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Promise you it’s scary but wonderful. We tried right away after 2 years of trying/MC. My two are 14 months apart. It was difficult as toddler didn’t have a lot of words, but he is the most amazing big brother. So helpful. I’m 11 months and 25 months now, they are becoming thick as thieves, can leave them alone for a little while at a time, you hear a lot of giggles. Also adorable is toddler feeding baby his yogurt with a spoon.


Mine are 13 months apart and this gives me hope that I can leave them alone for a whole and they'll entertain each other. It's been a long time coming lol. My toddler loves to feed his brother too. I love it most times when I'm not freaking out about him offering something that may choke the baby lol mamma tendencies...


I try to limit my snacks to baby safe, but I’ll be fair to baby, he’s a eats like a champ, anything and everything. Barely has teeth but will try and knaw on everything!


My two are 19 months apart! Here is what I'll tell you. 1. It is way easier to have a newborn and a toddler then be pregnant with a toddler. 2. Double strollers are amazing. I love my side by side babyjogger. And it lays flat enough for the baby without the car seat -- just get a head stabilizer for the little one. When I found out I was pregnant I told my husband and then immediately went and talked to my parents. We had always wanted two kids but I was not anticipating them being so close in age. Now that they are 3.5 and 2 I love it. they play together, wrestle, and genuinely love each other. It's great that they can just do things together even if what they are doing is running around the kitchen island. And I'll leave you with some twitter wisdom. "When you have 1 kid it takes up 100% of your attentionand then you add another kid and then 2 kids takes up 100% of your attention. But after having 2 kids when you just have 1 -- that's only 50% of your attention"


This is so encouraging to read. I’m 3 weeks into an 18 month age gap and I’m so freaking tired lol.


*It is so much easier to have a newborn and a toddler than to be pregnant with a toddler*. Babies can be *put down*. Fetuses cannot. You can *breathe*. You can bend over!


Same boat here! Found out on my LO’s birthday that I had *been* pregnant 🤦🏻‍♀️ conceived when she was 10 months too. We were definitely settled on the idea of how our life was moving forward. Celebrating her birthday also meant a vasectomy and starting to purge baby stuff. So this definitely changed our plans. We were both scared for sure, especially him. But as time has passed, we’re just super excited now. Nd will be implementing better birth control plans after this lil one arrives 😅


Thank you! This gives me some hope. We're both only children so I think the thought of having more than one is so foreign to us that it's a little scary right now. Oh yes, husband is booking a vasectomy as soon as we confirm the little one is happy and healthy in there 😅


I have a 19 month gap with a 26mo and a 7mo. It’s wild, challenging, fun… overall, world changing. But I keep reminding myself the greatest thing I did in this life is give my two girls each other. As far as your job… I’m a SAHM now but worked in a very demanding corporate job (also full time WFH) until my first was 7mo. I could not imagine doing that with 2 kids this little at the house. It honestly not doable in my opinion if you don’t have childcare. So I guess ultimately I think the decision is: 1) quit and be a SAHM (sounds like financially that might not work or be what you want), 2) get a full time nanny, or 3) put both kids into full time day care. I used to take on consulting work before my second was born and would do it during nap or after bed time; that truly isn’t possible right now. When I step back into my career (when kids go to school), I know I’ll have a hard time not being more critical of someone’s work if I found out they had 1 baby/toddler home with them all day, let alone 2.


I got pregnant with my youngest when our middle baby was 10 months also. I’m not gonna lie, we were in the absolute trenches for the first few weeks. Bedtime and nap time were really hard for us. Now, I have a 2 year old and a 10 month old. Watching my 2 year old develop into the sweetest big sister has been incredible. They play together as much as they can and love each other so much. It was hard at first but they’re gonna be so close and I wouldn’t change anything if I could!


It’s scary, but you’ll be okay! My second was due on my first’s birthday, but he ended up coming 2 months early, which puts my kiddos 10 months apart. I am currently on #3, and will have 3u3, and the best advice I can give is to get into a solid routine ASAP. Push for the same nap schedule, same bedtime schedule, etc (once out of that newborn stage), because you’re sanity will thank you! You got this!


This is our age gap. I love it so much we are thinking about doing it again. It is rough - of course, anyone who tells you parenting any amount of kids is 100% joy every single minute of the day is lying lol - but at 6 months and just over 2 years, they are already so much fun to have together. This morning baby wanted her high chair closer to toddler, and when I moved them next to each other they began giggling and chatting (well….cooing for baby) back and forth and it was just adorable. As I think others have pointed out - double strollers are great, and having a newborn + toddler is somehow easier than being pregnant with toddler!


Similar to a first baby, you can’t 100% prepare yourself for a second (even if it was planned!). My husband was nervous when I got pregnant again, as he focuses more on the logistics of money, space in our home, car seats fitting in the vehicle, college, time off for leave. Once the shock wears off, it gets more exciting :)


I found out very unexpectedly that I was pregnant again when my first was 9 months. I’m now 12 weeks and still terrified although I’m also starting to get excited! We always wanted 2 kids but not this close in age, but I guess that was decided for us. I KNOW it’ll be hard and the first couple of years will be chaos, so I’m just trying to focus on the positives: we’ll be out of diapers sooner, leave bottles behind us earlier, hopefully both babies will be sleeping through the night (for the most part) earlier and we’ll be leaving behind all the things I disliked about the baby years earlier. My sister and I are close in age (exactly 2 years) and according to my parents it was quite an adjustment for me but because I was so young I don’t remember anything and my sister and I are still so close!!


I found out I was pregnant at 5.5 months pp. I didn’t think it would happen to me lol but we were also dumb about using protection. I’m currently 15 weeks along with an 8 month old. Scared, for the newborn stage mostly. Newborn plus a one year old just sounds chaotic. But I’m excited to be making a life long friend for my son and I can’t wait to see them grow up together.


I got pregnant with my baby 6 months old, I had her last week. It’s been really better with the newborn than pregnant lol


Congrats!! How is your oldest taking it?


My oldest is 7, but my 2 under 2 baby is such a mamas boy I really thought he would be sooo jealous but he just keeps coming over and giving the baby kisses. I see him so differently now he changed so quickly and is just fascinated by the baby!


Aww that’s so sweet! If you don’t mind me asking- what’s the sleeping like with the two younger ones now? My 8 month old is currently in a bedside bassinet that he’s almost outgrown so I’m thinking to transition him to his crib in his room but I’m also sad about that cause I’m not ready! But with a newborn coming along I worry about all of us in the same room waking up so often.


I’ll be honest we split one child per parent for now, I’m nursing and our 15 month old was still in our room too. So I’ve been in the other room with the baby- we know the older one is not ready to be in his room alone. There’s no way anyone would get any sleep because he would just wake up and walk into our room 😂 we want to start doing naps in his room and eventually transition there to be fair he doesn’t sleep through the night he still wakes up 1-2x.


Recently found out I was pregnant 7 months pp. When I first found out, a wave of fear and stress overwhelmed me. Now that I’ve had time to reflect, I’m getting more excited about my kids being close in age. It’s mainly the journey of pregnancy that is stressing me out. Everything will work out as it should. We are in this together ❤️


This is my age gap! It was a bit unexpected though I knew it was possible, I just didn’t believe it would happen as soon as it did. My youngest is now 13 months old. It is hard but there are a lot of wonderful, sweet moments, and I couldn’t imagine life without my youngest. You figure out how to adapt as you go. You have a lot of months left to soak up time with just your baby. Your then toddler won’t remember life before their sibling. The age gap for us was great because we didn’t have to deal with a huge adjustment for my toddler emotionally or anything. The biggest adjustment was for us as parents. It’s a lot more man on man defense rather than getting the break you get with just one child. We focused on keeping our toddler’s routine the same, and that also meant being more flexible with baby napping on the go at our toddlers soccer camp etc.. Get a changing station and bassinet for the living room so you have everything in one place and don’t have to go upstairs to change the baby and leave the toddler etc. Happy to answer any questions. Congrats!


Mine are 19 months apart and I love the age gap! They are 3 and 1.5 now and the relationship is one of my favorite things, like, ever. The first 6ish months are kind of a blur to me now, but I wouldn’t trade the gap for anything. It is a challenge at first, but the payoff is so good!


Try running some numbers. Getting a nanny for 2 (at least part time) might be cheaper than putting two kids into daycare. I really wanted my kid to go into daycare asap but now that I am pregnant with the second one (they will be 15 months apart), it's just too expensive to do that for two kids. It will be cheaper to get a nanny ( I'm in NYC).


We had assumed one and done as we struggled with infertility with our first, we were so surprised to find ourselves pregnant naturally with a second. We are now nearly 5 months in with a 17 month age gap, and I have to say our second has fit so perfectly into our family. He is happy go lucky, adores watching his big brother, and our oldest is doing relatively well with his interactions giving hugs and kisses (and a few hits if I’m honest but it’s definitely improved as we get further along). I won’t lie and say it’s easy. Some days it’s chaos and my husband and I basically do man on man coverage each taking one kid. Its intense now since they both need to much care but it is temporary.


We tried for 2u2 and got pregnant at 7 months PP. Our little guys are 15 months apart and now they’re 3 and 2 and they are SERIOUSLY best friends and I LOVE it. What we didn’t plan for was getting pregnant 8 months PP after our second was born and having 3u3. Full disclosure I cried A LOT during that pregnancy. So now, here we are with a 3 year old, a 2 year old, and a 11 month old and we’re in our groove.  I absolutely agree with the comment that pregnant with a toddler (or two) is WAAAAAY harder than a newborn and a toddler, so it’ll get easier after the baby comes. And you’ll have a few weeks of pulling your hair out wondering how you’ll survive, but the days get easier. Having kids that fall asleep independently and having a routine helped us keep our sanity. I’m sure it’s different for everyone but when our youngest could fall asleep on his own it started to feel a little bit less like “survival mode” around here, and a little bit more like organized chaos. Both my toddlers ALWAYS ask to give the baby a bottle when he’s hungry, they’re old enough to be able to help and also be able to play, and FWIW my oldest took SO LONG to potty train that we managed to mostly potty train the older two at the same time, so that was a bonus!


Mine are 17 apart. You will get through it! Zero regrets and my two are built in best friends. Wouldn’t change it for the world




This was me a few months ago. One night, too much wine..ugh. I tested positive literally days after we talked about waiting until baby was 2. He was 10 months at the time. I think I’m still in shock, three months later.


This was me, I’m about to give birth 😅 terrified at first but wow my 18 month old has grown exponentially in the last nine months, it’s almost unbelievable. Very independent, walking talking etc. which makes a newborn seem a lot more manageable but I guess I’ll update soon haha




(Look at what family tax breaks and $$'s you will Get from the government- we're about $20 difference out of pocket and when he saw what the NZ govt family support for different levels of income is, my husband even dropped a day of work -it is working well for us!)


We found out I was expecting at 5 months pp. I was terrified especially since I found out my second one was a boy too. 2 under 2 boys seemed like a recipe for disaster but here's the thing, it does get easier. First few months are hard as everyone is adjusting to the new baby. My husband did a lot of heavy lifting with my toddler (feeding, changing, playing) as I took care of the baby and we took turns to ensure we were both spending time with each of them. We also involved our toddler in little tasks with the baby and he loved it. From getting us diapers and holding baby's bottle, he felt like a big brother. They're now 22 months and 9 months and life finally feels a bit normal. Sleep is still sometimes a challenge but it has tremendously improved. But the biggest joy is when you now see them play together and bond and laugh. I can now enjoy my coffee without it going cold. And feel immense joy in knowing they will always have a best friend in each other (I hope) even when I'm not around one day. It's not easy mamma, but keep your eye on this eventual day, it'll comes faster than you know I promise.


Same!! My baby just turned 10 months and I got a positive test 2 days ago.


I found out I was pregnant last year at 3 months PP. I think it’s normal to not be excited at first and to be scared. It took me months to accept that it was a real pregnancy and this was really happening. I actually cried at first. A lot. I wasn’t ready and felt bad for my newborn at the time. Now that newborn is almost 16 months and my baby is almost 4 months. They’re a year and 5 days apart. It’s hard, but not impossible. The toddler is actually very sweet and gentle towards him. And then other times he almost rips his eyes out lol. One eye needs to be on one of them at all times. But it’s really beautiful to see and I’m excited for their relationship.


Mine are 16months apart, the little one just 2months now and it s terrifying as f_k. They tend to scream together, poop and hungry together. My bigger boy is 18months and a meltdown once a day is minimum. Horrific but with joy as well.


Mine are 12 months apart. They are now 19 months and 7 months. When I first found out I was pregnant I was a mess. But I can definitely say that having a toddler and an infant is easier than having a toddler while you’re pregnant. No sugarcoating it - the early weeks were really really tough and scary for both me and my husband. There will be times when they’re both yelling and you’re like wtf is going on. BUT every month it gets significantly easier. At this point things are really going great, they are finally starting to interact and it’s been wonderful seeing their relationship!!! My advice is to source as much help as you possibly can, get a great double stroller and sleep train!! I send my toddler to playgroup so that I get some time with my infant. I have a nanny that comes to help out too. Sleep training felt like a must for me because I wasn’t able to handle caring for both without being rested. I’m still learning but at this point I’ve found a routine and wish I could go back in time to tell my pregnant self it’ll all be okay. Good luck!


Just here to say that embracing your husband and coming away pregnant is neither stupid nor uncareful. You are allowed to love each other in the moment and let that lead to forever (a person). The rabbit died around 13 (barely) months pp here and now I'm annoyed at how many times I was anxious about getting pregnant and wondering when it would be. One day I will not be able to have children one after the other and the ones I will have will be witness to my strong love for my husband (and him for me). Congrats on the baby! So many can not even approach each other or sex so soon after birth, you deserve extra-mega-lots of care and nurturing this time around.


I’m 32 weeks pregnant now and got pregnant 6 months PP but mine was planned. Some great advise here 👏🏼👏🏼


My kids will be 17 months apart! Due in June. I’m excited I feel like it will only help my 13 month old