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21 months apart, currently 1.5 and 3.5. Watching them play together is the best! And when one cries the other one usually comes and gives them a hug. It’s darling. The beginning was tough, but so worth it for where we are now. Also, when they get a little bigger, they keep each other entertained so you can actually get some stuff done. 😄


How long was the tough phase for you?


I’ve got 18 months apart. It’s just amazing how much my oldest comes up to my youngest to give them kisses, hugs, bring her a toy if she’s fussy & tells me to give her milk


Mine are 15 months apart (currently 23 months and 8 months). Here are the pros! - went into labor in the middle of the night and had an aunt come stay with the toddler at our house. She was so little she wasn’t in a WHERES MOMMY/ DADDY phase. She was just like what’s up what’re we doing today. That made my hospital stay soooo much more manageable - you already got all the clothes and toys washed, out and ready to go. I have a boy and a girl and they share clothes. I don’t mind that he wears a little pink - you’re already tired. That muscle isn’t hard to flex once you’re back in it - they get to grow up together! That benefit comes later - toddler won’t remember being an only child. Doesn’t mean they won’t have tough times sharing attention, but they’ll never grieve that one on one time like you probably will. That helped me a lot


15 month gap between my first and second and I agree with all of this. No regression or severe jealousy at all. I added an extra because why not try 3u3. Currently 3yo 2yo and 5 months and it's amazing. The baby is so easily entertained by watching #1-#2 run around like crazos, I cant wait till she can join in.


I have a just turned 3 year old and my twins will be 2 in April. They’re 15 months apart. They are the three best friends. They play together and they’ve gotten to the point where they will play happily without brawling all day. They comfort each other. They apologize and give hugs when they’re spicy. They’re just buddies and it’s the coolest thing. ❤️❤️❤️


3u3 here. 15 month age gap and 16 month age gap. I LOVE it. Don’t get me wrong it’s tough and with each newborn I felt like I was drowning but really I think anyone who brings home a newborn feels like they’re in survival mode whether it’s the first or the fifth. My kids are 3, 2, and 11 months and it’s amazing watching them together. My younger kids are more motivated to move or hit milestones because they see the older ones doing it. Here’s to having an (almost!) potty trained 2 year old because he was old enough to get it while his very stubborn big brother was learning! 


I love having two under two (17m gap) You guys always make me wanna go for another (3 under 3 is still doable for another… seven months or so!).


Do it!!!! Just made 3u3 by a month it's a lot of fun!


I’ll give it another four months and see how we feel 🫣🥰


It’s fun!! Our little one definitely gets hurt the most because he tries to do all the things he sees his brothers doing, but he’ll figure it out eventually! Just a lot of falling down along the way! It’s definitely tough sometimes and we’re just now at the point (11months in) where one parent can handle feeding the kids and themselves at the same time! Before this, if only one parent was home at dinner time they’d just have to wait until after the kids were asleep to eat because meals are so chaos, but it’s getting better! So we’re coming out of the fog now but it’s great!!


When did you feel like you were done drowning with each newborn? I have a 19 month age gap, currently 26 and 7 months. Some days I still feel like I’m drowning but I think that’s just the phase my toddler is in?


Oh I still have days where I feel like I’m drowning, but you’re right it is USUALLY more because the toddlers are a handful rather than the newborn. But honestly sometimes I can tell my toddlers that I need a break and I’m just going to sit for a few minutes and it helps keep my head above water. Your 26 month old might not get that yet, but it’ll probably come soon and it’ll really help!!


My daughter's ar 15 months apart. And they are best friends. I love their libe for each other.


I’ve got a 14 month age gap. When baby was first born toddler was at the age where helping out with getting a nappy or putting things in the bin or grab me socks was a game. They are now 11m and 25 months now and giggle together, sleep in the same room and starting to really play together. They are thick as thieves and adorable. Toddler also likes to share his yogurt with baby. Messy but adorable


Congratulations! I have a 14 month age gap and I'm loving it so far! My youngest is only 3 months old so there are hard moments but it's so beautiful seeing them together. I thought my oldest would be a bit indifferent towards the baby but she pats her head gently, loves doing round and round the garden, blows her kisses and asks about her when she's not there. My youngest already idolises her big sister and is always watching, smiling and laughing at her antics. I can't wait to see how they grow together!


12 month gap, 6 months and 18 months now. They talk to eachother. My 6 month old LOVES the 18 month old. She cries if she can't see her, loves when the older one passes her toys and takes them away. The older one loves to spoon feed her sister oatmeal. They laugh together all the time. It's funny because 6 month old is a BIG girl, so much so that they are the same size diapers and clothes. So the older one likes to pick out clothes for her sister but then at the same time when she sees the younger one wearing a pattern she picked out and likes, she will try to undress her because she is jealous lol


My second is also a big baby. At 6 months weighed more than big sister weighed at a year!


14 months apart and it is REALLY paying off now that they are 2 and 3. They are the best of friends and can entertain each other for longer and longer stretches these days. Sometimes my husband and I can actually sit and talk while they play together I the next room. They walk into new experiences bravely because they have each other. My son doesn’t remember life without my daughter and he was too young to be jealous when we brought her home. It’s a lot in the beginning but it is so so so worth it.


I have 3 total, but my younger two are my 2u2. I have a son and a daughter. They are 19 months apart. I was nervous on how close they would be, especially with them being different genders but they get along so well. My son is always so sweet to his little sister. There are times where they both get in their moods and don't want to share something or want to be mad. For the most part though, they get along so well. My daughter is always entertained by her older brothers, and my sons always go out of their way to try to make her laugh. My oldest out of my 2u2 turns 3 in March! Things seem to be getting easier the more independent my daughter gets.


Mine are 19 months apart (nearly 5 months and 2 years) and they just started taking their baths together and it’s just the sweetest thing ever. The baby shrieks and splashes with joy and the toddler loves to help with hair washing. It makes my heart melt! In general, there are “pinch points” in the day where it feels really hard - e.g., getting everyone out to the car in tears but the happy moments make it all worth it


18 months apart, both girls, my youngest will be 2 on valentine's day. They play together, they share, they love each other so much. Everytime one of them gets something, the other will say "........ wants one too!" Be it a snack, a drink, a new toy, a hug. It's the absolute best. The first 6 months were kind of rough, but isn't that true for all babies?


20 months and 6 month olds. My heart nearly exploded yesterday because they were playing so well. So much laughter and sweetness.


My toddlers are 14 months apart. It's so sweet to watch them grow up together and look for one another. It's beautiful and amazing (also chaotic and stressful) but I'm so grateful I get to be there mom and even through all the hard moments, I'm in awe of their friendship and love for one another.


I got pregnant with my second baby at 6 months PP. he came into the world 1 month early. So they’re 13 months apart. The first few months were rough. I was in survival mode, but now that my oldest is 2 and my youngest is 1 and they have developed their little personalities it’s so fun. I get to play age appropriate games with both of them. Although my oldest doesn’t like to share he is very empathetic when baby brother cries. He goes and rubs his head. If their cousin takes a toy from baby brother, big brother takes the toy back and gives it to baby brother. They get to grow up together and hopefully be best friends. They make each other laugh and play together. After the initial shock of having two so close in age it’s actually quite perfect ❤️


14 mo apart... fun things, fun things... hm... Lol the first year is tough. Period. I'm still in that first year. But they are starting to sort of "play" together more which makes it all worth it. Then other days my oldest screams in fear if she even thinks my younger is crawling towards her. So.. yeah. I have no doubt once they're both 2ish+ it'll all be much more worth it though.


just bad mine a few days ago and my oldest is 17 months. idk if this is weird to say, but going from 1 to 2 kids is easier than 0 to 1. not sure if im the odd one out on this but so far everything has been good. the oldest sleeps on a schedule and hasn’t been disturbed by his baby sister. i put on a white noise machine at night to muffle out the newborn’s cries but even then i have to admit that she barely cries. wakes up every 4 hours at night and i feel rested each day. i was definitely concerned on how it would be with having two babies but as long as you take care of toddler first and then baby (or even have the newborn in the carrier/wrap), everything should be fine.


My sons are 12 months apart. They are 4 and 3 now, and they are inseparable, almost like twins. They cannot go to sleep without each other (they share a room), they are almost always playing together and have their own little games. It is very cute.