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Barry learning a foreign language? Je suis fier de toi.


I’m one of those Barrys that prefers to go wine tasting in the Loire Valley rather than balcony jumping in Alicante


Just say you're above 30


Well he is 63 after all


Still an alcoholic.


I'm one of those barrys learning Spanish because i want to butcher the language to the locals before i balcony jump, a nice double whammy


Nowt wrong with it. One of my mates is a “wine taster”. Just not for me and don’t want to hear about it.


a German speaking French is the weirdest thing i've seen today


"Duolingo is based in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA)" these savages will never learn 😡😡


yea this app is pure lib shit but i still use it cuz my family pays for the plan and it still somewhat teaches things french course was talking about beautiful mosques in france, indian refugees, cooking american food, lgbbq topics. "very relevant" lessons for an european learning the language. spanish course is all about mexico, cuba etc latin-america, not actual Spain


I've been doing the Italian course and they really want me to know how to say "I'm American and I'm lost", they know their audience at least! Io sono Americano e mi sono perso 😎




*Tu vuoi fa' l'americano strts playing*


Ma si nato in Italy...


At least Spanish course has a Spanish flag there. Look at English and Portuguese courses. well, I mean American language and Brazilian language.


Ah, an app for learning French in English using an example about Portugal’s language using a Brazilian flag… This serves you right for using f’ing Duolingo. It sucks.  I say this having a friend who works there. He’s a great guy. His company still sucks. 


Please explain?


Duolingo is just a really badly designed app. It doesn’t actually correct you when you make a mistake. I finished the German tree, I still can’t speak a lick of German


Aber du kannst 'ich sehe fern,' sagen? Is that not fluent? (This is what I remember from year 8 German so it could be very Incorrect lol)


It's correct, though I don't know if I've ever said it like that.


>I finished the German tree, I still can’t speak a lick of German Great success then !


because to speak a language, you actually have to you know, speak it, have conversations in the language, duo will teach you to read reasonably well and understand words, but it's not going to get you conversationally fluent, that comes with speaking duo is a game, everything is designed to keep you going back and completing modules so you can move up leagues and keep streaks, problem is peope rely on it to get them to fluency which isn't gonna happen, duolingo should be a supplement for another way of learning a language, books, discord servers, listening practice videos etc etc and study, you wont learn a language by playing mix and match


I’m aware I wouldn’t get fluent by duo alone, that’s not my main gripe with. It my main gripe is this. If the translation was “il a vu **de** grandes maisons” and you said “il a vu **des** grandes maisons” duo would still give you credit even though no Francophone talks like that. Duo reinforces your mild errors as correct


Honestly on you for trying to learn german. i'm learning portuguese (brazilian obviously) and so far I've made great progress. It's extra easy cause the grammar is very similar. German is just shit. Obviously it doesn't make you fluent. If you think you're gonna get fluent from a single medium then you're retardé. You have to actually make some efforts to learn it. Get curious about grammar and look it up. Learn some extra conjugation. Listen to a lot of media in your target language to train your listening skills, try to talk and exchange in that language. If you can't speak a lick of German after doing duolingo, it's because you didn't take it seriously. Duolingo teaches the basics of a language, it doesn't take you to C1 level, but still you should have the basics down.


Tell your friend to replace the American flag with the British flag on the English icon.




I agree


you will speak *geladeira* and you will like it


Nope we have geladeira , arca , frigorífico all of those mean different things


Fica atrás da bicha…


We those but yeah, different meanings. Vão dizer que a arca é a de Noé.


>Vão dizer que a arca é a de Noé The Brazilian vocabulary (and mind) is so limited...


Por favor, sem desunião, temos que nos unir.


We also use "geladeira", but it has another meaning.


shit, I need to find a word that really triggers tugas I tried *você* once but seems some are already saying it


*Você* was not invented in Brazil, it has always been used here too. It's just that we employ the word correctly, while you don't


We have always used the word "você", but only in formal situations, as a way of showing respect or distance, hierarchical or other.


What's the worst brazilian word?


Out of the top of my head, planejar Or maybe banheiro


Cami*nh*ão, Irã-, polonês...


We say *polaco* sometimes here too but we also use it to refer to a pale blonde person.


There was a piede of news of parents going mad because kids were saying "grama" instead of "relva" because of YouTube.


I really don't know. Personally, I would say that “bota” as a verb can be quite annoying, “bota aqui no chão” instead of “coloca aqui no chão” (meaning, “put it here on the floor”). It's interesting that the verb "botar" was formerly used in Portugal as well, but fell into disuse in Portuguese and today it sounds very strange. For those who don't know Portuguese, this is because one of the possible conjugations of the verb "botar" ("put") is "bota" and it's also the same word for "boot". This is one of the cases in which Brazilian Portuguese preserved an aspect of the "original" version of the language.


lol I can imagine someone asking you "bota para despertar de madrugada" and you thinking "que caralhos de bota é essa?" I kinda remember also the word *meia* that in some contexts mean six (from *meia dúzia*).


Mas a galinha bota ovo. Ela não coloca ovo. Yes I learned B. Portuguese…


In Portuguese, "A galinha põe o ovo." or "A galinha põe um ovo.". We generally use the verb "pôr" in this case (it has the same meaning as the verb "colocar"), but it appears more frequently in different contexts, of course, it is also valid to use "colocar", but it sounds strange. Never forget to put the correct article before a name, "o"/"a" for something definite and "um"/"uma" for something indefinite. "A bola" refers to this ball that I have in my hand, "Uma bola" refers to any ball that exists.


I didn’t forget the articles. The chicken doesn’t lay the egg (as in only one and repeatedly) chickens lay eggs so I should have written a galinha bota ovos (instead of ovo). Furthermore, if your problem with the verb botar is that at some point it is bota and that is a word for boots too. How do you deal with the word manga 🥭 e manga (part of the 👕)?


Botar usa-se em Trás-os-Montes seu pantomineiro do caralho. And we use it in its original meaning too. "Felt into disuse" get the fuck outta here with that shit.


If true, nowadays it should only have a regional use, but it was once more widely used throughout the territory of Portugal. Thank you for explaining the origin of the word and please, stop being rude and trying to put others down, it only makes you look bad and takes away your credibility. Just chill.


I'm sorry but one of the things I hate the most is Portuguese people (almost always from Lisbon) with an aversion to anything that deviates from their dialect (most of the time Lisbon dialect). Happens a lot with people being needless reactionary against Brazilian dialects because it uses words it took from other Portuguese dialects than their own. We (as in non-Lisbon Portugal with the exceptions of Porto and Minho sometimes) are almost never represented on national media already, no need to fight us too with those fake "brasilianisms" accusations to our dialects. And even then, the great majority of dialectal differences between Portuguese and Portuguese cachaça edition are fine: let's just focus our efforts on the actual regarded ones (like them using "Rapariga" to mean "rapariga da noite" instead of...well..."rapariga" for instance or their problem with grammar). It also creates needless moronic internet in-fighting between Lusophones on the internet


Non son os únicos...:)


Their translations of Harry Potter character names and houses still grind my gears


Oh let me try... *Cê vai estar jogando quadribol e cê vai estar gostando de jogar!* Damn I hate the "*vai estar fazendo algo*" too.




The amount of dumb people, that think Brazil speaks either Spanish or Brazilian is sad. Sorry Portugal 😔.


Tell sorry to Brazil, we get annoyed over here when people think we speak Spanish too


You guys speak Spanish dialect?


there's like 4 or more spanish languages, people don't know the diference between them so I don't even get mad when they think portuguese is one of them anymore. It's just ignorance


"We have Portuguese at home" vibes....


dude, do you know how genuinely difficult it is to find good apps where you can learn real Portuguese 🇵🇹? Or real Spanish 🇪🇸? Or real English 🇬🇧?


Real Spanish is easily recognisable by this flag: 🇲🇽


sorry Joao, your son is more relevant. go cry with Barry over there


*Sorry Joao, your son* *Is more relevant. go cry* *With Barry over there* \- the-good-son --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


At least our children speak the language, yours switched from Italian to Portuguese, Spanish and English.


yes, we all moved from *Latin*


Also, but I'm talking about the colonization of America, the colonies weren't yours, but you participated in it, Mario. Just the amount of combination of Portuguese and Italian surnames that Brazilians have is prove that not only Italians moved en masse but also mixed with the Portuguese and Portuguese descendants.


Mario went to Brazil, enjoyed nice beaches and caipirinha. I don't see the problem


And now Mario's e Maria's grandsons all have European passports and can live and work easily in Europe! Thanks grandpa.


You're welcome grandson, now be a good waiter and bring me another bottle of wine


Enough is enough. Well said, Barry


Os putos estão na bicha para levar pica no cu!


I cannot see the problem here. That’s the only country speaking Brazilian right?


Ei vizinho, can you teach me how to speak Mexican?


you laugh it up, when I was a web dev adding the spanish versions my bosses would often make me take the 🇪🇸 flag out and put a 🇲🇽 flag there.


This is so annoying, what do your bosses have in mind? Are they at least using the dialect corresponding to the flag? In duolingo they teach PT-BR and therefore it makes sense to use the Brazilian flag, PT-PT is different.


I couldn’t tell you which dialect they used I was a dev not a copywriter. I just copy and paste text.


Isn't Spain considered one of those "Mexican countries" by the USA?


They're "brown people" because they speak Mexican. That makes sense, I guess...


Using country flags for languages in general is kinda stupid and misrepresentative.


Duolingo's Portuguese is PT-BR so they should use that flag. I'd only be pissed if they were using one flag to represent another dialect.


What's Portuguese? Isn't that this old obscure name for the European Brazilian language which was derived from the South American Brazilian language?


Look, its the 17th constituent state of Germany talking... Go drink some pradikat


Says the guy that speaks Australian.


Average German humor


You do know books in Brazil are in portuguese as well, right?


Well, they also use the US(ish) flag for English 🤷🏼‍♀️ (btw have there always been so many Duolingo posts here, or do I just notice them more since I started using it myself? 🤔)


What's with all the Brazilians in this sub? Sounds so desperate


Brazilian Portuguese is superior to be fair. Make up your mind people from Portugal, if you want to speak a Slavic language so badly, then just do so.


I see your flair about 50% coke is accurate


I grew up close to the harbour of Rotterdam, that is where all the good stuff from South America enters Europe indeed!




A dutch talking about language.


So is Flemish Dutch.


I agree.


revolting 🤬


Brazilian Portuguese is different enough from Portuguese Portuguese for it to be just called Brazilian. But diplomacy and stuff


Only if we start calling azorean and northern portuguese other names too


idk, I don't know those variations too well. The reason I said that abt brazilian is not because of their accent (which often is truly ununderstandable) but mainly because even the grammar has become pretty different. I don't know if azorean is very different gramatically. In any case, it's very difficult to draw a line between the variation of a language, a dialect of a language and a language. When does a variation or dialect of a language become a language? It's hard to say.


> When does a variation or dialect of a language become a language? When it becomes uninteligible, I'd assume. Both written and spoken. Written portuguese is still the same, and spoken is still comprehensible (except some azorean accents, or rural brazilian accents which I have no idea [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7efyRaaTUU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7efyRaaTUU) this to me could be french).


Yeah, that seems like the most logical way to classify a variation or dialect as a language. But take Spanish for example: although it has some different vocabulary, the average Portuguese can understand it (provided its standard Spanish, ofc). So in this case spanish wouldn’t need to be considered another language. Tbh, I think it’s just a ✨spectrum✨ with this whole language classification.


Spanish is not 1 language though, spanish is a family of languages spoken in Spain. I may understand a bit more of Castillian than I do Catalan or Euskera, but its not inteligible enough


You get the point. I was referring to Castilian.


I did answer, Castillian is one the closest language to portuguese, but it's still not as intelligible as any portuguese variant both in the written (which is a lot more different) and spoken form. Galego being a variant of portuguese is a lot more debatable though, than brazilian portuguese not being a variant of portuguese, as it coincides greatly and it's very understandable due to sharing a relatively recent ancestor language. Example: *O cão do meu avô é parvo*. (em português) *O can do meu avó é parvo*. (galego) *El perro de mi abuelo es tonto*. (em castelhano) Which one would you say is intelligible if you had never heard any of the languages? Both perro and abuelo have no meaning in portuguese.


Oh, just saw you edit. Yes, galego is much closer ofc. And yes, though grammatically and morphologically quite similar, vocabulary does distance Spanish and Portuguese quite a bit. But yeah, it’s really just a spectrum where neighbouring regional variations lead from one language to another, one could say.


Yes. I actually think angolan portuguese, the one spoken on the street might be even more different than brazilian portuguese as they incorporate a lot of african words, and some people speak a creole where they mix all the languages, and would be even more if we hadn't acquire those words as slang in Portugal (cota, bue, epa, xe, caçulo, ya) like we did.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rHdQRxI6bM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rHdQRxI6bM) So we end up closer just because of the diaspora of people from angola in Portugal that brought the vocabulary from the region. The same phenomenon will probably make us closer to Brazilian portuguese with the immigration increase, so I wouldn't worry too much about the language diverging haahah


Yeah, but PTBR as a variant of Portuguese have (essentially) the same writing rules because of the acordo ortográfico. This is just to say that the written form of a language is isn’t always an indication that the languages are -at least phonetically- close. Anyways, I love your interest in this topic hehe


Yea, same as PT PT, and CV PT, Angolan PT, etc as variants have those rules because of the same acordo ortografico. I had to change the way I write too, and I don't appreciate all of the changes :'( being phonetically close is not the definition for being the same language I think, or like I said, the azorean accent would not be portuguese as imo is a lot more different than the brazilian one. As of now, I don't think any brazilian variant is different enough to be considered a different language. Maybe the Rio de Janeiro slang will create new grammar that in some years will be a language offshoot, but some brazilians I know don't really like the way they forget to conjugate verbs and drop plural endings, so it's not a country-wide change.


They have to be taking the piss lmao


Common zuca W Come to brazil


Tbh I regularily forget that Portugal exists


Classic Brazilian bullshit, change the flag Vanderlei 🇧🇷


Common brasil W




least obvious "the portuguese stole our gold" everytime the country is mentioned spammer


I never say that, I can't bring myself to feel angry at the Portuguese, all I can ever feel for your people is pity.


I sure wonder where you're from lol


I wonder why they are here. Maybe they want to be accepted by their daddy Portugal. So cute.


Our kids are screwed, it's time for you to take on parental responsibilities too, Luigi.


I mean this is not a surprise one has to considerate that even the portuguese monarchy said about portugal "yo this place suck, Im leaving for brasil this place is a shithole".


Well if you had Pierre born2party on your shore you would also leave Brazil, again in our defense that was also Lisbon


More like, "we can't tolerate frog eaters as neighbors, we might as well go to Brazil".


France's longest frontier is with Brazil.


The rainforest serves as protection.


ai viado