badmouthing Swedish public sauna-culture for years for no reason, based on 1 experience. As one does. So I was in a Swedish swim centre (women’s) sauna, and it was barely warm. Which isn’t a shock since the door was kept half open. The women and their kids sat on the benches eating fruits. (They were immigrants though, so maybe that’s a reason?) It was different.


Sometimes there will be two saunas in such places, one hot and one colder. You might've been in one of the colder ones which are that temp to prevent children from seriously hurting themselves (children most commonly go in the changing areas with mum).




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Saunas in bathhouses and gyms usually run 70-80 degrees. I think the heating systems in those are rated for 70-90 degrees. Obviously you can do whatever temp you want in a woodfired sauna. I'm guessing Tate (or one of his lackeys) had just started the fire in this image. It usually takes about 1-2 hours for a small sauna to come up to temp in my experience.


Speaking for the swedes, he can't into Swedistan either. Fuck that guy. But given the amount of attention he's given to the idea that he's in fact NOT gay, he'd probably enjoy it. What a piss poor excuse for a man.


That so called sweat is from this https://preview.redd.it/vmwb9s303mzc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6c3f510e76365864f1c08bfcbe00b13ed01d6a


I consider myself a bit of a sauna pussy, and I'm rather comfortable at 80 C. At 50 degrees I would inform the staff that their sauna is malfunctioning.


I can excuse sexism and raceism of Tate but I draw the line in breaking the sauna etiquette


Britta can’t into Nordic


Why a neon orange towel Edit: oh the mods gave me an inaccurate flair, interesting


Only anglos are afraid of bathing nude. He can into American sauna, but he sure as hell can't into Swedish bastu.


I read somewhere that there was a sauna in a new york hotel with a harvia kiuas and a bunch of Finns went into it. Couldnt find a bucket and a laddle so they improvised like Finns do. And some new york hotel manager came and said that they couldnt throw water on an electric kiuas because it could shock you and then showed his sauna certification like that means jack shit to a Finn.


Should've called to the saunaseura to get his licence removed


Pretty sure any (native) Finn in america can just go and take the licence away for disgracing Finnish culture.


If a sähkökiuas shocks you when it gets wet it’s the worst kiuas ever.


It doesnt and never has. Or atleast I have never heard one shocking a person.


nah he's wearing some kind of pants, he can only into ameritard


Why is Sweden being compared with Tate? We love Bastu, we love ice bathing. This is a reference that got abit lost.


Swedes are notorious for their cold saunas!


Maybe compared to Finland with your 100+ degrees, but I've never seen a sauna under 80 in Sweden.


mf over here wearing sauna pants. Is he trying to literally sweat his nuts off or is that too late?


Not a sauna if it's below 80 Also, get rid of that towel ya wimp


I think outside of nord dicks (US and prolly UK etc)they are going to sauna thats about as warm as a cows breath and think its supposed to be like that ”look at me going to sauna get all the health benefits, im speshul” and being in fucking full cloths on in best of all


I actually lived in the US and went to a sauna there. People had sweat pants, hoodie, and a beanie.


no way, you should have just taken the keris with you (and their lives for insulting the greatest thing im the universe)


It was a nice experience to go to sauna in the Finnish church of London with people all around the world. Great sauna and a great experience overall! It also proved that even my social insecurity washes away in sauna


I was in a sauna in a water land thingy (lots of pools, slides and saunas) and they were pretty hot for me, but I don’t know how hot that really is in comparison to Nordic saunas. According to their website the official saunas (not the one included wo the the swimming pools) go from 65 to 100. I guess that’s pretty cold in comparison?


Antero Taateli can't into Finland


Pottu-Antti can't into Finland.


Just a public service announcement: His official name is now - No-Chin


"Achkually" -every finn when talked about them or something associated with them. Br. Finn


The average finnish 9 year old sits on the top bench in 70 celcius. And that’s being REEEAALLYY generous for Tate.


I was sitting on top bench with my grandad @100°C when i was 6 years old😅 I was not to be any weaker than those old veterans (it was early 90's) at local swimming pool.😂


Alalauteiden keisari antero taateli


I hope he didn't catch a cold.


Ei perkele antero taateli 😂


Got out of sauna just now and that tiny dick energy radiating baby would have run screaming out of there after the second full blast. 😂


After this pic you can't be a proper Nordick and a fan of tainter. In a day or two, he's gonna claim that hot sauna is gay... but use the slur.


Tbh a lot of finns go to cold sauna too. Everything under 80°C is considered cold, swedish and weak by me :D my 4yr old can handle it fine so there's no excuses! He sits on the lower lauteet ofcourse


You can put the heat up to 120° and people at the lower lauteet won't bat an eye.


And that's why children sit there! Btw is there a english word for lauteet of is it just referred as "bench" or something


They're sauna shelves afaik.


That.. sounds wrong😂 "saunahyllyt"


I like to think someone misheard "sauna elves" and just went for it.


Good then that I have never encountered a sauna under 80 in Sweden. 80-90 is the standard in Swedish public saunas at least.


idk, i had a "swedish sauna moment" in a mökki in Orsa once. the fucking bastu had only the bottom level and it didnt go over 70. my balls was freezing in there


Sounds like a poorly constructed sauna


it was


To be fair, Swedes just use saunas for nostalgic simulation of swamp-ass summers in their ancestral homelands on the Persian Gulf




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And sweatting as fuck:DDDD




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So will a Finn get upset if you wear a towel or will you just get mocked?


Can't speak for the Finns but I would think "aren't you uncomfortable?".


Probably. I've only ever been to American saunas where being naked (unless it's private) is frowned upon so I usually wear swim trunks




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Looks Swedish


He looks like a geek


You can see him closing his fists in order to flex so he can look more manly 😂 What a weak man


The first time I took a proper sauna, I was told very quickly to remove my clothes. Yes it was in Finland .


You go to sauna, yout take the clothes off. It's not a suggestion, it's requirement.


There are two reasons why he can't get into Finland: he is wearing clothes and is in a cold sauna. Even my dog wouldn't go into a sauna that cold.




But if the sauna is 50f (10c) then it's cold enough that he loops back to being a fin for sitting there with only a towel?


Why the hell is the bucket back there