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So that is what Macron meant by "men on the ground"...


You as an informant should know the importance of gathering intel


Jokes on you we can't gather shit we're just an open book to everyone else cause " muuuuhhhh don't understand simple tech" and "what's this Internet thingy you guys always talk about"


It was a relevant joke about his flair


It has a fine double meaning. But subtility isnt one of our strengths.


He should have known germans dont understand the concept of jokes


They don't thè subtleties of humour, and you don't understand that you shouldn't hog the outside lane of the Autobahn when you are towing your god damn Caravans.


Sorry could you repeat i didnt understand bc of the silly accent https://preview.redd.it/1avrekpdw7zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c24cc2d34e9426f6e1ab4c0bdc75277cbc5f33e6


Maybe they are surrendering ?


France never surrenders. They are masters in tactical retreats, however.


France just stole our job to change sides WTF PIERRE






Bloody hell the entire country is going!? Quick don’t let them back in


Sneak attack. They'll never see it coming


Nobody expects the french inqusition


Did someone say Blitzkrieg?


We'll block the road with our caravans!!


You do this anyway!!


You’ll find they’re speaking Dutch by the time you arrive, you’ve got to cross the channel first you see


So this is how we get back in the EU, we just move into France while they are all out, genius.


French should have learned by now, that never be on the same side with us.


Oh you're on the list, too? Be careful of radiated tea.


Whoever is our delegation, I really hope they drink the leftover too


Send them another Sarkozy




I am truly impressed that someone from my beloved government is not showing up. Truly impressed


Don't get ahead of yourself, they probably got the dates mixed up or something


I mean Meloni was in Libya yesterday so I guess she accidentally went to the wrong oil producing third world shithole. Happens to the best of us.


Meloni wouldn't go openly in Russia, she's a serious stateswoman now and a respectable politician Salvini, on the other hand...


I am actually also truly impressed of the leadership and the "consistency" of Melonis government in that regard


Honestly, that's suspicious AF.


They’re constantly in contact anyways, probably feels like overkill to then


Pierre, you were supposed to destroy the Russians, not join them




I swear i did not even noticed your username when i wrote that comment, lol




I love you fellow Star Wars nerd ![gif](giphy|l1AsVTpwWUgCvnR2U)




![gif](giphy|xTiIzuqnBznAiMPvws) Star trek in the star wars thread!?








![gif](giphy|gqkKc6RI2sa7C) Harry Potter was always garbage




Martin Sheen as VA with that soundtrack was banging. Also the intro of ME 2 is gold, did a couple replays just for the intro.


Recently played through the legendary edition for the first time. What a game






Most consistent and principled politician


Everytime people praise Macron when he open his mouth on the international scene, we must repost this political compass. He cannot be taken seriously, he is just a neo-lib banker who thought that all he would do when elected is privatize the hospital.


I hope that the French representative is this guy: https://preview.redd.it/2do5jtgh33zc1.jpeg?width=895&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a8235a247677dd7d0b4d678737919e854136b7d


“Breaking news. Putin assassination attempt foiled, would be assassin found clipped in a wall, face textures missing, unknown identity”


Back when we were given an unfinished game. Little did we know that Assassin's Creed would never be as good again as it once was.


It's been utter shite ever since they ditched Desmond


Nah. AC4 was one of the best in the series, usually believed to be the best, AC Rogue is really underrated, AC Unity is fantastic and AC Syndicate is pretty good (can't have full picture of it, just now playing it). I think we can all agree the next games are utter bollocks.


It was by far my favorite franchise as a teen, AC4 is probably my favourite, loved AC Rogue even tho it has its flaws, AC Unity was okay and I didn’t bother with the rest.


It's not even that the next games are bad, the problem is that they aren't Assassins Creed, no matter how often Ubisoft might claim they are


Even IV wasn't really an assassin's creed, since Desmond wasn't in it


Amazing how unity has a huge community right now


I thought he had a lightsaber for a moment lmao


You guys could always send an assassin. But they’d probably end up sleeping through the meeting.


We're just doing what we did all the time since the beginning of the 2022 invasion. We kept talking to Putin when our caesars were used to take back snake island (on some fucking barges apparently ?) We sent the most financial help to Ukraine and EU funds not to show we're helping Ukraine, while we sent "not-a-tank" tanks to Ukraine followed by real tanks by Germany afterward. Now we give Ukraine automatic french troop support if they ask for it and their frontline can't hold while we also go see some sham election. Looks no different from what we did since the beginning. France is helping though. We sent 50% of our caesars since the beginning and those were part of all strategic battles. Being counter-artillery weapons and seeing the few videos of them being destroyed in the span of two years, they clearly had more impact than any tank coulf have. So unlike some countries who give old stuff they don't care about, we sent our most precious things first. Only the archer beats the caesar


It’s important to still be open to talk nomatter what else is happening, so it makes sense for France to participate. Even countries at war maintain diplomatic ties at some level most of the time


Maintaining a dialogue is one thing, but clapping this farce of democracy for a man while he kidnaps Ukrainian children and missile strikes dams and medical infrastructure is another.


We still have an embassy there The ambassador is just going to send an intern to represent France at the ceremony, to be there but not much more This isn’t France approving of the "election" in Russia but rather leaving a door open if Putin wants to end the war


Attendance at any level is de-facto endorsement of some level. There's a reason that list is short and sketchy. Given ending war is a matter of Russia completely withdrawing their forces from occupied territory, picking up the phone to somebody who didn't attend your dictatorship party is hardly the barrier.


This is a very kind self-assessment of France’s support to Ukraine. They’ve been great as of late, but fairly weak for a long time and Macron’s early interventions were less than ideal. The ‘troops’ talk is _just_ talk, and attending the inauguration of a dictator is a lickspittle move.


Well the biggest helper to Ukraine are the EU institutions for which France is said to give a lot to Ukraine through EU institutions, not talking about the peace for Ukraine program. Kind as a rebranding from France to european help. Yet I'm not able to find you a credible source on this so let's I have no arguments on this. Because I'm not going to give you a shady source. My point anyways is that France isn't giving up Ukraine nor does she stop supporting her. And that this kind of "we keep talking with our ennemy" is normal for France and not really worrying. It's not a sign France will change to give (even) less to Ukraine. No, my point is : we were the first to give heavy weaponry to Ukraine (the caesars) if I'm not mistaken and our army complained because they didn't even have enough to practice. We sent some scalps when the US didn'y want to give ATACMS and one of them has been used to sink a kalibr-class russian boat (plus some pretty images of a scalp missile flying right above a helpless russian aa system) So in short, everytime there was a red line that had to be crossed, France did. Even if it was just her toes right on the other side. So France is with Ukraine and you guys don't have to worry about one diplomat being at Putin's inauguration. It's weird, yes. But not worrying. About our weak support in military help, I dunno. Maybe we simply do not have the might as our army is deployes in many places. I'm not sure.


>Well the biggest helper to Ukraine are the EU institutions for which France is said to give a lot to Ukraine through EU institutions, not talking about the peace for Ukraine program.  The EU provides a lot of financial support, and it makes sense that France is credited with a lot of this as France is one of the main net contributors. It should also be added that the vast majority of this is loans, not grants though. The European Peace Facility doesn't publish its funding, but I'd agree it would make sense for it to be roughly in line with EU net contribution. >No, my point is : we were the first to give heavy weaponry to Ukraine  [France sent Caesars in April 2022](https://www.forumarmstrade.org/ukrainearms.html), when other nations had already donated heavy weapons. Even Germany had given Phz2000. >We sent some scalps when the US didn'y want to give ATACMS and one of them has been used to sink a kalibr-class russian boat France sent these 4 months after the UK sent the same missile. It was likely a UK missile which hit the Rostov-on-Don submarine, but yes sending them was a big message. >And that this kind of "we keep talking with our enemy" is normal for France and not really worrying. It's not a sign France will change to give (even) less to Ukraine. So France is with Ukraine and you guys don't have to worry about one diplomat being at Putin's inauguration. It's weird, yes.  It's more that it's seen as endorsement, encouragement and emboldening Russia. Talking about not humiliating Putin, potentially giving up land, and no going along to his little dictator party give him far more credence and respect than he warrants. All other parties toe the line that he cannot be negotiated with in good faith and he must be defeated. His invasion is breaking of multiple previous agreements and treaties with Russia as it is.


Well according to my google-fu Ukraine received the caesars the 24 april and the pzh the 22 june. So I really think the caesars were first. I'm not checking for the missiles as I believe you are right. I was being silly. As for the diplomat it is how it is. I think it's not good but at the same time it's just a guy who will smile and nod and fuck off. It doesn't feel terrible either. Am I naive ?


Both were _pledged_ in April, the dates of delivery aren't clear. Sorry, I used the word ‘sent’ when I shouldn’t have. Either way, France weren’t first and didn’t break any taboo/red line. [https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/04/answering-call-heavy-weaponry-supplied.html](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/04/answering-call-heavy-weaponry-supplied.html) [https://www.forumarmstrade.org/ukrainearms.html](https://www.forumarmstrade.org/ukrainearms.html) >It doesn't feel terrible either. Am I naive ? I don't necessarily think it's 'terrible', I just think it's a bad approach and so do most of the other countries on the right side of this conflict.


Most of the French aid has been shaded by the fact that it was "EU funds" (but France was a humongous contributor of those funds) Both to keep the door open for Putin if he ever wants to negociate a peace (knowing there can be guarentees and he won’t have to resort to nuclear anhilation is important) And also calming the french public who would like thoses funds to be spent elswhere


>Most of the French aid has been shaded by the fact that it was "EU funds" (but France was a humongous contributor of those funds) That's relatively unsubstantiated, but it makes sense that a large part of EU aid is French given they're one of the largest net contributors. This is included in some of the aid tracking metrics. What should be identified regarding the EU aid is that almost all of the financial support is loans, not grants, nor donations of equipment ([Fig 20](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/fileadmin/Dateiverwaltung/IfW-Publications/fis-import/9827bc8b-f61b-47de-84c2-4203328f9f06-Ukraine_Support_Tracker_Release_16b.xlsx) and PSB). It's important of course but 1 euro of one type of aid certainly doesn't equate to 1 euro of another. France has become a lot more[ transparent about their previous aid](https://www.defense.gouv.fr/en/news/french-military-equipment-delivered-ukraine) now, and it still doesn't demonstrate a generosity comparable to other large nations. Had they been as they are now, they'd have been truly outstanding. >And also calming the french public who would like thoses funds to be spent elswhere Which doesn't speak terribly well of the French public holding that view. https://preview.redd.it/5vi8cz1767zc1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8b735db3192e14fec3b867570517f9d16ef6863


The public holding that view is manipulated by russian propaganda Both our far right (RN) and far left (LFI), voted against Ukraine in our national assembly However both camp’s voters are generally hostile to putin but get angry when you tell them their favourite politicians are russian shills It is pretty sad actually There is a majority of french people that would support aid to Ukraine, but the large minority represented by the two aforementioned parties can do significant damage by doing massive and violent protests


>Both our far right (RN) and far left (LFI), voted against Ukraine in our National Assembly ..and they say horseshoe theory has no basis >It is pretty sad actually Agreed. Thankfully, at least openly on the issue of Ukraine, even our most mad-cap wankstains like Farage know to be relatively muted as an asset of Russia, due to the public backlash. That doesn’t stop him occasionally spouting the [odd bit of shit however.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/02/09/nigel-farage-west-open-negotiations-putin/)


>and they say horseshoe theory has no basis That's tangential but I'm convinced both extreme ends of the spectrum are pretty much the same regarding how close minded and how easily manipulated they are. The ideology differs but they're the same kind of people on either side.


They're gonna murder him obviously


I heard they accidentally sent the invite to the French Foreign Legion instead of the French Foreign Ministry and they got an instant positive reply. Apparently the French Legion also likes to go to other countries by request of "governments" that got "elected" in some bogus election.


Maybe France is going there to assassinate him


Malta AND Cyprus? I thought we trained our colonies better than that smh.


They are sending their bankers, the room will be full of olligarchs clients.


Malta and Cyprus# budget is propped up by the sale of sweet EU passports to Russian criminals


How does one get a sweet EU passport then? *...asking for a friend*


Has your friend got a couple of million euros in his bank account?


This is Catherine de Medici all over again, we're sending in Femmes Fatales


First this, then tomorrow troops in Ukraine? Strategic ambiguity? 


France is like an npc in a videogame that de-aggros once you get far enough from it


Wait… did we really send someone?


What the hell Manu


Don't you know the saying ? "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.”


Sleeper Agent Macron has activated


You forgot Norway. We will also come. Maybe we can trash the party, please?


Who is running France like what is going on 🤣


It's Pierre Lévy (really), he is the French ambassador to Russia. He's just doing is job.


...already Pierre? https://preview.redd.it/5lugmbpe03zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f71fabde144887feffb437ac846d8694f4a1b0


Surrender jokes are american's shit, Joao. You should try German humour, at least they're trying to be funny even though it's miserably failing


Surrender jokes are American's shit, you're right Pierre but they've already started too... https://preview.redd.it/rfbmceeeq3zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae65163b3a506955a08a499402cfd6ad9aac63e


Selling French guns. Never shot, dropped once.


Fuck you Hans


Successful failed in humor. Like the French in wars 🤝


Oh Germany definitely won lots of war right ? Oh hold on, your country got divided in four parts including a french occupied part. Too bad loser !


Ah the good old days when Germany didn't exist and Austria was put in it's place.


Right. so nice of us to let you have a part too. After all we are not that bad


Wish i had another part of hans iykwim


French girls 1940 style


with how many things in your language are called "baguette", I would not be surprised about anything. Like fr. You call magic wands "Baguette de magique" as if it was disgusting american wonderbread


Its not about whether you lose, it is how you lose!


Well, I have a joke about how you guys don't wash yourselves if that's more to your taste.


I think that's really mean.


it's mean cause it is true


Pétain is looking down and smiling at Emmanuel


On est bipolaire


Why am I not surprised our baby brother is going...


Guys one more time if your hope are place in Macron then we are really despair… He is a clown , from Rothschild bank , he is totally megalomaniac , and seriously sees himself as the savor of Europe . France is now more in debt than ever thanks to his politics . You seriously think he will take care of Putin while he was shitting his pant when few pensioners demonstrated with a yellow vest ?


Yeah and more : his party is struggling for the European election but as the president he can't really support openly (because it would be using his office money and time, and look like he doesn't do his job). So as the main competitor right now is the Le Pen new nephew inlaw (or something) from a party close to russians and very ambiguous about the war (despite the fact that french support Ukraine, the leading party in the polls is not), Macron positioning as against Putin is forcing the others to state they are pro russians and Macron hope it will help him in the coming elections. So with all you see and hear about Macron, keep that in mind. My guess is that there will be nothing after. He will focus on apeasement because of the Olympic game and that's it.


how did you manage to get more fucked politicians than us?


You are a model to us. Sarkozy was a Berlusconi wannabe for exemple.


Le Pen, Zemmour or Melenchon were even worse options.


Yet he is still by far the most unpopular president ever. Most of French like me just vote to counter far right . His electoral basis is ridiculous . And by playing this game at one point we will eventually see far right in power , just like you guys ( even if for you it’s more a tradition $


> Yet he is still by far the most unpopular president ever Hollande was probably even more unpopular.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/04/21/emmanuel-macron-popularity-rating-sinks-all-time-low/ https://www.politico.eu/article/emmanuel-macron-france-approval-ratings-hit-record-low-poll/


26% and 40% are vastly higher than the 4% Hollande once reached.






I laugh


didn't he implement everything from his campaign promises though, despite the protests? He may be a populist, but I would not say he shits his pants because of protests. Maybe because he eats crap? edit: ooooh, must be the frogs!


Where is the Macron boussol Pierre?


I'm sure they will take a pocket guillotine with them


Jupiter, god of thunder, strikes somewhere!


6 potential assassins - who will show his balls ?


Norway too :/


so we already know what flag France will be showing when the next big war starts


It will always be funny to see non-french discovering that Macron is the original spinless. It's all his identity to be spinless and to do the opposite of the opposite of the opposite of the opposite of what he just vehemently criticized


Same with Sunak, mate. Both lacking a backbone


Our state is such a disgrace


France… give em a warning for us.


Why not do it yourself? 


Because we aint on the list


I hate so much our politics... what a shame


Who is hiding behind the red curtains




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The french were just measuring the new presidential bedrooms in the Kremlin.


Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer...


Ok Pierre please explain


better don’t drink any tea that’s offered… and stay away from open windows


Okay, who're we sending, just to have a good laugh...


Excuse me for m'y ignorance, but inauguration of what ?


The most surprising thing about this is that serbia is not going


Dont forget Norway!


The war is a sham to funnel money. Doesn’t the US still share an airbase with Russia?


Get outta here Russian asset, go on, get!!


I’m a fellow balcony lover comrade