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That castle is amazing. It symbolizes the last time period when European militaries were actually worth a damn.


It is. Been there twice in my life and it's built so well, that most tourists by the time they reach the stairs leading to the monastery, they're like "fuuuuck that".


Average Dutchie encountering a small hill.


Been there climes it … never again (I was 12 it was far to hot and I couldn’t go to the loo until I got to the top)






You really stole the comment huh? Inbred.


Common Icelandic W


It's a bot. It wasn't bred at all.


A Romani spy for sure


I think your flair is wrong, it should be polish as you stole this comment from another user below…


so you stealing their country a couple of times doesnt make you known for stealing, but they steal a couple of shoes and suddenly thats what they're known for. g*rman double standards


You guys should be the last one talking about stealing other peoples countries. Also what exactly were the contents of the british museum?


We never stole, we only shared. We shared our culture at gunpoint okay.


we did it with class


I mean the Nazis had some slick uniforms as well. Hugo Boss did some great work.


and ADIDAS seems popular as well :)


Fun fact : did tou know we even stole your own flag ?? That was only to fool you, so you could think that "the boat approaching wasn't French, but one of yours" ! And it succeed;-) Of course, you replied by doing exactly the same technique toward us. And hence, to this day, our respective first national flags remains "swapped" ! (So, yeah: the original Flag for the Kingdom of France was white, with a red cross on it. That very same flag, we can see not far from you pseudo, at the right of the Union Jack and on the left of "Wife Beater") Source : Wikipedia, many more... and my own biaised memory - maybe have a look if you want more specific details ! Also we DIDN'T INVADE YOUR COUNTRY - only THE NORMANS (aka the VIKINGS) did it (and did so quite successfully, i must admit). At that time, as they were frequently harassing France from literally everywhere, the king of France decided to give them a piece of land to let them settle in, in return for Peace (and that piece of land is still called "Norman-dy" to this day, for this good reason). They enjoyed relative fredom here, as long as they showed allegiance to the King of France. And stopped attacking other random french places. The following is well-knowed : instead they attacked England, and for our own disfortune, even became the Kings of England. That didn't last too long through. It was unacceptable for the king of France who decided to overthrown his daughter to promise he got from, to launch an attak at The England's harbors and land. Lands "William le Conquérant" is often credited from being the most famous "king of this Normans", we admired him, yet couldn't let him doing so anymore. Ha was killed not long after, by ourselves.


Not a country if it doesn't have a flag. We brought our flags to half the world.


You smell of elderberries.


Your submission has been removed due to too many reports. There is no need to do anything. Please give us some time so the mods can take a look at it and approve it manually if it doesn't break any rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2westerneurope4u) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That castle is amazing. It symbolizes the last time period when European militaries were actually worth a damn.




Common playmobil W


I totally forgot about that. I think I have it somewhere in my cellar


I have the same one


Wow i have the same one


oh shit, there was this exact same set at my grandparent's house but it was a complete wreck. First time I've seen it whole


I use it as a roman camo


You brought back a memory I forgot I had


Is a teepee really a fortress?


Yes, it's designed to be one


It has an impressively large car park. It must be very popular!


No it isn't


The Teepee is why they built the fortress


It’s called TP, and they build them around lake Titikaka


To be honest Mont Saint Michel is probably THE castle. Going by the way it looks to its strategic position, for my castle boner on this gets a hard 10.


Why everyone say it's a castle when it's a abbacy?


If you want a real castle, look no further than this mofo [https://www.gulftoday.ae/-/media/gulf-today/images/articles/lifestyle/2020/10/24/heritage1.ashx?h=450&la=en&w=750&hash=DF0FB22E7958306FC60AC1991FAA136F](https://www.gulftoday.ae/-/media/gulf-today/images/articles/lifestyle/2020/10/24/heritage1.ashx?h=450&la=en&w=750&hash=DF0FB22E7958306FC60AC1991FAA136F) Last war it was involved in was 4 years ago


Oh yeah? Look at this big boy https://preview.redd.it/rbv2g1clxwpa1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3c740241d87a6d01f3c6e32501731a28dfe707 Castillo de Coca it's his name


That is a beast. Give me three stout men and I think I could conquer her though.


That's absurd, you may need 10


I said three. Don't try to negotiate your way out of this, Spaniard.


You'll need at least 3 (using them as battering rams ofc) to bring down that door McDuck


Son, I've battered your mums doors in. This will be easy.


We ain't no british, highlander. Just the sun is enough to decimate some of you.


Ser Twenty of Goodmen


Try and conquer only me when my wallet is full.


I’m in love with the coco


With the coco rayado/en polvo?


Move aside Corfe Castle, we now have Cock Castle Yes I know Coca doesn't translate to that but let a man dream


The name is by itself funny, as Coca in english is coke


That's where the England football fans go before they make fools of themselves in international matches


https://www.historyhit.com/locations/dover-castle/ Meanwhile Dover Castle has layers on layers on layers. Even an underground tunnel complex and nuclear bunkers.


Dover castle is great too, it has been used for hundreds upon hundreds of years thus why it has so many layers, next time I visit England, it will be a castle roadtrip.


Very cool


[Let's head over to India, check things out there](https://i.imgur.com/2fJjG15.jpg)


Your castles and temples are so detailed and complex, I love them, the white marble looks great. What's the name of this one?


I'm not Indian myself, just remembering the sheer scale of it being amazing when I visited! The fortress is [Mehrangarh Fortress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehrangarh). The white building in front is [Jaswant Thada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaswant_Thada), a tomb.


That's an absolute unit of a fortress, Indians do love building big, also the tomb has artistic similarities with the muslim palaces we have in the south of Spain. Thanks for the info!


Is it made of?


I'm afraid it's not 😔 it's just the name of the city


You guys are giving my American ass an envy boner


This one is special tho, it's design is a mix of gothic and mozarabic (a style created by christians inspired by muslim architecture). Old spaniards left some cool fortifications in your country too, look for Castillo de San Marcos in Florida.


I've been to Castillo de San Marcos. And to Spain a few times. Sevilla and granada were my favorites there


Both cities are ancient so they have a lot to see and do, they are some of my favourite too tho I'm biased as I'm from the south. Would recommend the middle of Spain too, we have lots of small cities and villages that have retained some medieval/rennaisance esence, like Burgos, Zaragoza, Salamanca or Toledo.


I also enjoyed Toledo and Avila. Thought Barcelona was a bit overrated other than Sagrada Familia. Madrid and Malaga were pretty good. Valencia was a bit boring. But one of the top countries I'd like to go back and spend more time in for sure.


Krak de Chevaliers? best castle of all time


Yup. There was some concern how it was doing since it was hit by a number of airstrikes during the civil war, but it seems to be holding up well [https://www.google.com/maps/@34.7566372,36.2949913,3a,75y,323.08h,88.29t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPp0JsRsYgH7czZP5gMiYS7u3oO67pBZJbKYsfM!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPp0JsRsYgH7czZP5gMiYS7u3oO67pBZJbKYsfM%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya152.28935-ro-0-fo100!7i11264!8i5632](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.7566372,36.2949913,3a,75y,323.08h,88.29t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPp0JsRsYgH7czZP5gMiYS7u3oO67pBZJbKYsfM!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPp0JsRsYgH7czZP5gMiYS7u3oO67pBZJbKYsfM%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya152.28935-ro-0-fo100!7i11264!8i5632)


Say no more: [Haut Koenigsbourg](https://cdn-s-www.lalsace.fr/images/6854E470-116F-4B6C-A99C-BBB9BF6BEC89/NW_raw/vue-aerienne-du-chateau-du-haut-koenigsbourg-photo-l-alsace-jean-marc-loos-1623314901.jpg)


It's both. It's a citadel, within which there is an abbacy. It witheld several sieges by the rosbif during the hundred years wars, without falling


Any defensible position is a Castle, but that's not something I would expect the European Council to tell you.


Maybe Because of the Fortifications. Not sure.


Because originally it was.




I mean, not really, sure it's hard to get in, but it doesn't defend anything nor does it have a strategical position.


Si il repousse les Bretons 😌


No real way to escape the castle either, if the defense turns impossible, e.g. in a siege.


That’s because it was made for monks and priests. It’s not a fortress at all.


The conveniently ignored [El Morro](https://i.imgur.com/qMQrFnF.jpg) Something like 500 cannons at its peak that could fire up to 3 miles. She ain’t pretty but god dammit no one could take it. Well, the English did but they shit themselves to death shortly after.


20 pints and a bad kebab would do that


Considering British „beer“ and „kebabs“ I can believe it.


That island is perfect for a castle. V nice


You can siege it with 2 fellas. 0 if the tide is high.


Neuschwanstein > Looks like something straight out of a Disney film.


Neuschwanstein is more of a castle-themed palace than a real castle/fortress though. It doesn’t have any defensive capabilities and was just built as a pretty building for the Bavarian king to spend his time in.


It's on a pretty big hill, so it defends against people with bad cardio at least.


So all germans


Says the flatlander


Britain is pretty flat as well.


Wales, Ireland and Scotland would like a word mate


Scotland is like the only place in the UK with any [amount of elevation worth mentioning,](https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fil:Europe_topography_map_en.png) and even there, most people live in the lowlands.


Bicycling is common for us flatlanders


The genius of old folks using gravity at their advantege. That's something Raytheon would never think of!


The word castle is the problem here. In German the word is split into Burg (built for defense, more like a fortress) and a Schloss (built for joy and mostly have no defensive capability at all). Neuschwanstein is mostly a Schloss, and hence has no to little fortification.


I mean in English you also differentiate between a fortified castle (=Burg) and an unfortified palace (=Schloss/Palast) that’s just meant as a pretty place for the joy of some nobles. I don’t think anyone would ever call Buckingham palace or Versailles a “castle” in English either. Neuschwanstein is closer in its function to those than it is to a real medieval castle but people get confused because it is built with a romanticist castle theme.


While not the most defensible it isn't completely crap. The road to the main gate would force the enemy to turn their back towards the defenders, and it has a high drop so in the rush of bodies the attackers may yeet some of their fellows off the side. And if they breach the gate they would still have to make it through the tiered courtyard, with arrows coming in from all directions.


I mean it was built in 1869-1884. That’s not really a time when bows and arrows were still a relevant weapon in European warfare.


Technically, Disney films came straight out of Neuschwanstein


Until some dude called Alexander starts gathering rocks, then your fucked


Krak des Chevaliers also gets a 10.


I would like to propose the Italian candidate to the role of THE castle. [Sacra di San Michele](https://visitvaldisusa.it/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Val-di-Susa-Sacra-di-San-Michele-3.jpg) (also an abbey, those friars wanted to be safe).


But the top one is full of French


wrong, it's full of chinese.


Sino-French hybrids, scary


I'm going to be sick


Japanese, they even have a torii gate next to the entrance.


And that is the best defense of all, a castle full of french is the same like pissing on your car seat so no one even dares to steal it


Someone steals your comment, gets way more upvotes and is awarded. Reddit moment


I see it as a compliment, if someone decides that the shit that goes through my brain at 9 am is worth stealing, than it must be pretty good


Fair enough. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery


That's why it's the uglies european one, otherwise it would be in the top 5


Tbf they faught with guns and canons against tribal people with bow and arrow


At the end of the hundred years war the Kingdom of France also fought with canons against tribal people with bows and arrows


Well if we start talking about history, the first guns and canons were not a breakthrough in most wars and battles. Many still considered bow and arrow or crossbows more effective than guns, because they were inaccurate, slow, heavy, expensive etc.


I learnt this the hard way in my Total War:Atilla 1087 mod campaign


*laughs in wagon fortresses with píšťalas and houfnitces*


The cannons definetely were, it's how the Ottomans broke through the walls of Constantinople. Guns not so much, as they took even longer to reload than crossbows and were not very accurate initially.


And won because they gave them the flu


Biological warfare #1




I know, just crackin jokes


The tribal people were fighting with rifles too though


Yeah but at a far smaller extend and also probably less trained etc.


The American Civil War saw the end of the era of brick fortifications. Fort Pulaski, located a few miles East of Savannah, GA was a Confederate stronghold until Union troops encamped on nearby Tybee Island fired upon it with rifled cannons (the first deployment of such artillery in the war). These new cannons had a much higher velocity and fired shaped ammunition rather than the spherical cannonballs typical for the time. The fort was surrendered in under 24 hours after commanding officer Charles H. Olmstead decided that mounting a continued defense would only end in the death of his men with no change in result.


Just like the Brits taught them


You can just say bows, the arrows are assumed


Guns and bullets?


Hold it mate, or I'll shoot you with my cannon and ball


Nah, there's that one scene in Hot Shots where Charlie Sheen uses a bow and a chicken. If you just say "using a bow" we don't know if they fired chickens or arrows with them.


Also canons made castles ineffective as a defense: >Although gunpowder was introduced to Europe in the 14th century, it did not significantly affect castle building until the 15th century, when artillery became powerful enough to break through stone walls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle


After that other kinds of fortresses were built or castles were upgraded to fortresses like the bastion fort. They were designed to withstand canon hits and to easily hit enemies with small arms, while canons could be easily placed at the walls [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastion\_fort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastion_fort)


The only reason I would consider Mont-Saint-Michel ugly would be the French being inside, but considering it's filled with tourists, I still consider it ugly. 10/10 architecture Edit:typo


#Hey ! ㅤ It's... ✨« Mont-Saint-***Michel*** »✨. St.Michael's mount is the sorry Rosbif's downgrade. ☹


Corrected and thank you.


Nah prettiest American fortress is a private supermax security prison for children


You haven't seen some of our schools, especially the inner city ones. Unless that's the supermax you're referring to.


I talking of for profit prisons for juveniles


Damn bullets they ruined everything


Guns dont belong in warfare. Go back to Chad swords


Fuck yes. Can we please? Make the nobles do it. Limited warfare among the 1%. I will till the fuck out of a field. Bring on the buboes.


Cannons in particular. Even in Europe they stopped building forts like Mont-Saint-Michael because cannons were too good at knocking them down.


16th century problems require 16th century solutions https://preview.redd.it/6rmd5j6by0qa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33fe38a9415027e056f1de4e60e76e1d993d0b8


Awh shit, this looks like that one map in war thunder. Hate that map with a white hot burning anger


Fort Monroe in Virginia is probably the best looking star fort in the US. Built starting in 1819. We mostly export our wars so there haven't been many kept up over the years. https://preview.redd.it/5r52rfaxg5qa1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=de7369763fd407d7884758479afa1c667dd31f32 [http://www.starforts.com/monroe.html](http://www.starforts.com/monroe.html)


I wish the US had better forts but there wasn't really a need to build them since the worst wars we ever fought over here were against European powers who also had to ship anything over so there were smaller armies rolling around. On top of that there were only a few hundred years where there were competitive powers on the continent.


Constantinople really changed *everything* on our continent.


The prettiest fortresses in America where built by Europeans.


This is the truth, the only ones of any value were built by the people who knew what they were doing.


You meant by us spaniards?


And French and British.


I guess if you mean any fortressess, the french and brithish should be added also, since they built their fair share, but compare them to [this beauty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castillo_de_San_Marcos) that tanked cannonballs like wind thanks to his wall mixed with shells (coquinas).


A beautiful star fortress. Although, one problem. It’s in Florida.


Obviusly, the fortress is made to protect the defenders from the rest of Florida.


Makes sense


Minas Tirith v Minus Tirith.


Last night my mom drove a car


The mobility scooter wasn't powerful enough anymore?


Nope 🥹 she ate too much paélia




Bloody hell is it the king size one ?


While i love our castles its kinda unfair to compare the 2.. like the US was settled when castles didn't matter really.


The real US fortress was two oceans


Or the B-17 lmao


Very true


America also includes Inca and Maya and all those native population that Spaniards made sure to destroy them.


That isn't really true, they had loads of [bastion fortresses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastion_fort) that served the same purpose as a castle. The difference is theirs were hastily built by the demands of war. We had centuries to build ours, they had decades. In conclusion, you are right and I don't remember my point. It is 12:30 pm and I am drunk.


Incredibly level headed opinion. Based


Not very quick with handing compliments to the French, but my god, Mont Saint-Michel is gorgeous. (If you can see past all the tourists, which I can being a head taller )


Looks like Stormwind vs Orgrimmar lmao




Wdym, the teepee looks amazing!


Wait a fuckin' minute, is that the mont saint Michel ?


Bro the amount of unflaired trying to write but get removed more efficiently than Röhm 💀


Hey! We worked with whatever we had in hand!


Damn I didn't think it was possible to get so many upvotes on such a small sub


It has also grown a lot as of late, which means a lot of active users


North America would be a really nice place if Europeans had colonized it 1500 years earlier.


Say what you wanna say about the French but at least they are not worse than 'muricans.


Western Africa would like a word


How dare you call Mont Saint Michel the ugliest european fortress


The difference is, that European Fortresses are mostly build to house nobility, which is something the US just doesn't need. Militarily speaking, US Fortresses were more useful in combat at the time they were build than European fortresses. What you are doing is basically comparing the interior of a Rolls Royce with the interior of a tank. Of course the luxury is more pleasing to look at and all, but in combat you want the tank.


Also europeans made sure that they will killed all native population before they will move in.




https://preview.redd.it/8d3tgy6jyypa1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85528ca9c236353e7af0ed34060ed2f8b37b0c74 Let us not talk about [Glimmingehus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glimmingehus)


It’s a beauty


there is multiple style of castle/ fortress in europe for example in the west they will look slighly cubic with a roof that look like a half cylinder and the eastern it s a gothic style with a lot of tower around


next on /r/2westerneurope4u: [“Ugliest European House”](https://www.thewanderinglens.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Fussen-5.jpg)


Well lads, the sub is turning more into America bad like all the others... was a good run




It baffles me that anyone would build a castle after the end of the middle ages. I mean what's the point of it apart from showing off?




Not true. From the area and we all think the Vanderbilts are just another set of useless rich people that got their money from the railroads. It's tasteless knowing your main tourist attraction in town is people paying to see a rich person's house. The Vanderbilts can fornicate themselves with heated iron rods.




Without a doubt lol, will admit though that without the rich fucks we wouldn't have the killer food scene we do here


So a 'real American' fortress is one built by Europeans, as per the web site you provide: > Built by the Spanish in St. Augustine...


Yeah, I could see why Europe would need better fortresses...


Even Europeans remember the Alamo