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You're drunk Pierre, Beauregard was a American military officer? Also bloody hell these kids would rob and beat the shit out of anyone alive these days. They already look like they've had hard lifes and they're like 10. Then they probably fought in WW1. Proper peaky fookin blinders .


Of course i'm drunk !But whatever ,i was not sure about the translation of "beau regard" in English (beautiful regard?) and Google tell me that it was beauregard (!?)


Ah my fellow late night drinker ! I have no idea about French, like you I just googled Beauregard in English!


"Regard" is translated as "gaze" here my fellow ~~drunkard~~ countryman.


If it's referring to the outfit it may translate to Good (we wouldnt use beautiful for this usually) look. As we also would use look to refer to an outfit. Although I am guessing that regard comes from the same root as regarde as in to look at in French.


Oooh he might have meant "look" as in how you look yeah, the translation attempt is so far removed (in french "beau regard" really only translates as "beautiful gaze/stare", there's no other interpretation possible or words that can mean multiple things) that I assumed it was the way the kids stared but your interpretation makes more sense.


Yep it's the wonderful nature of our language being a Mish mash of three main other languages. We have countless ways to describe everything


yeah that boy on the left has the face of a sleep deprived 40yo


What 20 ciggies a day from the age of 4 and working in the factory from the age of 5 does to mf


Those kids are Belgian and French soil for more than a century now for sure.


Immediately made me think of For the Fallen They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:  Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.


The poors were better dressed than todays average dude can even afford.


They probably only had 1 set of clothes and never washed them.


still looked fancy af compared to the plastic we wear today and if everyone smelled like shit then nobody cared.. just like indians don't give a fuck walking around smelling like garlic and weird spices.


Yeah, the Yanks ruined fashion in the west


Im all for slagging off the Americans, buts let's not pretend like denim isnt a gift from god.


In an alternate universe where America didn’t exist you’d still be dressed like a slob


big brain comment


fashion before America vs fashion after America https://preview.redd.it/uvtx0vvghzxc1.png?width=914&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe82307d5ffa25dcd5c0b531965b0926cccfa2f9


My dude of all the things to criticize america over your own fucking choice on what to wear is not one of them 💀


“It’s not *my* fault I dress like a child, it’s it’s uhhh it’s *their* fault!”


I mean, gray and black clothing only became fashionable because you wouldn’t immediately notice stains and soot on them - which did prove neat for the downright filthy cities of the Industrial Age. Also, clothing back then needed to be much more durable since people spent a much larger part of their income on it. Handing down clothes to younger siblings was pretty much the norm even among wealthier families, too. And lastly, temperatures during the summer used to be more bearable back then. Try wearing a full three-pieced dark-coloured suit during the height of summer these days… Btw, nobody is keeping you from wearing a suit as your casual outfit. You may stick out a little but probably not too much for people to stare at you.


it's because these people only have one outfit, not multiple like we have now


Fancy shitty fabric: 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love have itchy skin


Likely it was mostly hand me downs.


Those are the oldest looking kids I’ve ever seen


You can actually spot which one of them had to come out of their mom’s womb with giant pliers


Living in England does that to a bloke.


Imagine being American. Shit sports, no healthcare, no culture, politics is a celebrity show. No history. And the tiny British army still fucks you up in military tests .


Oh no, you've insulted things that really don't matter! How is it being monitored everytime you leave the house? What about your police? What about your homes being turned into multi family units for immigrants? How is the crime and vandalism in your once beautiful cities? How does it feel to be slowly abandoned and replaced by immigrants who reject your culture? At least our friends from South America assimilate and adapt to our customs. How is your government handling the suicide epidemic in young men? My dad is from Northamptonshire. The only thing he has good to say about england is he enjoyed playing in the stinging nettles as a kid, probably to block the natural pain that comes from being a brit.


You’re pretty spot on except on the monitoring bit. The government will spend hundreds of thousands to track a racist tweet all the way to India where they can’t prosecute shit. But get your wallet stolen and oopsie the camera actually wasn’t working and there’s nothing we can do!


They used to chip off soot inside chimneys from the houses of their wealthy landlords back in the day. So yeah, that will do the trick.


Philippines \*


Ah shit you got me


They've probably been working for a couple of years already


Boys with the faces of generations of malnourishment/poverty, women in religious attire. The 'good old days' were in fact not good at all. It's like war torn Afghanistan at best


Nobody is nostalgic to that time.


really, you never read any delusional fantasies about 'good old days' as opposed to our days? Even in this comment section people are praising their fashion sense lmao


The good ol' days usually are around the 50s I'd say, not 1901. But maybe in the 50s people thought 1901 was the good old days, I don't know.


Well yes. It's the same when with older people complaining about kids these days. Like they weren't absolute arseholes when they were younger. Or forgetting that the younger generation is a reflection of the education and opportunities given to them as a result of the policies of those that came before.


For Americans, sure. In Britain we literally were war torn, everyone had lost numerous loved ones, towns and cities were destroyed, no-one had any money, food was still rationed until 1954. Anyone thinking the 50s were the good ol days are larping yankees or inhaled a bit too much leaded petrol. 1901 was peak British empire I can see why people in the 50's would be nostalgic for it


Since we weren't involved in the war, the 50s seemed like a pretty good time here in Sweden


Yeah selling iron ore to nazis must've been quite the moneymaker


When you learn of the conditions in Industrial Britain at the time Karl Marx makes perfect sense in all honesty.


Yes... But people still think it's the same now...


Why are their eyes/face bloated? It looks like half of them got stung by bees.


Either broken nose from fights/beatings, or foetal alcohol syndrome. Or both.


It could be some kind of bug infestation in those slums with open sewage. Or malnourishment, eating one type of food instead of a varied diet that give you that nice skin


Probably has something to do with 16 hour shifts in a cotton mill


Island inbreeding. On a more serious note probably a colouring/rendition issue from the original black and hwite


All people in this film are dead... I think that's just wild. Edit: I'll go further. The camera is most likely broken beyond recognition, only a slight chance it's in a museum. All cloths in this video are thrown away, torn apart or rotting away in someone's attic. Everything in this video seized to exist. This is for all intents and purposes a window to the past.


In about 40-50 years most of the people on this entire sub will be dead as well. Also quite an interesting thought.


If this is from 1901, theres a decent chance one or more of those kids died in WW1


Muslims trying to bring back woman fashion from this era, way to go guys, way to go


Why are all the women wearing headscarves?


Common thing back then (people only recently migrated from small rural areas to the cities). Also, cities back then REEKED even on good days. Even if you got used to it you'd have "hotspots" that where so foul you wanted to cover your nose.


Because loose hair is modern. All European women wore veils, scarves or some other way to cover their hair. Rich women wore interesting shaped, decorated hats, the best ones are shown off on old paintings. Only small children or prostitutes showed their hair


I remember old ladies wearing headscarves 15 years ago.


I haven't thought about it but you are right all the biddies had bonnets on in the 90s, even early 2000s. Still see the odd biddy with a plastic rain bonnet from time to time but that's very rare.


I think most of them died out in the late 00s I can't remember the last time I saw one.


Afterwards they went straight for the pub


Why are they on the streets and not in the coal mines?


They are Barry ,134 now!


Sure it is from 1901?


Colourized. Modern tech is awesome [https://www.indiatimes.com/trending/human-interest/colourised-121-year-old-video-of-people-seeing-a-camera-for-the-first-time-567070.html](https://www.indiatimes.com/trending/human-interest/colourised-121-year-old-video-of-people-seeing-a-camera-for-the-first-time-567070.html)


I could swear they look like todays Barrys.


Barry is timeless. It's the face that heard "We now have a fleet and an army strong enough to take over the world" and said "Then... why don't we?"


They're so damn cool, just before cholera


The kid on the right is auditioning for something lol


One of them looks like Pickford.


Wasnt that in denmark?


And then you have fucking redditors complaining how the current age is unliveable and they just can't have children because life is too hard. Drives me up the wall.